1 about
about [əˈbaʊt]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. adverba. ( = approximately) à peu près, environ• there were about 25 and now there are about 30 il y en avait environ or à peu près 25 et maintenant il y en a une trentaine• it's about 11 o'clock il est environ or à peu près 11 heures• it's about time! ce n'est pas trop tôt !• I've had about enough! (inf) je commence à en avoir assez !b. ( = here and there) çà et làc. ( = near, in circulation) par ici• is anyone about? il y a quelqu'un ?• you should be out and about! ne restez donc pas enfermé !d. ( = round) all about tout autoure. ( = opposite direction) to turn sth the other way about retourner qch• it's the other way about ( = the opposite) c'est le contraire• I was about to go out when... j'étais sur le point de sortir or j'allais sortir quand...2. prepositiona. ( = concerning) I heard nothing about it je n'en ai pas entendu parler• what is it about? de quoi s'agit-il ?• well, what about it? (inf) ( = does it matter?) et alors ? (inf) ; ( = what do you think?) alors, qu'est-ce que tu en penses ?• what about me? et moi alors ? (inf)• how about going to the cinema? (inf) et si on allait au cinéma ?• how about a coffee? (inf) et si on prenait un café ?b. ( = somewhere in) quelque part dansc. ( = round) autour ded. ( = with, on) I've got it about me somewhere je l'ai quelque part sur moif. ( = occupied with) while we're about it pendant que nous y sommes* * *Note: about is used after certain nouns, adjectives and verbs in English ( information about, a book about, curious about, worry about etc). For translations, consult the appropriate entries (information, book, curious, worry etc)about often appears in British English as the second element of certain verb structures ( move about, jump about, lie about etc). For translations, consult the relevant verb entries (move, jump, lie etc)[ə'baʊt] 1.2) ( awake)2.1) ( approximately) environ, à peu prèsat about 6 pm — vers 18 h, à environ 18 h
2) ( almost) presque3) ( in circulation)4) ( in the vicinity)3.1) ( concerning)what's it about? — (of book, film etc) ça parle de quoi?
it's about... — il s'agit de...
about your overdraft... — pour ce qui est de votre découvert...
2) ( in the nature of)3) ( bound up with)business is about profit — ce qui compte dans les affaires, ce sont les bénéfices
4) ( occupied with)while you're about it... — tant que tu y es..., par la même occasion...
5) ( around)6) (in invitations, suggestions)how ou what about some tea? — et si on prenait un thé?
7) ( when soliciting opinions)8) sout (on)hidden about one's person — [drugs, arms] caché sur soi
••it's about time (that) — il serait temps que (+ subj)
about time too! — ce n'est pas trop tôt! (colloq)
that's about it — ( that's all) c'est tout
2 about
1. adverb1) (all around) rings[her]um; (here and there) überallstrewn/littered about all over the room — überall im Zimmer verstreut
2) (near)there was nobody about — es war niemand da
3)be about to do something — gerade etwas tun wollen
4) (active)be up and about — auf sein (ugs.)
5) (approximately) ungefähr[at] about 5 p.m. — ungefähr um od. gegen 17 Uhr
about turn!, (Amer.) about face! — (Mil.) kehrt!
7)2. preposition[turn and] turn about — (in rotation) abwechselnd
1) (all around) um [... herum]there was litter lying about the park/streets — überall im Park/auf den Straßen lag der Abfall herum
2) (with)have something about one — etwas [bei sich] haben
3) (concerning) über (+ Akk.)an argument/a question about something — Streit wegen etwas/eine Frage zu etwas
talk/laugh about something — über etwas (Akk.) sprechen/lachen
4) (occupied with)be quick/brief about it — beeil dich!; (in speaking) fasse dich kurz!
while you're about it — da Sie gerade dabei sind
* * *1. preposition 2. preposition, adverb1) ((sometimes round about) near (in place, time, size etc): about five miles away; (round) about six o'clock; just about big enough.) ungefähr3) (in or on some part (of a place etc): You'll find him somewhere about (the office).) irgendwo in...4) (around or surrounding: She wore a coat about her shoulders; He lay with his clothes scattered about.) um3. adverb- academic.ru/115262/be_about_to">be about to* * *[əˈbaʊt]I. prepshe had some misgivings \about the talk sie hatte wegen des Gesprächs Bedenkenbe quick \about it! beeil dich [damit]!, mach schnell!anxiety \about the future Angst f vor der Zukunft, Zukunftsangst fa book/movie/programme \about sth/sb ein Buch/ein Film/eine Sendung über etw/jdnwhat's that book \about? worum geht es in dem Buch?the movie is \about the American Civil War der Film handelt vom Amerikanischen Bürgerkriegto have a discussion \about how/who/why... darüber diskutieren, wie/wer/warum...to have a phobia \about spiders eine Spinnenphobie habento be sure [or certain] /unsure [or uncertain] \about sth sich dat einer S. gen sicher/unsicher seinhe was still unsure \about what he should do er war sich noch immer nicht sicher, was er tun solltewe are now certain \about our decision to move wir haben uns jetzt endgültig entschlossen umzuziehento ask sb \about sth/sb jdn nach etw/jdm fragento care \about sth/sb sich akk für etw/jdn interessierenI don't care \about your opinion! deine Meinung interessiert mich nicht!to dream \about sth/sb von etw/jdm träumenshe always dreams \about winning the lottery sie träumt immer davon, im Lotto zu gewinnento talk \about sth über etw akk sprechenall \about sb/sth alles über jdn/etwhe taught us all \about biology wir haben von ihm alles über Biologie gelerntit's all \about having fun es geht einfach nur darum, Spaß zu habento do something \about sth etwas gegen etw akk unternehmenwill you please do something \about the leaky tap? kümmerst du dich bitte mal um den tropfenden Wasserhahn?I can't do anything \about it ich kann nichts dagegen machento do little/much/nothing \about sth wenig/viel/nichts gegen etw akk tunthere's nothing we can do \about it dagegen können wir nichts machento do nothing \about a problem ein Problem nicht anpacken, nicht gegen ein Problem vorgehenhe takes little notice of the world \about him er nimmt von seiner Umgebung kaum Notizto put one's arms \about sb jdn umarmento wander \about the house im Haus herumlaufento look \about the room sich akk im Zimmer umsehen5. (expressing location)do you have a pen \about you[r person]? haben Sie einen Kugelschreiber dabei?what exactly didn't you like \about the play? was genau hat dir an der Aufführung nicht gefallen?there is a deep sadness \about him ihn umgibt eine tiefe Melancholiehe has a way \about him that I don't like er hat etwas an sich, das mir nicht gefälltthere's something strange \about him er hat etwas Merkwürdiges an sich7. (aimed at)▪ to be \about doing sth beabsichtigen [o darauf abzielen], etw zu tunthe takeover was not \about getting rid of competition die Übernahme sollte nicht die Konkurrenz ausschalten; BRIT ( fam)to be \about it gerade dabei seincould you make me some coffee too while you're \about it? wo Sie gerade dabei sind, könnten Sie mir auch einen Kaffee machen?9.how shall go \about solving this problem? wie sollen wir dieses Problem angehen?how do you go \about getting a fishing licence here? was muss man tun, wenn man hier einen Angelschein erwerben will?▶ how \about sth/sb? wie wäre es mit jdm/etw?how \about a cup of tea? wie wäre es mit einer Tasse Tee?▶ what \about it? was ist damit?is that your car? — yes, what \about it? ist das da Ihr Auto? — ja, was ist damit?▶ and what \about us? und was ist mit uns?▶ what \about your job? wie läuft es bei der Arbeit?▶ what \about going [or a trip] to the zoo? wie wäre es mit einem Besuch im Zoo?1. (approximately) ungefährhe's \about six feet tall er ist ungefähr 1,80 m groß\about eight [o'clock] [so] gegen acht [Uhr]\about two days/months ago vor etwa zwei Tagen/Monaten2. (almost) fastI've had just \about enough from you! ich habe allmählich genug von dir!that's just \about the limit! das ist ja so ziemlich das Letzte!3. (barely)we just \about made it wir haben es gerade noch [so] geschaffthe earns just \about enough to live on er verdient gerade mal genug zum Lebendon't leave things \about on the floor lass nichts auf dem Boden herumliegensome people were standing \about ein paar Leute standen so herumthere's a lot of flu \about at the moment im Moment geht die Grippe umto move \about herumlaufen, umherlaufenstop moving \about! bleib doch mal [ruhig] stehen!is Cathy \about? ist Cathy hier irgendwo?she must be \about somewhere sie muss hier irgendwo seinhave you seen Peter \about? hast du Peter irgendwo gesehen?there was nobody \about es war keiner dato turn sth \about etw herumdrehen7. (intending)▪ to be \about to do sth im Begriff sein [o gerade vorhaben], etw zu tunshe was [just] \about to leave when Mark arrived sie wollte gerade gehen, als Mark kamhe was \about to burst into tears er wäre fast in Tränen ausgebrochenwe're just \about to have supper wir wollen gerade zu Abend essenI'm not \about to beg for his apology ich werde ihn bestimmt nicht um eine Entschuldigung bitten8.▶ that's \about all [or it] das wär'sanything else? — no, that's \about it for now wünschen Sie noch etwas? — nein, das wäre erst einmal alles [o das wär's fürs Erste]* * *[ə'baʊt]1. advto run/walk about — herum- or umherrennen/-gehen
there was nobody about who could help — es war niemand in der Nähe, der hätte helfen können
at night when there's nobody about — nachts, wenn niemand unterwegs ist
where is he/it? – he's/it's about somewhere — wo ist er/es? – (er/es ist) irgendwo in der Nähe
See:2)to be about to — im Begriff sein zu; ( esp US inf
he's about to start school —
we are about to run out of coffee — uns geht demnächst der Kaffee aus, wir haben bald keinen Kaffee mehr
are you about to tell me...? — willst du mir etwa erzählen...?
3) (= approximately) ungefähr, (so) um... (herum)he's about 40 —
about 2 o'clock — ungefähr or so um 2 Uhr
he is about the same, doctor — sein Zustand hat sich kaum geändert, Herr Doktor
that's about it — das ist so ziemlich alles, das wärs (so ziemlich) (inf)
I've had about enough (of this nonsense) — jetzt reicht es mir aber allmählich (mit diesem Unsinn)
he was about dead from exhaustion — er war halb tot vor Erschöpfung
See:→ just, round, time2. prep1) (esp Brit) um (... herum); (= in) in (+dat) (... herum)to sit about the house —
there's something about him/about the way he speaks — er/seine Art zu reden hat so etwas an sich
while you're about it —
and be quick about it! — und beeil dich damit!, aber ein bisschen dalli! (inf)
2) (= concerning) über (+acc)he knows about it — er weiß darüber Bescheid, er weiß davon
what's it all about? — worum or um was (inf) handelt es sich or geht es (eigentlich)?
he's promised to do something about it — er hat versprochen, (in der Sache) etwas zu unternehmen
how or what about me? — und ich, was ist mit mir? (inf)
how or what about it/going to the cinema? —
(yes,) what about it/him? —
he doesn't know what he's about — er weiß nicht, was er (eigentlich) tut
* * *about [əˈbaʊt]A adv1. umher, (rings-, rund)herum, in der Runde:all about überall;a long way about ein großer Umweg;the wrong way about falsch herum;three miles about drei Meilen im Umkreis2. ungefähr, etwa, nahezu:it’s about time that … es ist an der Zeit, dass …; es wird langsam Zeit, dass …;and about time, about time too es wurde aber auch langsam Zeit;it’s about right umg es kommt so ungefähr hin;3. (halb) herum, in der entgegengesetzten Richtung:he was about to go out, when … er wollte gerade ausgehen, als …;5. in der Nähe, da:there are a lot of colds about at the moment zurzeit sind viele erkältetB präp1. besonders Br um, um … herum2. (irgendwo) herum in (dat):wander about the streets in den Straßen herumwandern3. bei, auf (dat), an (dat), um:have you got any money about you? haben Sie Geld bei sich?;there is nothing about him an ihm ist nichts Besonderes;have sth about one etwas an sich haben;he had a gun hidden about his person er hatte eine Pistole in seiner Kleidung versteckt4. um, gegen, etwa:about my height ungefähr meine Größe;about this time (etwa oder ungefähr) um diese Zeit;about noon um die Mittagszeit, gegen Mittag5. über (akk):what is it (all) about? worum handelt es sich (eigentlich)?6. beschäftigt mit:what are you about?a) was machst du da?,b) was hast du vor?;and while you’re about it und wenn du schon dabei bist* * *1. adverb1) (all around) rings[her]um; (here and there) überallstrewn/littered about all over the room — überall im Zimmer verstreut
2) (near)be about — da sein; hier sein
3)4) (active)be up and about — auf sein (ugs.)
5) (approximately) ungefähr[at] about 5 p.m. — ungefähr um od. gegen 17 Uhr
6) (round) herum; rum (ugs.)about turn!, (Amer.) about face! — (Mil.) kehrt!
7)2. preposition[turn and] turn about — (in rotation) abwechselnd
1) (all around) um [... herum]there was litter lying about the park/streets — überall im Park/auf den Straßen lag der Abfall herum
2) (with)have something about one — etwas [bei sich] haben
3) (concerning) über (+ Akk.)an argument/a question about something — Streit wegen etwas/eine Frage zu etwas
talk/laugh about something — über etwas (Akk.) sprechen/lachen
be quick/brief about it — beeil dich!; (in speaking) fasse dich kurz!
* * *adj.etwa adj.gegen adj.um... adj.ungefähr adj. prep.über präp. -
3 move
------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] be moved from a place[Swahili Word] -hamishwa[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] -hama v------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] Get a move on![Swahili Word] haya![Part of Speech] interjection[Derived Language] Arabic------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move[Swahili Word] hamio[Swahili Plural] mahamio[Part of Speech] noun[Class] 5/6[Derived Word] hama------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move[Swahili Word] uhamisho[Part of Speech] noun------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move[Swahili Word] -enda[Part of Speech] verb[English Example] a log can not move except by the help of rollers (proverb)[Swahili Example] gogo hauwendi ila kwa nyezo (methali)------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move[Swahili Word] -gura[Part of Speech] verb[Dialect] dialectical------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move[Swahili Word] -hajiri[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] mhajiri------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move[Swahili Word] -hamisha[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] -hama v------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move[Swahili Word] -jongea[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move[Swahili Word] -saki[Part of Speech] verb[English Example] the car moved slowly in the mud[Swahili Example] Gari lilisaki polepole katika matope------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move[Swahili Word] -songa[Part of Speech] verb[English Example] "move there, you Mau Mau" the soldier said sternly[Swahili Example] "Songa huko, Mau Mau we!" alisema askari kwa ukali [Ng]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move[Swahili Word] -sukuma[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move[Swahili Word] -tama[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move[Swahili Word] -tingisha[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] tinga V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move (closer or futher away)[Swahili Word] -songea[Part of Speech] verb[Class] applicative[Swahili Example] sogea mbali!------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move (either of approaching or going away)[Swahili Word] -jongea[Part of Speech] verb[Swahili Example] alijongea tena kwenye dirisha la duka [Muk]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move (nearer or further away)[Swahili Word] -sogea[Part of Speech] verb[English Example] the soldier moved forward[Swahili Example] askari alisogea mbele [Ng], anasogea na kuvisemesha kwa mbali kidogo [Muhando:4]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move (slowly or uncertainly)[Swahili Word] -sita[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move (slowly or uncertainly)[Swahili Word] -sitasita[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move (something) another place[Swahili Word] -hamishia[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] -hama v------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move about[Swahili Word] -susurika[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move along[Swahili Word] -jongea[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move along[Swahili Word] -jongeza[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] -jongea V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move along on the buttocks[Swahili Word] -sota[Part of Speech] verb[Swahili Example] pale chini alibaki kusota kitango-malele [Moh]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move along on the buttocks[Swahili Word] -sowera[Part of Speech] verb[Swahili Example] pale chini alibaki kusota kitango-malele [Moh]------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move away[Swahili Word] -banduka[Part of Speech] verb[Class] potential------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move back and forth[Swahili Word] -ning'inia[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move back and forth[Swahili Word] -tikisa[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move back and forth[Swahili Word] -vinya[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move back and forth[Swahili Word] -vinyavinya[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move back and forth[Swahili Word] -yonga[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move back and forth[Swahili Word] -yongayonga[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move back and forth[Swahili Word] -yuga[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move back and forth[Swahili Word] -yugayuga[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move convulsively[Swahili Word] -paparika[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move fast[Swahili Word] -chupia[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move forward unsteadily[Swahili Word] -tambaa[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move from a place[Swahili Word] -hama[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move from a vertical to a horizontal position[Swahili Word] -simua[Part of Speech] verb[Class] inversive------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move hesitantly[Swahili Word] -sunza[Part of Speech] verb[English Example] grope one's way (in the dark)[Swahili Example] sunza mkono------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move in a line or column[Swahili Word] chanjari[Part of Speech] adverb[Derived Word] Persian[Swahili Definition] fuatana kwa mstari------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move in a line or column[Swahili Word] -sanjari[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] pers[English Example] the soldiers are moving in a column/line[Swahili Example] wanajeshi wanatembea sanjari------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move near[Swahili Word] -jongelea[Part of Speech] verb[Class] applicative------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move out furniture[Swahili Word] -pambua[Part of Speech] verb[Class] inversive[Derived Language] Swahili[Derived Word] -pamba------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move quickly (esp. in water)[Swahili Word] -chupa[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move quickly back and forth[Swahili Word] -suka[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] masuko N------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move restlessly[Swahili Word] -taataa[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move someone (closer or farther away)[Swahili Word] -sogeza[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move to a place[Swahili Word] -hamia[Part of Speech] verb[Derived Word] -hama v------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move toward a common goal[Swahili Word] -ongozana na[Part of Speech] verb[Class] reciprocal[Derived Word] ongoza V------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] move uncertainly[Swahili Word] -sunza[Part of Speech] verb------------------------------------------------------------[English Word] one who makes things move[Swahili Word] mwendelezi[Swahili Plural] waendelezi[Part of Speech] noun[Derived Word] enda V------------------------------------------------------------ -
4 near
1. adverb1) (at a short distance) nah[e]stand/live [quite] near — [ganz] in der Nähe stehen/wohnen
come or draw near/nearer — [Tag, Zeitpunkt:] nahen/näherrücken
near at hand — in Reichweite (Dat.); [Ort] ganz in der Nähe
be near at hand — [Ereignis:] nahe bevorstehen
so near and yet so far — so nah und doch so fern
2) (closely)2. preposition1) (in space) (position) nahe an/bei (+ Dat.); (motion) nahe an (+ Akk.); (fig.) nahe (geh.) nachgestellt (+ Dat.); in der Nähe (+ Gen.)go near the water's edge — nahe ans Ufer gehen
keep near me — halte dich od. bleib in meiner Nähe
near where... — in der Nähe od. unweit der Stelle (Gen.), wo...
move it nearer her — rücke es näher zu ihr
don't stand so near the fire — geh nicht so nahe od. dicht an das Feuer
when we got nearer Oxford — als wir in die Nähe von Oxford kamen
wait till we're nearer home — warte, bis wir nicht mehr so weit von zu Hause weg sind
the man near/nearest you — der Mann, der bei dir/der dir am nächsten steht
nobody comes anywhere near him at swimming — im Schwimmen kommt bei weitem keiner an ihn heran
we're no nearer solving the problem — wir sind der Lösung des Problems nicht nähergekommen
3) (in time)near the end/the beginning of something — gegen Ende/zu Anfang einer Sache (Gen.)
