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  • 1 surface

    adj. ytlig, yt-, yttre
    n. yta; ytskikt; utsida
    v. täcka; göra rak, räta ut; flyta upp till ytan; dyka upp
    * * *
    ['sə:fis] 1. noun
    1) (the outside part (of anything): Two-thirds of the earth's surface is covered with water; This road has a very uneven surface.) yta, utsida, ytskikt
    2) (the outward appearance of, or first impression made by, a person or thing: On the surface he seems cold and unfriendly, but he's really a kind person.) yta
    2. verb
    1) (to put a surface on (a road etc): The road has been damaged by frost and will have to be surfaced again.) belägga, ytbehandla
    2) ((of a submarine, diver etc) to come to the surface.) stiga upp till ytan

    English-Swedish dictionary > surface

  • 2 surface to air missile

    SAM (sorts amerikansk missil)
    surface to air missile (sam)

    English-Swedish dictionary > surface to air missile

  • 3 Surface-to-Surface Missile

    RB17, sjömålsrobot, markrobot, SSM, robot som avfyras från marknivån ämnad att träffa ett mål på markytan

    English-Swedish dictionary > Surface-to-Surface Missile

  • 4 surface mail

    (mail sent by ship, train etc and not by aeroplane.) ytpost

    English-Swedish dictionary > surface mail

  • 5 surface water

    ytvatten (vattenkälla som finns ovangör jordytan)

    English-Swedish dictionary > surface water

  • 6 scratch the surface

    (to deal too slightly with a subject: We started to discuss the matter, but only had time to scratch the surface.) skrapa på ytan

    English-Swedish dictionary > scratch the surface

  • 7 below the surface

    under ytan

    English-Swedish dictionary > below the surface

  • 8 datum surface

    nollplan (nivå från vilken höjder och djup mäts)

    English-Swedish dictionary > datum surface

  • 9 equipotential surface

    ekvipotential yta (där alla punkter har samma potential)

    English-Swedish dictionary > equipotential surface

  • 10 spherical surface

    sfärisk yta (yta som har en rund form)

    English-Swedish dictionary > spherical surface

  • 11 wave surface


    English-Swedish dictionary > wave surface

  • 12 working surface

    arbetsyta (särskild plats för att arbeta på (vanligen i köket))

    English-Swedish dictionary > working surface

  • 13 plane

    adj. flat, plan, jämn
    n. plan yta; nivå, plan; flygplan; platan
    v. glida; jämna av, släta ut
    * * *
    I 1. [plein] noun
    1) (an aeroplane.) []plan
    2) (a level or standard: Man is on a higher plane (of development) than the apes.) plan, nivå
    3) (in geometry, a flat surface.) plan yta, plan
    2. verb
    (to move smoothly over the surface (of water etc).) glida
    II 1. [plein] noun
    (a carpenter's tool for making a level or smooth surface.) hyvel
    2. verb
    (to make (a surface) level, smooth or lower by using a plane.) hyvla
    III [plein] noun
    (a type of tree with broad leaves.) platan

    English-Swedish dictionary > plane

  • 14 level

    adj. slät; jämn; jämställd; plan; på samma plan
    n. nivå; jämnhöjd; höjd; yta; plan; vattennivå; vattenpass
    v. jämna till, planera (även nivå); balansera; göra likställd; göras likställd; jämna med marken
    * * *
    ['levl] 1. noun
    1) (height, position, strength, rank etc: The level of the river rose; a high level of intelligence.) nivå, standard
    2) (a horizontal division or floor: the third level of the multi-storey car park.) plan, våning
    3) (a kind of instrument for showing whether a surface is level: a spirit level.) vattenpass
    4) (a flat, smooth surface or piece of land: It was difficult running uphill but he could run fast on the level.) jämn yta (mark)
    2. adjective
    1) (flat, even, smooth or horizontal: a level surface; a level spoonful (= an amount which just fills the spoon to the top of the sides).) jämn, slät, plan, struken
    2) (of the same height, standard etc: The top of the kitchen sink is level with the window-sill; The scores of the two teams are level.) i jämnhöjd, jämn
    3) (steady, even and not rising or falling much: a calm, level voice.) jämn, stadig
    3. verb
    1) (to make flat, smooth or horizontal: He levelled the soil.) jämna (platta) ut (till)
    2) (to make equal: His goal levelled the scores of the two teams.) utjämna
    3) ((usually with at) to aim (a gun etc): He levelled his pistol at the target.) rikta mot
    4) (to pull down: The bulldozer levelled the block of flats.) jämna med marken, rasera
    - level crossing
    - level-headed
    - do one's level best
    - level off
    - level out
    - on a level with
    - on the level

