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  • 1 pressure

    1) ((the amount of force exerted by) the action of pressing: to apply pressure to a cut to stop bleeding; A barometer measures atmospheric pressure.) spaudimas, slėgis
    2) ((a) strain or stress: The pressures of her work are sometimes too much for her.) įtampa, našta, sunkumas
    3) (strong persuasion; compulsion or force: He agreed under pressure.) spaudimas, prievarta
    - pressurise
    - pressure cooker

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pressure

  • 2 pressure cooker

    (a type of saucepan in which food is cooked quickly by steam kept under great pressure.) greitpuodis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pressure cooker

  • 3 blood pressure

    (the (amount of) pressure of the blood on the walls of the blood-vessels: The excitement will raise his blood pressure.) kraujospūdis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > blood pressure

  • 4 compressed air

    (air which is at a pressure higher than atmospheric pressure: Deep sea divers breathe compressed air.) suslėgtas oras

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > compressed air

  • 5 imprint

    1. ['imprint] noun
    (a mark made by pressure: She saw the imprint of a foot in the sand.) atspaudas, įspaudas
    2. [im'print] verb
    (to make (a mark) on something by pressure; to fix permanently (in the mind or memory).) įspausti, įkalti į galvą, įsmigti (į atmintį)

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > imprint

  • 6 ridge

    1) (a long narrow piece of ground etc raised above the level of the ground etc on either side of it.) kalnagūbris, ketera, gūbrys
    2) (a long narrow row of hills.) kalvų virtinė
    3) (anything like a ridge in shape: A ridge of high pressure is a long narrow area of high pressure as shown on a weather map.) ketera
    4) (the top edge of something where two sloping surfaces meet, eg on a roof.) kraigas, šelmuo

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > ridge

  • 7 safety valve

    (a valve eg on a pressure cooker that opens if the pressure of the steam in it becomes too great.) apsauginis vožtuvas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > safety valve

  • 8 aerosol

    (a mixture of liquid or solid particles and gas under pressure which is released from a container in the form of a mist: Many deodorants come in the form of aerosols; ( also adjective) an aerosol spray.) aerozolis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > aerosol

  • 9 air-gun

    noun (a gun that is worked by air under pressure.) pneumatinis šautuvas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > air-gun

  • 10 barometric

    adjective barometric pressure.) barometrinis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > barometric

  • 11 bear down on

    1) (to approach quickly and often threateningly: The angry teacher bore down on the child.) prilėkti, prišokti
    2) (to exert pressure on: The weight is bearing down on my chest.) spausti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > bear down on

  • 12 blood

    1) (the red fluid pumped through the body by the heart: Blood poured from the wound in his side.) kraujas
    2) (descent or ancestors: He is of royal blood.) kraujas, kilmė
    - bloody
    - bloodcurdling
    - blood donor
    - blood group/type
    - blood-poisoning
    - blood pressure
    - bloodshed
    - bloodshot
    - bloodstained
    - bloodstream
    - blood test
    - bloodthirsty
    - bloodthirstiness
    - blood transfusion
    - blood-vessel
    - in cold blood

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > blood

  • 13 brainwash

    verb (to force (a person) to confess etc by putting great (psychological) pressure on him: The terrorists brainwashed him into believing in their ideals.) praplauti smegenis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > brainwash

  • 14 dent

    [dent] 1. noun
    (a small hollow made by pressure or a blow: My car has a dent where it hit a tree.) įlenkimas
    2. verb
    (to make such a hollow in: The car was dented when it hit a wall.) įlenkti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > dent

  • 15 depression

    1) (a state of sadness and low spirits: She was treated by the doctor for depression.) depresija
    2) (lack of activity in trade: the depression of the 1930s.) ekonominė krizė
    3) (an area of low pressure in the atmosphere: The bad weather is caused by a depression.) slėgimo kritimas
    4) (a hollow.) įduba