4) in comb. Beinahe[unfall, -zusammenstoß, -katastrophe]be in a state of near-collapse — kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch stehen
3. adjectivea near-miracle — fast od. beinahe ein Wunder
£30 or near/nearest offer — 30 Pfund oder nächstbestes Angebot
this is the nearest equivalent — dies entspricht dem am ehesten
that's the nearest you'll get to an answer — eine weitergehende Antwort wirst du nicht bekommen
near escape — Entkommen mit knapper Not
round it up to the nearest penny — runde es auf den nächsthöheren Pfennigbetrag
be a near miss — [Schuss, Wurf:] knapp danebengehen
that was a near miss — (escape) das war aber knapp!
4)the near side — (Brit.) (travelling on the left/right) die linke/rechte Seite
5) (direct)4. transitive verbsich nähern (+ Dat.)* * *[niə] 1. adjective1) (not far away in place or time: The station is quite near; Christmas is getting near.) nahe2) (not far away in relationship: He is a near relation.) nahe2. adverb1) (to or at a short distance from here or the place mentioned: He lives quite near.) nahe3. preposition(at a very small distance from (in place, time etc): She lives near the church; It was near midnight when they arrived.) nahe4. verb(to come near (to): The roads became busier as they neared the town; as evening was nearing.) sich nähren- academic.ru/49300/nearly">nearly- nearness
- nearby
- nearside
- near-sighted
- a near miss* * *[nɪəʳ, AM nɪr]I. adj1. (close in space) nahe, in der Nähewhere's the \nearest phone box? wo ist die nächste Telefonzelle?in the \near distance [ganz] in der Nähe2. (close in time) nahein the \near future in der nahen Zukunft3. (most similar)▪ \nearest am nächstenwalking in these boots is the \nearest thing to floating on air in diesen Stiefeln läuft man fast wie auf Wattethis was the \nearest equivalent to cottage cheese I could find von allem, was ich auftreiben konnte, ist das hier Hüttenkäse am ähnlichstenhe rounded up the sum to the \nearest dollar er rundete die Summe auf den nächsten Dollar aufhe was in a state of \near despair er war der Verzweiflung nahethat's a \near certainty/impossibility das ist so gut wie sicher/unmöglicha \near catastrophe/collision eine Beinahekatastrophe/ein Beinahezusammenstoß mhe's a \near neighbour er gehört zu der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft\near relative enge[r] [o nahe[r]] Verwandte[r]7.▶ a \near thing:that was a \near thing! it could have been a disaster das war aber knapp! es hätte ein Unglück geben könnenshe won in the end but it was a \near thing am Ende hat sie doch noch gewonnen, aber es war knappII. adv1. (close in space) nahedo you live somewhere \near? wohnst du hier irgendwo in der Nähe?I wish we lived \nearer ich wünschte, wir würden näher beieinanderwohnenI was standing just \near enough to hear what he was saying ich stand gerade nah genug, um zu hören, was er sagte2. (close in time) nahethe time is drawing \nearer die Zeit rückt näher3. (almost) beinahe, fasta \near perfect performance eine fast perfekte VorstellungI \near fell out or the chair ich wäre beinahe vom Stuhl gefallenas \near as:as \near as he could recall, the burglar had been tall soweit er sich erinnern konnte, war der Einbrecher groß gewesenI'm as \near certain as can be ich bin mir so gut wie sicherthere were about 60 people at the party, as \near as I could judge ich schätze, es waren so um die 60 Leute auf der Party\near enough ( fam) fast, beinaheshe's been here 10 years, \near enough sie ist seit 10 Jahren hier, so ungefähr jedenfallsthey're the same age or \near enough sie haben so ungefähr dasselbe Alternowhere [or not anywhere] \near bei Weitem nichthis income is nowhere \near enough to live on sein Einkommen reicht bei Weitem nicht zum Leben [aus]he's not anywhere \near as [or so] tall as his sister er ist längst nicht so groß wie seine Schwester4.it will cost £200, or as \near as dammit so Pi mal Daumen gerechnet wird es etwa 200 Pfund kostenIII. prep1. (in proximity to)he stood \near her er stand nahe [o dicht] bei ihrdo you live \near here? wohnen Sie hier in der Nähe?we live quite \near [to] a school wir wohnen in unmittelbarer Nähe einer Schulethe house was nowhere \near the port das Haus lag nicht mal in der Nähe des Hafensdon't come too \near me, you might catch my cold komm mir nicht zu nahe, du könntest dich mit meiner Erkältung ansteckenwhich bus stop is \nearest [to] your house? welche Bushaltestelle ist von deinem Haus aus die nächste?go and sit \nearer [to] the fire komm, setz dich näher ans Feuerthere's a car park \near the factory bei [o in der Nähe] der Fabrik gibt es einen ParkplatzI shan't be home till some time \near midnight ich werde erst so um Mitternacht zurück seinit's nowhere \near time for us to leave yet es ist noch längst nicht Zeit für uns zu gehenI'm nowhere \near finishing the book ich habe das Buch noch längst nicht ausgelesendetails will be given \near the date die Einzelheiten werden kurz vor dem Termin bekanntgegebenhis birthday is very \near Easter er hat kurz vor Ostern GeburtstagI'll think about it \nearer [to] the time wenn die Zeit reif ist, dann werde ich drüber nachdenken\near the end of the war gegen Kriegsende3. (close to a state) nahewe came \near to being killed wir wären beinahe getötet wordenthey came \near to blows over the election results sie hätten sich fast geprügelt wegen der Wahlergebnisse\near to starvation/dehydration nahe dem Verhungern/Verdursten\near to tears den Tränen nahe4. (similar in quantity or quality)he's \nearer 70 than 60 er ist eher 70 als 60this colour is \nearest [to] the original diese Farbe kommt dem Original am nächstennobody else comes \near him in cooking was das Kochen angeht, da kommt keiner an ihn ran5. (about ready to)I am \near to losing my temper ich verliere gleich die Geduldhe came \near to punching him er hätte ihn beinahe geschlagen6. (like)he felt something \near envy er empfand so etwas wie Neidwhat he said was nothing \near the truth was er sagte, entsprach nicht im Entferntesten der Wahrheit7. (almost amount of) annähernd, fastit weighed \near to a pound es wog etwas weniger als ein Pfundtemperatures \near 30 degrees Temperaturen von etwas unter 30 Gradprofits fell from £8 million to \nearer £6 million die Gewinne sind von 8 Millionen auf gerade mal 6 Millionen zurückgegangenIV. vtwe \neared the top of the mountain wir kamen dem Gipfel des Berges immer näherto \near completion kurz vor der Vollendung stehenlunchtime is \nearing es ist bald Mittagszeitas Christmas \neared, little Susan became more and more excited als Weihnachten nahte, wurde die kleine Susan immer aufgeregter* * *[nɪə(r)] (+er)1. ADVERB1) = close in space or time nahedon't sit/stand so near — setzen Sie sich/stehen Sie nicht so nahe (daran)
you live nearer/nearest — du wohnst näher/am nächsten
to move/come nearer — näher kommen
that was the nearest I ever got to seeing him — da hätte ich ihn fast gesehen
that's the nearest I ever got to being fired — da hätte nicht viel gefehlt und ich wäre rausgeworfen worden
the nearer it gets to the election, the more they look like losing — je näher die Wahl kommt or rückt, desto mehr sieht es danach aus, dass sie verlieren werden __diams; to be near at hand zur Hand sein; (shops) in der Nähe sein; (help) ganz nahe sein; (event) unmittelbar bevorstehen
2) = closely, accurately genauas near as I can tell —
(that's) near enough — so gehts ungefähr, das haut so ungefähr hin (inf)
... no, but near enough —... nein, aber es ist nicht weit davon entfernt
4)it's nowhere near enough — das ist bei Weitem nicht genugwe're not any nearer (to) solving the problem — wir sind der Lösung des Problems kein bisschen näher gekommen
we're nowhere or not anywhere near finishing the book —
you are nowhere or not anywhere near the truth — das ist weit gefehlt, du bist weit von der Wahrheit entfernt
he is nowhere or not anywhere near as clever as you — er ist lange or bei Weitem nicht so klug wie du
2. PREPOSITION(also ADV: near to)1) = close to position nahe an (+dat), nahe (+dat); (with motion) nahe an (+acc); (= in the vicinity of) in der Nähe von or +gen; (with motion) in die Nähe von or +genmove the chair near/nearer (to) the table — rücken Sie den Stuhl an den/näher an den Tisch
to get near/nearer (to) sb/sth — nahe/näher an jdn/etw herankommen
to stand near/nearer (to) the table — nahe/näher am Tisch stehen
he won't go near anything illegal —
near here/there — hier/dort in der Nähe
near (to) where I had seen him — nahe der Stelle, wo ich ihn gesehen hatte
to be nearest to sth — einer Sache (dat) am nächsten sein
take the chair nearest (to) you/the table — nehmen Sie den Stuhl direkt neben Ihnen/dem Tisch
that's nearer it —
the adaptation is very near (to) the original — die Bearbeitung hält sich eng ans Original
to be near (to) sb's heart or sb — jdm am Herzen liegen
to be near (to) the knuckle or bone (joke) — gewagt sein; (remark) hart an der Grenze sein
2) = close in time with time stipulated gegennear (to) the appointed time — um die ausgemachte Zeit herum
come back nearer (to) 3 o'clock —
to be nearer/nearest (to) sth — einer Sache (dat) zeitlich näher liegen/am nächsten liegen
near (to) the end of my stay/the play/the book — gegen Ende meines Aufenthalts/des Stücks/des Buchs
as it drew near/nearer (to) his departure — als seine Abreise heranrückte/näher heranrückte
3)= on the point of
to be near (to) doing sth — nahe daran sein, etw zu tunto be near (to) tears/despair etc — den Tränen/der Verzweiflung etc nahe sein
she was near (to) laughing out loud — sie hätte beinahe laut gelacht
the project is near/nearer (to) completion —
he came near to ruining his chances — er hätte sich seine Chancen beinahe verdorben, es hätte nicht viel gefehlt, und er hätte sich seine Chancen verdorben
we were near to being drowned — wir waren dem Ertrinken nahe, wir wären beinahe ertrunken
4) = similar to ähnlich (+dat)German is nearer (to) Dutch than English is — Deutsch ist dem Holländischen ähnlicher als Englisch
it's the same thing or near it —
nobody comes anywhere near him at swimming (inf) — im Schwimmen kann es niemand mit ihm aufnehmen (inf)
3. ADJECTIVE1) = close in space or time naheto be near (person, object) — in der Nähe sein; (danger, end, help) nahe sein; (event, departure, festival) bevorstehen
to be very near — ganz in der Nähe sein; (in time) nahe or unmittelbar bevorstehen; (danger etc) ganz nahe sein
to be nearer/nearest — näher/am nächsten sein; (event etc) zeitlich näher/am nächsten liegen
it looks very near —
his answer was nearer than mine/nearest — seine Antwort traf eher zu als meine/traf die Sachlage am ehesten
when death is so near — wenn man dem Tod nahe ist
these events are still very near —
the hour is near (when...) (old) her hour was near (old) — die Stunde ist nahe(, da...) (old) ihre Stunde war nahe (old)
a near disaster/accident — beinahe or fast ein Unglück nt/ein Unfall m
his nearest rival — sein schärfster Rivale, seine schärfste Rivalin
to be in a state of near collapse/hysteria — am Rande eines Zusammenbruchs/der Hysterie sein
£50 or nearest offer (Comm) — Verhandlungsbasis £ 50
we'll sell it for £50, or nearest offer — wir verkaufen es für £ 50 oder das nächstbeste Angebot
this is the nearest translation you'll get — besser kann man es kaum übersetzen, diese Übersetzung trifft es noch am ehesten
that's the nearest thing you'll get to a compliment/an answer — ein besseres Kompliment/eine bessere Antwort kannst du kaum erwarten
4. TRANSITIVE VERBsich nähern (+dat)to be nearing sth (fig) — auf etw (acc) zugehen
5. INTRANSITIVE VERB(time, event) näher rückenthe time is nearing when... — die Zeit rückt näher, da...
* * *near [nıə(r)]A adv1. nahe, (ganz) in der Nähe, dicht dabei2. nahe (bevorstehend) (Zeitpunkt, Ereignis etc)3. nahe (heran), näher:4. nahezu, beinahe, fast:£1,000 is not anywhere near enough 1000 Pfund sind bei Weitem nicht genug oder sind auch nicht annähernd genug;not anywhere near as bad as nicht annähernd so schlecht wie, bei Weitem nicht so schlecht wie5. obs sparsam:6. fig eng (verwandt, befreundet etc)1. nahe (gelegen), in der Nähe:the nearest place der nächstgelegene Ort2. kurz, nahe:the nearest way der kürzeste Weg3. nahe (Zeitpunkt, Ereignis etc):4. nahe (verwandt):the nearest relations die nächsten Verwandten5. eng (befreundet oder vertraut):a near friend ein guter oder enger Freund;my nearest and dearest friend mein bester Freund;my nearest and dearest meine Lieben6. knapp:we had a near escape wir sind mit knapper Not entkommen;a) knapp danebengehen (Schuss etc),b) fig knapp scheitern;7. genau, wörtlich, wortgetreu (Übersetzung etc)8. umg knaus(e)rigC präpnear sb in jemandes Nähe;a house near the station ein Haus in Bahnhofsnähe;get near the end of one’s career sich dem Ende seiner Laufbahn nähern;near completion der Vollendung nahe, nahezu fertiggestellt;a) nicht weit von hier,b) hier in der Nähe;his opinion is very near my own wir sind fast der gleichen Meinung;2. (zeitlich) nahe, nicht weit vonD v/t & v/i sich nähern, näher kommen (dat):a) → A 1,a) sich ungefähr belaufen auf (akk),b) einer Sache sehr nahe oder fast gleichkommen, fast etwas sein she came near to tears sie war den Tränen nahe, sie hätte fast geweint;* * *1. adverb1) (at a short distance) nah[e]stand/live [quite] near — [ganz] in der Nähe stehen/wohnen
come or draw near/nearer — [Tag, Zeitpunkt:] nahen/näherrücken
near at hand — in Reichweite (Dat.); [Ort] ganz in der Nähe
be near at hand — [Ereignis:] nahe bevorstehen
2) (closely)2. prepositionnear to = 2 a, b, c; we were near to being drowned — wir wären fast od. beinah[e] ertrunken
1) (in space) (position) nahe an/bei (+ Dat.); (motion) nahe an (+ Akk.); (fig.) nahe (geh.) nachgestellt (+ Dat.); in der Nähe (+ Gen.)keep near me — halte dich od. bleib in meiner Nähe
near where... — in der Nähe od. unweit der Stelle (Gen.), wo...
don't stand so near the fire — geh nicht so nahe od. dicht an das Feuer
wait till we're nearer home — warte, bis wir nicht mehr so weit von zu Hause weg sind
the man near/nearest you — der Mann, der bei dir/der dir am nächsten steht
2) (in quality)3) (in time)ask me again nearer the time — frag mich, wenn der Zeitpunkt etwas näher gerückt ist, noch einmal
near the end/the beginning of something — gegen Ende/zu Anfang einer Sache (Gen.)
4) in comb. Beinahe[unfall, -zusammenstoß, -katastrophe]3. adjectivea near-miracle — fast od. beinahe ein Wunder
1) (in space or time) nahe2) (closely related) nahe [Verwandte]; eng [Freund]3) (in nature) fast richtig [Vermutung]; groß [Ähnlichkeit]£30 or near/nearest offer — 30 Pfund oder nächstbestes Angebot
be a near miss — [Schuss, Wurf:] knapp danebengehen
that was a near miss — (escape) das war aber knapp!
4)the near side — (Brit.) (travelling on the left/right) die linke/rechte Seite
5) (direct)4. transitive verbsich nähern (+ Dat.)* * *adj.nah adj. prep.nächst präp. -
5 hover
hover ['hɒvə(r)](a) (in air → smoke) stagner; (→ balloon, scent) flotter; (→ insects) voltiger; (→ helicopter, hummingbird) faire du surplace;∎ bees hovered around the roses des abeilles voltigeaient autour des roses∎ a waitress was hovering near our table une serveuse tournait autour de notre table;∎ I don't like him hovering over me je n'aime pas qu'il soit sur mon dos;∎ it's no use hovering over the phone like that ce n'est pas la peine de guetter la sonnerie du téléphone comme ça;∎ she was hovering between life and death elle restait suspendue entre la vie et la mort;∎ don't just hover in the background ne reste pas dans ton coin(c) (hesitate) hésiter;∎ his finger hovered over the button son doigt hésita à appuyer sur le bouton;∎ I'm hovering between the two possible options j'hésite entre les deux options possibles;∎ he seemed to be hovering on the brink of saying something il semblait hésiter à dire quelque chose2 nounaéroglisseur m∎ (move about near) to hover around sb errer ou rôder autour de qn;∎ prices are hovering around the £3.50 mark les prix oscillent autour de 3 livres 50(move about nearby) tourner -
6 hacia
prep.1 toward.hacia aquí/allí this/that wayhacia abajo downwardshacia arriba upwardhacia adelante forwardhacia atrás backwardhacia la izquierda/derecha to the left/right2 around, about (time).hacia las diez around o about ten o'clockempezó a perder la vista hacia los sesenta años he started to lose his sight at around the age of sixtyhacia finales de año toward the end of the yearHacia la medianoche.. Around midnight....3 toward (sentimiento).siente hostilidad hacia las reformas he is hostile toward the reforms4 toward (tendencia).un paso más hacia la guerra civil a further step toward civil war* * *1 (dirección) towards, to2 (tiempo) at about, at around\hacia abajo downward(s), downhacia acá this wayhacia adelante forward(s)hacia allá that wayhacia atrás backward(s), backhacia casa home, homeward, towards home* * *prep.1) towards, toward2) near, about•- hacia adelante* * *PREP1) [indicando dirección] towards, in the direction ofeso está más hacia el este — that's further (over) to the east, that's more in an easterly direction
vamos hacia allá — let's go in that direction, let's go over that way
¿hacia dónde vamos? — where are we going?
hacia abajo — down, downwards
hacia arriba — up, upwards
2) [con expresiones temporales] about, nearhacia las cinco — about five, around five
hacia mediodía — about noon, around noon
3) (=ante) towards* * *a) ( indicando dirección) toward, towards[el inglés norteamericano prefiere la forma toward mientras que el inglés británico prefiere la forma towards]hacia el sur — southward(s), toward(s) the south
¿hacia dónde tenemos que ir? — which way do we have to go?
