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  • 1 sailor

    noun (a member of a ship's crew whose job is helping to sail a ship.) marinheiro
    * * *
    [s'eilə] n 1 marinheiro, marujo. 2 palheta, chapéu de palha dura com copa baixa e aba redonda e estreita. • adj de marinheiro, como marinheiro. he is a good sailor ele não enjoa em viagem. sailor’s knot nó de marinheiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sailor

  • 2 sailor


    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > sailor

  • 3 sailor

    marinheiro, marujo

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > sailor

  • 4 sailor

    noun (a member of a ship's crew whose job is helping to sail a ship.) marinheiro

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > sailor

  • 5 sailor’s knot

    sailor’s knot
    nó de marinheiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sailor’s knot

  • 6 sailor hat

    sail.or hat
    [s'eilə hæt] n boné de marinheiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sailor hat

  • 7 he is a good sailor

    he is a good sailor
    ele não enjoa em viagem.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > he is a good sailor

  • 8 fairweather-sailor

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > fairweather-sailor

  • 9 ashore

    (on or on to the shore: The sailor went ashore.) a/em terra
    * * *
    [əʃ'ɔ:] adj+adv 1 na praia, em terra firme. 2 à praia, em direção à terra. to get ashore desembarcar. to run ashore encalhar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ashore

  • 10 at the mercy of

    (wholly in the power of, liable to be harmed by: A sailor is at the mercy of the sea.) à mercê de
    * * *
    at the mercy of
    à mercê de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > at the mercy of

  • 11 escape

    [i'skeip] 1. verb
    1) (to gain freedom: He escaped from prison.) escapar
    2) (to manage to avoid (punishment, disease etc): She escaped the infection.) escapar a
    3) (to avoid being noticed or remembered by; to avoid (the observation of): The fact escaped me / my notice; His name escapes me / my memory.) escapar
    4) ((of a gas, liquid etc) to leak; to find a way out: Gas was escaping from a hole in the pipe.) escapar
    2. noun
    ((act of) escaping; state of having escaped: Make your escape while the guard is away; There have been several escapes from that prison; Escape was impossible; The explosion was caused by an escape of gas.) fuga
    - escapist
    * * *
    [isk'eip] n 1 fuga, evasão. 2 libertação, salvação, salvamento. I had a narrow escape from being run over / por um triz eu teria sido atropelado. fire escape / saída de emergência. 3 Psych fuga dos fatos da realidade. 4 escape, escapamento, saída (água, gás). • vt+vi 1 escapar, evadir(-se), fugir. nothing escapes him / nada lhe escapa. his purpose escapes me / não compreendo a sua intenção. his name escapes me / não me recordo do seu nome. 2 livrar(-se), libertar(-se), desvencilhar-se. 3 salvar-se, safar-se, sobreviver. the sailor escaped the wreck / o marujo salvou-se do naufrágio. 4 ficar de fora.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > escape

  • 12 lash

    [læʃ] 1. noun
    1) (an eyelash: She looked at him through her thick lashes.) pestana
    2) (a stroke with a whip etc: The sailor was given twenty lashes as a punishment.) chicotada
    3) (a thin piece of rope or cord, especially of a whip: a whip with a long, thin lash.) chicote
    2. verb
    1) (to strike with a lash: He lashed the horse with his whip.) chicotear
    2) (to fasten with a rope or cord: All the equipment had to be lashed to the deck of the ship.) amarrar
    3) (to make a sudden or restless movement (with) (a tail): The tiger crouched in the tall grass, its tail lashing from side to side.) sacudir
    4) ((of rain) to come down very heavily.) açoitar
    * * *
    [læʃ] n 1 a parte flexível do chicote acima do cabo. 2 chicote, açoite, chibata. 3 chicotada. 4 impulso, movimento repentino. 5 pestana, cílio. 6 sátira, sarcasmo. • vt+vi 1 chicotear, açoitar, surrar. 2 bater contra. 3 mover repentinamente ou violentamente. 4 amarrar com corda. 5 fig satirizar, atacar com palavras, censurar. 6 excitar, incitar. to be under the lash of estar sob o domínio de. to lash out a) dar coices, bater em ou contra. b) atacar ou censurar severamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lash

