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  • 1 grammar

    1) (the rules for forming words and for combining words to form sentences: He's an expert on French grammar.) gramatika
    2) (a description or collection of the rules of grammar: Could you lend me your Latin grammar?; ( also adjective) a grammar book.) gramatika
    3) (a person's use of grammatical rules: This essay is full of bad grammar.) gramatika
    - grammatically
    - grammar school

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > grammar

  • 2 foul

    1. adjective
    1) ((especially of smell or taste) causing disgust: a foul smell.) bjaurus
    2) (very unpleasant; nasty: a foul mess.) šlykštus
    2. noun
    (an action etc which breaks the rules of a game: The other team committed a foul.) pražanga
    3. verb
    1) (to break the rules of a game (against): He fouled his opponent.) prasižengti
    2) (to make dirty, especially with faeces: Dogs often foul the pavement.) teršti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > foul

  • 3 hippie

    plural - hippies; noun, adjective
    ((of) a usually young person who does not wish to live by the normal rules of society and who shows his rejection of these rules by his unusual clothes, habits etc: The farm cottage was bought by a group of young hippies; ( also adjective) hippy clothes.) hipis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > hippie

  • 4 hippy

    plural - hippies; noun, adjective
    ((of) a usually young person who does not wish to live by the normal rules of society and who shows his rejection of these rules by his unusual clothes, habits etc: The farm cottage was bought by a group of young hippies; ( also adjective) hippy clothes.) hipis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > hippy

  • 5 law

    1) (the collection of rules according to which people live or a country etc is governed: Such an action is against the law; law and order.) teisė
    2) (any one of such rules: A new law has been passed by Parliament.) įstatymas
    3) ((in science) a rule that says that under certain conditions certain things always happen: the law of gravity.) dėsnis
    - lawfully
    - lawless
    - lawlessly
    - lawlessness
    - lawyer
    - law-abiding
    - law court
    - lawsuit
    - be a law unto oneself
    - the law
    - the law of the land
    - lay down the law

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > law

  • 6 abide by

    past tense, past participle - abided to act according to; to be faithful to: They must abide by the rules of the game.) laikytis (ko)

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > abide by

  • 7 arbitrary

    (not decided by rules or laws but by a person's own opinion: He made a rather arbitrary decision to close the local cinema without consulting other people.) savavališkas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > arbitrary

  • 8 be a law unto oneself

    (to be inclined not to obey rules or follow the usual customs and conventions.) būti linkusiam veikti nenuspėjamu būdu, nesiskaityti su niekuo

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > be a law unto oneself

  • 9 by the book

    (strictly according to the rules: She always does things by the book.) pagal taisykles

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > by the book

  • 10 code

    [kəud] 1. noun
    1) (a collection of laws or rules: a code of behaviour.) kodeksas
    2) (a (secret) system of words, letters, or symbols: the Morse Code; The message was in code; We have deciphered the enemy's code.) kodas, šifras
    3) (a system of symbols etc for translating one type of language into another: There are a number of codes for putting English into a form usable by a computer.) kodas
    2. verb
    (to put into (secret, computer etc) code: Have you coded the material for the computer?) (už)koduoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > code

  • 11 consistent

    1) ((often with with) in agreement (with): The two statements are not consistent; The second statement is not consistent with the first.) derinąsis, neprieštaraujantis
    2) (always (acting, thinking or happening) according to the same rules or principles; the same or regular: He was consistent in his attitude; a consistent style of writing.) nuoseklus, pastovus

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > consistent

  • 12 constitution

    1) (a set of rules governing an organization; the supreme laws and rights of a country's people etc: the constitution of the country.) konstitucija
    2) (physical characteristics, health etc: He has a strong constitution.) kūno sudėjimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > constitution

  • 13 disqualify

    1) (to put out of a competition etc for breaking rules: She was disqualified for being too young.) diskvalifikuoti
    2) (to make unfit for some purpose: His colour-blindness disqualified him for the Air Force.) daryti netinkamą