    English-Swedish dictionary > level

  • 15 convex

    adj. konvex, välvd
    * * *
    ((of an object or surface) curved outwards, like the surface of the eye: a convex lens.) konvex

    English-Swedish dictionary > convex

  • 16 face

    n. ansikte; min, uppsyn; yta; framsida; oförskämdhet (slang); uttryck; utseende; anseende, berömmelse; smink
    v. stå vänd mot; uppställa sig för; stå inför; vända sig mot; räkna med, täcka; låta göra; dra över
    * * *
    [feis] 1. noun
    1) (the front part of the head, from forehead to chin: a beautiful face.) ansikte
    2) (a surface especially the front surface: a rock face.) yta, []vägg
    3) (in mining, the end of a tunnel etc where work is being done: a coal face.) kolfront
    2. verb
    1) (to be opposite to: My house faces the park.) ligga (stå) mittemot
    2) (to turn, stand etc in the direction of: She faced him across the desk.) vända sig mot, stå (sitta) vänd mot
    3) (to meet or accept boldly: to face one's fate.) stå inför, möta
    - - faced
    - facial
    - facing
    - facecloth
    - facelift
    - face-powder
    - face-saving
    - face value
    - at face value
    - face the music
    - face to face
    - face up to
    - in the face of
    - lose face
    - make/pull a face
    - on the face of it
    - put a good face on it
    - save one's face

    English-Swedish dictionary > face

  • 17 map

    n. karta; plan; beskrivning
    v. kartlägga, göra en karta; planera; organisera
    * * *
    [mæp] 1. noun
    1) (a drawing or plan, in outline, of (any part of) the surface of the earth, with various features shown (usually roads, rivers, seas, towns etc): a map of the world; a road map.) karta
    2) (a similar type of drawing showing eg the surface of the moon, the position of the stars in the sky etc.) karta
    2. verb
    (to make a map of (an area): Africa was mapped by many different explorers.) kartlägga, göra en karta över

    English-Swedish dictionary > map

  • 18 mirror

    n. spegel; spegelglas; spegelbild
    v. spegla, reflektera
    * * *
    ['mirə] 1. noun
    (a piece of glass or metal having a surface that reflects an image: She spends a lot of time looking in the mirror.) spegel
    2. verb
    (to reflect as a mirror does: The smooth surface of the lake mirrored the surrounding mountains.) spegla

    English-Swedish dictionary > mirror

  • 19 side

    adj. sido-; bredvid; andre-, vid sidan av
    n. sida; aspekt, synpunkt; flank; del (av en ekvation)
    v. ta parti för någon, ställa sig på någons sida, ta ställning för någon
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) ((the ground beside) an edge, border or boundary line: He walked round the side of the field; He lives on the same side of the street as me.) sida
    2) (a surface of something: A cube has six sides.) sida
    3) (one of the two of such surfaces which are not the top, bottom, front, or back: There is a label on the side of the box.) sida
    4) (either surface of a piece of paper, cloth etc: Don't waste paper - write on both sides!) sida
    5) (the right or left part of the body: I've got a pain in my side.) sida
    6) (a part or division of a town etc: He lives on the north side of the town.) sida, del
    7) (a slope (of a hill): a mountain-side.) sida, sluttning
    8) (a point of view; an aspect: We must look at all sides of the problem.) sida, aspekt
    9) (a party, team etc which is opposing another: Whose side are you on?; Which side is winning?) sida, lag
    2. adjective
    (additional, but less important: a side issue.) sido-
    - - side
    - - sided
    - sidelong
    - sideways
    - sideburns
    - side effect
    - sidelight
    - sideline
    - sidelines
    - side road
    - sidestep
    - side-street
    - sidetrack
    - sidewalk
    - from all sides
    - on all sides
    - side by side
    - side with
    - take sides

