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  • 1 polémica

    polemical, polemic.
    dispute, controversy, argument, altercation.
    * * *
    1 controversy
    * * *
    1. f., (m. - polémico) 2. noun f.
    polemics, controversy
    * * *
    1) (=discusión) controversy
    2) (=género) polemics sing
    * * *
    femenino controversy, polemic (frml)
    * * *
    = controversy, debate, polemic, dispute, argument, war of words.
    Ex. I do not intend to discuss this controversy at any length.
    Ex. The debate as to which is the most effective way to classify books has not been positively settled.
    Ex. Maybe this would not matter too much if the audience for their polemics was not a potential adversary or executant of policy.
    Ex. In practice meetings of the Council of Ministers -- the Community's main legislative body -- have in recent years become a forum for acrimonious dispute.
    Ex. We do not want to see young assistants at the counter getting involved in an argument.
    Ex. War of words exposed chinks in coalition.
    * polémica + fraguarse = controversy + brew.
    * polémica + gestarse = controversy + brew.
    * que genera polémica = confrontational.
    * relacionado con una polémica = confrontational.
    * * *
    femenino controversy, polemic (frml)
    * * *
    = controversy, debate, polemic, dispute, argument, war of words.

    Ex: I do not intend to discuss this controversy at any length.

    Ex: The debate as to which is the most effective way to classify books has not been positively settled.
    Ex: Maybe this would not matter too much if the audience for their polemics was not a potential adversary or executant of policy.
    Ex: In practice meetings of the Council of Ministers -- the Community's main legislative body -- have in recent years become a forum for acrimonious dispute.
    Ex: We do not want to see young assistants at the counter getting involved in an argument.
    Ex: War of words exposed chinks in coalition.
    * polémica + fraguarse = controversy + brew.
    * polémica + gestarse = controversy + brew.
    * que genera polémica = confrontational.
    * relacionado con una polémica = confrontational.

    * * *
    controversy, polemic ( frml)
    * * *

    polémica sustantivo femenino
    controversy, polemic (frml)
    polémico,-a adjetivo controversial: es un hombre muy polémico, he's a controversial man
    polémica sustantivo femenino controversy
    ' polémica' also found in these entries:
    - levantar
    - provocar
    - zanjar
    - argument
    - dispute
    * * *
    * * *
    f controversy
    * * *
    controversia: controversy, polemics
    * * *
    polémica n controversy [pl. controversies]

    Spanish-English dictionary > polémica

  • 2 polemica

    f (pl -che) argument
    * * *
    polemica s.f.
    1 polemic; controversy, dispute: il suo articolo suscitò aspre polemiche, his article aroused bitter controversy; essere in polemica con qlcu., to be at loggerheads with s.o.; sono in polemica con loro per una sciocchezza, I am in dispute with them over a trifle
    2 (spreg.) ( discussione inutile) argument: smettila di fare polemiche, stop being so argumentative; lo dici solo per amore di polemica, you are only saying that for the sake of argument.
    * * *
    pl. - che [po'lɛmika, ke] sostantivo femminile
    1) (disputa) polemic, controversy, debate
    2) colloq. (discussione sterile) argument, squabble
    * * *
    pl. - che /po'lεmika, ke/
    sostantivo f.
     1 (disputa) polemic, controversy, debate; suscitare violente -che to arouse bitter controversy
     2 colloq. (discussione sterile) argument, squabble; smettila di fare -che! stop being so argumentative!

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > polemica

  • 3 polemica sf

    [po'lɛmika] polemica (-che)
    controversy, argument, polemic

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > polemica sf

  • 4 polemica

    sf [po'lɛmika] polemica (-che)
    controversy, argument, polemic

    Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Inglese > polemica

  • 5 polèmica

    n (f) controversy / polemic / dispute

    Diccionari Català-Anglès > polèmica

  • 6 polémica

    • altercation
    • argument
    • controversy
    • dispute
    • polemic
    • polemics

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > polémica

  • 7 polémica + abundar

    (n.) = controversy + rage
    Ex. This report seems to have raised more questions than it has answered, particularly in the area of ILL costs and charges, where controversy rages and agreement between the various types of library appears well-nigh impossible to reach.
    * * *
    (n.) = controversy + rage

    Ex: This report seems to have raised more questions than it has answered, particularly in the area of ILL costs and charges, where controversy rages and agreement between the various types of library appears well-nigh impossible to reach.

