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  • 1 not for the life of me

    (not even if it was necessary in order to save my life: I couldn't for the life of me remember his name!) κατά κανένα τρόπο, με τίποτα

    English-Greek dictionary > not for the life of me

  • 2 Immaterial

    Not consisting of matter: ἀειδής (Plat.).
    Without body: P. ἀσώματος.
    Shadowy: P. σκιοειδής, ἀμυδρός, V. μαυρός.
    Not necessary: P. and V. οὐκ ναγκαῖος.
    Secondary: P. ὕστερος; see Secondary.
    Nothing to do with the subject: P. οὐδὲν πρὸς λόγον.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Immaterial

  • 3 luxury

    plural - luxuries; noun
    1) (great comfort usually amongst expensive things: They live in luxury; ( also adjective) gold jewellery and other luxury goods.) πολυτέλεια
    2) (something pleasant but not necessary, and often rare and expensive: We're going to give up all those luxuries and only spend money on essentials.) πολυτέλεια
    - luxuriously
    - luxuriousness

    English-Greek dictionary > luxury

  • 4 subtle

    1) (faint or delicate in quality, and therefore difficult to describe or explain: There is a subtle difference between `unnecessary' and `not necessary'; a subtle flavour.) λεπτός,μικρός
    2) (clever or cunning: He has a subtle mind.) οξυδερκής,κοφτερός
    - subtly

    English-Greek dictionary > subtle

  • 5 unnecessary

    1) (not necessary: It is unnecessary to waken him yet.) ανώφελος, μη αναγκαίος
    2) (that might have been avoided: Your mistake caused a lot of unnecessary work in the office.) άσκοπος, περιττός

    English-Greek dictionary > unnecessary

  • 6 equipment

    1) (the clothes, machines, tools etc necessary for a particular kind of work, activity etc: The mechanic could not repair the car because he did not have the right equipment; The boy could not afford the equipment necessary for mountaineering.) εξοπλισμός
    2) (the act of equipping.) εξοπλισμός

    English-Greek dictionary > equipment

  • 7 action

    1) (something done: Action, not talking, is necessary if we are to defeat the enemy; Take action immediately; The firemen are ready to go into action.) δράση, ενέργεια
    2) (movement: Tennis needs a good wrist action.) κίνηση
    3) (a legal case: He brought an action for divorce against his wife.) αγωγή, μήνυση
    4) (the events (of a play, film etc): The action of the play takes place on an island.) η υπόθεση έργου, πχ. θεατρικού
    5) (a battle; fighting: He was killed in action; Our troops fought an action against the enemy.) μάχη
    - out of action

    English-Greek dictionary > action

  • 8 anticipate

    1) (to expect (something): I'm not anticipating any trouble.) προσδοκώ
    2) (to see what is going to be wanted, required etc in the future and do what is necessary: A businessman must try to anticipate what his customers will want.) προβλέπω

    English-Greek dictionary > anticipate

  • 9 let down

    1) (to lower: She let down the blind.) κατεβάζω
    2) (to disappoint or fail to help when necessary etc: You must give a film show at the party - you can't let the children down (noun let-down); She felt he had let her down by not coming to see her perform.) απογοητεύω, εγκαταλείπω, ρίχνω
    3) (to make flat by allowing the air to escape: When he got back to his car, he found that some children had let his tyres down.) ξεφουσκώνω
    4) (to make longer: She had to let down the child's skirt.) μακραίνω

    English-Greek dictionary > let down

  • 10 lose

    past tense, past participle - lost; verb
    1) (to stop having; to have no longer: She has lost interest in her work; I have lost my watch; He lost hold of the rope.) χάνω
    2) (to have taken away from one (by death, accident etc): She lost her father last year; The ship was lost in the storm; He has lost his job.) χάνω
    3) (to put (something) where it cannot be found: My secretary has lost your letter.) χάνω
    4) (not to win: I always lose at cards; She lost the race.) χάνω
    5) (to waste or use more (time) than is necessary: He lost no time in informing the police of the crime.) χάνω
    - loss
    - lost
    - at a loss
    - a bad
    - good loser
    - lose oneself in
    - lose one's memory
    - lose out
    - lost in
    - lost on

