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  • 1 out of place

    out of place а) не на месте; б) неуместный [ср. тж. place 5) ]

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > out of place

  • 2 out-of-place

    out-of-place adj unangebracht, deplatziert

    English-german dictionary > out-of-place

  • 3 out of place

    Персональный Сократ > out of place

  • 4 out of place

    1) неуместный, не к месту, сказанный или сделанный некстати, не вовремя

    The sight of a man lying wearied out with hard work, as your husband lay, made me feel that to brag of my own fortune to you would be greatly out of place. (Th. Hardy, ‘The Return of the Native’, book IV, ch. VIII) — Вид вашего мужа, когда он лежал измученный тяжелой работой, заставил меня почувствовать, что хвалиться перед вами моей удачей было бы весьма некстати.

    Twenty years ago, of course, she reflected, straw hats with flowers would have been out of place in December, but the dictates of fashion were so much less strict nowadays, it seemed. (A. Wilson, ‘Anglo-Saxon Attitudes’, part I, ch. I) — Она подумала, что, конечно, двадцать лет назад надеть соломенную шляпу с цветами в декабре было бы просто невозможно, но, видимо, теперь требования моды были не столь строгие.

    It is surely out of place to write in the grand style of inconsiderable things. (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Summing Up’, ch. 12) — Немыслимо писать высоким слогом о пустяках.

    2) лишний, ненужный

    Waiting for the doctor were two women, as still as though they were paralyzed, and a man in a railroad brakeman's uniform, holding his bandaged right hand with his tanned left. They stared at Carol. She sat modestly in a stiff chair, feeling frivolous and out of place. (S. Lewis, ‘Main Street’, ch. XV) — Доктора ждали две женщины, сидевшие так тихо, словно их парализовало, и человек в форме железнодорожника, который левой загорелой рукой поддерживал забинтованную правую. Все они уставились на Кэрол. Она скромно присела на жесткий стул, чувствуя себя здесь лишней и смущаясь своего легкомысленного вида.

    ...don't come if you don't want to, or if you're going to feel out of place. (J. O'Hara, ‘Elizabeth Appleton’, ch. II) — Если не хочется или боитесь, что будут все чужие, не приходите на эту вечеринку.

    He had always felt out of place in an academic environment. (RHD) — Когда он попадал в академическую среду, то всегда чувствовал себя не в своей тарелке.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > out of place

  • 5 out of place

    не на месте словосочетание:
    не на месте (out of place, out of turn)
    имя прилагательное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > out of place

  • 6 out of place

    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) upassende
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) i uorden
    * * *
    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) upassende
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) i uorden

    English-Danish dictionary > out of place

  • 7 out of place

    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) fuera de lugar, inoportuno; desentonar (verbo)
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) desordenado, mal puesto
    fuera de lugar
    impropio, -a adj.

    English-spanish dictionary > out of place

  • 8 out of place

    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) deslocado
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) fora do lugar
    * * *
    out of place
    fora de propósito, impróprio, deslocado.
    out of place
    fora de propósito.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > out of place

  • 9 out of place

    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) óviðeigandi
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) úr lagi

    English-Icelandic dictionary > out of place

  • 10 out of place

    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) nem odavaló
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) rendetlen

    English-Hungarian dictionary > out of place

  • 11 out of place

    yersiz, uygun değil
    * * *
    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) uygun olmayan, uygunsuz
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) dağınık

    English-Turkish dictionary > out of place

  • 12 out of place

    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) neprimeren
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) na nepravem mestu

    English-Slovenian dictionary > out of place

  • 13 out of place

    • asiaankuulumaton
    * * *
    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) sopimaton
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) epäjärjestyksessä

    English-Finnish dictionary > out of place

  • 14 out of place

    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) upassende, malplassert
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) i ulage, ikke på sin plass

    English-Norwegian dictionary > out of place

  • 15 out of place

    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) inadeguato
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) fuori posto

    English-Italian dictionary > out of place

  • 16 out of place

    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) fehl am Platz
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) fehl am Platz

    English-german dictionary > out of place

  • 17 out of place

    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) nie na miejscu
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) nie na swoim miejscu

    English-Polish dictionary > out of place

  • 18 out of place

    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) nepiemērots
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) nekārtībā; sajaukts
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > out of place

  • 19 out of place

    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) netinkamas
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) netvarkingas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > out of place

  • 20 out of place

    inte på sin plats, olämplig
    * * *
    1) (not suitable (to the occasion etc): His clothes are quite out of place at a formal dinner.) inte på sin plats, olämplig
    2) (not in the proper position; untidy: Although he had had to run most of the way, he arrived with not a hair out of place.) i oordning

    English-Swedish dictionary > out of place

См. также в других словарях:

  • Out of place — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Out of place — Place Place (pl[=a]s), n. [F., fr. L. platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Gr. platei^a a street, properly fem. of platy s, flat, broad; akin to Skr. p[.r]thu, Lith. platus. Cf. {Flawn}, {Piazza}, {Plate}, {Plaza}.] 1. Any portion of space …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • out of place — ► out of place 1) not in the proper position. 2) in a setting where one is or feels incongruous. Main Entry: ↑place …   English terms dictionary

  • out of place — index disordered, disproportionate, immaterial, impertinent (irrelevant), improper, inapplicable, inappropriate …   Law dictionary

  • out\ of\ place — I. adv. phr. Not in the right or usual place or position. Harry fell and knocked one of his teeth out of place. The teacher lined up the class and told them not to get out of place. Compare: out of order Contrast: in place II. adj. phr. In the… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • out of place — 1) if someone feels out of place or is out of place, they feel uncomfortable in a particular situation or place, or they do not belong there Kieran felt very out of place among Helen s solicitor friends. 2) in the wrong position Mel looked… …   English dictionary

  • out of place — 1) she never had a hair out of place Syn: out of position, out of order, in disarray, disarranged, in a mess, messy, topsy turvy, muddled 2) he said something out of place Syn: inappropriate, unsuitable, unseemly …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • out of place(2) — {adj. phr.} In the wrong place or at the wrong time; not suitable; improper. * /Joan was the only girl who wore a formal at the party, and she felt out of place./ * /It was out of place for Russell to laugh at the old lady./ Compare: OUT OF ONE S …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out of place(2) — {adj. phr.} In the wrong place or at the wrong time; not suitable; improper. * /Joan was the only girl who wore a formal at the party, and she felt out of place./ * /It was out of place for Russell to laugh at the old lady./ Compare: OUT OF ONE S …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out of place(1) — {adv. phr.} Not in the right or usual place or position. * /Harry fell and knocked one of his teeth out of place./ * /The teacher lined up the class and told them not to get out of place./ Compare: OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN PLACE …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • out of place(1) — {adv. phr.} Not in the right or usual place or position. * /Harry fell and knocked one of his teeth out of place./ * /The teacher lined up the class and told them not to get out of place./ Compare: OUT OF ORDER. Contrast: IN PLACE …   Dictionary of American idioms

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