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > disqualify

  • 14 do's and don'ts

    [doun ] (rules or advice for action: If you want to lose weight, I can give you a list of do's and don'ts.) patarimai, rekomendacijos

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > do's and don'ts

  • 15 ethics

    ['eƟiks] 1. noun singular
    (the study or the science of morals.) etika
    2. noun plural
    (rules or principles of behaviour.) etika
    - ethically

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > ethics

  • 16 etiquette

    (rules for correct or polite behaviour between people, or within certain professions: medical/legal etiquette.) etiketas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > etiquette

  • 17 familiarise

    verb ((with with) to make something well known to (someone): You must familiarize yourself with the rules.) supažindinti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > familiarise

  • 18 familiarize

    verb ((with with) to make something well known to (someone): You must familiarize yourself with the rules.) supažindinti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > familiarize

  • 19 formal

    1) (done etc according to a fixed and accepted way: a formal letter.) oficialus
    2) (suitable or correct for occasions when things are done according to a fixed and accepted way: You must wear formal dress.) oficialus
    3) ((of behaviour, attitude etc) not relaxed and friendly: formal behaviour.) oficialus, šaltas
    4) ((of language) exactly correct by grammatical etc rules but not conversational: Her English was very formal.) taisyklingas, knyginis
    5) ((of designs etc) precise and following a fixed pattern rather than occuring naturally: formal gardens.) geometriškai išplanuotas, simetriškas
    - formality

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > formal

  • 20 game

    [ɡeim] 1. noun
    1) (an enjoyable activity, which eg children play: a game of pretending.) žaidimas
    2) (a competitive form of activity, with rules: Football, tennis and chess are games.) (sportinis) žaidimas
    3) (a match or part of a match: a game of tennis; winning (by) three games to one.) partija
    4) ((the flesh of) certain birds and animals which are killed for sport: He's very fond of game; ( also adjective) a game bird.) medžiojami paukščiai ir žvėrys, paukštiena, žvėriena
    2. adjective
    (brave; willing; ready: a game old guy; game for anything.) drąsus, turintis noro
    - games
    - gamekeeper
    - game point
    - game reserve
    - game warden
    - the game is up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > game

См. также в других словарях:

  • rules — index code, mode, protocol (etiquette) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Rules of Go — This is an in depth discussion of the rules of go. There has been a certain amount of variation in the rules of go over time, and from place to place. This article discusses those sets of rules broadly similar to the ones currently in use in East …   Wikipedia

  • Rules — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Rules – Sekunden Der Entscheidung Originaltitel Rules of Engagement …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rules — (as used in expressions) Australian Rules football Kirchhoff s circuit rules rules of order Queensberry rules * * * …   Universalium

  • Rules — The Certificate of Incorporation, By Laws, rules, interpretations, orders, resolutions and similar directives of the exchange and CME, if applicable. The trading of all futures and options on futures contracts in the market operated by the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Rules — /rulz/ (say roohlz) noun Colloquial → Australian Rules …  

  • rules — taisyklės statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. laws; rules vok. Regeln, f rus. правила, n pranc. règlement, m; règles, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • rules — reglamentas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Technologinio proceso techninių dokumentų rinkinys. atitikmenys: angl. order; regulations; rules vok. Ordnung, f; Regeln, f; Vollzugsordnung, f rus. регламент, m pranc.… …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

  • rules — reglamentas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Technologinio proceso techninių dokumentų rinkinys. atitikmenys: angl. order; regulations; rules rus. регламент …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • rules — taisyklė statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Norma, labai tvirtais loginiais argumentais ir faktiniais įrodymais pagrįstas teiginys, kuriuo negalima abejoti neturint naujų duomenų, įrodymų. atitikmenys: angl. rule; rules vok.… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • rules — taisyklė statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Visuma instrukcijų, teisių, pareigų, draudimų, nustatančių sportininko, trenerio, kitų sportinės kovos (varžybų) dalyvių statusą, varžybų erdvę, įrangą, įrankius. atitikmenys: angl.… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

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