    Spanish-English dictionary > polémica + abundar

  • 8 polémica + continuar

    (n.) = controversy + rage, argument + rage
    Ex. This report seems to have raised more questions than it has answered, particularly in the area of ILL costs and charges, where controversy rages and agreement between the various types of library appears well-nigh impossible to reach.
    Ex. For some years now an argument has raged over author versus title entry for nonbook materials.
    * * *
    (n.) = controversy + rage, argument + rage

    Ex: This report seems to have raised more questions than it has answered, particularly in the area of ILL costs and charges, where controversy rages and agreement between the various types of library appears well-nigh impossible to reach.

    Ex: For some years now an argument has raged over author versus title entry for nonbook materials.

    Spanish-English dictionary > polémica + continuar

  • 9 polémica + fraguarse

    (n.) = controversy + brew
    Ex. Coca-Cola appears to be taking pains to buff up its tarnished image -- a controversy continues to brew over pesticides found in its soda products.
    * * *
    (n.) = controversy + brew

    Ex: Coca-Cola appears to be taking pains to buff up its tarnished image -- a controversy continues to brew over pesticides found in its soda products.

    Spanish-English dictionary > polémica + fraguarse

  • 10 polémica + gestarse

    (n.) = controversy + brew
    Ex. Coca-Cola appears to be taking pains to buff up its tarnished image -- a controversy continues to brew over pesticides found in its soda products.
    * * *
    (n.) = controversy + brew

    Ex: Coca-Cola appears to be taking pains to buff up its tarnished image -- a controversy continues to brew over pesticides found in its soda products.

    Spanish-English dictionary > polémica + gestarse

  • 11 polémica + girar en torno a

    (n.) = controversy + revolve around
    Ex. Many of the problems in children's reading, and much of the controversy over what should be stocked in children's libraries, revolve around the matter of choosing 'suitable' books for children of all ages.
    * * *
    (n.) = controversy + revolve around

    Ex: Many of the problems in children's reading, and much of the controversy over what should be stocked in children's libraries, revolve around the matter of choosing 'suitable' books for children of all ages.

    Spanish-English dictionary > polémica + girar en torno a

  • 12 polémica + perdurar

    (n.) = argument + rage
    Ex. For some years now an argument has raged over author versus title entry for nonbook materials.
    * * *
    (n.) = argument + rage

    Ex: For some years now an argument has raged over author versus title entry for nonbook materials.

    Spanish-English dictionary > polémica + perdurar

  • 13 cuestión polémica

    (n.) = vexed question, vexing question
    Ex. The author addresses the vexed question of the appropriateness of information technology in developing countries.
    Ex. The author examines the rapid growth in Internet-based electronic commerce and considers the vexing question of whether or not the Internet should be taxed.
    * * *
    (n.) = vexed question, vexing question

    Ex: The author addresses the vexed question of the appropriateness of information technology in developing countries.

    Ex: The author examines the rapid growth in Internet-based electronic commerce and considers the vexing question of whether or not the Internet should be taxed.

    Spanish-English dictionary > cuestión polémica

  • 14 incitar polémica

    (v.) = rattle + Posesivo + cage
    Ex. The author maintains that his poem makes an attempt to rattle the cage and is a gesture toward revolt, a call to abandon any vision of human life that does not embrace the sexual universe.
    * * *
    (v.) = rattle + Posesivo + cage

    Ex: The author maintains that his poem makes an attempt to rattle the cage and is a gesture toward revolt, a call to abandon any vision of human life that does not embrace the sexual universe.

    Spanish-English dictionary > incitar polémica

  • 15 levantar la polémica

    (v.) = spark + controversy
    Ex. Serials control, always the subject of considerable discussion, continues to spark controversy.
    * * *
    (v.) = spark + controversy

    Ex: Serials control, always the subject of considerable discussion, continues to spark controversy.

    Spanish-English dictionary > levantar la polémica

  • 16 que genera polémica

    (adj.) = confrontational
    Ex. The author describes 2 types of violence that could occur: theft-associated violence and confrontational violence.
    * * *

    Ex: The author describes 2 types of violence that could occur: theft-associated violence and confrontational violence.

