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  • 1 generally

    adverb (usually; by most people; on the whole: He is generally disliked; He generally wins.) generelt
    * * *
    adverb (usually; by most people; on the whole: He is generally disliked; He generally wins.) generelt

    English-Danish dictionary > generally

  • 2 socialism

    noun (the belief or theory that a country's wealth (its land, mines, industries, railways etc) should belong to the people as a whole, not to private owners.) socialisme
    * * *
    noun (the belief or theory that a country's wealth (its land, mines, industries, railways etc) should belong to the people as a whole, not to private owners.) socialisme

    English-Danish dictionary > socialism

  • 3 society

    plural - societies; noun
    1) (mankind considered as a whole: He was a danger to society.) samfund
    2) (a particular group or part of mankind considered as a whole: middle-class society; modern western societies.) samfund; -samfund
    3) (an association or club: a model railway society.) forening; klub
    4) (the class of people who are wealthy, fashionable or of high rank in any area: high society.) de fine kredse; high society
    5) (company or companionship: I enjoy the society of young people.) selskab
    * * *
    plural - societies; noun
    1) (mankind considered as a whole: He was a danger to society.) samfund
    2) (a particular group or part of mankind considered as a whole: middle-class society; modern western societies.) samfund; -samfund
    3) (an association or club: a model railway society.) forening; klub
    4) (the class of people who are wealthy, fashionable or of high rank in any area: high society.) de fine kredse; high society
    5) (company or companionship: I enjoy the society of young people.) selskab

    English-Danish dictionary > society

  • 4 world

    1) (the planet Earth: every country of the world.) jorden
    2) (the people who live on the planet Earth: The whole world is waiting for a cure for cancer.) verden
    3) (any planet etc: people from other worlds.) planet
    4) (a state of existence: Many people believe that after death the soul enters the next world; Do concentrate! You seem to be living in another world.) verden
    5) (an area of life or activity: the insect world; the world of the international businessman.) verden
    6) (a great deal: The holiday did him a/the world of good.) gøre godt
    7) (the lives and ways of ordinary people: He's been a monk for so long that he knows nothing of the (outside) world.) verden (udenfor)
    - worldliness
    - worldwide
    - World Wide Web
    - the best of both worlds
    - for all the world
    - out of this world
    - what in the world? - what in the world
    * * *
    1) (the planet Earth: every country of the world.) jorden
    2) (the people who live on the planet Earth: The whole world is waiting for a cure for cancer.) verden
    3) (any planet etc: people from other worlds.) planet
    4) (a state of existence: Many people believe that after death the soul enters the next world; Do concentrate! You seem to be living in another world.) verden
    5) (an area of life or activity: the insect world; the world of the international businessman.) verden
    6) (a great deal: The holiday did him a/the world of good.) gøre godt
    7) (the lives and ways of ordinary people: He's been a monk for so long that he knows nothing of the (outside) world.) verden (udenfor)
    - worldliness
    - worldwide
    - World Wide Web
    - the best of both worlds
    - for all the world
    - out of this world
    - what in the world? - what in the world

    English-Danish dictionary > world

  • 5 aloof

    [ə'lu:f] 1. adverb
    (apart or at a distance from other people: I kept aloof from the whole business.) for sig selv; fjernt
    2. adjective
    (not sociable and friendly: People find the new teacher rather aloof.) fjern; reserveret; kølig
    * * *
    [ə'lu:f] 1. adverb
    (apart or at a distance from other people: I kept aloof from the whole business.) for sig selv; fjernt
    2. adjective
    (not sociable and friendly: People find the new teacher rather aloof.) fjern; reserveret; kølig