empujar hacia arriba/atrás — to push upward(s)/backward(s)
b) ( indicando aproximación) toward(s)llegaremos hacia las dos — we'll arrive towards o at around two
c) ( con respecto a) toward(s)su actitud hacia mí — his attitude toward(s) o to me
* * *= in the direction of, into, toward(s).Ex. Efforts are being made in the direction of an international consensus on the definition and treatment of corporate authorship.Ex. And thirdly and most importantly, I am concerned about some movements which I think symptomatize ideological deterioration and would have us, as someone put it, march boldly backwards into the future.Ex. An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.----* dar un paso hacia delante = step up.* de dentro hacia fuera = inside outwards.* de miras hacia el exterior = outward looking.* de miras hacia fuera = outwardly.* desde hace mucho tiempo = for a long time.* desplazar hacia la derecha = inset.* desplazarse hacia arriba = move up.* desplazarse hacia atrás = draw back, move + backwards.* directamente hacia el este = due east.* directamente hacia el norte = due north.* directamente hacia el oeste = due west.* directamente hacia el sur = due south.* enumerar hacia atrás = list + backwards.* enumerar hacia delante = list + forwards.* hacia abajo = downward.* hacia adelante = onward(s), straight ahead, straight on.* hacia adelante y hacia atrás = to and fro.* hacia arriba = upwards, upward.* hacia arriba y hacia abajo = up and down, up and down.* hacia atrás = backwards, backward(s).* hacia dentro = inward.* ¿hacia dónde se dirige(n)...? = whither?.* ¿hacia dónde va(n)...? = whither?, whither?.* hacia el centro de la ciudad = townward.* hacia el este = eastward(s), eastbound.* hacia el frente = ahead.* hacia el futuro = onward(s).* hacia el interior y el exterior de = in and out of.* hacia el norte = northbound.* hacia el oeste = westward(s), westbound.* hacia el sur = southward(s), southbound.* hacia finales del + Siglo = later + Siglo, the.* hacia fuera = outwards.* hacia la izquierda = leftwards, leftward.* hacia la proa = abaft.* hacia proa = abaft.* hacia un lado(s) = sideways.* inclinarse hacia delante = tip forward.* mirando hacia atrás = in retrospect.* moverse hacia atrás y hacia delante = move back and forth, move back and forth.* tambalearse hacia delante y hacia atrás = wobble back and forth, wobble back and forth.* tecla de desplazamiento hacia abajo = ↓ (Down) key, down arrow key.* tecla de desplazamiento hacia arriba = ↑ (up) key, up arrow key.* viajar hacia atrás en el tiempo = travel back in + time.* * *a) ( indicando dirección) toward, towards[el inglés norteamericano prefiere la forma toward mientras que el inglés británico prefiere la forma towards]hacia el sur — southward(s), toward(s) the south
¿hacia dónde tenemos que ir? — which way do we have to go?
empujar hacia arriba/atrás — to push upward(s)/backward(s)
b) ( indicando aproximación) toward(s)llegaremos hacia las dos — we'll arrive towards o at around two
c) ( con respecto a) toward(s)su actitud hacia mí — his attitude toward(s) o to me
* * *= in the direction of, into, toward(s).Ex: Efforts are being made in the direction of an international consensus on the definition and treatment of corporate authorship.
Ex: And thirdly and most importantly, I am concerned about some movements which I think symptomatize ideological deterioration and would have us, as someone put it, march boldly backwards into the future.Ex: An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.* dar un paso hacia delante = step up.* de dentro hacia fuera = inside outwards.* de miras hacia el exterior = outward looking.* de miras hacia fuera = outwardly.* desde hace mucho tiempo = for a long time.* desplazar hacia la derecha = inset.* desplazarse hacia arriba = move up.* desplazarse hacia atrás = draw back, move + backwards.* directamente hacia el este = due east.* directamente hacia el norte = due north.* directamente hacia el oeste = due west.* directamente hacia el sur = due south.* enumerar hacia atrás = list + backwards.* enumerar hacia delante = list + forwards.* hacia abajo = downward.* hacia adelante = onward(s), straight ahead, straight on.* hacia adelante y hacia atrás = to and fro.* hacia arriba = upwards, upward.* hacia arriba y hacia abajo = up and down, up and down.* hacia atrás = backwards, backward(s).* hacia dentro = inward.* ¿hacia dónde se dirige(n)...? = whither?.* ¿hacia dónde va(n)...? = whither?, whither?.* hacia el centro de la ciudad = townward.* hacia el este = eastward(s), eastbound.* hacia el frente = ahead.* hacia el futuro = onward(s).* hacia el interior y el exterior de = in and out of.* hacia el norte = northbound.* hacia el oeste = westward(s), westbound.* hacia el sur = southward(s), southbound.* hacia finales del + Siglo = later + Siglo, the.* hacia fuera = outwards.* hacia la izquierda = leftwards, leftward.* hacia la proa = abaft.* hacia proa = abaft.* hacia un lado(s) = sideways.* inclinarse hacia delante = tip forward.* mirando hacia atrás = in retrospect.* moverse hacia atrás y hacia delante = move back and forth, move back and forth.* tambalearse hacia delante y hacia atrás = wobble back and forth, wobble back and forth.* tecla de desplazamiento hacia abajo = ↓ (Down) key, down arrow key.* tecla de desplazamiento hacia arriba = ↑ (up) key, up arrow key.* viajar hacia atrás en el tiempo = travel back in + time.* * *1(indicando dirección) toward, towards [ el inglés norteamericano prefiere la forma,etc] se dirigían hacia el sur they were heading south o southward(s) o toward(s) the southla puerta se abre hacia adentro the door opens inward(s)el país avanza hacia la democracia the country is moving toward(s) democracyla fuga de capitales hacia el exterior the flight of capital abroadel centro queda hacia allá the center is (over) that way¿hacia dónde tenemos que ir? which way do we have to go?un movimiento hacia arriba/atrás an upward/backward movementempujar hacia arriba/atrás to push upward(s)/backward(s)2(indicando aproximación) toward(s) [ ver nota en la sección a] hacia finales de siglo/el final del primer acto toward(s) the end of the century/of the first acthacia el límite con el Brasil toward(s) the Brazilian borderllegaremos hacia las dos we'll arrive (at) about twoesto sucedió hacia las nueve de la mañana this occurred at approximately o toward(s) nine in the morning3 (con respecto a) toward(s)su actitud hacia mí his attitude toward(s) o to me* * *
Del verbo hacer: ( conjugate hacer)
hacía es:
1ª persona singular (yo) imperfecto indicativo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperfecto indicativo
Multiple Entries:
hacer ( conjugate hacer) verbo transitivo
‹casa/carretera› to build;
‹ nido› to build, make;
‹ túnel› to make, dig;
‹dibujo/plano› to do, draw;
‹ lista› to make, draw up;
‹ resumen› to do, make;
‹ película› to make;
‹nudo/lazo› to tie;
‹pan/pastel› to make, bake;
‹vino/café/tortilla› to make;
‹ cerveza› to make, brew;
hacen buena pareja they make a lovely couple
estos zapatos me hacen daño these shoes hurt my feet
‹ milagro› to work, perform;
‹deberes/ejercicios/limpieza› to do;
‹ mandado› to run;
‹transacción/investigación› to carry out;
‹ experimento› to do, perform;
‹ entrevista› to conduct;
‹gira/viaje› to do;
‹ regalo› to give;
‹ favor› to do;
‹ trato› to make;
aún queda mucho por hacia there is still a lot (left) to do;
dar que hacia to make a lot of work
3 (formular, expresar) ‹declaración/promesa/oferta› to make;
‹proyecto/plan› to make, draw up;
‹crítica/comentario› to make, voice;
‹ pregunta› to ask;
◊ hacia caca (fam) to do a poop (AmE) o (BrE) a pooh (colloq);
hacia pis or pipí (fam) to have a pee (colloq);
hacia sus necesidades (euf) to go to the bathroom o toilet (euph)
◊ las vacas hacen `mu' cows go `moo'
5 ( adquirir) ‹dinero/fortuna› to make;
‹ amigo› to make
6 (preparar, arreglar) ‹ cama› to make;
‹ maleta› to pack;◊ hice el pescado al horno I did o cooked the fish in the oven;
tengo que hacia la comida I must make lunch;
ver tb comida b
7 ( recorrer) ‹trayecto/distancia› to do, cover
8 (en cálculos, enumeraciones):◊ son 180 … y 320 hacen 500 that's 180 … and 320 is o makes 500
¿hacemos algo esta noche? shall we do something tonight?;
hacia ejercicio to do (some) exercise;
¿hace algún deporte? do you play o do any sports?;
See Also→ amor 1b
◊ ¿qué hace tu padre? what does your father do?
2 (realizar cierta acción, actuar de cierta manera) to do;◊ ¡eso no se hace! you shouldn't do that!;
¡qué le vamos a hacia! what can you o (frml) one do?;
toca bien el piano — antes lo hacía mejor she plays the piano well — she used to play better;
haciala buena (fam): ¡ahora sí que la hice! now I've really done it!;
See Also→ tonto sustantivo masculino, femenino
1 (transformar en, volver) to make;
hizo pedazos la carta she tore the letter into tiny pieces;
ese vestido te hace más delgada that dress makes you look thinner;
hacia algo de algo to turn sth into sth;
quiero hacia de ti un gran actor I want to make a great actor of you
2a) (obligar a, ser causa de que)
me hizo abrirla he made me open it;
me hizo llorar it made me cry;
hágalo pasar tell him to come in;
me hizo esperar tres horas she kept me waiting for three hours;
hacia que algo/algn haga algo to make sth/sb do sthb)◊ hacer hacer algo to have o get sth done/made;
hice acortar las cortinas I had o got the curtains shortened
verbo intransitivo
1 (obrar, actuar):◊ déjame hacia a mí just let me handle this o take care of this;
¿cómo se hace para que te den la beca? what do you have to do to get the scholarship?;
hiciste bien en decírmelo you did o were right to tell me;
haces mal en mentir it's wrong of you to lie
2 (fingir, simular):
haz como si no lo conocieras act as if o pretend you don't know him
3 ( servir):◊ esta sábana hará de toldo this sheet will do for o as an awning;
la escuela hizo de hospital the school served as o was used as a hospital
4 ( interpretar personaje) hacia de algo/algn to play (the part of) sth/sb
(+ compl) ( sentar):
(+ me/te/le etc)
la trucha me hizo mal (AmL) the trout didn't agree with me
hacia v impers
1 ( refiriéndose al tiempo atmosférico):◊ hace frío/sol it's cold/sunny;
hace tres grados it's three degrees;
(nos) hizo un tiempo espantoso the weather was terrible
2 ( expresando tiempo transcurrido):
hace mucho que lo conozco I've known him for a long time;
hacía años que no lo veía I hadn't seen him for o in years;
¿cuánto hace que se fue? how long ago did she leave?;
hace poco/un año a short time/a year ago;
hasta hace poco until recently
hacerse verbo pronominal
1 ( producirse) (+ me/te/le etc):
se le hizo una ampolla she got a blister;
hacérsele algo a algn (Méx): por fin se le hizo ganar el premio she finally got to win the award
se hizo la cirugía estética she had plastic surgery
3 ( causarse):◊ ¿qué te hiciste en el brazo? what did you do to your arm?;
¿te hiciste daño? did you hurt yourself?
4 ( refiriéndose a necesidades fisiológicas):◊ todavía se hace pis/caca (fam) she still wets/messes herself
5 ( refl) ( adquirir) to make;
se están haciendo viejos they are getting o growing oldb) ( resultar):
(+ me/te/le etc)
se me hace difícil creerlo I find it very hard to believec) ( impers):
se está haciendo tarde it's getting late
e) (AmL) ( pasarle a):◊ ¿qué se habrá hecho María? what can have happened to María?
2 ( acostumbrarse) haciase a algo to get used to sth
3 ( fingirse):
¿es bobo o se (lo) hace? (fam) is he stupid or just a good actor? (colloq);
haciase pasar por algn (por periodista, doctor) to pass oneself off as sb
4 ( moverse) (+ compl) to move;
( de amigos) to make
hacia preposición
hacia adelante forward(s);
hacia adentro/arriba inward(s)/upward(s);
el centro queda hacia allá the center is (over) that way;
¿hacia dónde tenemos que ir? which way do we have to go?
◊ llegaremos hacia las dos we'll arrive toward(s) o at around two
◊ su actitud hacia mí his attitude toward(s) o to me
I verbo transitivo
1 (crear, fabricar, construir) to make
hacer un jersey, to make a sweater
hacer un puente, to build a bridge
2 (una acción) to do: eso no se hace, it isn't done
haz lo que quieras, do what you want
¿qué estás haciendo?, (en este momento) what are you doing?
(para vivir) what do you do (for a living)?
hace atletismo, he does athletics
hacer una carrera/ medicina, to do a degree/ medicine
3 (amigos, dinero) to make
4 (obligar, forzar) to make: hazle entrar en razón, make him see reason
5 (causar, provocar) to make: ese hombre me hace reír, that man makes me laugh
estos zapatos me hacen daño, these shoes are hurting me
no hagas llorar a tu hermana, don't make your sister cry
6 (arreglar) to make
hacer la cama, to make the bed
hacer la casa, to do the housework
7 Mat (sumar, dar como resultado) to make: y con éste hacen cincuenta, and that makes fifty
8 (producir una impresión) to make... look: ese vestido la hace mayor, that dress makes her look older
9 (en sustitución de otro verbo) to do: cuido mi jardín, me gusta hacerlo, I look after my garden, I like doing it
10 (representar) to play: Juan hizo un papel en Fuenteovejuna, Juan played a part in Fuenteovejuna
11 (actuar como) to play: no hagas el tonto, don't play the fool
12 (suponer) te hacía en casa, I thought you were at home
II verbo intransitivo
1 (en el teatro, etc) to play: hizo de Electra, she played Electra
2 ( hacer por + infinitivo) to try to: hice por ayudar, I tried to help
3 (simular) to pretend: hice como si no lo conociera, I acted as if I didn't know him
4 fam (venir bien, convenir) to be suitable: si te hace, nos vamos a verle mañana, if it's all right for you, we'll visit him tomorrow
III verbo impersonal
1 (tiempo transcurrido) ago: hace mucho (tiempo), a long time ago
hace tres semanas que no veo la televisión, I haven't watched TV for three weeks
hace tres años que comenzaron las obras, the building works started three years ago
2 (condición atmosférica) hacía mucho frío, it was very cold
¿To make o to do?
El significado básico del verbo to make es construir, fabricar algo juntando los componentes (aquí hacen unos pasteles maravillosos, they make marvellous cakes here), obligar (hazle callar, make him shut up) o convertir: Te hará más fuerte. It'll make you stronger. También se emplea en expresiones compuestas por palabras tales como dinero ( money), ruido ( a noise), cama ( the bed), esfuerzo ( an effort), promesa ( a promise), c omentario ( a comment), amor ( love), guerra ( war).
El significado del verbo to do es cumplir o ejecutar una tarea o actividad, especialmente tratándose de los deportes y las tareas domésticas: Hago mis deberes por la noche. I do my homework in the evening. ¿Quién hace la plancha en tu casa? Who does the ironing in your house? También se emplea con palabras tales como deber ( duty), deportes ( sports), examen ( an exam), favor ( a favour), sumas ( sums).
hacia preposición
1 (en dirección a) towards, to
hacia abajo, down, downwards
hacia adelante, forwards
hacia arriba, up, upwards
hacia atrás, back, backwards
2 (en torno a) at about, at around: estaré allí hacia las cinco, I'll be there at about five o'clock
' hacia' also found in these entries:
- abalanzarse
- aire
- añales
- animadversión
- arriba
- atrás
- calor
- contingente
- correrse
- delante
- derivar
- descender
- desprecio
- dirigir
- dirigirse
- empañar
- empujar
- encaminarse
- enfilar
- fogosidad
- frente
- fuera
- hacer
- infundio
- invencible
- llevar
- malsana
- malsano
- monetaria
- monetario
- orientar
- orientarse
- proyectar
- que
- recta
- recto
- retroceder
- saber
- siglo
- sobre
- subir
- sur
- tambalearse
- tirar
- volver
- volverse
- abatible
- adelante
- boca
- aim
- antagonism
- antipathy
- ashore
- at
- back
- backward
- backwards
- beat down
- beeline
- bent
- bias
- boost
- care for
- come forward
- cool
- crowd
- cruelty
- curve
- deflect
- disdain
- dislike
- dispose
- disregard
- doubtless
- down
- downstairs
- downward
- downwards
- due
- East
- eastward
- eastwards
- extend
- face
- facing
- fast forward
- flash
- flippant
- floodlight
- for
- forward
- glance down
- go
- guise
- head
- home in
- ill-disposed
- incline
* * *hacia prep1. [dirección] towards;hacia aquí/allí this/that way;hacia abajo downwards;hacia arriba upwards;hacia adelante forwards;hacia atrás backwards;hacia la izquierda/derecha to the left/right;viajar hacia el norte to travel north;hacia el norte del país towards the north of the country;miró hacia el otro lado she looked the other way;muévete hacia un lado move to one side2. [tiempo] around, about;hacia las diez around o about ten o'clock;empezó a perder la vista hacia los sesenta años he started to lose his sight at around the age of sixty;hacia finales de año towards the end of the year3. [sentimiento] towards;siente hostilidad hacia las reformas he is hostile towards the reforms;su actitud hacia el trabajo es muy seria she has a very serious attitude towards her work, she takes her work very seriously4. [tendencia] towards;este año se marcha hacia una cosecha excepcional we are heading for a bumper crop this year;un paso más hacia la guerra civil a further step towards civil war* * *prphacia adelante forward;hacia abajo down;hacia arriba up;hacia atrás back(ward);hacia aquí in this direction, this way:hacia las cuatro about four (o’clock)* * *hacia prep1) : toward, towardshacia abajo: downwardhacia adelante: forward2) : near, around, abouthacia las seis: about six o'clock* * *hacia prep1. (dirección) towards2. (tiempo) at about -
7 allá
► adverbio1 (lugar) there, over there2 (tiempo) back\allá se las componga that's his problemallá tú/vosotros that's your problemno muy allá not very good* * *adv.there, over there- más allá* * *ADV1) [indicando posición] there, over there; [dirección] (over) thereallá en Sevilla — down in Seville, over in Seville
allá lejos — way off in the distance, away over there
más allá — further away, further overno sabe contar más allá de diez — she can't count above ten, she can't count beyond ten
por allá — thereabouts•
vamos allá — let's go there¡allá voy! — I'm coming!
no está muy allá — [de salud] he isn't very well
2)allá tú — that's up to you, that's your problem
¡allá él! — that's his lookout! *, that's his problem!
