1 move around
vt, vi see move about◆ move about, move aroundI. vi1. (go around) herumgehen, herumlaufen2. (travel) umherreisen3. (change jobs) oft wechselnhe \move aroundd about from one position to the next er wechselte von einem Job zum nächstenII. vt1. (change position of)▪ to \move around sth ⇆ about etw [hin und her] bewegen; (place somewhere else) etw hin und her räumen; furniture etw umstellento \move around sb ⇆ about jdn oft versetzen -
2 ■ move around
3 move around
4 move around
[English Word] move around aimlessly[Swahili Word] -randaranda[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------ -
5 move around
(= move about)გადადგმა, გადაადგილება -
6 move around
7 move\ around
= move about -
8 move around
перемещаться; передвигатьсяСинонимический ряд:get around (verb) circle; circulate; fly about; get about; get around; go about; go around; travel; wander -
9 move around
BrE also move about1) v + adva) ( walk) andar*b) ( change residence) mudarse, cambiarse ( a menudo); ( change job) cambiar de trabajo ( a menudo)2) v + o + adv \<\<furniture\>\> cambiar de sitio or de lugar; \<\<employeeoops\>\> trasladar1. VT + ADV1) (=place in different position) cambiar de sitio2) (=employee) trasladar de un sitio a otro2. VI + ADV1) (=fidget) moverse2) (=walk about) andar3) (=travel) viajar de un sitio a otro* * *BrE also move about1) v + adva) ( walk) andar*b) ( change residence) mudarse, cambiarse ( a menudo); ( change job) cambiar de trabajo ( a menudo)2) v + o + adv \<\<furniture\>\> cambiar de sitio or de lugar; \<\<employee/troops\>\> trasladar -
10 move around
[ʹmu:vəʹraʋnd] = move about -
11 move around
vi, see move about -
12 move around
vi, vt -
13 move around
перемещаться, передвигаться переходить, переезжать с места на место - we've moved around a great deal мы часто переезжали с места на место переносить, перевозить, переставлять с места на место двигаться, передвигаться - he can * only with difficulty он с трудом передвигается ерзать, вертеться, дергатьсяБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > move around
14 move around
1) Общая лексика: ёрзать, вертеться, дёргаться, двигаться, переезжать с места на место, переносить, переходить2) Компьютерная техника: передвигаться, переместиться, перемещаться3) Техника: передвигаться (между объектами)4) Архитектура: переставлять -
15 move around
לשוטט, להסתובב* * *◙ בבותסהל,טטושל◄ -
16 move around
gelisah -
17 move around
18 move around
19 move around
[inform] pomicanje* * *
pomicanje -
20 move around
gå runt
См. также в других словарях:
move around — PHRASAL VERB If you move around or move about, you keep changing your job or keep changing the place where you live. [V P] I was born in Fort Worth but we moved around a lot and I was reared in east Texas... [V P n] He moved around the country… … English dictionary
move around — verb 1. pass to the other side of (Freq. 1) turn the corner move around the obstacle • Syn: ↑turn • Derivationally related forms: ↑turn (for: ↑tur … Useful english dictionary
move around — phr verb Move around is used with these nouns as the object: ↑furniture … Collocations dictionary
move around — walk around, wander … English contemporary dictionary
around — [[t]əra͟ʊnd[/t]] ♦ (Around is an adverb and a preposition. In British English, the word round is often used instead. Around is often used with verbs of movement, such as walk and drive , and also in phrasal verbs such as get around and hand… … English dictionary
move — move1 W1S1 [mu:v] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(change place)¦ 2¦(new house/office)¦ 3¦(change opinion etc)¦ 4¦(progress)¦ 5¦(take action)¦ 6¦(change job/class etc)¦ 7¦(emotion)¦ 8¦(cause somebody to do something)¦ 9¦(time/order)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
move — move1 [ muv ] verb *** ▸ 1 change position ▸ 2 progress/develop ▸ 3 live in a different place ▸ 4 begin doing ▸ 5 change subject/time etc. ▸ 6 change opinion ▸ 7 affect someone emotionally ▸ 8 sell and get rid of ▸ 9 go very fast ▸ 10 make formal … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
move — [[t]mu͟ːv[/t]] ♦ moves, moving, moved 1) V ERG When you move something or when it moves, its position changes and it does not remain still. [V n prep/adv] She moved the sheaf of papers into position... [V n prep/adv] You can move the camera both… … English dictionary
move */*/*/ — I UK [muːv] / US [muv] verb Word forms move : present tense I/you/we/they move he/she/it moves present participle moving past tense moved past participle moved 1) [intransitive/transitive] to change position, or to make someone or something… … English dictionary
around — 1 adverb 1 used to say that something is placed or arranged so that it surrounds something else: The winner held up his trophy, with many of the spectators crowded around. | a bouquet of a dozen red roses, with a silver ribbon wrapped around |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
move about — see move around … English dictionary