Перевод: с английского на арабский

с арабского на английский


См. также в других словарях:

  • Pearl barley — (or pearled barley ) is barley processed to remove its hull and bran. Barley must have its fibrous outer hull removed before it can be eaten; pearl barley is taken a step further, polished to remove the nutritious bran layer.Pearl barley is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Pearl barley — Pearl Pearl, n. [OE. perle, F. perle, LL. perla, perula, probably fr. (assumed) L. pirulo, dim. of L. pirum a pear. See {Pear}, and cf. {Purl} to mantle.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A shelly concretion, usually rounded, and having a brilliant luster, with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pearl barley — n. barley seed rubbed down into small, round grains: also pearled barley …   English World dictionary

  • pearl barley — n [U] small grains of ↑barley that are used in cooking …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pearl barley — noun uncount grains of the BARLEY plant that are eaten as food …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pearl barley — ► NOUN ▪ barley reduced to small round grains by grinding …   English terms dictionary

  • pearl barley — noun barley ground into small round pellets • Hypernyms: ↑barley, ↑barleycorn * * * ˌpearl ˈbarley 7 [pearl barley] noun uncountable smooth grains of …   Useful english dictionary

  • pearl barley — pearl′ bar ley n. coo barley milled into small, round grains, used esp. in soups • Etymology: 1700–10 …   From formal English to slang

  • pearl barley — barley milled into small, round grains, used in cooking, esp. in soups. [1700 10] * * * …   Universalium

  • pearl barley — barley that is polished into small round grains …   English contemporary dictionary

  • pearl barley — перловая крупа barley grits перловая крупа barley groats перловая крупа pearled barley перловая крупа peeled barley обрушенный ячмень; ячневая крупа pearling barley ячмень для производства перловой крупы …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

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