3) [indicando tiempo]allá en 1600 — back in 1600, way back in 1600, as long ago as 1600
* * *1)a) ( en el espacio)allá voy! — here I come/go!
b) (en locs)más allá de — ( más lejos que) beyond; ( aparte de) over and above
allá tú/él — that's your/his lookout o problem (colloq)
no estar muy allá — (Esp fam)
no está muy allá — it's nothing to write home about (colloq)
2) ( en el tiempo)* * *= thither, there.Ex. 'Hither, thither, and yon: process in putting courses on the Web' is an article included in an issue devoted to the theme: Technical communication, distance learning, and the World Wide Web.Ex. There he became involved in cataloging problems and participated in their public discussion.----* ¡allá voy! = here I come!.* aparecer aquí y allá en = intersperse.* aquí y allá = here and there, odd.* correr de acá para allá = rush around.* correr de aquí para allá = rush around, run + here and there.* de acá para allá = back and forth, to and fro.* de aquí para allá = back and forth.* de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá = about this and that and everything else.* el más allá = hereafter.* en el más allá = dead and gone.* ir de aquí a allá = go out and about.* ir de aquí para allá = jump, live out of + a suitcase, run + here and there.* ir de aquí para allá sin rumbo fijo = freewheel.* ir más allá = go + one stage further.* ir más allá de = go beyond, go + deeper than, transcend, get beyond, go far beyond, move + beyond, take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther, go + past.* ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.* más allá = further than, farther, yonder, beyond that.* más allá de = beyond, beyond all, past, beyond the range of.* más allá de eso = beyond that.* más allá de ninguna duda = beyond doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt.* más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.* más allá, el = afterlife [after-life], land of the dead, the.* moverse de aquí para allá = move about.* que toca aquí y allá = wandering.* y más allá = and beyond.* * *1)a) ( en el espacio)allá voy! — here I come/go!
b) (en locs)más allá de — ( más lejos que) beyond; ( aparte de) over and above
allá tú/él — that's your/his lookout o problem (colloq)
no estar muy allá — (Esp fam)
no está muy allá — it's nothing to write home about (colloq)
2) ( en el tiempo)* * *= thither, there.Ex: 'Hither, thither, and yon: process in putting courses on the Web' is an article included in an issue devoted to the theme: Technical communication, distance learning, and the World Wide Web.
Ex: There he became involved in cataloging problems and participated in their public discussion.* ¡allá voy! = here I come!.* aparecer aquí y allá en = intersperse.* aquí y allá = here and there, odd.* correr de acá para allá = rush around.* correr de aquí para allá = rush around, run + here and there.* de acá para allá = back and forth, to and fro.* de aquí para allá = back and forth.* de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá = about this and that and everything else.* el más allá = hereafter.* en el más allá = dead and gone.* ir de aquí a allá = go out and about.* ir de aquí para allá = jump, live out of + a suitcase, run + here and there.* ir de aquí para allá sin rumbo fijo = freewheel.* ir más allá = go + one stage further.* ir más allá de = go beyond, go + deeper than, transcend, get beyond, go far beyond, move + beyond, take + Nombre + a/one step further/farther, go + past.* ir poco más allá de + Infinitivo = go little further than + Gerundio.* más allá = further than, farther, yonder, beyond that.* más allá de = beyond, beyond all, past, beyond the range of.* más allá de eso = beyond that.* más allá de ninguna duda = beyond doubt, beyond doubt, beyond any doubt.* más allá de toda duda = beyond doubt, beyond any doubt, without a shadow of a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt.* más allá, el = afterlife [after-life], land of the dead, the.* moverse de aquí para allá = move about.* que toca aquí y allá = wandering.* y más allá = and beyond.* * *A1(en el espacio): ya vamos para allá we're on our way (over)allá en América over in Americaestán muy allá they're a long way off o awaylo pusiste tan allá que no alcanzo you've put it so far away I can't reach itallá va tu hermana there goes o there's your sister¡allá voy! here I come/go!2 ( en locs):más allá further awayponte más allá move further over that way o further awaymás allá de nuestras fronteras beyond our frontierssu importancia va más allá de las consideraciones de orden económico its significance goes beyond economic considerationsmás allá del peligro que encierra over and above the danger which it entailssiguió protestando, que si esto, que si lo otro, que si el más allá he went on and on, complaining about one thing and anotherallá se las componga ella con sus problemas she can sort out her own problemsmuy allá ( fam): no está muy allá it isn't up to much ( colloq), it's nothing to write home about ( colloq)no está muy allá con su familia she isn't getting on too well with her familyB(en el tiempo): allá por los años 40 back in the fortiessucedió allá por el año 1395 it happened back in the year 1395allá para enero quizás podamos mudarnos we might be able to move around January* * *
allá adverbio
1a) ( en el espacio):
allá en América over in America;
lo pusiste muy allá you've put it too far away;
¡allá voy! here I come/go!b) ( en locs)
más allá de ( más lejos que) beyond;
( aparte de) over and above;◊ allá tú/él that's your/his lookout o problem (colloq)
2 ( en el tiempo):
allá para enero sometime in January
allá adverbio
1 (lugar alejado) there, over there
allá abajo, down there
allá arriba, up there
¡allá va!, there he goes!
más allá, further on
más allá de, beyond
el más allá, afterlife
2 (tiempo remoto o indefinido) allá por los años cuarenta, back in the forties
♦ Locuciones: allá él, that's his problem
' allá' also found in these entries:
- correrse
- danzar
- dogmatismo
- fuera
- mal
- paja
- permisible
- acá
- aquello
- coincidencia
- desde
- echar
- hacia
- interior
- ir
- más
- tras
- trascender
- back
- beyond
- everyplace
- fleck
- funeral
- hereafter
- normal
- past
- roll about
- roll around
- rush around
- there
- to
- up
- way
- above
- bustle
- down
- here
- on
- rush
- transcend
- yonder
* * *allá adv1. [indica espacio] over there;aquí no hay espacio para esos libros, ponlos allá there's no room for these books here, put them over there;no te pongas tan allá, que no te oigo don't stand so far away, I can't hear you;allá abajo/arriba down/up there;allá donde sea posible wherever possible;allá lejos right back there;allá en tu pueblo se come muy bien they eat well back in your home town;hacerse allá to move over o along;hacia allá that way, in that direction;más allá further on;no dejes el vaso tan cerca del borde, ponlo más allá don't leave the glass so near the edge, move it in a bit;los trenes son un desastre, sin ir más allá, ayer estuve esperando dos horas trains are hopeless, you don't need to look far to find an example, only yesterday I had to wait for two hours;más allá de beyond;no vayas más allá de la verja don't go beyond the gate;no se veía más allá de unos pocos metros visibility was down to a few metres;voy para allá mañana I'm going there tomorrow;échate para allá move over;por allá over there, thereaboutsallá para el mes de agosto around August some time3. [en frases]allá él/ella that's his/her problem;allá tú, allá te las compongas that's your problem;allá se las arreglen ellos that's their problem, that's for them to worry about;allá cada cual each person will have to decide for themselves;allá tú con lo que haces it's up to you what you do;los negocios no andan muy allá business is rather slow at the moment;no ser muy allá to be nothing special;hoy no estoy muy allá I'm not quite myself today;¡allá voy! here I go o come!;¿estamos todos listos? ¡vamos allá! is everybody ready? then let's begin!;¡vamos allá, tú puedes! go for it o go on, you can do it!* * *adv1 de lugar (over) there;allá abajo down there;allá arriba up there;más allá further on;más allá de beyond;muy allá a long way off;el más allá the hereafter;¡allá voy! here I come!2 de tiempo:allá por los años veinte back in the twenties3 fam:allá él/ella that’s up to him/her;allá se las arregle that’s his problem* * *allá adv1) : there, over there2)más allá : farther away3)más allá de : beyond4)allá tú : that's up to you* * *allá adv1. (lugar) there / over there2. (tiempo) back -
8 aquí
adv.here, right here, over here, in here.* * *► adverbio1 (lugar) here2 (tiempo) now\de aquí para allá back and forth, to and frode aquí (que) hencehasta aquí podíamos llegar figurado that's the end of it* * *adv.* * *ADV1) [en el espacio] hereaquí Pepe, aquí Manolo — this is Pepe and this is Manolo
andar de aquí para allá — to walk up and down o to and fro
hasta aquí — so far, thus far frm, as far as here
he aquí la razón — frm herein lies the reason frm
- hubo un lío de aquí te espero2) [en el tiempo]3)de aquí que — and so, that's why
* * *1) ( en el espacio) hereestá aquí dentro/arriba — it's in/up here
la tienda de aquí, de la esquina — the shop just here, on the corner
aquí Pepe, mi primo — this is my cousin Pepe
no soy de aquí — I'm not from these parts o from around here
dando vueltas de aquí para allá — going to and fro o from one place to another
he aquí el motivo del descontento — (liter) herein lies/lay the cause of their discontent (liter)
2) ( en el tiempo)* * *= around here, here, herein, round here, over here.Ex. And how in heaven's name will we get any work done around here if we have to worry about grievance hearings, to say nothing of the grievant being in the same building.Ex. Instead, the place of AACR in the historical development of cataloguing codes will be examined here.Ex. The ideas contained herein will be central issues for consideration in the foreseeable future.Ex. It was interesting, in view of the received opinion that 'We don't have many problems round here'.Ex. Eventually the situation should improve over here.----* aparecer aquí y allá en = intersperse.* a partir de aquí = hereupon.* aquí hay gato encerrado = there's more to it than meets the eye.* aquí mismo = right here.* aquí tiene(s) = here is/are.* aquí y allá = here and there, odd.* correr de aquí para allá = rush around, run + here and there.* de aquí para allá = back and forth.* de aquí te espero = tremendous, humongous [humungous], massive, enormous, gianormous.* estar aquí ya = be upon us.* haber pasado por aquí antes = have been down this road before.* hacer + Nombre + llegar hasta aquí = get + Nombre + this far.* hasta aquí = up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in, thus far, so far, this far.* hasta aquí de trabajo = up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in work.* ir de aquí a allá = go out and about.* ir de aquí para allá = jump, live out of + a suitcase, run + here and there.* ir de aquí para allá sin rumbo fijo = freewheel.* leer de aquí y allí = dip into.* llevar aquí + Expresión Temporal = have been around + Expresión Temporal.* moverse de aquí para allá = move about.* pasar por aquí = come by.* por aquí = around here, nearby [near-by], round here.* por aquí y por allí = hanging about.* que toca aquí y allá = wandering.* ven aquí = come over here.* venir aquí = come over.* * *1) ( en el espacio) hereestá aquí dentro/arriba — it's in/up here
la tienda de aquí, de la esquina — the shop just here, on the corner
aquí Pepe, mi primo — this is my cousin Pepe
no soy de aquí — I'm not from these parts o from around here
dando vueltas de aquí para allá — going to and fro o from one place to another
he aquí el motivo del descontento — (liter) herein lies/lay the cause of their discontent (liter)
2) ( en el tiempo)* * *= around here, here, herein, round here, over here.Ex: And how in heaven's name will we get any work done around here if we have to worry about grievance hearings, to say nothing of the grievant being in the same building.
Ex: Instead, the place of AACR in the historical development of cataloguing codes will be examined here.Ex: The ideas contained herein will be central issues for consideration in the foreseeable future.Ex: It was interesting, in view of the received opinion that 'We don't have many problems round here'.Ex: Eventually the situation should improve over here.* aparecer aquí y allá en = intersperse.* a partir de aquí = hereupon.* aquí hay gato encerrado = there's more to it than meets the eye.* aquí mismo = right here.* aquí tiene(s) = here is/are.* aquí y allá = here and there, odd.* correr de aquí para allá = rush around, run + here and there.* de aquí para allá = back and forth.* de aquí te espero = tremendous, humongous [humungous], massive, enormous, gianormous.* estar aquí ya = be upon us.* haber pasado por aquí antes = have been down this road before.* hacer + Nombre + llegar hasta aquí = get + Nombre + this far.* hasta aquí = up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in, thus far, so far, this far.* hasta aquí de trabajo = up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in work.* ir de aquí a allá = go out and about.* ir de aquí para allá = jump, live out of + a suitcase, run + here and there.* ir de aquí para allá sin rumbo fijo = freewheel.* leer de aquí y allí = dip into.* llevar aquí + Expresión Temporal = have been around + Expresión Temporal.* moverse de aquí para allá = move about.* pasar por aquí = come by.* por aquí = around here, nearby [near-by], round here.* por aquí y por allí = hanging about.* que toca aquí y allá = wandering.* ven aquí = come over here.* venir aquí = come over.* * *A (en el espacio) here¡ven aquí! come here!está aquí dentro/arriba it's in/up herevoy a la tienda de aquí, de la esquina I'm going to the shop just here, on the corneraquí el señor quería hablar con usted this gentleman (here) wanted to have a word with youMartín, aquí Pepe, mi primo Martín, this is my cousin Pepede aquí a la estación hay dos kilómetros it's two kilometers from here to the station¡Ernesto, tú por aquí! Ernesto, what are you doing here?no soy de aquí I'm not from these parts o from around herepase por aquí, por favor come this way, pleaseviven por aquí they live around hereestuvo todo el día dando vueltas de aquí para allá she spent the whole day going to and fro o going from one place to anotheraquí Madrid ( Rad) this is Madrid, Madrid callinglas reformas tienen que comenzar aquí y ahora the reforms must begin right here and nowde aquí a la luna or La Habana ( fam): éste es mucho mejor, de aquí a la luna this one's much better, there's no comparisoneras la más bonita de la clase, de aquí a La Habana you were far and away the prettiest girl in the classde aquí te espero ( Esp fam): había un atasco de aquí te espero there was a massive o an incredible traffic jamle pegaron una paliza de aquí te espero they beat the living daylights out of him ( colloq)B (en el tiempo) nowde aquí a 2015 from now until 2015, between now and 2015de aquí en adelante from now onde aquí a que termine van a pasar horas it'll take me hours to finish, I won't finish for hours* * *
aquí adverbio
1 ( en el espacio) here;
aquí mismo right here;
no soy de aquí I'm not from these parts o from around here;
pase por aquí come this way;
viven por aquí they live around here;
el agua me llegaba hasta aquí the water came up to here;
dando vueltas de aquí para allá going to and fro o from one place to another
2 ( en el tiempo):
de aquí en adelante from now on;
de aquí a un año a year from now
aquí adverbio
1 (lugar) here
aquí abajo/arriba, down/up here
aquí mismo, right here
aquí y allá, here and there
de aquí para allá, up and down, to and from
hasta aquí, this far
pasen por aquí, por favor, this way please
es de por aquí, he's from around here
2 (tiempo) de aquí a julio, between now and July
hasta aquí no hemos tenido problemas, up till now we have had no trouble
♦ Locuciones: ¡hasta aquí hemos llegado!, I've had enough of you!
' aquí' also found in these entries:
- absolutamente
- acercarse
- aclimatarse
- antecesor
- antecesora
- asomar
- aún
- batuta
- caer
- cañón
- cohibirse
- coordinador
- coordinadora
- córcholis
- danzar
- deber
- desde
- diana
- eh
- en seguida
- encajar
- engañarse
- enseguida
- escandalera
- esperar
- estar
- estropicio
- exabrupto
- gato
- hacer
- imaginarse
- inquietarse
- interfecta
- interfecto
- larga
- largo
- llevarse
- mal
- merodear
- modo
- mucha
- mucho
- ocurrir
- odisea
- operarse
- partir
- pasar
- pequeña
- pequeño
- abundance
- action
- any
- around
- assemble
- away
- boss
- bung
- cat
- cold
- come by
- compulsory
- control
- cosy
- countryside
- cozy
- do
- down
- erupt
- ever
- fancy
- far
- fill in
- flash
- fleck
- for
- forbid
- foreigner
- fork
- gear
- glad
- goodwill
- grisly
- gulley
- gully
- have
- he's
- hell
- hence
- here
- hop
- horrid
- in-house
- legal
- lie
- lodging
- mild
- minute
- must
* * *aquí adv1. [indica lugar] here;aquí abajo/arriba down/up here;aquí dentro/fuera in/out here;aquí mismo right here;aquí y ahora here and now;aquí y allá here and there;¡aquí tienes! [dando algo] here you are!;Famaquí Clara, una amiga this is my friend Clara;Famaquí el señor quería una cerveza this gentleman wanted a beer;los aquí presentes everyone here o present;¡fuera de aquí! go away!;¡ven aquí! come here!;era muy desordenado y dejaba las cosas aquí y allá he was very untidy and left things lying around all over the place;de aquí en adelante from here on;de aquí para allá [de un lado a otro] to and fro;va de aquí para allá sin tener destino fijo she travels around without really knowing where she's going;por aquí over here;vive por aquí she lives around here somewhere;vengan todos por aquí, por favor please all come this way;por aquí cerca nearby, not far from here;razón aquí [en letrero] enquire within;Famde aquí te espero: nos pilló una tormenta de aquí te espero we got caught in a mother of a storm;es un mentiroso de aquí te espero he tells lies like nobody's business, he's a liar through and through;se organizó un follón de aquí te espero all hell broke loose2. [ahora] now;de aquí a mañana between now and tomorrow;la traducción tiene que estar acabada de aquí a mañana the translation has to be ready by tomorrow;de aquí a poco shortly, soon;de aquí a un mes a month from now, in a month;de aquí en adelante from now on3. [en tiempo pasado]pasó a leer el manifiesto y aquí todo el mundo se calló he began reading the manifesto, at which point everyone went silent;aquí empezaron los problemas that was when the problems startedllegaba siempre tarde al trabajo, de aquí que lo hayan despedido he was always late for work, so they sacked him5. Am [más o menos]¿cómo estás? - aquí how are you? – so-so* * *advdesde aquí from here;por aquí here;¡ven aquí! come here!;ir de aquí para allá go backwards and forwards; ociosamente wander around;he aquí this/that isde aquí en adelante from now on;de aquí que ocurra by the time it happens;de aquí a ocho días within the next week, by next week* * *aquí adv1) : here2) : nowde aquí en adelante: from now on3)por aquí : around here, hereabouts* * *aquí adv1. (lugar) here¡vámonos de aquí! let's get out of here!2. (ahora) now -
9 menudo
adj.1 small, minute, tiny.2 small.m.pocket money, loose change.* * *► adjetivo1 (pequeño) small, tiny2 (enfático) fine, some, what a...■ ¡menudo lío! what a mess!\a menudo often, frequently* * *1. ADJ1) (=pequeño) small, minute; [persona] diminutive, slight; (fig) slight, insignificantla gente menuda — the little ones, kids *
2) [uso admirativo]¡menudo lío! — what a mess!
