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с португальского на английский


  • 81 peel

    [pi:l] 1. verb
    1) (to take off the skin or outer covering of (a fruit or vegetable): She peeled the potatoes.) descascar
    2) (to take off or come off in small pieces: The paint is beginning to peel (off).) descascar
    2. noun
    (the skin of certain fruits, especially oranges, lemons etc.) casca
    - peelings

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > peel

  • 82 pigment

    1) (any substance used for colouring, making paint etc: People used to make paint and dyes from natural pigments.) pigmento
    2) (a substance in plants or animals that gives colour to the skin, leaves etc: Some people have darker pigment in their skin than others.) pigmento

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > pigment

  • 83 scalp

    [skælp] 1. noun
    1) (the skin of the part of the head usually covered by hair: Rub the shampoo well into your scalp.) couro cabeludo
    2) (the skin and hair of the top of the head: Some North American Indians used to cut the scalps from their prisoners.) escalpo
    2. verb
    (to cut the scalp from: The Indians killed and scalped him.) escalpar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > scalp

  • 84 tattoo

    [tə'tu:, ]( American[) tæ-] 1. American - tattoos; verb
    (to make coloured patterns or pictures on part of a person's body by pricking the skin and putting in dyes: The design was tattooed on his arm.) tatuar
    2. noun
    (a design tattooed on the skin: His arms were covered with tattoos.) tatuagem

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > tattoo

  • 85 abrasion

    [ə'breiʒən] 1. noun
    (an injury caused by scraping or grazing the skin: minor abrasions.) esfoladura
    2. noun
    (something used for scraping or rubbing a surface: Sandpaper is an abrasive.) abrasivo
    * * *
    [əbr'eiʒən] n 1 abrasão. 2 erosão. 3 desgaste. 4 usura. 5 Med esfoladura, escoriação. abrasion resistance resistência à abrasão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > abrasion

  • 86 acne

    (a common skin disease with pimples: Acne is common among young people.) acne
    * * *
    ['ækni] n Med acne: erupção da pele.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > acne

  • 87 acupuncture

    (a method of treating illness etc by sticking needles into the patient's skin at certain points.) acupuntura
    * * *
    ['ækjup∧ŋktʃə] n Med acupuntura.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > acupuncture

  • 88 apple

    (a round fruit (usually with a green or red skin) which can be eaten: an apple tree; a slice of apple.) maçã
    * * *
    ['æpəl] n 1 maçã. 2 macieira. 3 vários frutos cuja forma se assemelha à da maçã. apple of discord pomo de discórdia. the Apple (the Big Apple) a cidade de Nova York. the apple of the eye a) pupila. b) pessoa ou coisa muito querida, menina dos olhos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > apple

  • 89 bag

    [bæɡ] 1. noun
    1) (a container made of soft material (eg cloth, animal skin, plastic etc): She carried a small bag.) saco
    2) (a quantity of fish or game caught: Did you get a good bag today?) apanha
    2. verb
    1) (to put into a bag.) ensacar
    2) (to kill (game).) caçar
    - bags of
    - in the bag
    - bag lady
    * * *
    [bæg] n 1 saco, saca (de papel, pano, couro etc.). a bag of coffee / uma saca de café. 2 conteúdo de um saco ou de uma saca. 3 sacola, maleta. bag clasp / alça de bolsa de viagem. 4 bolsa de caçador. 5 caça abatida. I made a good bag / fiz uma boa caçada. 6 bolsa de dinheiro. 7 mala postal. 8 Anat bolsa. 9 úbere (de vaca). 10 bags coll calças. a pair of bags / um par de calças. 11 bags sl porção, montão. 12 porção de narcótico. 13 mulher feia, mulher velha. 14 escroto, Braz vulg saco. 15 preservativo, Braz coll camisinha. • vt 1 inchar, inflar, intumescer. 2 distender-se, dilatar-se. 3 ensacar, embolsar. 4 pôr a caça na bolsa. 5 fig matar, capturar, apanhar. 6 prender em armadilha (especialmente mediante astúcia). 7 sl roubar, furtar. 8 pender livremente. air bag Auto dispositivo inflável para proteção de pessoas em caso de acidente. bag and baggage com armas e bagagens, de mala e cuia. bag-of-bones feixe de ossos. Gladstone bag bolsa de viagem para homens. in the bag sl no papo, garantido. scum bag Med a) bolsa de colostomia. b) vulg escória, monte de merda. the whole bag of tricks tudo, todos os meios. to bear the bag ter o controle do dinheiro. to leave someone holding the bag deixar alguém na mão. to let the cat out of the bag revelar o segredo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bag