    English-Danish dictionary > aloof

  • 6 quarter

    ['kwo:tə] 1. noun
    1) (one of four equal parts of something which together form the whole (amount) of the thing: There are four of us, so we'll cut the cake into quarters; It's (a) quarter past / (American) after four; In the first quarter of the year his firm made a profit; The shop is about a quarter of a mile away; an hour and a quarter; two and a quarter hours.) kvart; kvarter; kvartal
    2) (in the United States and Canada, (a coin worth) twenty-five cents, the fourth part of a dollar.) kvartdollar
    3) (a district or part of a town especially where a particular group of people live: He lives in the Polish quarter of the town.) kvarter; bydel
    4) (a direction: People were coming at me from all quarters.) retning
    5) (mercy shown to an enemy.) nåde
    6) (the leg of a usually large animal, or a joint of meat which includes a leg: a quarter of beef; a bull's hindquarters.) stykke; -stykke
    7) (the shape of the moon at the end of the first and third weeks of its cycle; the first or fourth week of the cycle itself.) ny; næ
    8) (one of four equal periods of play in some games.) omgang
    9) (a period of study at a college etc usually 10 to 12 weeks in length.) semester
    2. verb
    1) (to cut into four equal parts: We'll quarter the cake and then we'll all have an equal share.) dele i fjerdedele
    2) (to divide by four: If we each do the work at the same time, we could quarter the time it would take to finish the job.) reducere til en fjerdedel
    3) (to give (especially a soldier) somewhere to stay: The soldiers were quartered all over the town.) indkvartere
    3. adverb
    (once every three months: We pay our electricity bill quarterly.) kvartalsvis
    4. noun
    (a magazine etc which is published once every three months.) kvartalsskrift
    - quarter-deck
    - quarter-final
    - quarter-finalist
    - quartermaster
    - at close quarters
    * * *
    ['kwo:tə] 1. noun
    1) (one of four equal parts of something which together form the whole (amount) of the thing: There are four of us, so we'll cut the cake into quarters; It's (a) quarter past / (American) after four; In the first quarter of the year his firm made a profit; The shop is about a quarter of a mile away; an hour and a quarter; two and a quarter hours.) kvart; kvarter; kvartal
    2) (in the United States and Canada, (a coin worth) twenty-five cents, the fourth part of a dollar.) kvartdollar
    3) (a district or part of a town especially where a particular group of people live: He lives in the Polish quarter of the town.) kvarter; bydel
    4) (a direction: People were coming at me from all quarters.) retning
    5) (mercy shown to an enemy.) nåde
    6) (the leg of a usually large animal, or a joint of meat which includes a leg: a quarter of beef; a bull's hindquarters.) stykke; -stykke
    7) (the shape of the moon at the end of the first and third weeks of its cycle; the first or fourth week of the cycle itself.) ny; næ
    8) (one of four equal periods of play in some games.) omgang
    9) (a period of study at a college etc usually 10 to 12 weeks in length.) semester
    2. verb
    1) (to cut into four equal parts: We'll quarter the cake and then we'll all have an equal share.) dele i fjerdedele
    2) (to divide by four: If we each do the work at the same time, we could quarter the time it would take to finish the job.) reducere til en fjerdedel
    3) (to give (especially a soldier) somewhere to stay: The soldiers were quartered all over the town.) indkvartere
    3. adverb
    (once every three months: We pay our electricity bill quarterly.) kvartalsvis
    4. noun
    (a magazine etc which is published once every three months.) kvartalsskrift
    - quarter-deck
    - quarter-final
    - quarter-finalist
    - quartermaster
    - at close quarters

    English-Danish dictionary > quarter

  • 7 collective

    1) (of a number of people etc combined into one group: This success was the result of a collective effort.) fælles; kollektiv
    2) (of a noun, taking a singular verb but standing for many things taken as a whole: `Cattle' is a collective noun.) kollektiv; fællesnavn
    * * *
    1) (of a number of people etc combined into one group: This success was the result of a collective effort.) fælles; kollektiv
    2) (of a noun, taking a singular verb but standing for many things taken as a whole: `Cattle' is a collective noun.) kollektiv; fællesnavn

    English-Danish dictionary > collective

  • 8 country

    plural - countries; noun
    1) (any of the nations of the world; the land occupied by a nation: Canada is a larger country than Spain.) land
    2) (the people of a country: The whole country is in agreement with your views.) landets befolkning
    3) ((usually with the) districts where there are fields, moors etc as opposed to towns and areas with many buildings: a quiet holiday in the country; ( also adjective) country districts.) på landet; land-
    4) (an area or stretch of land: hilly country.) område
    - countryman
    - countryside
    * * *
    plural - countries; noun
    1) (any of the nations of the world; the land occupied by a nation: Canada is a larger country than Spain.) land
    2) (the people of a country: The whole country is in agreement with your views.) landets befolkning
    3) ((usually with the) districts where there are fields, moors etc as opposed to towns and areas with many buildings: a quiet holiday in the country; ( also adjective) country districts.) på landet; land-
    4) (an area or stretch of land: hilly country.) område
    - countryman
    - countryside