¡menuda plancha! — what a boob! *
¡menuda vidorra nos vamos a dar! — we won't half live it up! *
¡menuda me la han hecho! — they've really gone and pulled a fast one on me! *
¡menudo viento hizo anoche! — it wasn't half windy last night! *
3) (=minucioso) exact, meticulous2.ADV3. SM1) (=dinero) small change* * *I- da adjetivo1)a) < persona> slightb) <letra/pie> small2) (Esp) ( en exclamaciones) (delante del n)3)II1) menudos masculino plural ( vísceras de aves) giblets (pl)2) (Col, Ven) ( dinero suelto) loose change* * *----* a menudo = often [oftener -comp., oftenest -sup.], oftentimes [often times], ofttimes [oft-times].* aunque a menudo = if often.* mencionado a menudo = often-mentioned.* menuda = petite.* muy a menudo = very often, most often than not.* tan a menudo = so often.* * *I- da adjetivo1)a) < persona> slightb) <letra/pie> small2) (Esp) ( en exclamaciones) (delante del n)3)II1) menudos masculino plural ( vísceras de aves) giblets (pl)2) (Col, Ven) ( dinero suelto) loose change* * ** a menudo = often [oftener -comp., oftenest -sup.], oftentimes [often times], ofttimes [oft-times].* aunque a menudo = if often.* mencionado a menudo = often-mentioned.* menuda = petite.* muy a menudo = very often, most often than not.* tan a menudo = so often.* * *A2 ‹letra/pie› smallpicar el ajo muy menudito chop the garlic very finelyB( Esp) (en exclamaciones) ( delante del n): ¡en menudo lío te has metido! you've got yourself into a fine mess!¡menudo jaleo que se armó! there was an incredible row!¡menuda vida se pega! he has a nice life!, he leads the life of RileyC1 (vísceras de las aves) giblets (pl)B ( Col) (dinero suelto) loose change* * *
menudo 1◊ -da adjetivo
2 (Esp) ( en exclamaciones) ( delante del n):◊ ¡menudo lío! what a mess!;
¡menudo cochazo! that's some car!
menudo 2 sustantivo masculino (Col, Ven) ( dinero suelto) loose change
menudo,-a adjetivo
1 (persona) thin, slight
(cosa) small, tiny: gente menuda, kids
2 exclamación what a...!: ¡menudo golpe me di!, what a bump I had!
♦ Locuciones: a menudo, often ➣ Ver nota en often
' menudo' also found in these entries:
- bribón
- bribona
- comistrajo
- cortarse
- despiste
- elemento
- error
- estropicio
- frecuente
- mentecata
- mentecato
- menuda
- mucha
- mucho
- notición
- palo
- papelón
- practicar
- rollo
- sofoco
- tanta
- tanto
- tejemaneje
- tela
- ver
- seguido
- apt
- balding
- bow
- brownout
- chop up
- cold
- compass
- depression
- escape
- fantasize
- fine
- frenzy
- frequently
- grumpy
- hog
- hope
- hunk
- intestine
- it
- keep
- letdown
- lure
- move about
- move around
- near
- nosebleed
- often
- quite
- slight
- some
- soon
- stock
- white elephant
- change
- d'
- deal
- go
- move
- use
* * *menudo, -a♦ adj1. [pequeño] small;gente menuda kids2. [insignificante] trifling, insignificant3. [para enfatizar]¡menudo lío/gol! what a mess/goal!;¡menuda resaca llevas! that's some hangover you've got there!;¡menudo susto me diste! you gave me a real fright!, you frightened the life out of me!;¡menudo frío hace aquí! it's absolutely freezing here!;¡menuda hambre tengo! I'm absolutely starving!;claro que no pidió perdón, ¡menuda es ella! of course she didn't apologize, she's not one to do things like that!4.[de otros animales] offalmenudos [vísceras] [de aves] giblets;5. [plato] = stew made with tripe♦ a menudo loc advoften* * *I adj small;¡menuda suerte! fig fam lucky devil!;¡menudas vacaciones! irón fam some vacation!;¡menudo lío! what a mess!;a menudo oftenII m L.Am.small change;* * *menudo, -da adj1) : minute, small2)a menudo frecuentemente: often, frequentlymenudo nm2) menudos nmpl: giblets* * *menudo adj1. (pequeño) small2. (en frases exclamativas) what / what a¡menudo coche se ha comprado! what a car he's bought!¡menudo lío has armado! a fine mess you've made! -
10 menudo
menudo 1
◊ -da adjetivo1 2 (Esp) ( en exclamaciones) ( delante del n):◊ ¡menudo lío! what a mess!;¡menudo cochazo! that's some car! 3
menudo 2 sustantivo masculino (Col, Ven) ( dinero suelto) loose change
menudo,-a adjetivo
1 (persona) thin, slight (cosa) small, tiny: gente menuda, kids
2 exclamación what a...!: ¡menudo golpe me di!, what a bump I had! Locuciones: a menudo, often ➣ Ver nota en often
' menudo' also found in these entries: Spanish: biruji - bribón - bribona - comistrajo - cortarse - despiste - elemento - error - estropicio - frecuente - mentecata - mentecato - menuda - mucha - mucho - notición - palo - papelón - practicar - rollo - sofoco - tanta - tanto - tejemaneje - tela - ver - seguido English: apology - apt - balding - bow - brownout - chop up - cold - compass - depression - escape - fantasize - fine - frenzy - frequently - grumpy - hog - hope - hunk - intestine - it - keep - letdown - lure - move about - move around - near - nosebleed - often - quite - slight - some - soon - stock - white elephant - change - d' - deal - go - move - use -
11 П-123
ПЕСОК СЫПЛЕТСЯ (из кого) coll VP subj. pres only usu. this WO s.o. is very old, decrepit, and near the end of his life: из X-a песок сыплется - X is on his last legs.«Каков он из себя? Очень стар?» - «Лет восемьдесят». -«Однако же и движется, бодр?..» - «Песок сыплется...» (Гоголь 3). What does he look like? Is he very old?" "About eighty." "But he can still move about, eh9 He's in good health, isn't he?.. " "He's on his last legs" (3a). -
12 песок сыплется
• ПЕСОК СЫПЛЕТСЯ (из кого) coll[VPsubj; pres only; usu. this WO]=====⇒ s.o. is very old, decrepit, and near the end of his life:- из X-a песок сыплется≈ X is on his last legs.♦ "Каков он из себя? Очень стар?" - "Лет восемьдесят". - "Однако же и движется, бодр?.." - "Песок сыплется..." (Гоголь 3). ".. What does he look like? Is he very old?" "About eighty." "But he can still move about, eh? He's in good health, isn't he?.. " "Hes on his last legs" (3a).Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > песок сыплется
13 lado
m.1 side (coin).el cine está a este lado de la calle the cinema is on this side of the streetde al lado nextla casa de al lado the house next dooral otro lado de la calle/frontera, across the street/borderen el lado de arriba/abajo on the top/bottoma ambos lados on both sidesmételo de lado put it in sidewaysdormir de lado to sleep on one's sideviento de lado crosswindatravesar algo de lado a lado to cross something from one side to the otherecharse o hacerse a un lado to move asidepor un lado on the one handpor otro lado on the other hand2 place (place).debe de estar en otro lado it must be somewhere elsede un lado para o a otro to and fropor todos lados everywhere, all aroundiremos cada uno por nuestro lado we will go our separate ways3 side (faction).y tú ¿de qué lado estás? whose side are you on?ponerse del lado de alguien to take somebody's side4 latus, flank, regio lateralis.* * *1 (gen) side\al lado de alguien next to somebodyal lado de algo beside somethingdar de lado a alguien to ignore somebodyde medio lado tilted, on the tiltde un lado para otro about, all over the place, to and fro, backwards and forwardsdejar a alguien de lado to leave somebody outdejar algo a un lado to leave something asidedejar algo de lado to leave something asideestar al lado (muy cerca) to be very nearhacerse a un lado to get out of the wayponer a un lado to set asideponer algo de lado to put something sidewayspor un lado... por otro... on the one hand... on the other hand...* * *noun m.- al lado* * *SM1) (=lateral) sidelado derecho — right side, right-hand side
lado izquierdo — left side, left-hand side
al otro lado de la calle — on the other side of the street, across the street
llevar algo al otro lado del río — to take sth across o over the river
a un lado y a otro — on all sides, all around
de lado — sideways•
echarse o hacerse a un lado — [persona] to move to one side, step aside; [vehículo] to swerve out of the way•
por su lado, se fue cada uno por su lado — they went their separate ways- mirar a algn de medio lado2) (=aspecto) sidevamos a ver un lado distinto de la cuestión — we're going to look at a different aspect of the issue
por un lado..., por otro lado... — on the one hand..., on the other hand...por ese lado, creo que está bien — in that respect, I think it's all right
3) (=lugar)•
ponlo en cualquier lado — put it anywhere•
otro lado, tiene que estar en otro lado — it must be somewhere elseir de un lado a otro — to go to and fro, walk up and down
estuvo de un lado para otro toda la mañana — she was up and down all morning, she was running around all morning
por todos lados, me lo encuentro por todos lados — I bump into him everywhere I gorodeado de agua por todos lados — surrounded by water on all sides, completely surrounded by water
4) [indicando proximidad]•
estar al lado — to be nearel cine está aquí al lado — the cinema is just round the corner, the cinema is very near
al lado de, la silla que está al lado del armario — the chair beside the wardrobeal lado de aquello, esto no es nada — compared to that, this is nothing
al lado de ella, tú pareces una belleza — compared to her, you seem really beautiful
a mi/tu lado, Felipe se sentó a mi lado — Felipe sat beside me5) (=bando) (Mil) flank; (Pol) factionyo estoy de su lado — I'm on his side, I'm with him
6) (Mat) side7) (Dep) end8) † (=favor) favour, protection* * *1)a) ( parte lateral) sidea este/al otro lado del río — on this/on the other side of the river
¿de qué lado de la calle? — which side of the street?
cambiar de lado — (Dep) to change sides (AmE) o (BrE) ends
b) (de papel, moneda, tela) sidec) (Mat) ( de polígono) side2) (aspecto, ángulo) side3)a) ( bando) side¿de qué lado estás? — whose side are you on?
b) ( rama familiar) side4) (sitio, lugar)miré en or por todos lados — I looked everywhere
5) (en locs)al lado: viven en la casa de al lado they live next door; los vecinos de al lado the next-door neighbors; nos queda aquí al lado it's very near here o (colloq) is right on the doorstep; al lado de alguien/algo ( contiguo a) next to somebody/something, beside somebody/something; ( en comparación con) compared to somebody/something; a su lado me siento segura I feel safe when I'm with him; de mi/tu/su lado: no te muevas de mi lado don't leave my side, stay close to me; de lado <meter/colocar> sideways; <tumbarse/dormir> on one's side; ponlo de lado turn it sideways; de medio lado at an angle; por otro lado ( en cambio) on the other hand; ( además) apart from anything else; por un lado..., pero por otro lado... on the one hand..., but on the other hand...; dejar algo de lado or a un lado to leave something aside o to one side; dejar a alguien de lado: me dejan de lado en la oficina they leave me out of things at the office; sus amigos la dejaron a un lado her friends gave her the cold shoulder; estar al or del otro lado (CS, Méx fam) to be over the worst, be laughing (colloq); ir cada uno por su lado: mejor vamos cada uno por nuestro lado y allí nos encontramos it's better if we all make our own way and meet each other there; cada uno se fue por su lado they went their separate ways; por cualquier lado que se mire whichever way o however you look at it; saber de qué lado sopla el viento — to know which way the wind blows, know how the land lies
* * *= part, quarter, side.Ex. Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.Ex. A reappraisal is therefore outlined here with the understanding that it is open to rebuttal and challenge from whatever quarter.Ex. The red ON/OFF switch for the terminal is located at the left side of the screen.----* a ambos lados de = on either side of.* a ambos lados del Altántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.* a ambos lados de + Lugar = on both sides of + Lugar.* adelantar por el lado incorrecto = undertake.* al lado de = beside, at the side of, by the side of.* al otro lado de = across.* al otro lado de la barrera = on the other side of the fence.* al otro lado de la ciudad = cross-town.* al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.* al otro lado del charco = across the pond.* al otro lado del mundo = half way (a)round the world.* al otro lado del océano = across the pond.* ambos lados del argumento = both sides of the fence.* apartarse a un lado = pull over.* a todos lados = far and wide.* a uno y otro lado de = on either side of.* aunque por otro lado = but otherwise.* continuar al lado de = stand by.* con una pierna a cada lado de = astride.* dar de lado = short-circuit [shortcircuit], give + Nombre + the cold shoulder.* dejando a un lado = apart from.* dejar a una lado = put + Nombre + to one side.* dejar a un lado = put + aside, move + beyond, lay + Nombre + aside, leave by + the wayside.* dejar de lado = leave + aside, forego [forgo].* del otro lado de la ciudad = cross-town.* denerse en el lado del camino = pull over.* de todos lados = from far and wide.* de un lado de la ciudad a otro = cross-town.* de un lado para otro = on the move, to and fro.* echar a un lado = push aside.* el otro lado de la barrera = the other side of the fence.* en el lado negativo = on the negative side, on the downside.* en el lado positivo = on the credit side, on the positive side, on the plus side, on the bright side.* en todos lados = far and wide.* estar al lado de = stand by + Lugar.* extenderse por todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.* hacer a un lado = nudge + Nombre + aside, push aside.* hacerse a un lado = make + room (for), pull over.* juntos por el lado más ancho = side by side.* juntos por el lado más estrecho = end to end.* lado del camino = wayside.* lado derecho = right-hand side.* lado derecho, el = right side, the.* lado exterior, el = far side, the.* lado externo, el = far side, the.* lado izquierdo, el = left side, the.* lado más cercano, el = near side, the, near side, the.* llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.* lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.* mirar al otro lado = look + the other way.* pararse en el lado del camino = pull over.* pasar por el lado de = make + Posesivo + way past.* pero por otro lado = but then again.* poner a un lado = lay + Nombre + aside, set + aside.* ponerse del lado de = side with.* ponerse del lado de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.* por otro lado = alternatively, however, on the other side, for another thing, on the flip side, on another topic, on another matter, on another note.* por otro lados = on other matters.* por todos lados = left, right and centre, far and wide.* por una lado... por otro = at one end... at the other.* por un lado = on the one hand, on the one side.* por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre = in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other.* tiempo estar de lado de Alguien = time + be + on + Posesivo + side.* viento de lado = crosswind.* * *1)a) ( parte lateral) sidea este/al otro lado del río — on this/on the other side of the river
¿de qué lado de la calle? — which side of the street?
cambiar de lado — (Dep) to change sides (AmE) o (BrE) ends
b) (de papel, moneda, tela) sidec) (Mat) ( de polígono) side2) (aspecto, ángulo) side3)a) ( bando) side¿de qué lado estás? — whose side are you on?
b) ( rama familiar) side4) (sitio, lugar)miré en or por todos lados — I looked everywhere
5) (en locs)al lado: viven en la casa de al lado they live next door; los vecinos de al lado the next-door neighbors; nos queda aquí al lado it's very near here o (colloq) is right on the doorstep; al lado de alguien/algo ( contiguo a) next to somebody/something, beside somebody/something; ( en comparación con) compared to somebody/something; a su lado me siento segura I feel safe when I'm with him; de mi/tu/su lado: no te muevas de mi lado don't leave my side, stay close to me; de lado <meter/colocar> sideways; <tumbarse/dormir> on one's side; ponlo de lado turn it sideways; de medio lado at an angle; por otro lado ( en cambio) on the other hand; ( además) apart from anything else; por un lado..., pero por otro lado... on the one hand..., but on the other hand...; dejar algo de lado or a un lado to leave something aside o to one side; dejar a alguien de lado: me dejan de lado en la oficina they leave me out of things at the office; sus amigos la dejaron a un lado her friends gave her the cold shoulder; estar al or del otro lado (CS, Méx fam) to be over the worst, be laughing (colloq); ir cada uno por su lado: mejor vamos cada uno por nuestro lado y allí nos encontramos it's better if we all make our own way and meet each other there; cada uno se fue por su lado they went their separate ways; por cualquier lado que se mire whichever way o however you look at it; saber de qué lado sopla el viento — to know which way the wind blows, know how the land lies
* * *= part, quarter, side.Ex: Parts of the abstract are written in the informative style, whilst those points which are of less significance are treated indicatively.