  • 90 bare

    [beə] 1. adjective
    1) (uncovered or naked: bare skin; bare floors.) nu
    2) (empty: bare shelves.) vazio
    3) (of trees etc, without leaves.) despido
    4) (worn thin: The carpet is a bit bare.) gasto
    5) (basic; essential: the bare necessities of life.) básico
    2. verb
    (to uncover: The dog bared its teeth in anger.) mostrar
    - bareness
    - bareback
    - barefaced
    - barefooted
    - barefoot
    - bareheaded
    * * *
    [bɛə] vt 1 descobrir, despir, desnudar. to bare one’s head / descobrir-se, tirar o chapéu. 2 expor, revelar. he bared his soul to me / ele se abriu comigo. • adj 1 nu, despido, sem coberta. 2 com a cabeça descoberta. 3 aberto, exposto, à vista. 4 vazio, sem mobília, desguarnecido. 5 simples, sem adorno. 6 gasto, poído. 7 arch calvo, sem cabelo. 8 desfolhado. 9 suficiente, só. 10 mero, desacompanhado. I shudder at the bare idea só em pensar fico com arrepios. to be bare of estar desprovido de. under bare poles Naut sem velas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bare

  • 91 bark

    I 1. noun
    (the short, sharp cry of a dog, fox etc.) latido
    2. verb
    1) (to make this sound: The dog barked at the stranger.) ladrar
    2) (to utter abruptly: She barked a reply.) berrar
    II 1. noun
    (the covering of the trunk and branches of a tree: He stripped the bark off the branch.) casca
    2. verb
    (to take the skin off (part of the body) by accident: I barked my shin on the table.) esfolar
    * * *
    [ba:k] n 1 casca de árvore. 2 córtex, córtice. 3 casca de curtume. 4 casca de quina. 5 coll pele. • vi 1 curtir. 2 descascar, descortiçar. 3 cortar um anel em volta de uma árvore. 4 esfolar, escoriar. 5 cobrir com casca. to bark up the wrong tree Amer malbaratar seus esforços ou energias.
    [ba:k] n 1 latido, ladrido. 2 som agudo e curto. • vi 1 ladrar, latir. 2 troar (canhão). 3 clamar, vociferar. 4 emitir som agudo. 5 sl apregoar em voz alta (camelô, mascate). 6 coll tossir espalhafatosamente. to bark at the moon ladrar à lua, clamar em vão. his bark is worse than his bite cão que ladra não morde.
    [ba:k] n 1 Poet navio, barco. 2 Naut barca: embarcação de três mastros.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bark

  • 92 beauty

    plural - beauties; noun
    1) (a quality very pleasing to the eye, ear etc: Her beauty is undeniable.) beleza
    2) (a woman or girl having such a quality: She was a great beauty in her youth.) beleza
    3) (something or someone remarkable: His new car is a beauty!) beleza
    - beautifully
    - beautify
    - beauty queen
    - beauty salon
    - beauty spot
    * * *
    [bj'u:ti] n (pl beauties) 1 beleza, formosura. beauty is but skin-deep / a beleza é apenas superficial. 2 graça, encanto. 3 beldade, beleza, exemplar maravilhoso. isn’t it a beauty? / não é uma maravilha? 4 primor, perfeição. • adj sl excelente, superior. isn’t he a beauty? (freqüentemente irônico) que palhaço! my beauties minhas queridas. that’s the beauty of it isto é o melhor de tudo. the Sleeping Beauty a Bela Adormecida.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > beauty

  • 93 birthmark

    noun (a permanent mark on the skin at or from birth: She has a red birthmark on her face.) sinal de nascença
    * * *
    [b'ə:θma:k] n nevo: marca de nascença.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > birthmark