    English-Danish dictionary > country

  • 9 rage

    [rei‹] 1. noun
    1) ((a fit of) violent anger: He flew into a rage; He shouted with rage.) raseri
    2) (violence; great force: the rage of the sea.) rasen
    2. verb
    1) (to act or shout in great anger: He raged at his secretary.) rase; være ophidset
    2) ((of wind, storms etc) to be violent; to blow with great force: The storm raged all night.) rase; hærge
    3) ((of battles, arguments etc) to be carried on with great violence: The battle raged for two whole days.) rase
    4) ((of diseases etc) to spread quickly and affect many people: Fever was raging through the town.) hærge
    - all the rage
    - the rage
    * * *
    [rei‹] 1. noun
    1) ((a fit of) violent anger: He flew into a rage; He shouted with rage.) raseri
    2) (violence; great force: the rage of the sea.) rasen
    2. verb
    1) (to act or shout in great anger: He raged at his secretary.) rase; være ophidset
    2) ((of wind, storms etc) to be violent; to blow with great force: The storm raged all night.) rase; hærge
    3) ((of battles, arguments etc) to be carried on with great violence: The battle raged for two whole days.) rase
    4) ((of diseases etc) to spread quickly and affect many people: Fever was raging through the town.) hærge
    - all the rage
    - the rage

    English-Danish dictionary > rage

  • 10 shape

    [ʃeip] 1. noun
    1) (the external form or outline of anything: People are all (of) different shapes and sizes; The house is built in the shape of a letter L.) skikkelse; form
    2) (an indistinct form: I saw a large shape in front of me in the darkness.) skikkelse
    3) (condition or state: You're in better physical shape than I am.) form
    2. verb
    1) (to make into a certain shape, to form or model: She shaped the dough into three separate loaves.) forme
    2) (to influence the nature of strongly: This event shaped his whole life.) indvirke på
    3) ((sometimes with up) to develop: The team is shaping (up) well.) udvikle
    - shapeless
    - shapelessness
    - shapely
    - shapeliness
    - in any shape or form
    - in any shape
    - out of shape
    - take shape
    * * *
    [ʃeip] 1. noun
    1) (the external form or outline of anything: People are all (of) different shapes and sizes; The house is built in the shape of a letter L.) skikkelse; form
    2) (an indistinct form: I saw a large shape in front of me in the darkness.) skikkelse
    3) (condition or state: You're in better physical shape than I am.) form
    2. verb
    1) (to make into a certain shape, to form or model: She shaped the dough into three separate loaves.) forme
    2) (to influence the nature of strongly: This event shaped his whole life.) indvirke på
    3) ((sometimes with up) to develop: The team is shaping (up) well.) udvikle
    - shapeless
    - shapelessness
    - shapely
    - shapeliness
    - in any shape or form
    - in any shape
    - out of shape
    - take shape

    English-Danish dictionary > shape

  • 11 shift

    [ʃift] 1. verb
    1) (to change (the) position or direction (of): We spent the whole evening shifting furniture around; The wind shifted to the west overnight.) flytte; skifte
    2) (to transfer: She shifted the blame on to me.) skyde
    3) (to get rid of: This detergent shifts stains.) fjerne
    2. noun
    1) (a change (of position etc): a shift of emphasis.) skift; flytning
    2) (a group of people who begin work on a job when another group stop work: The night shift does the heavy work.) skiftehold; -hold
    3) (the period during which such a group works: an eight-hour shift; ( also adjective) shift work.) skift; -skift; skifteholds-
    - shiftlessness
    - shifty
    - shiftily
    - shiftiness
    * * *
    [ʃift] 1. verb
    1) (to change (the) position or direction (of): We spent the whole evening shifting furniture around; The wind shifted to the west overnight.) flytte; skifte
    2) (to transfer: She shifted the blame on to me.) skyde
    3) (to get rid of: This detergent shifts stains.) fjerne
    2. noun
    1) (a change (of position etc): a shift of emphasis.) skift; flytning
    2) (a group of people who begin work on a job when another group stop work: The night shift does the heavy work.) skiftehold; -hold
    3) (the period during which such a group works: an eight-hour shift; ( also adjective) shift work.) skift; -skift; skifteholds-
    - shiftlessness
    - shifty
    - shiftily
    - shiftiness

    English-Danish dictionary > shift

  • 12 soul

    1) (the spirit; the non-physical part of a person, which is often thought to continue in existence after he or she dies: People often discuss whether animals and plants have souls.) sjæl
    2) (a person: She's a wonderful old soul.) menneske
    3) ((of an enterprise etc) the organizer or leader: He is the soul of the whole movement.) sjæl
    4) (soul music.) soulmusik
    - soulfully
    - soulless
    - soul-destroying
    - soul music
    * * *
    1) (the spirit; the non-physical part of a person, which is often thought to continue in existence after he or she dies: People often discuss whether animals and plants have souls.) sjæl
    2) (a person: She's a wonderful old soul.) menneske
    3) ((of an enterprise etc) the organizer or leader: He is the soul of the whole movement.) sjæl
    4) (soul music.) soulmusik
    - soulfully
    - soulless
    - soul-destroying
    - soul music