Ex: A reappraisal is therefore outlined here with the understanding that it is open to rebuttal and challenge from whatever quarter.Ex: The red ON/OFF switch for the terminal is located at the left side of the screen.* a ambos lados de = on either side of.* a ambos lados del Altántico = on both sides of the ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic.* a ambos lados de + Lugar = on both sides of + Lugar.* adelantar por el lado incorrecto = undertake.* al lado de = beside, at the side of, by the side of.* al otro lado de = across.* al otro lado de la barrera = on the other side of the fence.* al otro lado de la ciudad = cross-town.* al otro lado del atlántico = across the pond.* al otro lado del charco = across the pond.* al otro lado del mundo = half way (a)round the world.* al otro lado del océano = across the pond.* ambos lados del argumento = both sides of the fence.* apartarse a un lado = pull over.* a todos lados = far and wide.* a uno y otro lado de = on either side of.* aunque por otro lado = but otherwise.* continuar al lado de = stand by.* con una pierna a cada lado de = astride.* dar de lado = short-circuit [shortcircuit], give + Nombre + the cold shoulder.* dejando a un lado = apart from.* dejar a una lado = put + Nombre + to one side.* dejar a un lado = put + aside, move + beyond, lay + Nombre + aside, leave by + the wayside.* dejar de lado = leave + aside, forego [forgo].* del otro lado de la ciudad = cross-town.* denerse en el lado del camino = pull over.* de todos lados = from far and wide.* de un lado de la ciudad a otro = cross-town.* de un lado para otro = on the move, to and fro.* echar a un lado = push aside.* el otro lado de la barrera = the other side of the fence.* en el lado negativo = on the negative side, on the downside.* en el lado positivo = on the credit side, on the positive side, on the plus side, on the bright side.* en todos lados = far and wide.* estar al lado de = stand by + Lugar.* extenderse por todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.* hacer a un lado = nudge + Nombre + aside, push aside.* hacerse a un lado = make + room (for), pull over.* juntos por el lado más ancho = side by side.* juntos por el lado más estrecho = end to end.* lado del camino = wayside.* lado derecho = right-hand side.* lado derecho, el = right side, the.* lado exterior, el = far side, the.* lado externo, el = far side, the.* lado izquierdo, el = left side, the.* lado más cercano, el = near side, the, near side, the.* llegar a todos lados = extend + far and wide, reach + far and wide, stretch + far and wide.* lo que se gana por un lado se pierde por otro = swings and roundabouts.* mirar al otro lado = look + the other way.* pararse en el lado del camino = pull over.* pasar por el lado de = make + Posesivo + way past.* pero por otro lado = but then again.* poner a un lado = lay + Nombre + aside, set + aside.* ponerse del lado de = side with.* ponerse del lado de Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.* por otro lado = alternatively, however, on the other side, for another thing, on the flip side, on another topic, on another matter, on another note.* por otro lados = on other matters.* por todos lados = left, right and centre, far and wide.* por una lado... por otro = at one end... at the other.* por un lado = on the one hand, on the one side.* por un lado entra + Nombre + y por otro sale + Nombre = in go + Nombre + at one end, and out come + Nombre + at the other.* tiempo estar de lado de Alguien = time + be + on + Posesivo + side.* viento de lado = crosswind.* * *A1 (parte lateral) sideestá en el lado derecho it is on the right side o the righthand sidea este/al otro lado del río on this/on the other side of the river¿de qué lado de la calle está su casa? which side of the street is your house on?se hizo a un lado para dejarlo pasar she stood aside o moved to one side to let him passtuvo que echarse a un lado para evitar la colisión he had to swerve to avoid a collisionpon estas fichas a un lado set these pieces aside, put these counters to one side ( BrE)2 (de un papel, una moneda, una tela) sideescribe sólo por un lado del folio write on o use one side of the paper only3 ( Mat) (de un polígono) side4 ( Econ):el lado de la demanda/de la oferta the demand/supply sideCompuesto:blind sideB (aspecto, ángulo) sidehay que ver el lado positivo de las cosas you have to look on the bright side of thingstodas las cosas tienen su lado bueno y su lado malo there's a good side and a bad side to everythingLuisa tiene su lado bueno Luisa has her good pointspor ese lado te conviene aceptar from that point of view it's to your advantage to acceptC1 (bando) side¿tú de qué lado estás, del suyo o del nuestro? whose side are you on? theirs or ours?igualar a dos goles por lado they drew/tied two goals each2 (rama familiar) sidepor el lado materno/paterno on the maternal/paternal sidepor el lado de mi madre/padre on my mother's/father's side (of the family)D(sitio, lugar): he mirado en or por todos lados y no lo encuentro I've looked everywhere and I can't find itponlo por ahí en cualquier lado put it over there somewhere o ( AmE) someplace¿por qué no vamos por otro lado? why don't we go a different way?va a todos lados en taxi she goes everywhere by taxime he pasado toda la mañana de un lado para otro I've been running around all morningvas a tener que intentarlo por otro lado you're going to have to try some other wayE ( en locs):al lado: viven en la casa de al lado they live next doornuestros vecinos de al lado our next-door neighborsel colegio nos queda aquí al lado the school's very near here o ( colloq) is right on the doorstepal lado de algn/algo (contiguo a) next to sb/sth, beside sb/sth; (en comparación con) compared to sb/sthse sentó al lado de su padre she sat down next to o beside her fatherponte aquí a mi lado sit here next to o beside meal lado de él or ( crit) al lado suyo hasta yo parezco inteligente compared to him even I seem intelligenta su lado me siento segura I feel safe when I'm with himtodas las cosas que he aprendido a su lado everything I've learned from (being with) herviven al lado de mi casa they live next door to meme queda al lado del trabajo it's right by o very near where I workeso no es nada al lado de lo que él tiene that's nothing compared to o with what he hasde mi/tu/su lado: no te muevas de mi lado don't leave my side, stay close to mede lado ‹meter/colocar› sideways;‹tumbarse/dormir› on one's sideponlo de lado a ver si cabe turn it sideways, maybe it'll fit that wayde medio lado at an anglellevaba el sombrero de medio lado he wore his hat at an anglepor otro lado, estas cifras tampoco son muy significativas there again o however o on the other hand, these figures are not very significantpor un lado …, pero por otro lado … on the one hand …, but on the other hand …por otro lado yo ni siquiera lo conozco apart from anything else I don't even know himdejar algo de ladoor a un lado to leave sth aside o to one sidedejar or ( Esp) dar a algn de ladoor a un lado: últimamente lo están dejando de lado en la oficina lately they've been leaving him out of things in the officesus amigos la están dejando a un lado her friends have been giving her the cold shoulderir cada uno por su lado: mejor vamos cada uno por nuestro lado y allí nos encontramos it's better if we all make our own way and meet each other therese pelearon y cada uno se fue por su lado they had an argument and went their separate waysaunque viven juntos, luego cada uno va por su lado although they live together, they all lead their own separate lives o ( colloq) they all do their own thingmirarle a algn de lado ( fam); to look down on sbpor cualquier lado que se mire whichever way o however you look at itsaber de qué lado sopla el viento to know which way the wind blows, know how the land lies* * *
lado sustantivo masculino
a este/al otro lado del río on this/on the other side of the river;
hacerse a un lado to move to one side;
echarse a un lado [ coche] to swerve;
[ persona] to move over;
¿de qué lado estás? whose side are you on?;
cambiar de lado (Dep) to change sides (AmE) o (BrE) ends;
ver el lado positivo de las cosas to look on the bright side of things;
por el lado de mi padre on my father's side (of the family)
2 (sitio, lugar):◊ a/en/por todos lados everywhere;
en algún lado somewhere;
en cualquier lado anywhere;
ir de un lado para otro to run around
3 ( en locs)◊ al lado: viven en la casa de al lado they live next door;
los vecinos de al lado the next-door neighbors;
al lado de algn/algo ( contiguo a) next to sb/sth, beside sb/sth;
( en comparación con) compared to sb/sth;
‹tumbarse/dormir› on one's side;
por otro lado ( en cambio) on the other hand;
( además) apart from anything else;◊ por un lado …, pero por otro lado … on the one hand …, but on the other hand …;
dejar algo de lado to leave sth aside o to one side;
ir cada uno por su lado: cada uno se fue por su lado they went their separate ways
lado sustantivo masculino
1 side: a este lado del río, on this side of the river
a un lado, aside
2 (lugar) place: idos a otro lado, go somewhere else
3 (camino, dirección) direction, way: nos fuimos por otro lado, we went another way
4 (aspecto) side: tiene un lado salvaje, he has a wild side
por un lado..., por otro lado..., on the one hand..., on the other (hand)...
♦ Locuciones: al lado, close by, nearby: mi casa está ahí al lado, my house is just over there
al lado de, next to, beside: al lado de ella, tú eres un genio, compared with her, you are a genius
dar de lado a alguien, to cold-shoulder sb
de (medio) lado, sideways: saludó friamente y miró de medio lado, he said hello coldly and then looked away
' lado' also found in these entries:
- ancha
- ancho
- aparte
- banda
- chalet
- collado
- cuestión
- derecha
- derecho
- emplazar
- estar
- ir
- izquierda
- izquierdo
- justa
- justo
- ladearse
- mano
- moribunda
- moribundo
- parte
- sacudir
- siniestra
- siniestro
- apartar
- colgar
- colocar
- contramano
- contrapeso
- contrario
- cruzar
- cualquiera
- dejar
- dormir
- echar
- enfrente
- explanada
- hacer
- inclinar
- llegar
- ninguno
- ocupar
- opuesto
- orillar
- otro
- paralizar
- pasar
- robar
- través
- across
- alongside
- arrogant
- aside
- astir
- beside
- breadth
- bright
- bring out
- brush aside
- bury
- by
- crack
- cross
- dash
- directly
- disturbing
- downside
- dwarf
- either
- embankment
- flank
- flip side
- graph paper
- graze
- hand
- lay aside
- lay down
- move along
- move over
- nearside
- next
- next door
- noplace
- off
- offside
- out
- outside
- over
- pace
- part
- past
- pull over
- push aside
- put aside
- right
- right-hand
- set aside
- side
* * *lado nm1. [costado, cara, parte lateral] side;me duele el lado izquierdo my left side is hurting;el supermercado está a este lado de la calle the supermarket is on this side of the street;el lado más áspero de la tela the rougher side of the cloth;un polígono con cuatro lados a four-sided o quadrilateral polygon;este cuadro se puede colgar en el lado de la chimenea we can hang this painting on the wall behind the fireplace;a ambos lados on both sides;al lado [cerca] nearby;yo vivo aquí al lado I live just round the corner from here;al lado de [junto a] beside, next to;[comparado con] compared to;la zapatería está al lado de la joyería the shoe shop is next to the jeweller's;Juan, al lado de su hermano, es muy alto Juan is very tall compared to his brother;al otro lado de on the other side of;la mesa de al lado the next table;la casa de al lado the house next door;los vecinos de al lado the next-door neighbours;no te vayas de su lado do not leave her side;en el lado de arriba/abajo on the top/bottom;de lado [torcido] at an angle;el cuadro está de lado the painting isn't straight;mételo de lado put it in sideways;dormir de lado to sleep on one's side;el viento sopla de lado there's a crosswind;atravesar algo de lado a lado to cross sth from one side to the other;poner algo a un lado to put sth aside o to one side2. [lugar] place;por este lado no oímos nada we can't hear anything over here;debe de estar en otro lado it must be somewhere else;estuve todo el día corriendo de un lado para otro I've been running around all day;hacerle un lado a alguien to make room for sb;iremos cada uno por nuestro lado y nos reuniremos en el hotel we will go our separate ways and meet up later at the hotel;si cada cual va por su lado, nunca sacaremos este proyecto adelante if everyone does their own thing, we'll never make a success of this project;por todos lados everywhere, all around;por todos lados se ven anuncios de este nuevo refresco there are adverts for this new drink everywhere3. [bando] side;y tú ¿de qué lado estás? whose side are you on?;estoy de su lado I'm on her side;ponerse del lado de alguien to take sb's side4. [línea de parentesco] side;por el lado paterno on my/his/her/ etc father's side5. [aspecto] side;siempre ve el lado negativo de las cosas she always sees the negative side of things;la entrevista se centra en el lado humano del campeón the interview focuses on the human side of the champion;por un lado [en primer lugar] on the one hand;[en cierto modo] in one sense; [además] in any case6. CompMéx, RP Famestar del otro lado to be over the worst;mirar de lado a alguien [despreciar] to look askance at sb;RP, Ven Fampasar al otro lado to kick the bucket, to snuff it;RP, Ven Fampasar a alguien para el otro lado to bump sb off;CSur Fam* * *m side; ( lugar) place;al lado nearby;al lado de beside, next to;al otro lado de on the other side of;de lado sideways;por todos lados everywhere;ir por otro lado go another way;mirar a otro lado look the other way;andar de un lado para otro run around;por un lado … por otro lado on the one hand … on the other hand;dejar a un lado leave aside;hacerse a un lado tb fig stand aside;dar a alguien de lado leave s.o. out;estar del lado de alguien be on s.o.’s side;ponerse del lado de alguien take s.o.’s side;cada uno va por su lado everyone goes their own way;mirar a alguien de (medio) lado look sideways at s.o.;por el lado de mi padre on my father’s side* * *lado nm1) : side2) parte: placemiró por todos lados: he looked everywhere3)al lado de : next to, beside4)de lado : tilted, sidewaysestá de lado: it's lying on its side5)hacerse a un lado : to step aside6)lado a lado : side by side7)por otro lado : on the other hand* * *lado n1. (en general) side2. (lugar) somewhere / nowhere / anywhere / everywherepor un lado... on the one hand...por otro lado... on the other hand... -
14 passer
passer [pαse]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━➭ TABLE 1━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━► Lorsque passer fait partie d'une locution comme passer sous le nez de qn, reportez-vous à l'autre mot.━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━1. <• où passe la route ? where does the road go?► passer à ( = passer par, aller à)• si nous passions au salon ? shall we go into the sitting room?• le confort, ça passe après comfort is less important► passer avant• passez donc devant ! you go first!• il est passé devant le conseil de discipline he came up before the disciplinary committee► passer par to go through• pour y aller, je passe par Amiens I go there via Amiens• par où êtes-vous passé ? (pour venir ici) which way did you come? ; (pour aller ailleurs) which way did you go?• pour téléphoner, il faut passer par le standard you have to go through the switchboard to make a call• ça fait du bien par où ça passe ! (inf) that's just what the doctor ordered! (inf)► passer sous to go under• l'air passe sous la porte there's a draught from under the door► passer sur to go over ; ( = ignorer) to ignore• et je passe sur la saleté du lieu ! not to mention how dirty the place was!► laisser passer [+ air, lumière] to let in ; [+ personne, procession] to let through ; [+ erreur, occasion] to missb. ( = faire une halte rapide) passer au bureau to call in at the office► passer + infinitif• puis-je passer te voir en vitesse ? can I pop round?► en passant ( = sur le chemin) on the way ; ( = dans la conversation) in passing• il aime tous les sports, du football à la boxe en passant par le golf he likes all sports, from football to golf to boxingd. ( = franchir un obstacle) [véhicule] to get through ; [cheval, sauteur] to get over• ça passe ? (en manœuvrant) have I got enough room?e. ( = s'écouler) [temps] to go by• comme le temps passe ! how time flies!f. ( = être digéré) to go down• ça ne passe pas [repas] I've got indigestiong. ( = être accepté) [demande, proposition] to be accepted• il est passé dans la classe supérieure he's moved up to the next class (Brit) he's been promoted to the next grade (US)• l'équipe est passée en 2e division the team have moved up to the second divisionh. ( = devenir) to becomei. ( = être montré) [film, émission, personne] to be onj. ( = disparaître) [douleur] to pass ; [orage] to blow over ; [beauté, couleur] to fade ; [colère] to subside ; [mode] to die outl. (locutions) qu'il soit menteur, passe encore,... he may be a liar, that's one thing,...• se faire passer pour to pass o.s. off ason a eu la grippe, tout le monde y est passé we've all had flu• si elle veut une promotion, il faudra bien qu'elle y passe (sexuellement) if she wants to be promoted, she'll have to sleep with the boss► passons let's say no more about it2. <a. ( = franchir) [+ frontière] to cross ; [+ porte] to go throughb. ( = donner, transmettre) to give ; [+ consigne, message] to pass on• je vous passe M. Duroy [standard] I'm putting you through to Mr Duroy ; ( = je lui passe l'appareil) here's Mr Duroyc. ( = mettre) [+ vêtement] to put ond. ( = dépasser) [+ gare, maison] to passe. ( = omettre) [+ mot, ligne] to leave out• et j'en passe ! and that's not all!f. ( = permettre) passer un caprice à qn to humour sbg. [+ examen] to takeh. [+ temps, vacances] to spendi. [+ film, diapositives] to show ; [+ disque] to playj. [+ commande] to place3. <a. ( = avoir lieu) to happen• qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ? what happened?• que se passe-t-il ? what's going on?• ça ne se passera pas comme ça ! I won't stand for that!b. ( = se mettre à soi-même) elle s'est passé de la crème solaire sur les épaules she put some sun cream on her shouldersc. (se transmettre) [+ ballon] to pass to each other ; [+ notes de cours, livre, plat] to pass around━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━+1! La traduction la plus courante de passer n'est pas to pass ; passer un examen se traduit par to take an exam.* * *pɑse
1) ( franchir) to cross [fleuve, frontière]; to go through [porte, douane]; to get over [obstacle]2) ( faire franchir)3) ( dépasser) to go past, to passquand vous aurez passé le feu, tournez à droite — turn right after the lights
4) ( mettre)5) ( transmettre) to pass [objet] (à to); to pass [something] on [consigne, maladie] (à to); ( prêter) (colloq) to lend ( à quelqu'un to somebody); ( donner) (colloq) to give ( à quelqu'un to somebody)6) ( au téléphone)attends, je te la passe — hold on, here she is, I'll put her on
je vous le passe — ( sur un autre poste) I'm putting you through
7) ( se présenter à) to take, to sit [examen scolaire, test]; to have [visite médicale, entretien]c'est moi qui fais passer l'oral de français aux nouveaux — I'm taking the new pupils for the French oral
8) ( réussir) to pass [examen, test]9) ( dans le temps) to spend [temps] ( à faire doing)dépêche-toi, on ne va pas y passer la nuit! — (colloq) hurry up, or we'll be here all night!
10) ( pardonner)11) ( omettre) to skip [mot, page, paragraphe]j'en passe et des meilleures — (colloq) ( après énumération) and so on and so forth, I could go on
12) ( utiliser)passer l'aspirateur dans le salon — to hoover® GB ou vacuum the lounge
13) ( étendre)14) ( soumettre)qu'est-ce qu'elle nous a passé! — (colloq) she really went for us! (colloq)
15) ( à travers une grille) to filter [café]; to strain [jus, sauce]; to purée [légumes]16) ( enfiler) to slip [something] on [vêtement, anneau]; to slip into [robe]17) ( faire jouer) to play [disque, cassette audio]; ( projeter) to show [film, diapositives, cassette vidéo]; ( diffuser) to place [annonce]18) ( signer) to sign [contrat]; to enter into [accord]; to place [commande]; to pass [loi, décret]passer un marché — (colloq) to make a deal
19) Automobile ( enclencher)passer la troisième/la marche arrière — to go into third gear/into reverse
20) Jeux
verbe intransitif1) ( parcourir son chemin) [personne, animal, véhicule, ballon] to go past ou by, to passle facteur n'est pas encore passé — the postman hasn't come ou been yet
passer à pied/à bicyclette — to walk/to cycle past
2) (se trouver, s'étendre)ligne qui passe par les centres de deux cercles — line that goes through the centres [BrE] of two circles
3) ( faire un saut)je ne fais que passer — I've just popped in GB ou dropped by for a minute
passer dans la matinée — to call in the morning GB, to come over in the morning
passer prendre quelqu'un/qch — to pick somebody/sth up
4) ( se rendre) to goil est passé devant moi — ( dans une queue) he pushed in front of me
5) ( aller au-delà) to get throughvas-y, ça passe! — go on, there's plenty of room!
il est passé par la fenêtre — ( par accident) he fell out of the window; ( pour entrer) he got in through the window
passer derrière la maison — to get round GB ou around US the back of the house
6) ( transiter)passer par — [personne] lit to pass ou go through; fig to go through
qu'est-ce qui lui est passé par la tête? — what was he/she thinking of?
un sourire passa sur ses lèvres — he/she smiled briefly
des reptiles à l'homme, en passant par le singe — from reptiles to man, including apes
7) (colloq) ( avoir son tour)il accuse le patron, ses collègues, bref, tout le monde y passe — he's accusing the boss, his colleagues - in other words, everyone in sight
que ça te plaise ou non, il va falloir y passer — whether you like it or not, there's no alternative
je sais, j'en suis déjà passé par là — I know all about that, I've been there (colloq)
8) ( négliger)passons! — ( injonction) let's hear no more about it!
passer à côté d'une question — ( involontairement) to miss the point
laisser passer quelque chose — ( délibérément) to overlook something
laisser passer plusieurs fautes — ( par inadvertance) to let several mistakes slip through
9) ( ne pas approfondir)10) (être admis, supporté) [aliment, repas] to go down; [commentaires, discours, critiques] to go down well ( auprès de with); [loi, candidat] to get through; [attitude, pensée] to be acceptedprends un peu de cognac, ça fait passer! — have a drop of brandy, it's good for the digestion
que je sois critiqué, passe encore, mais calomnié, non! — criticism is one thing, but I draw the line at slander
avec lui, la flatterie, ça ne passe pas — flattery won't work with him
passer au premier tour — Politique to be elected in the first round
passer dans la classe supérieure — to move up to the next year ou grade US
(ça) passe pour cette fois — (colloq) I'll let it go this time
11) ( se déplacer)12) ( être pris)faire passer quelqu'un/qch pour exceptionnel — to make somebody/sth out to be exceptional
13) ( disparaître) [douleur, événement] to passquand l'orage sera or aura passé — lit when the storm is over; fig when the storm dies down
ça passera — ( sa mauvaise humeur) it'll pass; ( ton chagrin) you'll get over it
la première réaction passée — once we/they calmed down
nous avons dû attendre que sa colère soit passée — we had to wait for his/her anger to subside
14) (apparaître, être projeté, diffusé) [artiste, groupe] ( sur une scène) to be appearing; (à la télévision, radio) to be on; [spectacle, film] to be on; [cassette, musique] to be playing15) ( être placé)passer avant/après — ( en importance) to come before/after
16) (colloq) ( disparaître)17) ( s'écouler) [temps] to pass, to go by18) ( se mettre à) to turn to19) ( être transmis)20) ( être promu) to be promoted to21) ( être dépensé) [argent, somme] to go on ou in ou into; [produit, matière] to go into22) (colloq) ( mourir)si tu continues à conduire comme ça, tu vas finir par y passer — if you keep driving like that, you'll kill yourself
on y passera tous, mais le plus tard sera le mieux — we've all got to go sometime, the later the better
23) ( se décolorer) [teinte, tissu] to fade24) ( filtrer) [café] to filter25) ( changer de vitesse)passer en troisième/marche arrière — to go into third/reverse
la troisième passe mal or a du mal à passer — third gear is a bit stiff
26) Jeux (au bridge, poker) to pass
se passer verbe pronominal1) ( se produire) to happen2) ( être situé) to take place3) ( se dérouler) [opération, examen, négociations] to go4) ( s'écouler) [période] to go by, to pass5) ( se dispenser)se passer de — [personne] to do without [objet, activité, personne]; to go without [repas, nourriture, sommeil]
6) ( se mettre)7) ( l'un à l'autre)* * *pɒse1. vi1) (= aller) to go, to pass, to pass by, to go byIls sont passés par Paris. — They went through Paris.
