Перевод: с английского на датский

с датского на английский


  • 1 castrate

    [kæ'streit, ]( American[) 'kæstreit]
    (to remove the sexual organs of (a male animal): The bull has been castrated.) kastrere
    * * *
    [kæ'streit, ]( American[) 'kæstreit]
    (to remove the sexual organs of (a male animal): The bull has been castrated.) kastrere

    English-Danish dictionary > castrate

  • 2 genital

    (of the reproductive organs of animals.) køns-; forplantnings-
    * * *
    (of the reproductive organs of animals.) køns-; forplantnings-

    English-Danish dictionary > genital

  • 3 genitals

    noun plural (the external sex organs.) kønsorganer
    * * *
    noun plural (the external sex organs.) kønsorganer

    English-Danish dictionary > genitals

  • 4 juice

    1) (the liquid part of fruits or vegetables: She squeezed the juice out of the orange; tomato juice.) juice; -juice; saft; -saft; most
    2) ((often in plural) the fluid contained in meat: Roasting meat in tin foil helps to preserve the juices.) saft; kraft
    3) ((in plural) fluid contained in the organs of the body, eg to help digestion: digestive/gastric juices.) mavesaft
    - juiciness
    * * *
    1) (the liquid part of fruits or vegetables: She squeezed the juice out of the orange; tomato juice.) juice; -juice; saft; -saft; most
    2) ((often in plural) the fluid contained in meat: Roasting meat in tin foil helps to preserve the juices.) saft; kraft
    3) ((in plural) fluid contained in the organs of the body, eg to help digestion: digestive/gastric juices.) mavesaft
    - juiciness

    English-Danish dictionary > juice

  • 5 kidney

    (one of a pair of organs in the body which remove waste matter from the blood and produce urine: The kidneys of some animals are used as food.) nyre
    * * *
    (one of a pair of organs in the body which remove waste matter from the blood and produce urine: The kidneys of some animals are used as food.) nyre

    English-Danish dictionary > kidney

  • 6 lung

    (one of the pair of organs of breathing, in man and other animals.) lunge
    * * *
    (one of the pair of organs of breathing, in man and other animals.) lunge

    English-Danish dictionary > lung

  • 7 male

    noun, adjective
    1) ((a person, animal etc) of the sex having testes or an organ or organs performing a similar function; not (of) the sex which carries the young until birth etc: the male of the species; the male rabbit.) han; han-; -han
    2) ((a plant) having flowers with stamens which can fertilize female flowers.) hanblomst
    * * *
    noun, adjective
    1) ((a person, animal etc) of the sex having testes or an organ or organs performing a similar function; not (of) the sex which carries the young until birth etc: the male of the species; the male rabbit.) han; han-; -han
    2) ((a plant) having flowers with stamens which can fertilize female flowers.) hanblomst

    English-Danish dictionary > male

  • 8 organ

    I ['o:ɡən] noun
    1) (a part of the body or of a plant which has a special purpose: the reproductive organs.) organ
    2) (a means of spreading information, eg a newspaper: an organ of the Communist Party.) organ; avis
    - organically II ['o:ɡən]
    (a usually large musical instrument similar to a piano, with or without pipes: He plays the organ; an electric organ.) orgel
    * * *
    I ['o:ɡən] noun
    1) (a part of the body or of a plant which has a special purpose: the reproductive organs.) organ
    2) (a means of spreading information, eg a newspaper: an organ of the Communist Party.) organ; avis
    - organically II ['o:ɡən]
    (a usually large musical instrument similar to a piano, with or without pipes: He plays the organ; an electric organ.) orgel

    English-Danish dictionary > organ

  • 9 organic

    1) (of or concerning the organs of the body: organic diseases.) organisk
    2) (of, found in, or produced by, living things: Organic compounds all contain carbon.) organisk
    3) ((of food) grown without the use of artificial fertilizers.) økologisk; organisk
    * * *
    1) (of or concerning the organs of the body: organic diseases.) organisk
    2) (of, found in, or produced by, living things: Organic compounds all contain carbon.) organisk
    3) ((of food) grown without the use of artificial fertilizers.) økologisk; organisk