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > depression

  • 16 give way

    1) (to stop in order to allow eg traffic to pass: Give way to traffic coming from the right.) praleisti
    2) (to break, collapse etc under pressure: The bridge will give way any day now.) neišlaikyti
    3) (to agree against one's will: I have no intention of giving way to demands like that.) pasiduoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > give way

  • 17 glass

    1) (a hard usually breakable transparent substance: The bottle is made of glass; ( also adjective) a glass bottle.) stiklas; stiklinis
    2) (a usually tall hollow object made of glass, used for drinking: There are six glasses on the tray; sherry-glasses.) stiklinė
    3) ((also looking-glass) a mirror.) veidrodis
    4) (a barometer, or the atmospheric pressure shown by one: The glass is falling.) barometras
    - glassful
    - glassy
    - glassiness

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > glass

  • 18 hydraulic

    1) (worked by the pressure of water or some other liquid: hydraulic brakes.) hidraulinis
    2) (relating to hydraulics: a hydraulic engineer.) hidraulikos
    - hydraulics

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > hydraulic

  • 19 pressurise

    1) (to fit (an aeroplane etc) with a device that keeps air pressure normal: The cabins have all been pressurized) pritaikyti normaliam oro slėgiui išlaikyti
    2) (to force: He was pressurized into giving up his job.) (pri)versti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pressurise

  • 20 pressurize

    1) (to fit (an aeroplane etc) with a device that keeps air pressure normal: The cabins have all been pressurized) pritaikyti normaliam oro slėgiui išlaikyti
    2) (to force: He was pressurized into giving up his job.) (pri)versti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pressurize

См. также в других словарях:

  • Pressure cooking — is a method of cooking in a sealed vessel that does not permit air or liquids to escape below a preset pressure. Because the boiling point of water increases as the pressure increases, the pressure built up inside the cooker allows the liquid in… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure controlled intermittent mandatory ventilation — (PC IMV) is any mode of mechanical ventilation with preset inspiratory pressure (Pressure Control) and inspiratory time (Ti). Spontaneous breaths (i.e., inspiration is patient triggered and patient cycled) can exist between mandatory breaths… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure head — is a term used in fluid mechanics to represent the internal energy of a fluid due to the pressure exerted on its container. It may also be called static pressure head or simply static head (but not static head pressure). It is mathematically… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure sensitive adhesive — (PSA, self adhesive, self stick adhesive) is adhesive that forms a bond when pressure is applied to marry the adhesive with the adherend. No solvent, water, or heat is needed to activate the adhesive.It is used in pressure sensitive tapes, labels …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure — Pres sure (?; 138), n. [OF., fr. L. pressura, fr. premere. See 4th {Press}.] 1. The act of pressing, or the condition of being pressed; compression; a squeezing; a crushing; as, a pressure of the hand. [1913 Webster] 2. A contrasting force or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pressure gauge — Pressure Pres sure (?; 138), n. [OF., fr. L. pressura, fr. premere. See 4th {Press}.] 1. The act of pressing, or the condition of being pressed; compression; a squeezing; a crushing; as, a pressure of the hand. [1913 Webster] 2. A contrasting… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pressure-Correction Methods — refer to a class of methods used in computational fluid dynamics for solving the Navier Stokes equations normally for incompressible flows. Common Properties The equations solved in this approach arise from the implicit time integration of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure Regulated Volume Control — (PRVC) is a ventilator mode where the breaths are delivered mandatorily to assure preset volumes, with a constant inspiratory pressure continuously adapting to the patient s condition. The flow pattern is decelerating. This mode is a form of… …   Wikipedia

  • pressure groups —    Pressure groups are organizations whose members act collectively to affect public policy in order to promote a common interest. They are usually distinguishable from political parties in that they do not wish to govern. They may be divided… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • Pressure experiment — Pressure experiments are experiments performed at pressures lower or higher than atmospheric pressure, called low pressure experiments and high pressure experiments, respectively. Pressure experiment are necessary because substances behave… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure Cookin’ — Studioalbum von Labelle Veröffentlichung August 1973 Aufnahme 1973 Label …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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