1 странник
1) General subject: heremeit, heremyte, hiker, itinerant (о судье, проповеднике), nomad, peripatetic, pilgrim, ranger, roamer, rover, tramp, tramper, traveller, vagrant, wanderer, wayfarer, peregrinator2) Obsolete: hermit3) Religion: foreigner, viator, strannik (religious pilgrim)4) Makarov: fugitive -
2 странник
wanderer, religious pilgrim, palmer; библ. wayfaring man -
3 Шавуот
1) General subject: pentecost (еврейский праздник), the pentecost (еврейский праздник)2) Religion: Hag ha-Qazir, Shabuoth ( Second of the three Pilgrim Festivals of the Jewish religious calendar), Shavuot, Yom ha-Bikkurim -
@христианство Christianity @православие Orthodox Christianity @старообрядцы Old Believers @католичество Catholicism @протестантство Protestantism @пятидесятники Pentecostals @иудаизм @еврейство Judaism @еврейские общины Jewish communities @буддизм Buddhism @индуизм Hinduism @ислам Islam @мусульманин Muslim (n.) @церковьchurch@храмtemple@собор cathedral @синагога synagogue @мечеть mosque @благодарение Thanksgiving @благоговение devotion, reverence @благочестие piety @благодать grace @благословение blessing @богоматерь Mother of God @непорочное зачатие Immaculate Conception @страшный суд Last Judgment @чистилище Purgatory @первородный грех original sin @распятие crucifixion @неопалимая купина burning bush @ноев ковчег Noah's Ark @земля обетованная Promised Land @богословие theology @вечная память eternal memory @воздаяние reward @воплощение Incarnation @духовенство clergy @Всемирный Совет Церквей @ВСЦ World Council of Churches (WCC) @сан clerical office, orders @священник priest @ряса cassock @раввин rabbi @муфтий mufti @духовный отец spiritual adviser, confessor @епископ bishop @настоятель храма prior, rector, Father Superior, Abbot @патриарх Patriarch @митрополит Metropolitan @папа римский The Pope @его святейшество His Holiness @призвание calling, vocation @паломник pilgrim @обет vow @служба religious service @эктения liturgy @утреня matins @вечерня vespers @панихида requiem @отпевание burial service @пост fast @Пасха Easter @страстная неделя Holy Week @великий пост Lent @ветхий завет Old Testament @новый завет New Testament @десять заповедей Ten Commandments @евангелие The Gospels @священное писание Holy Scriptures @коран Koran @молитвенник prayer book @откровение revelation @искупление atonement, redemption @искушение temptation @исповедь confession @крещение baptism @креститься to be baptized @перекреститься to make the sign of the cross @милосердие mercy, compassion @проповедь sermon @причастие communion @обрезание circumcision @Словарь переводчика-синхрониста (русско-английский) > РЕЛИГИЯ
См. также в других словарях:
Pilgrim Fathers — ☆ Pilgrim Fathers n. the Pilgrims (of Plymouth Colony) * * * (also the Pilgrims) the 102 English people who sailed to America on the Mayflower in 1620. Their group included 35 Puritans whose aim was to create a safe religious community in the New … Universalium
Pilgrim Jäger — ピルグリム・イェーガー (Pirugurimu Iēgā) Genre Adventure, Fantasy Manga Written by Tō Ubukata Illustrat … Wikipedia
Pilgrim Holiness Church — is a religious denomination associated with the holiness movement that split from the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1897. It was first organized in Cincinnati, Ohio with Martin Wells Knapp (a Methodist) and Seth C. Rees (a Quaker) as the founders … Wikipedia
pilgrim — ► NOUN ▪ a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons. ORIGIN Provençal pelegrin, from Latin peregrinus foreign ; related to PEREGRINE(Cf. ↑peregrine) … English terms dictionary
pilgrim — [pil′grəm] n. [ME pelegrim < OFr pelegrin < LL(Ec) pelegrinus < L peregrinus, foreigner < peregre, from abroad < per, through + ager, field, country: see ACRE] 1. a person who travels about; wanderer 2. a person who travels to a… … English World dictionary
Pilgrim's Progress — n. a religious allegory by John Bunyan (1678) … English World dictionary
RELIGIOUS LIFE AND COMMUNITIES — Jews UNDER OTTOMAN RULE The Jews of the pre Zionist old yishuv, both sephardim (from the Orient) and ashkenazim (of European origin), dedicated their lives to the fulfillment of religious precepts: the study of the torah and the meticulous… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Pilgrim — A pilgrim is one who undertakes a pilgrimage, literally far afield . This is traditionally a visit to a place of some religious or historic significance; often a considerable distance is traveled. Examples include a Christian or Jew visiting… … Wikipedia
Pilgrim (disambiguation) — A pilgrim is one who undertakes a religious journey or pilgrimage.It can also refer to groups: *Pilgrims, the English colonists of Plymouth, Massachusetts *Muslims who perform the Hajj *Pilgrims SocietyIn fiction: * Pilgrim (film), a 2000 movie… … Wikipedia
Pilgrim Fathers Church — The Old or Pilgrim Fathers Church (in Dutch: Oude of Pelgrimvaderskerk Rotterdam Delfshaven) is a church located in Rotterdam Delfshaven, in The Netherlands.HistoryThe history of the Old or Pilgrimfathers Church goes back as far as 1417, when the … Wikipedia
Pilgrim Fathers Memorial — The Pilgrim Fathers Memorial, located on the north bank of The Haven at the site of the former Scotia Creek, Fishtoft, seaward of Boston in Lincolnshire, England is a small granite obelisk mounted on a granite block. It commemorates the Pilgrims… … Wikipedia