2) (= faire une halte rapide) [facteur] to come, to call, (pour rendre visite) to call in, to drop inJe passerai chez vous ce soir. — I'll call in this evening., I'll drop in this evening.
Je lui ai dit en passant que j'allais me marier. — I told him in passing that I was getting married.
3) CARTES to pass4)passe encore de le penser, mais de le dire! — it's one thing to think it, but to say it!
passer sur qch [faute, détail inutile] — to pass over sth
5) (= s'écouler) [temps, jours] to go by, to pass6) (= disparaître) [douleur] to pass, to go away, [mode] to die out, [couleur, papier] to fadefaire passer à qn le goût de qch [homme] — to cure sb of his taste for sth, [femme] to cure sb of her taste for sth
7) (= franchir un obstacle, traverser) [personne] to get through, [courant, air, lumière] to get through, [liquide, café] to go throughfaire passer [message] — to get over, to get across
laisser passer [air, lumière, personne] — to let through, [occasion] to miss, [erreur] to overlook
Il m'a laissé passer. — He let me through.
8) (= être digéré, avalé) to go down10) (= être diffusé) [film, émission] to be on"Titanic" passe à la télé ce soir. — "Titanic" is on TV tonight.
Mon père passe à la radio demain soir. — My father's on the radio tomorrow night.
passer à [ennemi, opposition] — to go over to
passer aux aveux — to confess, to make a confession
passer avant qch/qn fig — to come before sth/sb
passer en seconde AUTOMOBILES — to change into second
passer pour; Il passe pour riche. — He is thought to be rich.
faire passer qn/qch pour — to make sb/sth out to be
2. vt1) (= franchir) [frontière, rivière] to cross, [douane] to go throughNous avons passé la frontière belge. — We crossed the Belgian border.
2) (= transmettre, donner)passer qch à qn — to pass sth to sb, to give sb sth
Passe-moi le sel, s'il te plaît. — Pass me the salt, please.
je vous passe M. Cousin (au téléphone) — I'm putting you through to Mr Cousin
passer qch en fraude (= faire entrer) — to smuggle sth in, (= faire sortir) to smuggle sth out
3) [temps, journée] to spendElle a passé la journée à ne rien faire. — She spent the day doing nothing.
Ils passent toujours leurs vacances au Danemark. — They always spend their holidays in Denmark.
4) (= subir) [examen] to sit, to take, [visite médicale] to haveGordon a passé ses examens la semaine dernière. — Gordon took his exams last week.
5) (= mettre) [vêtement] to slip onpasser la seconde AUTOMOBILES — to change into second
6) (= faire passer) [thé, soupe] to strain7) (= jouer) [film] to show, [disque, CD] to play, to put onOn passe "Le Kid" au cinéma cette semaine. — They're showing "The Kid" at the cinema this week.
8) (= conclure) [marché] to agree on, [accord] to reach9) (= tolérer)10) (= devenir)* * *passer verb table: aimerA vtr1 ( franchir) to cross [fleuve, pont, frontière, col]; to go through [porte, douane]; to get over [haie, obstacle]; ils ont fait passer la rivière au troupeau they took the herd across the river; il m'a fait passer la frontière he got me across the border;2 ( faire franchir) passer qch à la douane to get sth through customs; passer qch en fraude or contrebande to smuggle sth; passer qn en fraude ( vers l'intérieur) to smuggle sb in; ( vers l'extérieur) to smuggle sb out; ⇒ gauche;3 ( dépasser) to go past, to pass; quand vous aurez passé le feu, tournez à droite turn right after the lights; passer la barre des dix euros to pass the ten-euro mark; on a passé l'heure it's too late; j'ai passé l'âge I'm too old; le malade ne passera pas la nuit the patient won't last the night;4 ( mettre) passer le doigt sur la table to run one's finger over the table-top; passer la tête à la fenêtre to stick one's head out of the window; elle m'a passé le bras autour des épaules she put her arm around my shoulders; elle m'a passé la main dans les cheveux she ran her fingers through my hair;5 ( transmettre) to pass [objet] (à to); to pass [sth] on [consigne, maladie] (à to); ( prêter)○ to lend (à qn to sb); ( donner)○ to give (à qn to sb); passer le ballon au gardien de but to pass the ball to the goalkeeper; passe-moi le sel pass me the salt; passe le vin à ton père pass your father the wine; faites passer le plat entre vous pass the dish around; fais passer la bonne nouvelle à tes amis pass the good news on to your friends; elle a attrapé la grippe et l'a passée à son mari she caught flu and gave it to her husband; il m'a passé son vélo○ ( prêté) he lent me his bike; ( donné) he gave me his bike; il m'a passé son rhume he's given me his cold;6 ( au téléphone) tu peux me passer Chris? can you put Chris on?; attends, je te la passe hold on, here she is, I'll put her on; je vous le passe ( sur un autre poste) I'm putting you through; pourriez-vous me passer le poste 4834/le service de traduction? could you put me through to extension 4834/the translation department, please?; il est sorti, je vous passe sa secrétaire he's out, I'll put you through to his secretary;7 ( se présenter à) to take, to sit [examen scolaire, test]; to have [visite médicale, entretien]; passer son permis de conduire to take one's driving test; faire passer un test à qn to give sb a test; c'est moi qui fais passer l'oral de français aux nouveaux I'm taking the new pupils for the French oral;8 ( réussir) to pass [examen, test];9 ( dans le temps) to spend [temps, jour, vie, vacances] (à faire doing); passer une nuit à l'hôtel to spend a night at a hotel; nous avons passé de bons moments ensemble we've had some good times together; dépêche-toi, on ne va pas y passer la nuit○! hurry up, or we'll be here all night!; passer sa colère sur son chat/ses collègues to take one's anger out on the cat/one's colleagues;10 ( pardonner) passer qch à qn to let sb get away with sth; il ne me passe rien he doesn't let me get away with anything; elle leur passe tout she lets them get away with murder; passez-lui ses écarts de langage excuse his/her strong language; il passe tous ses caprices à sa fille he indulges his daughter's every whim; passez-moi l'expression/le terme if you'll pardon the expression/the word;11 ( omettre) to skip [mot, page, paragraphe]; je vous passe les détails I'll spare you the details; j'en passe et des meilleures ( après énumération) and so on and so forth, I could go on;12 ( utiliser) passer un chiffon humide sur les meubles to go over the furniture with a damp cloth; passer un coup de fer sur une chemise to give a shirt a quick press; n'oublie pas de passer l'aspirateur dans le salon don't forget to hoover® GB ou vacuum the lounge;13 ( étendre) en passant un peu de cire, les rayures disparaîtront if you go over it with a bit of wax, the scratches will disappear; passer un peu de baume sur une brûlure to dab some ointment on a burn; passer une couche de peinture sur qch to give sth a coat of paint;14 ( soumettre) passez le plat au four put the dish in the oven; passer la pointe d'une aiguille à la flamme to hold the point of a needle over a flame; passer le plancher à la cire to put some wax on the floor; passer qch à l'eau ( pour rincer) to give sth a rinse; ( pour obtenir une réaction) to soak sth briefly in water; qu'est-ce qu'elle nous a passé○! she really went for us○!; ⇒ peigne;15 ( à travers une grille) to filter [café]; to strain [jus de fruit, sauce]; to purée [légumes]; passer des légumes au moulin à légumes to purée vegetables;16 ( enfiler) to slip [sth] on [vêtement, anneau]; to slip into [robe]; ils ont essayé de me passer la camisole they tried to put me in a straitjacket;17 ( faire jouer) to play [disque, cassette audio]; ( projeter) to show [film, diapositives, cassette vidéo]; ( diffuser) to place [annonce];18 ( signer) to sign [contrat]; to enter into [accord]; to place [commande]; to pass [loi, décret]; passer un marché○ to make a deal;20 Aut ( enclencher) to go into [vitesse]; passer la troisième/la marche arrière to go into third gear/into reverse;B vi1 ( parcourir son chemin) [personne, animal, véhicule, ballon] to go past ou by, to pass; passer entre to pass between; regarder passer les trains to watch the trains go past ou by; nous sommes passés devant le palais/près du lac we went past the palace/the lake; passer sous/sur un pont to go under/over a bridge; l'autobus vient juste de passer the bus has just gone; le facteur n'est pas encore passé the postman hasn't been yet; quand passe le prochain car pour Caen? when is the next coach GB ou bus for Caen?; je suis passé à côté de lui/du monument I passed him/the monument; nous sommes passés près de chez toi ce matin we were near your house this morning; passer à pied/à cheval/en voiture/à bicyclette to walk/ride/drive/cycle past; un avion est passé a plane flew past overhead; il est passé en courant/boitant he ran/limped past; j'ai renversé le vase en passant I knocked over the vase as I went by; en passant, achète du lait buy some milk while you're out; le ballon est passé tout près des buts the ball narrowly missed the goal;2 (se trouver, s'étendre) la route passe à côté du lac the road runs alongside the lake; le ruisseau passe derrière la maison the stream runs behind the house; ils ont fait passer la route devant chez nous/près de l'église/derrière le village they built the road in front of our house/near the church/behind the village; ligne qui passe par les centres de deux cercles line that connects the centresGB of two circles; en faisant passer une ligne par ces deux villes drawing a line through these two towns;3 ( faire un saut) je ne fais que passer I've just popped in GB ou dropped by for a minute; quand je suis passé au marché when I went down to the market; quand je suis passé à l'école when I dropped by the school; quand je suis passé chez lui when I called in to see him GB, when I dropped by his place; passer à la banque to call in at the bank GB, to drop by the bank; il est passé déposer un dossier he came to drop off a file; il est passé quelqu'un pour toi someone was looking for you; je passerai un de ces jours I'll drop by one of these days; passer dans la matinée [plombier, représentant] to call in the morning GB, to come over in the morning; passe nous voir plus souvent! come and see us more often!; passer prendre qn/qch to pick sb/sth up; je passerai te prendre à six heures I'll pick you up at six; je passerai prendre le gâteau dans une heure I'll pick up the cake in an hour;4 ( se rendre) to go; passez au guichet numéro 3 go to counter 3; passons au salon let's go into ou through to the lounge; les contrebandiers sont passés en Espagne the smugglers have crossed into Spain; passez derrière moi, je vous montrerai le chemin follow me, I'll show you the way; il est passé devant moi, il m'est passé devant○ ( dans une queue) he pushed in front of me; passer à la visite médicale to go for a medical examination; passer devant une commission to come before a committee;5 ( aller au-delà) to get through; tu ne passeras pas, c'est trop étroit you'll never get through, it's too narrow; on ne peut pas passer à cause de la neige we can't get through because of the snow; impossible de passer tant il y avait de monde you couldn't get through, there were so many people; il est passé au rouge he went through the red lights; il n'a pas attendu le feu vert pour passer he didn't wait for the lights to turn green; il m'a fait signe de passer he waved me on; il a fait passer la vieille dame devant lui he let the old lady go first; vas-y, ça passe! ( à un automobiliste) go on, there's plenty of room!; laisser passer qn to let sb through; laisser passer une ambulance to let an ambulance through; le volet laisse passer un peu de lumière the shutter lets in a chink of light; la cloison laisse passer le bruit the partition doesn't keep the noise out; passer par-dessus bord to fall overboard; il est passé par la fenêtre ( par accident) he fell out of the window; ( pour entrer) he got in through the window; il est passé sous un train he was run over by a train; nous n'avons pas pu faire passer l'armoire par la porte we couldn't get the wardrobe through the door; à cause des travaux, on ne peut pas passer derrière la maison because of the road works, we can't get round GB ou around US the back of the house; ⇒ caravane, casser;6 ( transiter) passer par [personne] lit to pass ou go through; fig to go through; nous sommes passés par Édimbourg we went via Edinburgh; ça ira plus vite en passant par la Belgique it'll be quicker to go via Belgium; la manifestation passera dans cette avenue the demonstration will come along this avenue; passer par qn pour faire qch to do sth through sb; passer par de rudes épreuves to go through the mill, to have a rough time; passer par l'opératrice to go through the operator; passer par une rue to go along a street; passer par l'escalier de service to use the service stairs; nous sommes passés par une agence matrimoniale we met through a marriage bureau; il est passé par tous les stades de la formation he went through the various different stages of training; passer au bord de la faillite to come very close to bankruptcy; il est passé par une très bonne école he went to a very good school; la formation par laquelle il est passé the training (that) he had; il dit tout ce qui lui passe par la tête he always says the first thing that comes into his head; je ne sais jamais ce qui te passe par la tête I never know what's going on in your head; une idée m'est passée par la tête an idea occurred to me; mais qu'est-ce qui lui est passé par la tête? what on earth was he/she thinking of?; ça fait du bien par où ça passe○! [aliment, boisson] I needed that!; un éclair de malice passa dans ses yeux his/her eyes gleamed with mischief, he/she had a mischievous glint in his/her eyes; un sourire passa sur ses lèvres he/she smiled for a second; en passant par including; des reptiles à l'homme, en passant par le singe from reptiles to man, including apes; ⇒ maire;7 ○( avoir son tour) il accuse le patron, ses collègues, le cuisinier, bref, tout le monde y passe he's accusing the boss, his colleagues, the cook-in other words, everyone in sight; le rock, le blues, la musique classique, tout y passe rock, blues, classical music, you name it; que ça te plaise ou non, il va falloir y passer whether you like it or not, there's no alternative; la nouvelle secrétaire va y passer aussi the new secretary will get it as well; on ne peut pas faire autrement que d'en passer par là there is no other way around it; je sais, j'en suis déjà passé par là I know all about that, I've been there○;8 ( négliger) passer sur to pass over [question, défaut, erreur]; je préfère passer sur ce point pour l'instant I'd rather not dwell on that point for the moment; il est or a passé sur les détails he didn't go into the details; si l'on passe sur les frais de déplacement if we ignore the travel expenses; passons (là-dessus)! ( injonction) let's hear no more about it!; ( pardon) let's say no more about it!; passer à côté d'une question ( volontairement) to sidestep a question; ( involontairement) to miss the point; laisser passer qch ( délibérément) to let sth pass, to overlook sth; ( par inadvertance) to let sth slip through, to overlook sth; laisser passer une occasion, passer à côté d'une occasion to miss an opportunity, to let an opportunity slip ou go by; laisser passer quelques erreurs par gentillesse to overlook a few errors out of soft-heartedness; on ne peut pas laisser passer une telle erreur we cannot let a mistake like that through; le réviseur a laissé passer plusieurs fautes the proofreader let several mistakes slip through; il leur laisse passer tous leurs caprices he indulges their every whim;9 ( ne pas approfondir) en passant in passing; notons en passant que we should note in passing that; en passant, il a ajouté que in passing, he added that; soit dit en passer incidentally;10 (être admis, supporté) [aliment, repas] to go down; [commentaires, discours, critiques] to go down well (auprès de with); [loi, règlement, mesure] to get through; [attitude, pensée, doctrine] to be accepted; [candidat] to get through; je ne me sens pas bien, ce doit être le concombre qui passe mal I don't feel well, it must be the cucumber; prends un peu de cognac, ça fait passer! have a drop of brandy, it's good for the digestion; vos critiques sont mal passées/ne sont pas passées your criticism went down badly/didn't go down well; ils n'ont jamais pu faire passer leur réforme/leurs idées they never managed to get their reform through/their ideas accepted; que je sois critiqué, passe encore, mais calomnié, non! criticism is one thing, but I draw the line at slander; avec lui, la flatterie, ça ne passe pas flattery won't work with him; passer au premier tour Pol to be elected in the first round; passer dans la classe supérieure to move up to the next year ou grade US; (ça) passe pour cette fois○ this time, I'll let it go;11 ( se déplacer) passer de France en Espagne to leave France and enter Spain; passer de la salle à manger au salon to move from the dining room to the lounge; passer à l'ennemi to go over to the enemy; passer dans le camp adverse to go over to the other side; passer sous contrôle de l'ONU/de l'État to be taken over by the UN/the government; passer sous contrôle ennemi to fall into enemy hands; passer de main en main to be passed around; passer constamment d'un sujet à l'autre to flit from one subject to another; passer d'un amant à un autre to go from one lover to the next; passer de l'opulence à la misère to go from extreme wealth to extreme poverty; passer de la théorie à la pratique to put theory into practice; leur nombre pourrait passer à 700 their number could reach 700; passer à un taux supérieur/inférieur to go up to a higher rate/down to a lower rate; faire passer qch de 200 à 300 to increase sth from 200 to 300; faire passer qch de 300 à 200 to decrease sth from 300 to 200; expression passée en proverbe expression that has become a proverb;12 ( être pris) passer pour un imbécile/pour être une belle ville to be generally thought of as stupid/as a beautiful town (auprès de by); passer pour un génie to pass as a genius; son excentricité passe pour de l'intelligence his/her eccentricity passes for intelligence; il passe pour l'inventeur de l'ordinateur he's supposed to have invented computers; passer pour quelqu'un d'autre to be taken for someone else; il pourrait passer pour un Américain he could be taken for an American; il veut passer pour un grand homme he wants to be seen as a great man; faire passer qn/qch pour exceptionnel/exemplaire to make sb/sth out to be exceptional/a model of perfection; se faire passer pour malade to pretend to be ill; se faire passer pour mort to fake one's own death; il se fait passer pour mon frère he passes himself off as my brother; se faisant passer pour un agent d'assurance by passing himself off as ou by impersonating an insurance salesman; il m'a fait passer pour un imbécile he made me look like a fool;13 ( disparaître) [douleur, événement] to pass; quand l'orage sera or aura passé lit when the storm is over; fig when the storm dies down; ça passera ( sa mauvaise humeur) it'll pass; ( ton chagrin) you'll get over it; la première réaction passée, il a été possible de faire once we/they calmed down it was possible to do; nous avons dû attendre que sa colère soit passée we had to wait for his/her anger to subside; passer de mode [vêtement, style, chanson, expression] to go out of fashion; cette mode est vite passée or a vite passé that fashion was short-lived; faire passer à qn l'envie or le goût de faire to cure sb of the desire to do; les sales gosses, je vais leur faire passer l'envie or l'habitude de tirer sur ma sonnette! those damn kids, I'll teach them to ring my bell!; ce médicament fait passer les maux d'estomac this medicine relieves stomach ache; cette mauvaise habitude te passera it's a bad habit you'll grow out of; ça lui passera avant que ça me reprenne○ it won't last;14 (apparaître, être projeté, diffusé) [artiste, groupe] ( sur une scène) to be appearing; (à la télévision, radio) to be