  • 13 mariner

    noun (a sailor: a master mariner.) marinheiro
    * * *
    [m'ærinə] n marinheiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mariner

  • 14 mast

    (a long upright pole especially for carrying the sails of a ship, an aerial, flag etc: The sailor climbed the mast.) mastro
    - - masted
    * * *
    [ma:st; mæst] n 1 mastro. 2 poste. • vt suprir com mastros. before the mast como simples marinheiro.
    [ma:st] n Bot castanhas que caem no solo e servem de alimento para os animais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mast

  • 15 rating

    1) ((usually in plural) the position of importance, popularity etc (of a person, thing etc): This television programme has had some very bad ratings recently.)
    2) (an ordinary sailor, as opposed to an officer.)
    * * *
    [r'eitiŋ] n 1 avaliação, taxação, classificação, opinião. 2 categoria, grau. 3 Mech voltagem nominal, potência nominal. 4 posto ou graduação de um marujo.
    [r'eitiŋ] n reprimenda, censura, descompostura.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rating

  • 16 sail

    [seil] 1. noun
    1) (a sheet of strong cloth spread to catch the wind, by which a ship is driven forward.) vela
    2) (a journey in a ship: a sail in his yacht; a week's sail to the island.) passeio de barco
    3) (an arm of a windmill.) vela
    2. verb
    1) ((of a ship) to be moved by sails: The yacht sailed away.) velejar
    2) (to steer or navigate a ship or boat: He sailed (the boat) to the island.) navegar
    3) (to go in a ship or boat (with or without sails): I've never sailed through the Mediterranean.) viajar de barco
    4) (to begin a voyage: The ship sails today; My aunt sailed today.) partir
    5) (to travel on (the sea etc) in a ship: He sailed the North Sea.) viajar
    6) (to move steadily and easily: Clouds sailed across the sky; He sailed through his exams; She sailed into the room.) deslocar-se com altivez
    - sailing
    - sailing-
    - sailor
    - in full sail
    * * *
    [seil] n 1 vela (de navio), velas, velame. 2 asa de moinho de vento. 3 navio, veleiro. 4 viagem marítima, cruzeiro em barco à vela. • vt+vi 1 velejar, viajar. 2 viajar, navegar (em navio, vapor, etc.). 3 deslizar, planar. 4 singrar. 5 navegar, manobrar (navio). 6 partir, iniciar viagem. 7 movimentar-se com desenvoltura ou com sobranceria. Bermuda sail Naut vela triangular. sail ho! navio à vista! to get under sail levantar as velas. to go sailing sair para velejar. to sail close to the wind roçar os limites (da legalidade ou da adequação), navegar em águas perigosas. to sail into 1 atacar (fisicamente ou por palavras). 2 repreender. to sail through executar ou levar a cabo com facilidade. to set sail fazer-se à vela. to take in sail abaixar ou diminuir as velas, fig diminuir suas esperanças ou ambições. under full sail a todo pano.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sail

