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См. также в других словарях:

  • Preferential attachment — is a name given by scientists to a class of processes in which some quantity, typically some form of wealth or credit, is distributed among a number of individuals or objects according to how much they already have, so that those who are already… …   Wikipedia

  • Preferential bidding system — Preferential bidding is a method of solving transport workforce schedules consisting of specific flights and certain qualified crewmembers, or pairings , while allowing those crewmembers to request periodic work schedules using weighted… …   Wikipedia

  • Preferential looking — is an experimental method in developmental psychology used to gain insight into the young mind/brain. General account In a preferential looking experiment, an infant is habituated to some stimulus or other mdash; a visual display of interacting… …   Wikipedia

  • preferential — pref‧e‧ren‧tial [ˌprefəˈrenʆl◂] adjective [only before a noun] preferential treatment, a preferential rate etc is deliberately more favourable in order to give an advantage to particular people, organizations etc: • Norway develops domestic oil… …   Financial and business terms

  • Preferential block voting — is a voting system for electing several representatives from a single multimember constituency. Unlike the single transferable vote, preferential block voting is not a method for obtaining proportional representation, and instead produces similar …   Wikipedia

  • Preferential Concentration — is the tendency of dense particles in a turbulent fluid to cluster in regions of high strain (low vorticity) due to their inertia. The extent by which particles cluster is determined by the Stokes number, defined as St = tau p / tau f = (rho p *… …   Wikipedia

  • Preferential voting — This article is about voting systems that use ranked ballots. For alternative meanings, see: Preferential voting (disambiguation). Preferential ballot, preferential voting, and ranked choice voting redirect here; for their use in elections for a… …   Wikipedia

  • Preferential creditor — A preferential creditor (in some jurisdictions called a preferred creditor) is a creditor who receives a preferential right to payment upon the debtor s bankruptcy under applicable insolvency laws.In most legal systems, some creditors are given… …   Wikipedia

  • Preferential trading area — A Preferential Trade Area is a trading bloc which gives preferential access to certain products from the participating countries. This is done by reducing tariffs, but not by abolishing them completely. An example of a preferential trading area… …   Wikipedia

  • preferential — [[t]pre̱fəre̱nʃ(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If you get preferential treatment, you are treated better than other people and therefore have an advantage over them. Despite her status, the Duchess will not be given preferential treatment. Syn:… …   English dictionary

  • preferential stock — Prefer Pre*fer , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Preferred}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Preferring}.] [F. pr[ e]f[ e]rer, L. praeferre; prae before + ferre to bear or carry. See 1st {Bear}.] 1. To carry or bring (something) forward, or before one; hence, to bring for …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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