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  • 1 income tax

    (a tax paid on income over a certain amount.) impozit pe venit

    English-Romanian dictionary > income tax

  • 2 income-tax return

    noun (an official form that has to be completed with information about one's income and expenses and sent to a government department.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > income-tax return

  • 3 tax

    [tæks] 1. noun
    1) (money, eg a percentage of a person's income or of the price of goods etc taken by the government to help pay for the running of the state: income tax; a tax on tobacco.) taxă, impozit
    2) (a strain or burden: The continual noise was a tax on her nerves.)
    2. verb
    1) (to make (a person) pay (a) tax; to put a tax on (goods etc): He is taxed on his income; Alcohol is taxed.) a taxa, a impozita
    2) (to put a strain on: Don't tax your strength!) a pune la încercare
    - taxation
    - taxing
    - tax-free
    - taxpayer
    - tax someone with
    - tax with

    English-Romanian dictionary > tax

  • 4 income

    (money received by a person as wages etc: He cannot support his family on his income.) venit
    - income-tax return

    English-Romanian dictionary > income

  • 5 tax-free

    adjective, adverb (without payment of tax: tax-free income.) neimpozabil

    English-Romanian dictionary > tax-free

  • 6 accountant

    noun (a keeper or inspector of (money) accounts: He employs an accountant to deal with his income tax.) contabil

    English-Romanian dictionary > accountant

  • 7 device

    1) (something made for a purpose, eg a tool or instrument: a device for opening cans.) aparat; mecanism; dispozitiv
    2) (a plan or system of doing something, sometimes involving trickery: This is a device for avoiding income tax.) truc

    English-Romanian dictionary > device

  • 8 introduce

    1) ((often with to) to make (people) known by name to each other: He introduced the guests (to each other); Let me introduce you to my mother; May I introduce myself? I'm John Brown.) a (se) pre­zenta
    2) ((often with into) to bring in (something new): Grey squirrels were introduced into Britain from Canada; Why did you introduce such a boring subject (into the conversation)?) a aduce
    3) (to propose or put forward: He introduced a bill in Parliament for the abolition of income tax.) a prezenta
    4) ((with to) to cause (a person) to get to know (a subject etc): Children are introduced to algebra at about the age of eleven.) a iniţia
    - introductory

    English-Romanian dictionary > introduce

  • 9 less

    [les] 1. adjective
    ((often with than) not as much (as): Think of a number less than forty; He drank his tea and wished he had put less sugar in it; The salary for that job will be not less than $30,000.) mai mic decât; mai puţin
    2. adverb
    (not as much or to a smaller extent: I like her less every time I see her; You should smoke less if you want to remain healthy.) mai puţin
    3. pronoun
    (a smaller part or amount: He has less than I have.) mai puţin (decât)
    4. preposition
    (minus: He earns $280 a week less $90 income tax.) fără; mai puţin
    - lesser 5. adverb
    (less: the lesser-known streets of London.) mai puţin
    - no less a person than

    English-Romanian dictionary > less

  • 10 declare

    1) (to announce publicly or formally: War was declared this morning.) a de­clara
    2) (to say firmly: 'I don't like him at all,' she declared.) a afirma/a declara solemn
    3) (to make known (goods on which duty must be paid, income on which tax should be paid etc): He decided to declare his untaxed earnings to the tax-office.) a declara

    English-Romanian dictionary > declare

  • 11 assess

    1) (to estimate or judge the quality or quantity of: Can you assess my chances of winning?) a estima
    2) (to estimate in order to calculate tax due on: My income has been assessed wrongly.) a eva­lua
    - assessor

    English-Romanian dictionary > assess

См. также в других словарях:

  • income tax — n: a tax on the net income of an individual or a business compare excise, property tax Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 — is an act of the Parliament of Australia. It s one of the main statutes under which income tax is calculated. The act is gradually being rewritten into the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, and new matters are generally now added to the 1997… …   Wikipedia

  • Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 — is an act of the Parliament of Australia. It s one of the main statutes under which income tax is calculated. The act is a rewrite in plain English of the prior Income Tax Assessment Act 1936. New matters are now generally added to the 1997 act… …   Wikipedia

  • income tax deduction — ➔ deduction * * * income tax deduction UK US noun [C or U] ► TAX an amount of money, such as the cost of something that you need to do your work, that the tax authorities allow you to subtract from your income before you calculate your tax… …   Financial and business terms

  • income tax personal allowance — England, Wales The amount of income a UK resident individual can receive before being charged to income tax. For details, see Tax data: income tax: Individuals: rates and allowances. The personal allowance is not available to individuals who are… …   Law dictionary

  • income tax bracket — UK US (also income tax bracket) noun [C] ► TAX TAX BRACKET(Cf. ↑tax bracket): »You can avoid some of the tax burden by waiting until you re in a lower income tax bracket in retirement before you withdraw the funds …   Financial and business terms

  • Income tax — Income In come, n. 1. A coming in; entrance; admittance; ingress; infusion. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] More abundant incomes of light and strength from God. Bp. Rust. [1913 Webster] At mine income I louted low. Drant. [1913 Webster] 2. That… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • income tax, income taxes — ● income tax, income taxes nom masculin (anglais income tax, de income, revenu, et tax, taxe) Impôt sur le revenu, en Grande Bretagne et aux États Unis …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • income tax — income ,tax noun count or uncount * a tax based on your income that you pay to the IRS once a year or every three months: the basic/higher rate of income tax …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • income tax — n. a tax on income or on that part of income which exceeds a certain amount …   English World dictionary

  • income-tax — [inkɔmtaks] n. m. ÉTYM. 1803 1804; incometax, attestation isolée, 1801, in Höfler; mot angl., de income « revenu », et tax « taxe, impôt ». ❖ ♦ Didact. Dans les pays de langue anglaise, Impôt sur le revenu …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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