  • 17 salt

    [so:lt] 1. noun
    1) ((also common salt) sodium chloride, a white substance frequently used for seasoning: The soup needs more salt.) sal
    2) (any other substance formed, like common salt, from a metal and an acid.) sal
    3) (a sailor, especially an experienced one: an old salt.) marujo
    2. adjective
    (containing, tasting of, preserved in salt: salt water; salt pork.) salgado
    3. verb
    (to put salt on or in: Have you salted the potatoes?) salgar
    - saltness
    - salty
    - saltiness
    - bath salts
    - the salt of the earth
    - take something with a grain/pinch of salt
    - take with a grain/pinch of salt
    * * *
    [sɔ:lt] n 1 sal, sal de cozinha, cloreto de sódio. 2 Chem sal. 3 coll marujo. • vt 1 salgar, pôr sal. 2 salmourar, tratar com sal. 3 abastecer com sal, depositar sal. 4 fig apimentar, tornar pungente. • adj 1 salgado. 2 com gosto de sal. 3 curado, conservado em sal. 4 ardido, pungente, forte, picante (também fig). 5 indecente, lascivo. an old salt um marujo experimentado, um velho lobo do mar. he is not worth his salt ele não vale o que come. in salt em salmoura. like a dose of salts coll rapidamente. salt of the earth coll pessoa excelente. to lay/ put/cast salt on someone’s tail apanhar alguém (como se apanha pássaro). to rub salt in a wound esfregar sal na ferida, agravar o sofrimento de alguém. to salt out vt coagular. with a grain of salt com certo cuidado, com certas restrições. worth one’s salt valioso, útil.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > salt

  • 18 seaman

    plural - seamen; noun (a sailor, especially a member of a ship's crew who is not an officer.) marinheiro
    * * *
    [s'i:mən] n marinheiro, marujo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > seaman

  • 19 stow

    (to pack neatly and especially out of sight: The sailor stowed his belongings in his locker.) guardar
    - stow away
    * * *
    [stou] vt 1 alojar, estivar. 2 acondicionar, empacotar. 3 arrumar, guardar. 4 sl acabar com, cessar. stow that! chega!, basta! to stow away a) guardar, pôr de lado, esconder. b) embarcar como clandestino.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stow

  • 20 go to sea

    (to become a sailor: He wants to go to sea.) ir para marinheiro

    English-Portuguese dictionary > go to sea

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sailor v — コードネームはセーラーV (Kōdo nēmu ha sērā bi) Type Shôjo Genre Magical girl Manga : Codename: Sailor …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sailor V — コードネームはセーラーV (Kōdo nēmu ha sērā bi) Type Shōjo Genre Magical girl Manga Auteur Naoko Takeuchi Éditeur …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sailor — Album par Steve Miller Sortie Janvier 1969 Enregistrement 1968 Durée 34 : 33 Genre Rock Producteur Gly …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sailor — Sail or, n. One who follows the business of navigating ships or other vessels; one who understands the practical management of ships; one of the crew of a vessel; a mariner; a common seaman. [1913 Webster] Syn: Mariner; seaman; seafarer. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sailor — Person who navigates ships or assists in the conduct, maintenance, or service of ships. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. sailor Person who navigates ships or assists in the conduct, ma …   Law dictionary

  • sailor — c.1400, sailer, agent noun from SAIL (Cf. sail) (v.). Spelling with o emerged c.1500, probably by influence of tailor, etc., to distinguish the meaning seaman, mariner from thing that sails. It replaced much older SEAMAN (Cf. seaman) and MARINER… …   Etymology dictionary

  • sailor — sailor, sailer The spelling is sailor when referring to a person, and sailer when referring to a ship in relation to its performance, e.g. a slow sailer …   Modern English usage

  • sailor — [n] person who travels by sea ablebodied sailor, bluejacket*, boater, cadet, circumnavigator, deck hand, diver, hearty*, jack*, lascar*, marine, mariner, mate, middy, midshipman/woman, navigator, old salt*, pilot, pirate, salt*, sea dog*,… …   New thesaurus

  • sailor — ► NOUN 1) a person who works as a member of the crew of a commercial or naval ship or boat. 2) a person who sails as a sport or for recreation. 3) (a good/bad sailor) a person who rarely (or often) becomes seasick …   English terms dictionary

  • sailor — [sā′lər] n. [ME sailer] 1. a person who makes a living by sailing; mariner; seaman 2. a) an enlisted man in the navy b) any person in the navy 3. a person sailing on a vessel, as affected by seasickness [a good or bad sailor] …   English World dictionary

  • sailor — *mariner, seaman, tar, gob, bluejacket …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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