    Spanish-English dictionary > que genera polémica

  • 17 relacionado con una polémica

    (adj.) = confrontational
    Ex. The author describes 2 types of violence that could occur: theft-associated violence and confrontational violence.
    * * *

    Ex: The author describes 2 types of violence that could occur: theft-associated violence and confrontational violence.

    Spanish-English dictionary > relacionado con una polémica

  • 18 suscitar la polémica

    (v.) = spark + controversy
    Ex. Serials control, always the subject of considerable discussion, continues to spark controversy.
    * * *
    (v.) = spark + controversy

    Ex: Serials control, always the subject of considerable discussion, continues to spark controversy.

    Spanish-English dictionary > suscitar la polémica

  • 19 entrar en polémica

    • enter into dispute

    Diccionario Técnico Español-Inglés > entrar en polémica

  • 20 polémico

    1 polemical, argumentative, controversial, polemic.
    2 polemic, controversial, divisive, debatable.
    * * *
    1 controversial
    * * *
    (f. - polémica)
    polemical, controversial
    * * *
    ADJ controversial, polemical frm
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo controversial, polemic (frml)
    * * *
    = controversial, polemic, polemical, divisive, argumentative, contentious, fractious, vexed, disputed.
    Ex. The last 3 years while grants were available saw a rise in loans, readers and outreach services, a controversial stock revision and scrapping were carried out and a PC was taken in use.
    Ex. The paper discusses some remaining 'grey areas' in faceted classification and the value for expository purposes of a mildly polemic approach to issues in classification.
    Ex. I am afraid I shall disappoint again, for this book is not a polemical document, nor is it even a personal view of community information.
    Ex. It is increasingly obvious that we are as a nation one and indivisible, that divisive tendencies are a thing of the past, but there are still too many inheritors of the old indifference, and who flinch at co-operation as at an evil.
    Ex. 'I don't know about that one,' Bogardus said, politely argumentative.
    Ex. One of the most contentious issues dividing publishers and librarians centres on the interpretation of fair use in the context of digital technologies.
    Ex. Thus was Christianity codified into a Bible that still today is the central element in the faith of the two billion adherents of the largest, if most fractious, of the world's religions.
    Ex. A vexed area on which the present rules give no guidance is the publication produced as a result of a special programme or project.
    Ex. Disputed and even fraudulent works of history can make their way onto library shelves.
    * cuestión polémica = vexing question.
    * evitar polémicas = eschew + issues.
    * extremadamente polémico = highly controversial.
    * incitar polémica = rattle + Posesivo + cage.
    * levantar la polémica = spark + controversy.
    * muy polémico = highly controversial.
    * no polémico = non-controversial [noncontroversial].
    * polémica + abundar = controversy + rage.
    * polémica + continuar = controversy + rage, argument + rage.
    * polémica + girar en torno a = controversy + revolve around.
    * polémica + perdurar = argument + rage.
    * suscitar la polémica = spark + controversy.
    * tema polémico = vexing issue.
    * * *
    - ca adjetivo controversial, polemic (frml)
    * * *
    = controversial, polemic, polemical, divisive, argumentative, contentious, fractious, vexed, disputed.

    Ex: The last 3 years while grants were available saw a rise in loans, readers and outreach services, a controversial stock revision and scrapping were carried out and a PC was taken in use.

    Ex: The paper discusses some remaining 'grey areas' in faceted classification and the value for expository purposes of a mildly polemic approach to issues in classification.
    Ex: I am afraid I shall disappoint again, for this book is not a polemical document, nor is it even a personal view of community information.
    Ex: It is increasingly obvious that we are as a nation one and indivisible, that divisive tendencies are a thing of the past, but there are still too many inheritors of the old indifference, and who flinch at co-operation as at an evil.
    Ex: 'I don't know about that one,' Bogardus said, politely argumentative.
    Ex: One of the most contentious issues dividing publishers and librarians centres on the interpretation of fair use in the context of digital technologies.
    Ex: Thus was Christianity codified into a Bible that still today is the central element in the faith of the two billion adherents of the largest, if most fractious, of the world's religions.
    Ex: A vexed area on which the present rules give no guidance is the publication produced as a result of a special programme or project.
    Ex: Disputed and even fraudulent works of history can make their way onto library shelves.
    * cuestión polémica = vexing question.
    * evitar polémicas = eschew + issues.
    * extremadamente polémico = highly controversial.
    * incitar polémica = rattle + Posesivo + cage.
    * levantar la polémica = spark + controversy.
    * muy polémico = highly controversial.
    * no polémico = non-controversial [noncontroversial].
    * polémica + abundar = controversy + rage.
    * polémica + continuar = controversy + rage, argument + rage.
    * polémica + girar en torno a = controversy + revolve around.
    * polémica + perdurar = argument + rage.
    * suscitar la polémica = spark + controversy.
    * tema polémico = vexing issue.

