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  • 21 reunion

    [ˌri:΄ju:niən] n վերամիավորում. ընդհանուր հանդիպում. a family reunion ամբողջ ըն տանիքով միատեղ հավաքվել. an annual college reunion քոլեջի շրջանավարտների տարեկան հանդիպում. a touching reunion հուզիչ հանդի պում

    English-Armenian dictionary > reunion

  • 22 reunion

    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) (slekts)stevne, (5-års, osv.)jubileum, gjensynstreff
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) gjenforening
    subst. \/ˌriːˈjuːnjən\/
    1) gjenforening
    2) sammenkomst, samling
    3) møte, stevne

    English-Norwegian dictionary > reunion

  • 23 reunion

    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) genforening
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) genforening
    * * *
    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) genforening
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) genforening

    English-Danish dictionary > reunion

  • 24 reunion

    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) shod
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) (ponovna) združitev
    * * *
    ponovno združenje; (družabno) srečanje, snidenje, sestanek (nekdanjih prijateljev, dijakov itd.); proslava (ponovnega snidenja); sprava, pobotanje; družabnost, družba
    a family reunion — zopetni sestanek ali snidenje članov družine, prijateljev itd. po daljši ločitvi;
    transitive verb & intransitive verb
    zopet (se) združiti; ponovno se zediniti

    English-Slovenian dictionary > reunion

  • 25 reunion

    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) mót, samkoma; endurfundir
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) endurfundir

    English-Icelandic dictionary > reunion

  • 26 reunion

    újraegyesítés, újraegyesülés
    * * *
    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) összejövetel
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) (újra)egyesülés

    English-Hungarian dictionary > reunion

  • 27 reunion

    1. पुनर्योग
    A family reunion at christmas was really touching.

    English-Hindi dictionary > reunion

  • 28 reunion

    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) reunião
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) reunião
    * * *
    [ri:j'u:njən] n 1 reunião, reencontro. 2 reconciliação. 3 festa social de reencontro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > reunion

  • 29 reunion

    n. birleşme, toplanma, tekrar toplanma, anma toplantısı, uzlaşma
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) kavuşma toplantısı
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) toplanma

    English-Turkish dictionary > reunion

  • 30 reunion

    • jälleenyhdistäminen
    • jälleennäkeminen
    • kokoontuminen
    • kokous
    * * *
    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) kokous
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) jälleennäkeminen

    English-Finnish dictionary > reunion

  • 31 reunion

    1 ხელახლა შეერთება, ხელახალი თავმოყრა
    2 შერიგება

    English-Georgian dictionary > reunion

  • 32 reunion

    n. eiland in de Indische Oceaan; overzees gebied van Frankrijk (vroeger bekend als het eiland van Bourbon)
    [ rie:joe:niən]
    reüniehereniging, samenkomst

    English-Dutch dictionary > reunion

  • 33 Reunion

    [English Word] Reunion
    [Swahili Word] Riyunioni
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9
    [Terminology] geography
    [Note] Riyunioni is recommended standardization by BAKITA; Riyunion is recommended standardization by Radio Tanzania

    English-Swahili dictionary > Reunion

  • 34 reunion

    (of school, class, family) zjazd m; ( of two people) spotkanie nt (po latach)
    * * *
    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) zjazd (absolwentów, rodzinny)
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) powtórne połączenie

    English-Polish dictionary > reunion

  • 35 reunion

    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) sapulcēšanās; salidojums
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) atkalapvienošanās
    * * *
    atkalapvienošanās; sanākšana kopā

    English-Latvian dictionary > reunion

  • 36 reunion

    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) susitikimas, susiėjimas
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) susijungimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > reunion

  • 37 reunion

    n. återförening; sammankomst; möte
    * * *
    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) återförening
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) återförening, återförenande

    English-Swedish dictionary > reunion

  • 38 reunion

    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) setkání, schůzka
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) sjednocení
    * * *
    • schůze
    • sraz
    • opětovné setkání

    English-Czech dictionary > reunion

  • 39 reunion

    1) воссоединение
    2) встреча друзей; вечеринка; family reunion сбор всей семьи
    3) примирение
    * * *
    (n) реюньон
    * * *
    * * *
    [re·un·ion || ‚rɪː'juːnɪən] n. воссоединение, примирение, встреча друзей, вечеринка
    * * *
    * * *
    1) воссоединение; встреча после разлуки 2) встреча

    Новый англо-русский словарь > reunion

  • 40 reunion

    1) (a meeting of people who have not met for some time: We attended a reunion of former pupils of our school.) opätovné stretnutie
    2) (the act of reuniting or state of being reunited.) zjednotenie
    * * *
    • uzmierenie
    • zasadanie
    • zmierenie
    • schôdza
    • slezina
    • schôdzka
    • opätovné zjednotenie
    • opätovné spojenie
    • opätovné stretnutie

    English-Slovak dictionary > reunion

См. также в других словарях:

  • réunion — [ reynjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1477; « réconciliation, entente » 1468; de réunir, d apr. union I ♦ (Choses) 1 ♦ Fait de réunir (un fief, une province à un État). ⇒ adjonction, annexion, incorporation, rattachement. Île de la Réunion, nom donné à l île… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Reunion — may refer to:Architecture and sculpture* Reunion Arena, an indoor arena in the Reunion district of downtown Dallas, Texas * Reunion Tower, a building located in Dallas, Texas, United States * Reunion , the original name of Reconciliation… …   Wikipedia

  • Reunión — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La palabra Reunión hace referencia a varios artículos en la Wikipedia: Contenido 1 Lugares 2 Historia 3 Política 4 Además …   Wikipedia Español

  • reunion — Reunion. s. f. v. La reunion de ce fief. la reunion de la Bourgogne, de la Normandie à la Couronne de France. la reunion au Domaine, lettres de reunion. Il se dit figur. des volontez & des esprits. La reunion des esprits. la reunion des deux… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Reunion — Réunion ist der Name von: Réunion, französisches Überseedépartement im Indischen Ozean Réunion (Lot et Garonne), Gemeinde im französischen Département Lot et Garonne Reunion (engl. ‚Wiedervereinigung‘) steht für: Comeback, Wiederformation einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Reunion — Концертный альбом B …   Википедия

  • reunión — sustantivo femenino 1. Acción y resultado de reunir: La reunión de las novelas de este autor es el primer objetivo de la biblioteca. 2. Acto en el que se reúnen varias personas: reunión con los amigos, reunión familiar. Ayer tuve tres reuniones… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Réunion [2] — Réunion (Ile de la R., vor der franz. Revolution und 1814–48 Ile Bourbon, 1809–14 Ile Bonaparte genannt, vgl. Textkärtchen, S. 838), franz. Insel im Indischen Ozean, 185 km südwestlich von Mauritius, 780 km östlich von Madagaskar, unter 20°50… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Reunion — Re*un ion, n. [Pref. re + union: cf. F. r[ e]union.] 1. A second union; union formed anew after separation, secession, or discord; as, a reunion of parts or particles of matter; a reunion of parties or sects. [1913 Webster] 2. An assembling of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • reunion — (n.) c.1600, from RE (Cf. re ) back, again + UNION (Cf. union). Cf. Fr. réunion (1540s). The island of Reunion, formerly known as Bourbon, was renamed during the French Revolution (1793) in commemoration of the 1792 union of revolutionaries from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • reunion — [rē yo͞on′yən] n. [Fr réunion < ML reunio: see RE & UNION] 1. the act of reuniting 2. a gathering of persons after separation [a family reunion] …   English World dictionary

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