  • 94 blackhead

    noun (a small black-topped lump in a pore of the skin, especially of the face.) ponto negro
    * * *
    [bl'ækhed] n 1 Med comedão. 2 Vet enterepatite infecciosa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blackhead

  • 95 blister

    ['blistə] 1. noun
    1) (a thin bubble on the skin, containing liquid: My feet have blisters after walking so far.) bolha
    2) (a similar spot on any surface: blisters on paintwork.) bolha
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) rise in a blister or blisters.) fazer bolhas
    * * *
    [bl'istə] n 1 bolha, pústula, vesícula, empola. to raise blisters / formar bolhas. 2 falha, defeito. 3 Aeron torre transparente. 4 vesicante, vesicatório: substância que produz vesículas. • vt+vi 1 empolar, formar bolhas. 2 cobrir-se de bolhas. 3 repreender, atacar com palavras rudes. 4 aplicar um vesicatório.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blister

  • 96 blush

    1. noun
    (a red glow on the skin caused by shame, embarrassment etc.) rubor
    2. verb
    (to show shame, embarrassment etc by growing red in the face: That girl blushes easily.) corar
    * * *
    [bl∧ʃ] n 1 rubor (provocado por vergonha etc.). 2 vermelhidão, cor rosada. 3 olhar, relance. • vi 1 corar, enrubescer. 2 envergonhar-se. 3 ser ou ficar vermelho ou rosado. • adj corado, rubro. at the first blush à primeira vista. it brought a blush to his cheeks deixou-o envergonhado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blush

  • 97 boil

    I [boil] verb
    1) (to turn rapidly from liquid to vapour when heated: I'm boiling the water; The water's boiling.) ferver
    2) (to cook by boiling in water etc: I've boiled the potatoes.) cozer
    - boiling-point
    - boil down to
    - boil over
    II [boil] noun
    (an inflamed swelling on the skin: His neck is covered with boils.) furúnculo
    * * *
    [bɔil] n furúnculo.
    [bɔil] n 1 fervura. 2 ebulição, ato de ferver. 3 ponto de ebulição. 4 corrente ascendente. • vt+vi 1 ferver, estar em ebulição. the kettle is boiling / a água (na chaleira) está fervendo. 2 fazer ferver, aquecer até ferver. 3 cozinhar, cozer. 4 esterilizar por fervura. 5 ficar excitado ou nervoso. 6 mover-se violentamente, espumar, estar revolto (maré). 7 separar ou evaporar mediante ebulição. the water boiled away / a água evaporou-se. on the boil a) em ebulição. b) fig agitado, excitado. she made his blood boil ela o enfureceu. to boil down a) concentrar, engrossar por fervura. b) fig condensar, resumir. the story boils down to this / a história resume-se a isto. to boil gently cozinhar em fogo brando. to boil over a) transbordar durante a fervura. b) descontrolar-se, irritar-se. his feelings boiled over with rage / ele ferveu de raiva. to give a boil-up requentar. to keep at the boil manter em ebulição.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > boil

  • 98 bone

    [bəun] 1. noun
    1) (the hard substance forming the skeleton of man, animals etc: Bone decays far more slowly than flesh.) osso
    2) (a piece of this substance: She broke two of the bones in her foot.) osso
    2. verb
    (to take the bones out of (fish etc).) tirar a espinha
    - bone china
    - bone idle
    - a bone of contention
    - have a bone to pick with someone
    - have a bone to pick with
    - to the bone
    * * *
    [boun] n 1 osso. 2 chifre. 3 espinha de peixe. 4 substância semelhante ao osso (marfim, dentina, barbatanas de baleia). 5 questão a resolver, assunto. I have a bone to pick with you / tenho contas a ajustar com você. 6 essência, âmago. 7 bones a) esqueleto, ossatura. b) dados. c) fig o corpo. d) castanholas. e) barbatanas (de roupas). • vt+vi 1 desossar, tirar os ossos. 2 coll estudar muito. 3 pôr barbatanas. 4 sl furtar, surripiar. a bag of bones um feixe de ossos, um esqueleto. a horse with plenty of bone um cavalo vigoroso. as dry (or as hard) as a bone seco (ou duro) como um osso. bone of contention pomo de discórdia. he is all skin and bones ele é só pele e osso. he made no bones about ele não teve dúvidas, não hesitou em dizer. I feel it in my bones tenho um pressentimento, tenho uma intuição. to the bones até os ossos. I’m chilled to the bones / estou gelado até os ossos. what is bred in the bone will come out in the flesh filho de peixe, peixinho é.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bone