    * * *
    controversial, polemical, polemic
    * * *

    ◊ -ca adjetivo

    controversial, polemic (frml)
    polémico,-a adjetivo controversial: es un hombre muy polémico, he's a controversial man

    ' polémico' also found in these entries:
    - conflictiva
    - conflictivo
    - polémica
    - euthanasia
    - contentious
    - dispute
    - polemical
    * * *
    polémico, -a adj
    * * *
    adj controversial
    * * *
    polémico, -ca adj
    controvertido: controversial, polemical
    * * *
    polémico adj controversial

    Spanish-English dictionary > polémico

См. также в других словарях:

  • Polémica — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Polémica es la práctica de los contendientes o controvertientes religiosos, filosóficas, o de las cosas políticas. Como tal, un polémico texto sobre un tema a menudo está escrito específicamente para impugnar o… …   Wikipedia Español

  • polemică — polémică s. f., g. d. art. polémicii; pl. polémici Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  POLÉMI//CĂ polemicăci f. Discuţie în contradictoriu; controversă. polemică ştiinţifică. polemică politică. [G. D. polemicii] /<fr.… …   Dicționar Român

  • polêmica — s. f. 1. Debate oral. 2. Discussão na imprensa. 3. Controvérsia. 4. Disputa amigável mas acalorada.   ♦ Grafia em Portugal: polémica …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • polémica — s. f. 1. Debate oral. 2. Discussão na imprensa. 3. Controvérsia. 4. Disputa amigável mas acalorada.   ♦ Grafia no Brasil: polêmica …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • polemica — /po lɛmika/ s.f. [femm. sost. dell agg. polemico ]. 1. [il discutere vivacemente su vari argomenti] ▶◀ contesa, contraddittorio, contrasto, diatriba, disputa, questione. ↑ scontro. ↓ confronto, dibattito, discussione. 2. (estens., spreg.)… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • polemica — po·lè·mi·ca s.f. AU 1. controversia accesa e prolungata, fatta a voce o per iscritto, spec. su argomenti teorici: polemica letteraria, filosofica, di giornalisti; la polemica tra i classicisti e i romantici, impegnarsi in una polemica, essere,… …   Dizionario italiano

  • polémica — {{#}}{{LM P30871}}{{〓}} {{SynP31612}} {{[}}polémica{{]}} ‹po·lé·mi·ca› {{《}}▍ s.f.{{》}} Véase {{P30872}}{{上}}polémico, polémica{{下}}. {{#}}{{LM SynP31612}}{{〓}} {{CLAVE P30871}}{{\}}{{CLAVE}}{{/}}{{\}}SINÓNIMOS Y ANTÓNIMOS:{{/}}… …   Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos

  • polémica — (Del gr. polemikos, referente a la guerra.) ► sustantivo femenino 1 Controversia, por lo general pública y por escrito, sobre cualquier materia: ■ hay una gran polémica sobre la ley del aborto. SINÓNIMO debate discusión 2 MILITAR Antigua… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • polémica — (f) (Básico) conversación entre dos o más personas que presentan puntos de vista opuestos Ejemplos: Me niego a participar en la polémica porque es asunto vuestro. La reducción de salarios despertó una gran polémica en la oficina …   Español Extremo Basic and Intermediate

  • polémica — s f Discusión viva y apasionada que se produce entre personas que sostienen argumentos contrarios: entablar una polémica, una polémica enconada …   Español en México

  • polémica — sustantivo femenino discusión*, disputa, controversia*. ≠ paz, acuerdo. La polémica y la controversia tratan de temas filosóficos, políticos, literarios, científicos, etc., y tienen carácter más o menos público; la polémica se hace por escrito;… …   Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos

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