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  • 1 insect

    (any of many kinds of small six-legged creatures with wings and a body divided into sections: We were bothered by flies, wasps and other insects.) insekt
    - insectivorous
    - insect repellent
    * * *
    (any of many kinds of small six-legged creatures with wings and a body divided into sections: We were bothered by flies, wasps and other insects.) insekt
    - insectivorous
    - insect repellent

    English-Danish dictionary > insect

  • 2 insect repellent

    noun (a chemical preparation that repels insects.) insektbekæmpelsesmiddel
    * * *
    noun (a chemical preparation that repels insects.) insektbekæmpelsesmiddel

    English-Danish dictionary > insect repellent

  • 3 insect bite

    insektbid {n}

    English-Danish mini dictionary > insect bite

  • 4 insect

    insekt {n}

    English-Danish mini dictionary > insect

  • 5 bite [by an insect, animal etc.]

    bid {n}

    English-Danish mini dictionary > bite [by an insect, animal etc.]

  • 6 bug

    1. noun
    1) (an insect that lives in dirty houses and beds: a bedbug.) væggelus
    2) (an insect: There's a bug crawling up your arm.) insekt
    3) (a germ or infection: a stomach bug.) virus
    4) (a small hidden microphone.) skjult mikrofon
    2. verb
    1) (to place small hidden microphones in (a room etc): The spy's bedroom was bugged.) aflytte
    2) (to annoy: What's bugging him?) irritere
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (an insect that lives in dirty houses and beds: a bedbug.) væggelus
    2) (an insect: There's a bug crawling up your arm.) insekt
    3) (a germ or infection: a stomach bug.) virus
    4) (a small hidden microphone.) skjult mikrofon
    2. verb
    1) (to place small hidden microphones in (a room etc): The spy's bedroom was bugged.) aflytte
    2) (to annoy: What's bugging him?) irritere

    English-Danish dictionary > bug

  • 7 -winged

    a four-winged insect.) -vinget
    * * *
    a four-winged insect.) -vinget

    English-Danish dictionary > -winged

  • 8 ant

    (a type of small insect, related to bees, wasps etc, thought of as hard-working.) myre
    - ant-hill
    * * *
    (a type of small insect, related to bees, wasps etc, thought of as hard-working.) myre
    - ant-hill

    English-Danish dictionary > ant

  • 9 antenna

    1) ((plural antennae [-ni:]) a feeler of an insect.) følehorn
    2) ((plural antennas) (American) an aerial (for a radio etc).) antenne
    * * *
    1) ((plural antennae [-ni:]) a feeler of an insect.) følehorn
    2) ((plural antennas) (American) an aerial (for a radio etc).) antenne

    English-Danish dictionary > antenna

  • 10 aphid

    (a very small insect that lives on plants, especially a greenfly.) bladlus
    * * *
    (a very small insect that lives on plants, especially a greenfly.) bladlus

    English-Danish dictionary > aphid

  • 11 bedbug

    noun (a small blood-sucking insect that lives in houses, especially beds.) væggelus
    * * *
    noun (a small blood-sucking insect that lives in houses, especially beds.) væggelus

    English-Danish dictionary > bedbug

  • 12 bee

    1) (a four-winged insect that makes honey.) bi
    2) ((especially American) a meeting for combined work and enjoyment: a knitting bee.) velgørenhedsforening
    - beeswax
    - a bee in one's bonnet
    - make a bee-line for
    * * *
    1) (a four-winged insect that makes honey.) bi
    2) ((especially American) a meeting for combined work and enjoyment: a knitting bee.) velgørenhedsforening
    - beeswax
    - a bee in one's bonnet
    - make a bee-line for

    English-Danish dictionary > bee

  • 13 beetle

    (an insect with four wings.) bille
    * * *
    (an insect with four wings.) bille

    English-Danish dictionary > beetle

  • 14 butterfly

    plural - butterflies; noun
    (a type of insect with large (often coloured) wings.) sommerfugl
    * * *
    plural - butterflies; noun
    (a type of insect with large (often coloured) wings.) sommerfugl

    English-Danish dictionary > butterfly

  • 15 buzz

    1. verb
    1) ((of an insect) to make a noise by beating its wings eg when flying: The bees buzzed angrily.) summe
    2) (to be filled with or make a similar noise: My ears are buzzing; The crowd was buzzing with excitement.) summe
    2. noun
    ((sometimes with a) a buzzing sound: a buzz of conversation.) summen
    - buzzer
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) ((of an insect) to make a noise by beating its wings eg when flying: The bees buzzed angrily.) summe
    2) (to be filled with or make a similar noise: My ears are buzzing; The crowd was buzzing with excitement.) summe
    2. noun
    ((sometimes with a) a buzzing sound: a buzz of conversation.) summen
    - buzzer