    English-Danish dictionary > soul

  • 13 table

    1) (a piece of furniture consisting of a flat, horizontal surface on legs used eg to put food on at meals, or for some games: Put all the plates on the table.) bord
    2) (a statement of facts or figures arranged in columns etc: The results of the experiments can be seen in table 5.) tabel
    3) (the people sitting at a table: The whole table heard what he said.) bord
    - table linen
    - tablespoon
    - tablespoonful
    - table tennis
    - lay/set the table
    * * *
    1) (a piece of furniture consisting of a flat, horizontal surface on legs used eg to put food on at meals, or for some games: Put all the plates on the table.) bord
    2) (a statement of facts or figures arranged in columns etc: The results of the experiments can be seen in table 5.) tabel
    3) (the people sitting at a table: The whole table heard what he said.) bord
    - table linen
    - tablespoon
    - tablespoonful
    - table tennis
    - lay/set the table

    English-Danish dictionary > table

  • 14 talk

    [to:k] 1. verb
    1) (to speak; to have a conversation or discussion: We talked about it for hours; My parrot can talk (= imitate human speech).) tale
    2) (to gossip: You can't stay here - people will talk!) snakke
    3) (to talk about: They spent the whole time talking philosophy.) tale om
    2. noun
    1) ((sometimes in plural) a conversation or discussion: We had a long talk about it; The Prime Ministers met for talks on their countries' economic problems.) snak; drøftelse; diskussion
    2) (a lecture: The doctor gave us a talk on family health.) forelæsning
    3) (gossip: Her behaviour causes a lot of talk among the neighbours.) sladder
    4) (useless discussion; statements of things a person says he will do but which will never actually be done: There's too much talk and not enough action.) tom snak
    - talking book
    - talking head
    - talking-point
    - talk show
    - talking-to
    - talk back
    - talk big
    - talk down to
    - talk someone into / out of doing
    - talk into / out of doing
    - talk someone into / out of
    - talk into / out of
    - talk over
    - talk round
    - talk sense/nonsense
    - talk shop
    * * *
    [to:k] 1. verb
    1) (to speak; to have a conversation or discussion: We talked about it for hours; My parrot can talk (= imitate human speech).) tale
    2) (to gossip: You can't stay here - people will talk!) snakke
    3) (to talk about: They spent the whole time talking philosophy.) tale om
    2. noun
    1) ((sometimes in plural) a conversation or discussion: We had a long talk about it; The Prime Ministers met for talks on their countries' economic problems.) snak; drøftelse; diskussion
    2) (a lecture: The doctor gave us a talk on family health.) forelæsning
    3) (gossip: Her behaviour causes a lot of talk among the neighbours.) sladder
    4) (useless discussion; statements of things a person says he will do but which will never actually be done: There's too much talk and not enough action.) tom snak
    - talking book
    - talking head
    - talking-point
    - talk show
    - talking-to
    - talk back
    - talk big
    - talk down to
    - talk someone into / out of doing
    - talk into / out of doing
    - talk someone into / out of
    - talk into / out of
    - talk over
    - talk round
    - talk sense/nonsense
    - talk shop

    English-Danish dictionary > talk

  • 15 town

    1) (a group of houses, shops, schools etc, that is bigger than a village but smaller than a city: I'm going into town to buy a dress; He's in town doing some shopping.) by; byen
    2) (the people who live in such a group of houses etc: The whole town turned out to greet the heroes.) by
    3) (towns in general as opposed to the countryside: Do you live in the country or the town?) by
    - town hall
    - townsfolk
    - townspeople
    - go to town
    * * *
    1) (a group of houses, shops, schools etc, that is bigger than a village but smaller than a city: I'm going into town to buy a dress; He's in town doing some shopping.) by; byen
    2) (the people who live in such a group of houses etc: The whole town turned out to greet the heroes.) by
    3) (towns in general as opposed to the countryside: Do you live in the country or the town?) by
    - town hall
    - townsfolk
    - townspeople
    - go to town

    English-Danish dictionary > town

  • 16 united

    1) (joined into a political whole: the United States of America.) forenet
    2) (joined together by love, friendship etc: They're a very united pair/family.) forenet
    3) (made as a result of several people etc working together for a common purpose: Let us make a united effort to make our business successful.) fælles
    * * *
    1) (joined into a political whole: the United States of America.) forenet
    2) (joined together by love, friendship etc: They're a very united pair/family.) forenet
    3) (made as a result of several people etc working together for a common purpose: Let us make a united effort to make our business successful.) fælles