    English-Danish dictionary > organic

  • 10 reproductive

    adjective (of or for reproduction: the reproductive organs of a rabbit.) forplantnings-
    * * *
    adjective (of or for reproduction: the reproductive organs of a rabbit.) forplantnings-

    English-Danish dictionary > reproductive

  • 11 sexual

    adjective (concerned with the production of young or children: the sexual organs.) køns-
    * * *
    adjective (concerned with the production of young or children: the sexual organs.) køns-

    English-Danish dictionary > sexual

  • 12 specific

    1) (giving all the details clearly: specific instructions.) specifik
    2) (particular; exactly stated or described: Each of the bodily organs has its own specific function.) speciel
    * * *
    1) (giving all the details clearly: specific instructions.) specifik
    2) (particular; exactly stated or described: Each of the bodily organs has its own specific function.) speciel

    English-Danish dictionary > specific

  • 13 tissue

    1) ((one of the kinds of) substance of which the organs of the body are made: nervous tissue; the tissues of the body.) væv
    2) ((a piece of) thin soft paper used for wiping the nose etc: He bought a box of tissues for his cold.) tissue; papirlommetørklæde
    * * *
    1) ((one of the kinds of) substance of which the organs of the body are made: nervous tissue; the tissues of the body.) væv
    2) ((a piece of) thin soft paper used for wiping the nose etc: He bought a box of tissues for his cold.) tissue; papirlommetørklæde

    English-Danish dictionary > tissue

См. также в других словарях:

  • Organs — (Organgebirge), Ausläufer der Gebirgskette Bocaina in Brasilien …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Organs and organists of Chichester Cathedral — The quire and Main Organ The organs of Chichester Cathedral are the major source of instrumental music at the cathedral, being played for daily services and accompanying the choir, as well as being used for concerts and recitals. There has been… …   Wikipedia

  • Organs and organists of Cologne Cathedral — Main article: Cologne Cathedral The Nave Organ The organs of Cologne Cathedral are the major source of instrumental music at the cathedral, being played for daily services and accompanying the choir, as well as being used for concerts and… …   Wikipedia

  • Organs — (Competent Organs)    During the post Stalin period, the KGB often referred to itself as the “organs of state security,” or the “competent organs.” …   Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

  • organs of Tomosvary — (ARTHROPODA) A pair of sensory organs present on the head at the base of the antennae in Lithobiomorpha, Scutigeromorpha and some Insecta, consisting of a disc with a central pore into which the endings of subcuticular sensory cells converge;… …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • Organs affected by steroid hormones — ▪ Table Organs affected by steroid hormones hormone class target organs glucocorticoids liver, retina, kidney, oviduct, pituitary estrogens oviduct, liver progesterone oviduct, uterus androgens prostate, kidney, oviduct Source: From Christopher K …   Universalium

  • Organs —    Musical instruments have been used in the worship of God from the time when, after the passage of the Red Sea, Moses and Miriam sang their song of praise accompanied by timbrels. The worship of the Temple was noted for the great number and… …   American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia

  • Organs — Morphon Mor phon, n. [Gr. ?, p. pr. of ? to form.] (Biol.) A morphological individual, characterized by definiteness of form, in distinction from {bion}, a physiological individual. See {Tectology}. Haeckel. [1913 Webster] Note: Of morphons there …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • organs of Valenciennes — (MOLLUSCA: Cephalopoda) Paired lamellated organs in female nautiloids …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • Organs of reproduction, female — The internal genital structures of the female include the ovaries, the Fallopian tubes, the uterus (womb) and the vagina. The ovaries or egg sacs are a pair of female reproductive organs located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. Each …   Medical dictionary

  • organs of breathing — kvėpavimo organai statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Sistema organų, per kuriuos vyksta išorinis kvėpavimas – dujų apykaita tarp organizmo ir aplinkos. Kvėpavimo organus sudaro kvėpavimo takai (nosis, gerklos, trachėja,… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

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