    English-Greek dictionary > lose

  • 11 must

    1. negative short form - mustn't; verb
    1) (used with another verb to express need: We must go to the shops to get milk.) πρέπει(να)
    2) (used, usually with another verb, to suggest a probability: They must be finding it very difficult to live in such a small house.) πρέπει(να),ασφαλώς
    3) (used, usually with another verb, to express duty, an order, rule etc: You must come home before midnight; All competitors must be under 15 years of age.) οφείλω,πρέπει(να)
    2. noun
    (something necessary, essential, or not to be missed: This new tent is a must for the serious camper.) απαραίτητο πράγμα

    English-Greek dictionary > must

  • 12 unqualified

    1) (not having the necessary qualifications (eg for a job): unqualified teachers/nurses; He is unqualified for the job.) χωρίς τα προσόντα, ακατάλληλος
    2) (complete; without limits: He deserves our unqualified praise.) ανεπιφύλακτος

    English-Greek dictionary > unqualified

  • 13 Inevitable

    Not to be avoided: P. and V. φυκτος.
    Necessary: P. and V. ναγκαῖος.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Inevitable

  • 14 Qualification

    Capacity: P. and V. δναμις, ἡ.
    Have qualifications for: P. εὐφυής εἶναι πρός (acc.).
    Through lack of the qualifications necessary for competing: P. κατὰ τὴν οὐκ ἐξουσίαν τῆς ἀγωνίσεως (Thuc. 5, 50).
    Something added to limit a statement: P. παράφθεγμα, τό.
    Will you not cease adding qualifications? P. οὐ παύσει παραφθεγγόμενος; (Plat., Euthy. 296A).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Qualification

См. также в других словарях:

  • NOT NECESSARY — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Necessary and sufficient condition — This article is about the formal terminology in logic. For causal meanings of the terms, see Causality. In logic, the words necessity and sufficiency refer to the implicational relationships between statements. The assertion that one statement is …   Wikipedia

  • necessary — 01. To really learn vocabulary, it is [necessary] to study it in a variety of ways. 02. It is really [unnecessary] to bring anything to the party; we have lots of food, and plenty of stuff to drink. 03. Higher prices do not [necessarily] mean… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • necessary — ne|ces|sa|ry1 W1S1 [ˈnesısəri US seri] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: necessarius, from necesse necessary , from ne not + cedere to give up ] 1.) something that is necessary is what you need to have or need to do →↑essential ▪ The booklet …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • necessary — 1 adjective 1 something that is necessary is what you need to have or need to do; essential: I ll leave it to you to make all the necessary arrangements. (+ for): Food is necessary for life. | it is necessary (for sb) to do sth: It s not… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Necessary Evil (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) — Necessary Evil Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode Odo speaks to Pallra Episode no …   Wikipedia

  • Necessary Response — Origin Los Angeles, California Genres Electro, Futurepop Years active 2000 – present Labels Out of Line Records (Europe) Bractune Records (USA) …   Wikipedia

  • Necessary But Not Sufficient (novel) — Necessary But Not Sufficient is a 2000 novel authored by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt and co authors Eli Schrangenheim and Carol A. Ptak and published by the North River Press, which has previously published most of Goldratt s works. Necessary but not… …   Wikipedia

  • necessary — [nes′ə ser΄ē] adj. [ME < L necessarius < necesse, unavoidable, necessary < ne , not + cedere, to give way: see CEDE] 1. that cannot be dispensed with; essential; indispensable [the nutriments necessary to life] 2. resulting from… …   English World dictionary

  • Necessary Roughness (TV series) — Necessary Roughness Necessary Roughness original intertitle Genre Drama, Sports Drama Created by …   Wikipedia

  • necessary party — see party 1b Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. necessary party …   Law dictionary

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