    English-Danish dictionary > united

  • 17 universal

    adjective (affecting, including etc the whole of the world or all or most people: English may become a universal language that everyone can learn and use.) universel; almen
    * * *
    adjective (affecting, including etc the whole of the world or all or most people: English may become a universal language that everyone can learn and use.) universel; almen

    English-Danish dictionary > universal

  • 18 village

    1) (a group of houses etc which is smaller than a town: They live in a little village; ( also adjective) a village school.) landsby; landsby-
    2) (the people who live in such a group of houses: The whole village turned out to see the celebrations.) landsby
    * * *
    1) (a group of houses etc which is smaller than a town: They live in a little village; ( also adjective) a village school.) landsby; landsby-
    2) (the people who live in such a group of houses: The whole village turned out to see the celebrations.) landsby

    English-Danish dictionary > village

  • 19 voice

    [vois] 1. noun
    1) (the sounds from the mouth made in speaking or singing: He has a very deep voice; He spoke in a quiet/loud/angry/kind voice.) stemme
    2) (the voice regarded as the means of expressing opinion: The voice of the people should not be ignored; the voice of reason/conscience.) stemme
    2. verb
    1) (to express (feelings etc): He voiced the discontent of the whole group.) give udtryk for
    2) (to produce the sound of (especially a consonant) with a vibration of the vocal cords as well as with the breath: `Th' should be voiced in `this' but not in `think'.) udtale
    - voiceless
    - voice mail
    - be in good voice
    - lose one's voice
    - raise one's voice
    * * *
    [vois] 1. noun
    1) (the sounds from the mouth made in speaking or singing: He has a very deep voice; He spoke in a quiet/loud/angry/kind voice.) stemme
    2) (the voice regarded as the means of expressing opinion: The voice of the people should not be ignored; the voice of reason/conscience.) stemme
    2. verb
    1) (to express (feelings etc): He voiced the discontent of the whole group.) give udtryk for
    2) (to produce the sound of (especially a consonant) with a vibration of the vocal cords as well as with the breath: `Th' should be voiced in `this' but not in `think'.) udtale
    - voiceless
    - voice mail
    - be in good voice
    - lose one's voice
    - raise one's voice

    English-Danish dictionary > voice

См. также в других словарях:

  • People's Republic of Benin — République populaire du Bénin ← …   Wikipedia

  • Whole Wheat Radio — (WWR) is a listener controlled, internet only webcast and wiki website based in Talkeetna, Alaska, centered around independent music aired 24 hours a day, that is financially and operationally maintained by an all volunteer community as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Whole body vibration — Whole Body Vibration: function and effectsWhole Body Vibration (WBV) was developed by Russian scientist Vladimir Nazarov, to prevent astronauts muscles and bones wasting when they were in space. Because there is no gravitational force in space,… …   Wikipedia

  • Whole-life cost — Whole life cost, or Life cycle cost (LCC), refers to the total cost of ownership over the life of an asset [1]. Also commonly referred to as cradle to grave or womb to tomb costs. Costs considered include the financial cost which is relatively… …   Wikipedia

  • Whole — may refer to: *Holism, (from holos, a Greek word meaning all, entire, total) the idea that all the properties of a given system cannot be determined or explained by the sum of its component parts alone * in music, a whole step, or Major second *… …   Wikipedia

  • People's Park — in Berkeley, California, USA is a park off Telegraph Avenue, bounded by Haste and Bowditch Streets and Dwight Way, near the University of California, Berkeley. The park was created during the radical political activism of the late 1960s. Today it …   Wikipedia

  • People's Socialist Republic of Albania — Republika Popullore Socialiste e Shqipërisë Satellite state of the Soviet Union (Until 1961) …   Wikipedia

  • People — Peo ple, n. [OE. peple, people, OF. pueple, F. peuple, fr. L. populus. Cf. {Populage}, {Public}, {Pueblo}.] 1. The body of persons who compose a community, tribe, nation, or race; an aggregate of individuals forming a whole; a community; a nation …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • People's Mujahedin of Iran — People s Mojahedin Organization of Iran سازمان مجاهدين خلق ايران Leader Zohreh Akhyani [1] …   Wikipedia

  • People's Voice — is a newspaper published fortnightly by the Communist Party of Canada and New Labour Press Ltd.Produced in Vancouver, it contains news and editorial content related to national and international political issues of government, labour, and class… …   Wikipedia

  • Whole (film) — Whole is a documentary first aired in 2003 about people with body integrity identity disorder.External links*imdb title|id=0429245|title=Whole …   Wikipedia

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