    English-Swedish dictionary > side

  • 20 skim

    v. skumma igenom, läsa flyktigt; ta bort skinn (från mjölk etc.); skumma; kasta smörgås (med en flat sten)
    * * *
    past tense, past participle - skimmed; verb
    1) (to remove (floating matter, eg cream) from the surface of (a liquid): Skim the fat off the gravy.) skumma
    2) (to move lightly and quickly over (a surface): The skier skimmed across the snow.) stryka (glida) fram över
    3) (to read (something) quickly, missing out parts: She skimmed (through) the book.) skumma, ögna igenom
    - skimmed milk

    English-Swedish dictionary > skim

См. также в других словарях:

  • surface — [ syrfas ] n. f. • 1611; superface 1521; lat. superficies → superficie; de sur et face 1 ♦ Partie extérieure (d un corps), qui le limite en tous sens. ⇒ face. La surface de la Terre, la surface terrestre. À la surface du sol. « une surface pure… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • SURFACE (PHÉNOMÈNES DE) — La surface d’un solide ou d’un liquide est une région s’étendant sur quelques distances atomiques qui sépare l’intérieur du matériau du milieu extérieur: en général, le vide ou un gaz. Si le milieu extérieur est une autre phase dense, liquide ou… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Surface (homoymie) — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. la surface est un espace géométrique, Voir aussi catégorie:surface (en géométrie) Lexique des surfaces Microsoft Surface : une table tactile. grande… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Surface specifique — Surface spécifique Pour les articles homonymes, voir Surface (homoymie). La surface spécifique désigne la superficie réelle de la surface d un objet par opposition à sa surface apparente. Cela a une grande importance pour les phénomènes faisant… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • SURFACE (TRAITEMENTS DE) — On entend par «traitements de surface» toutes les opérations mécaniques, chimiques, électrochimiques ou physiques qui ont pour conséquence de modifier l’aspect ou la structure de la surface des matériaux, afin de l’adapter à des conditions… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Surface science — is the study of physical and chemical phenomena that occur at the interface of two phases, including solid liquid interfaces, solid gas interfaces, solid vacuum interfaces, and liquid gas interfaces. It includes the fields of surface chemistry… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy — Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, or Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, often abbreviated SERS, is a surface sensitive technique that results in the enhancement of Raman scattering by molecules adsorbed on rough metal surfaces. The enhancement …   Wikipedia

  • Surface reconstruction — refers to the process by which atoms at the surface of a crystal assume a different structure than that of the bulk. Surface reconstructions are important in that they help in the understanding of surface chemistry for various materials,… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface second harmonic generation — is a method for probing interfaces in atomic and molecular systems. In second harmonic generation (SHG), the light frequency is doubled, essentially converting two photons of the original beam of energy E into a single photon of energy 2 E as it… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface gauche — Surface Pour les articles homonymes, voir surface (homoymie). Une surface désigne généralement la couche superficielle d un objet. Le terme a plusieurs acceptions, parfois objet géométrique, parfois frontière physique, et est souvent abusivement… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Surface charge — is the electric charge present at an interface, for instance on the surface of a semiconductor material, or for example, on the surface of a protein in water.There are multiple factors generating surface charge. First of all, surface charge… …   Wikipedia

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