  • 99 brown

    1. adjective
    1) (of a dark colour between red and yellow: brown paint; Her eyes are brown.) castanho
    2) (suntanned: She was very brown after her holiday in Greece.) bronzeado
    2. noun
    1) ((any shade of) a colour similar to toasted bread, tanned skin, coffee etc.) castanho
    2) (something (eg paint, polish etc) brown in colour: I prefer the brown to the green.) castanho
    3. verb
    (to make or become brown.) acastanhar
    * * *
    [braun] n 1 cor castanha. 2 cor parda. 3 pigmento ou tinta castanha. • vt+vi 1 pintar de castanho, tornar castanho, bronzear. 2 ficar marrom ou castanho. 3 assar até ficar dourado. • adj 1 castanho, marrom. 2 bronzeado, de pele escura. 3 trigueiro, moreno. he fired into the brown ele atirou a esmo contra a multidão. in a brown study pensativo, absorto em devaneios.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > brown

  • 100 buckskin

    noun, adjective ((of) a soft leather made of deerskin or sheepskin.) pele de veado
    * * *
    [b'∧kskin] n 1 pele, couro de gamo. 2 camurça. 3 buckskins calças feitas de couro. 4 Amer cavalo de cor amarela.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > buckskin

См. также в других словарях:

  • Skin neoplasm — Skin cancer Classification and external resources A basal cell carcinoma. Note the pearly appearance and telangiectasia. ICD 10 C …   Wikipedia

  • Skin effect — Skin depth redirects here. For the depth (layers) of biological/organic skin, see skin. Skin effect is the tendency of an alternating electric current (AC) to distribute itself within a conductor with the current density being largest near the… …   Wikipedia

  • Skin (disambiguation) — Skin or skins can refer to:Outer covering* Skin, an organ of the integumentary system (also see nudity) * Skin, another name for peel (fruit) * Aircraft outer covering or aircraft wing s covering Skin (aircraft)Biology* Skin beetle, a type of… …   Wikipedia

  • Skin biopsy — is a biopsy technique in which a skin lesion is removed and sent to the pathologist to render a microscopic diagnosis. It is usually done under local anesthetic in a physician s office, and results are often available in 4 to 10 days. It is… …   Wikipedia

  • Skin grafting — is a type of medical grafting involving the transplantation of skin. The transplanted tissue is called a skin graft.Skin grafting is often used to treat: *Extensive wounding or trauma *Burns *Areas of prior infection with extensive skin loss… …   Wikipedia

  • Skin Graft — Records Skin Graft Records (officiellement écrit SKiN GRAFT Records) est un éditeur de bandes dessinées et un label musical indépendant. Le label a été fondé à Chicago dans l Illinois en 1986. Sommaire 1 Introduction 2 Skin Graft Comics 3… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • skin — [skin] n. [ME skinn < ON, akin to Ger schinden, to flay, peel < IE * (s)ken(d) , to split off (< base * sek , to cut: see SAW1) > OIr ceinn, a scale, scurf] 1. the outer covering or integument of the animal body 2. such a covering,… …   English World dictionary

  • Skin (musician) — Skin Skin performing live Background information Birth name Deborah Anne Dyer Born …   Wikipedia

  • Skin Graft Records — (officiellement écrit SKiN GRAFT Records) est un éditeur de bandes dessinées et un label musical indépendant. Le label a été fondé à Chicago dans l Illinois en 1986. Sommaire 1 Introduction 2 Skin Graft Comics 3 Gumballhead the cat …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Skin graft — Skin that is used to cover an area where the patient’s skin has been lost due to a burn, injury, or surgery. The most effective skin grafts involve moving the patient’s own skin from one part of the body to another. The second most effective type …   Medical dictionary

  • skin — n Skin, hide, pelt, rind, bark, peel can all denote an outer removable coat which adheres to and protects the inner tissues of a body or organism. Skin, the most general term, applies especially to the outer covering of animals, whether it is as… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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