    English-Danish dictionary > buzz

  • 16 cicada

    (an insect that makes a loud chirping noise.) cikade
    * * *
    (an insect that makes a loud chirping noise.) cikade

    English-Danish dictionary > cicada

  • 17 cockroach

    ['kokrəu ]
    (a beetle-like insect which is a household pest.) kakerlak
    * * *
    ['kokrəu ]
    (a beetle-like insect which is a household pest.) kakerlak

    English-Danish dictionary > cockroach

  • 18 cocoon

    (a silk covering spun by many insect larvae, and in which they live while turning into butterflies.) puppe; kokon
    * * *
    (a silk covering spun by many insect larvae, and in which they live while turning into butterflies.) puppe; kokon

    English-Danish dictionary > cocoon

  • 19 creepy-crawly

    plural - creepy-crawlies; noun (a small creeping insect.) kryb; dyr med mange ben; insekt
    * * *
    plural - creepy-crawlies; noun (a small creeping insect.) kryb; dyr med mange ben; insekt

    English-Danish dictionary > creepy-crawly

  • 20 cricket

    I ['krikit] noun
    (an outdoor game played with bats, a ball and wickets, between two sides of eleven each.) cricket
    - not cricket II ['krikit] noun
    (an insect related to the grasshopper, the male of which makes a chirping noise.) fårekylling
    * * *
    I ['krikit] noun
    (an outdoor game played with bats, a ball and wickets, between two sides of eleven each.) cricket
    - not cricket II ['krikit] noun
    (an insect related to the grasshopper, the male of which makes a chirping noise.) fårekylling

    English-Danish dictionary > cricket

См. также в других словарях:

  • Insect morphology — Legend of body parts Tagmata : A Head, B Thorax, C Abdomen. 1. antenna 2. ocelli (lower) 3. ocelli (upper) 4. compound eye 5. brain (cerebral ganglia) 6. prothorax …   Wikipedia

  • Insect physiology — includes the physiology and biochemistry of insect organ systems. Although diverse, insects are quite similar in overall design, internally and externally. The insect is made up of three main body regions (tagmata), the head, thorax and abdomen.… …   Wikipedia

  • Insect flight — Insects are the only group of invertebrates known to have evolved flight. Insects possess some remarkable flight characteristics and abilities, still far superior to attempts by humans to replicate their capabilities. Even our understanding of… …   Wikipedia

  • Insect Queen (DC Comics) — Insect Queen is the name of several fictional characters, created by the DC Comics company. Lana LangSuperherobox caption = Lana Lang uses her Insect Queen powers to mimic a locust. character name = Insect Queen publisher = DC Comics debut =… …   Wikipedia

  • Insect winter ecology — entails the overwinter survival strategies of insects, which are in many respects more similar to those of plants than to many other animals, such as mammals and birds. This is because unlike those animals, which can generate their own heat… …   Wikipedia

  • Insect diuretic hormones — are hormones that regulate water balance through diuretic action.The insect excretory system, responsible for regulating water balance in the insect, comprises the Malpighian tubules and the hindgut (the ileum and rectum). Malpighian tubules… …   Wikipedia

  • Insect development during storage — requires special consideration when further criminal investigation is necessary to solve a crime. Decomposition is a natural process of the body, dissipating slowly over time. This process is aided by insects, making the rate of decomposition… …   Wikipedia

  • Insect biodiversity — accounts for a large proportion of all biodiversity on the planet, with over 1,000,000 insect species described.AgricultureIn agricultural ecosystems, biodiversity is instrumentally important not only for the production of food, but for other… …   Wikipedia

  • Insect trap — Insect traps can be used to monitor or directly reduce insect populations. They typically use a food, visual lures, chemical attractants and pheromones that do not injure other animals or humans or result in residues on foods or feeds. Visual… …   Wikipedia

  • Insect fighting — is a blood sport involving insects. It is practised in areas in China and Thailand. There are people who train and fight their insects against other insects in underground fighting arenas. Insect fighting is a traditional Chinese pastime that… …   Wikipedia

  • Insect migration — is the seasonal movement of insects, particularly those by species of dragonflies, beetles, butterflies and moths. The distance can vary from species to species, but in most cases these movements involve large numbers of individuals. In some… …   Wikipedia

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