1 hump mode
См. также в других словарях:
viscous mode — An operating condition in a viscous coupling with inner and outer parts rotating at different speeds, in which a torque is transmitted through the coupling, which corresponds to the value of the resultant shearing velocity … Dictionary of automotive terms
Control Trac — Contents 1 Availability 2 Design development 3 Off road testing 4 … Wikipedia
hump mode — An operating condition where the transmitted torque in a viscous coupling rises to a value several times higher than the value produced in the so called viscous mode, due to internal clamping, i.e., metal friction of the coupling discs … Dictionary of automotive terms
nuclear fission — fission (def. 2). [1885 90] * * * Division of a heavy atomic nucleus into two fragments of roughly equal mass, accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy, the binding energy of the subatomic particles. The energy released in the… … Universalium