on; [spectacle, film] to be on; [cassette, musique] to be playing; mon ami passe à la télévision ce soir my friend is on television tonight; les films portugais qui passent à la télévision/au Rex/à Paris the Portuguese films (that are) on television/on at the Rex/on in Paris;15 ( être placé) passer avant/après ( en importance) to come before/after; la santé passe avant tout health comes first; il fait passer sa famille avant ses amis he puts his family before his friends;16 ○( disparaître) où étais-tu (encore) passé? where (on earth) did you get to?; où est passé mon livre/le chat? where has my book/the cat got to?;17 ( s'écouler) [temps] to pass, to go by; deux ans ont passé depuis l'événement two years have passed since it happened; le temps a passé, et les gens ont oublié time has passed and people have forgotten; je ne vois pas le temps passer I don't know where the time goes; le week-end a or est passé trop vite the weekend went too quickly;18 ( se mettre à) to turn to; passons aux choses sérieuses let's turn to serious matters; nous pouvons passer à l'étape suivante we can move on to the next stage; passons à autre chose let's change the subject; nous allons passer au vote let's vote now; passer à l'offensive to take the offensive;19 ( être transmis) passer de père en fils/de génération en génération/à ses héritiers to be handed down from father to son/from generation to generation/to one's heirs; l'expression est passée dans la langue the expression has become part of the language; ça finira par passer dans les mœurs it'll eventually become common practice; il a fait passer son émotion dans la salle he transmitted his emotion to the audience;20 ( être promu) to be promoted to; il est passé général he's been promoted to general; elle est passée maître dans l'art de mentir she's an accomplished liar;21 ( être dépensé) [argent, somme] to go on ou in ou into; [produit, matière] to go into; la moitié de mon salaire passe en remboursement de mes dettes half my salary goes on paying off my debts; toutes mes économies y sont passées○ all my savings went into it;22 ○( mourir) y passer to die; si tu continues à conduire comme ça, tu vas finir par y passer if you keep driving like that, you'll kill yourself; on y passera tous, mais le plus tard sera le mieux we've all got to go sometime, the later the better;25 ( changer de vitesse) passer en troisième/marche arrière to go into third/reverse; la troisième passe mal or a du mal à passer third gear is a bit stiff; passer de seconde en troisième to go from second into third;26 Jeux (au bridge, poker) to pass.C se passer vpr1 ( se produire) to happen; ça s'est passé en Chine/à Pékin/le matin/au bon moment it happened in China/in Beijing/in the morning/at the right time; il ne se passe jamais rien dans ce village nothing ever happens in this village; que se passe-t-il?, qu'est-ce qui se passe? what's happening, what's going on?; tout se passe comme si le dollar avait été dévalué it's as if the dollar was devalued;2 ( être situé) to take place; la scène se passe au Viêt Nam/dans les années trente/de nos jours the scene is set in Vietnam/in the thirties/in the present day;3 ( se dérouler) [opération, examen, négociations] to go; comment s'est passée la réunion? how did the meeting go?; tout s'est bien passé everything went well; ça s'est mal passé it didn't go well; la réunion s'est très mal passée the meeting went very badly; tout s'est passé très vite it all happened very fast; ça va mal se passer pour toi si tu continues! you're going to be in trouble if you carry on GB ou continue doing that!; ça ne se passera pas comme ça! I won't leave it at that!;4 ( s'écouler) [période] to go by, to pass; il s'est passé deux ans depuis, deux ans se sont passés depuis that was two years ago; il ne se passe guère de jour (sans) qu'elle ne trouve à se plaindre hardly a day goes by without her finding something to complain about; attendons que ça se passe let's wait till it's over; nos soirées se passaient à regarder la télévision we spent the evenings watching television; ⇒ jeunesse;5 ( se dispenser) se passer de [personne] to do without [objet, activité, personne]; to go without [repas, nourriture, sommeil]; nous nous sommes passés de voiture we did without a car; nous nous passerons de lui we'll do without him; je me passerais bien de tes remarques I can do without your comments; se passer de commentaires to speak for itself; ne pas pouvoir se passer de faire not to be able to help oneself from doing; se passer des services de qn to do without sb's services;6 ( se mettre) se passer la langue sur les lèvres/la main dans les cheveux to run one's tongue over one's lips/one's fingers through one's hair; se passer la main sur le front to put a hand to one's forehead;7 ( l'un à l'autre) ils se sont passé des documents they exchanged some documents; nous nous sommes passé le virus we caught the virus from each other.[pase] verbe intransitif (auxiliaire être)A.[EXPRIME UN DÉPLACEMENT]passer dans: pour empêcher les poids lourds de passer dans le village to stop lorries from driving ou going through the villagea. [devant moi] go in front of me if you can't seeb. [devant tout le monde] go to the front if you can't seepasser sous une voiture [se faire écraser] to get run over (by a car)des péniches passaient sur le canal barges were going past ou were sailing on the canal[fugitivement]un sourire passa sur ses lèvres a smile played about her lips, she smiled briefly3. [emprunter un certain itinéraire]si vous passez à Paris, venez me voir come and see me if you're in Paris[fleuve, route] to go, to run5. [sur un parcours régulier - démarcheur, représentant] to call ; [ - bateau, bus, train] to come ou to go pastle facteur passe deux fois par jour the postman delivers ou comes twice a dayle bateau/train est déjà passé the boat/train has already gone ou leftle prochain bateau passera dans deux jours the next boat will call ou is due in two days6. [faire une visite] to callj'ai demandé au médecin de passer I asked the doctor to call (in) ou to come ou to visit7. [franchir une limite] to get through8. [s'infiltrer] to passpasser dans le sang to pass into ou to enter the bloodstreamle café doit passer lentement [dans le filtre] the coffee must filter through slowly9. [aller, se rendre] to gooù sont passées mes lunettes? where have my glasses got ou disappeared to?passer de Suisse en France to cross over ou to go from Switzerland to FranceB.[EXPRIME UNE ACTION]1. [se soumettre à]ce matin, je suis passé au tableau I was asked to explain something at the blackboard this morningy passer (familier) : je ne veux pas me faire opérer — il faudra bien que tu y passes, pourtant! I don't want to have an operation — you're going to have to!avec lui, toutes les femmes du service y sont passées he's had all the women in his department2. [être accepté] to passelle est passée à l'écrit mais pas à l'oral she got through ou she passed the written exam but not the oralton petit discours est bien passé your little speech went down well ou was well receivedle film passe mal sur le petit écran/en noir et blanc the film just isn't the same on TV/in black and whitepasse (encore): l'injurier, passe encore, mais le frapper! it's one thing to insult him, but quite another to hit him!3. [être transmis] to gola ferme est passée de père en fils depuis cinq générations the farm has been handed down from father to son for five generationsla locution est passée du latin à l'anglais the phrase came ou passed into English from Latin4. [entrer] to passc'est passé dans le langage courant it's passed into ou it's now part of everyday speechc'est passé dans les moeurs it's become standard ou normal practice5. [être utilisé, absorbé] to gosi les socialistes passent if the socialists get in ou are electedRADIO & TÉLÉVISIONpasser à la radio [émission, personne] to be on the radio ou the aira. [personne] to be ou to appear on televisionb. [film] to be on television8. DROIT [comparaître]passer devant le tribunal to come up ou to go before the courtpasser en correctionnelle ≃ to go before the magistrate's courtC.[EXPRIME UN CHANGEMENT D'ÉTAT]1. [accéder - à un niveau]2. [devenir] to become3. [dans des locutions verbales]passer de... à [changer d'état]: passer de l'état liquide à l'état gazeux to pass ou to change from the liquid to the gaseous statela production est passée de 20 à 30/de 30 à 20 tonnes output has gone (up) from 20 to 30/(down) from 30 to 20 tonnescomment êtes-vous passé du cinéma au théâtre? how did you move ou make the transition from the cinema to the stage?il passe d'une idée à l'autre he jumps ou flits from one idea to another4. AUTOMOBILEpasser en troisième to change ou go into third (gear)D.[EXPRIME UNE ÉVOLUTION DANS LE TEMPS]la journée est passée agréablement the day went off ou passed pleasantly2. [s'estomper - douleur] to fade (away), to wear off ; [ - malaise] to disappear ; [ - mode, engouement] to die out ; [ - enthousiasme] to wear off, to fade ; [ - beauté] to fade, to wane ; [ - chance, jeunesse] to pass ; [ - mauvaise humeur] to pass, to vanish ; [ - rage, tempête] to die down ; [ - averse] to die down, to stopfaire passer: ce médicament fait passer la douleur très rapidement this medicine relieves pain very quickly[se faner - fleur] to wilt[pâlir - teinte]4. (auxiliaire avoir) (vieilli) [mourir]il a passé cette nuit he passed on ou away last night————————[pase] verbe transitif (auxiliaire avoir)A.[EXPRIME UN DÉPLACEMENT]1. [traverser - pont, col de montagne] to go over (inseparable), to cross ; [ - écluse] to go through (inseparable)2. [franchir - frontière, ligne d'arrivée] to crosspasser l'arrêt de l'autobus [le manquer] to miss one's bus stoppasser le cap Horn to (go) round Cape Horn, to round the Capequand on passe les 1 000 mètres d'altitude when you go over 1,000 metres highl'or a passé les 400 dollars l'once gold has broken through the $ 400 an ounce mark4. [transporter] to ferry ou to take across (separable)5. [introduire]passer de la drogue/des cigarettes en fraude to smuggle drugs/cigarettes6. [engager - partie du corps] to putpasser son bras autour de la taille de quelqu'un to put ou to slip one's arm round somebody's waistje n'arrive pas à passer ma tête dans l'encolure de cette robe my head won't go through the neck of the dress7. [faire aller - instrument] to runpasse le balai dans l'escalier give the stairs a sweep, sweep the stairs9. SPORT [franchir - obstacle, haie] to jump (over)[transmettre - ballon] to passB.[EXPRIME UNE ACTION]1. [se soumettre à - permis de conduire] to take ; [ - examen] to take, to sit (UK) ; [ - entretien] to have ; [ - scanner, visite médicale] to have, to go for (inseparable)il a passé l'écrit, mais attendons l'oral he's passed the written exam, but let's see what happens in the oralje passe toutes les descriptions dans ses romans I miss out ou I skip all the descriptions in her novels4. [tolérer]passez-moi l'expression/le mot if you'll pardon the expression/excuse the term5. [soumettre à l'action de]passer des légumes au mixeur to put vegetables through the blender, to blend vegetablespasser quelque chose sous l'eau to rinse something ou to give something a rinse under the tappasser quelque chose à quelqu'un (familier) to give somebody a good dressing-down, to tick somebody off (UK)se faire passer quelque chose (familier) to get a good ticking off (UK), to get a good chewing-out (US)6. [donner, transmettre - généralement] to pass, to hand, to give ; [ - maladie] to give ; [ - au téléphone] to put through (separable)je te passe Fred here's Fred, I'll hand you over to Fredpasse-moi Annie let me talk to Annie, put Annie on7. [rendre public - annonce]8. (familier) [prêter] to lendje vais te passer de la crème dans le dos I'm going to put ou to rub some cream on your back11. [enfiler - vêtement] to slip ou to put on (separable)12. AUTOMOBILEpasser la troisième to change ou to shift into third gear[diapositive] to showRADIO [émission] to broadcast14. COMMERCE [conclure - entente] to conclude, to come to (inseparable), to reach ; [ - marché] to agree on (inseparable), to strike, to reach ; [ - commande] to placeC.[EXPRIME UNE NOTION TEMPORELLE]1. [employer - durée] to spendpassez un bon week-end/une bonne soirée! have a nice weekend/evening!as-tu passé une bonne nuit? did you sleep well last night?, did you have a good night?elle ne passera pas la nuit she won't see the night out, she won't last the night3. [assouvir - envie] to satisfy————————passer après verbe plus prépositionil faut le faire libérer, le reste passe après we must get him released, everything else is secondary————————passer avant verbe plus prépositionto go ou to come beforeses intérêts passent avant tout his own interests come before anything else, he puts his own interests before everything else————————passer par verbe plus préposition1. [dans une formation] to go through2. [dans une évolution] to go through, to undergole pays est passé par toutes les formes de gouvernement the country has experienced every form of government3. [recourir à] to go throughpour comprendre, il faut être passé par là you have to have experienced it to understand————————passer pour verbe plus préposition1. [avec nom] to be thought of asje vais passer pour un idiot I'll be taken for ou people will take me for an idiot2. [avec adj]3. [avec verbe]elle passe pour descendre d'une famille noble she is said to be descended from an aristocratic family————————passer sur verbe plus préposition[excuser] to overlookpassons sur les détails let's pass over ou skip the detailspassons! let's say no more about it!, let's drop it!tu me l'avais promis, mais passons! you promised me, but never mind!————————se passer verbe pronominal intransitifla soirée s'est passée tranquillement the evening went by ou passed quietlyqu'est-ce qui se passe? what's happening?, what's going on?il se passe que ton frère vient d'être arrêté, (voilà ce qui se passe)! your brother's just been arrested, that's what's!il ne se passe pas une semaine sans qu'il perde de l'argent aux courses not a week goes by without him losing money on the horses3. [se dérouler - dans certaines conditions] to go (off)l'opération s'est bien/mal passée the operation went (off) smoothly/badlysi tout se passe bien, nous y serons demain if all goes well, we'll be there tomorrowtout se passe comme prévu everything's going according to plan ou going as planned————————se passer verbe pronominal transitifil se passa un peigne/la main dans les cheveux he ran a comb/his fingers through his hair————————se passer de verbe pronominal plus préposition1. [vivre sans] to do ou to go without2. [s'abstenir]3. [ne pas avoir besoin de]————————en passant locution adverbiale1. [dans la conversation] in passingfaire une remarque en passant to remark in passing, to make a casual remark2. [sur son chemin]il s'arrête de temps à autre en passant he calls on his way by ou past from time to time————————en passant par locution prépositionnelle————————1. [dans l'espace] vial'avion va à Athènes en passant par Londres the plane goes to Athens via London ou stops in London on its way to Athens2. [dans une énumération] (and) including -
15 approcher
approcher [apʀɔ∫e]➭ TABLE 11. transitive verba. [+ objet] to bring nearerb. [+ personne] to approach► approcher de [+ lieu] to approach2. intransitive verb• le jour approche où... the day is near when...• approchez, approchez ! come closer!3. reflexive verb• approche-toi ! come here!* * *apʀɔʃe
1) ( déplacer)2) ( contacter) to approach [personne]on ne peut pas les approcher — ( occupés) you can never get to see them; ( trop distants) they're unapproachable
approcher de verbe transitif indirect
verbe intransitif to approach
s'approcher verbe pronominals'approcher de quelqu'un/quelque chose — ( aller) to go near somebody/something; ( venir) to come near somebody/something
* * *apʀɔʃe1. vi1) [personne, véhicule] to approach, to come upNous approchons de Paris. — We are approaching Paris.
2) [événement, période] to approachNoël approche. — Christmas is getting close., Christmas is approaching.
approcher de [quantité, niveau] — to be close to
2. vt1) [personnalité] to come close to, to approach2) [animal dangereux] to go near3) (= rapprocher) [objet, chaise] to bring closer, to move closerapprocher qch de qch — to bring sth closer to sth, to move sth closer to sth
* * *approcher verb table: aimerA vtr1 ( déplacer) approcher qch de qch ( placer près de) to move ou bring sth close to sth; ( placer plus près de) to move ou bring sth closer to sth; approcher les lits l'un de l'autre to push the beds closer together; approcher le bureau de la fenêtre to move ou bring the desk close ou closer to the window; approche une chaise du lit bring ou draw a chair up to the bed; il approcha ses lèvres des siennes he moved his lips close to hers; approche ta chaise pull up your chair, bring your chair closer; approcher la cuillère/le verre de ses lèvres to raise the spoon/the glass to one's lips;2 ( aller près de) to go up to [personne]; ( venir près de) to come up to [personne]; fig ( aborder) to approach [personne] (au sujet de about); ne les approche pas don't go near them, keep away from them; ne m'approche pas don't come near me, keep away from me; on ne peut pas les approcher ( occupés) you can never get to see them; ( trop distants) they're unapproachable; dans ce travail, on approche des gens importants in this job, you come into contact ou you rub shoulders with important people.B approcher de vtr ind to near, to get near [endroit]; to be (getting) close to [but, solution]; to be close to [vérité, perfection]; nous approchons du but lit, fig we're nearly there; il approche de la soixantaine he's getting on for sixty, he's close to sixty; nous approchons du marché unique the single market will soon be with us; la température approche du zéro the temperature is near zero; j'approchais du 100 km à l'heure I was going at nearly 100 km an hour.C vi [saison, date, événement] to approach, to draw near; [personne, avion, orage] to approach, to come nearer; sentir la mort approcher to feel death drawing near; l'heure du départ approchait it was nearly time to leave; approche, que je te voie come closer ou nearer, so I can see you; la nuit approche it's getting dark.D s'approcher vpr1 s'approcher de qn/qch ( aller) to go up to sb/sth; ( venir) to come up to sb/sth; il s'approcha pour mieux m'examiner he came up to me to get a better look at me; l'ennemi s'approchait the enemy was approaching; ne t'approche pas du bord ( ne va pas) don't go near the edge; ( ne viens pas) don't come near the edge;3 ( être imminent) [saison, date, événement] to approach, to draw near.[aprɔʃe] verbe transitif1. [mettre plus près - lampe, chaise] to move ou to draw nearer, to move ou to draw closerapproche la table du mur move ou draw the table closer to the wallapprocher une tasse de ses lèvres to lift ou to raise a cup to one's lips2. [se mettre près de] to go ou to come nearne l'approchez/m'approchez surtout pas! please don't go near him/come near me!3. [côtoyer - personnalité] to approach4. [établir un contact avec] to approach————————[aprɔʃe] verbe intransitiftoi, approche! you, come over here!on approche de Paris we're getting near to ou we're nearing Parisapprocher de la perfection to be ou to come close to perfection————————s'approcher verbe pronominal intransitifapproche-toi come here ou closerelle le tira par la manche pour le faire s'approcher she took him by the sleeve and pulled him closer————————s'approcher de verbe pronominal plus préposition1. [se mettre plus près de]s'approcher d'une ville to approach ou to near a towns'approcher de quelqu'un to come close to somebody, to come up to somebody2. [correspondre à] to be ou to come close to -
16 vers
I.vers1 [vεʀ]• « vers la plage » "to the beach"• traduire vers le français/l'espagnol to translate into French/Spanishb. ( = aux environs de) around• vers 2 000 mètres l'air est frais at about 2,000 metres the air is cool• vers quelle heure doit-il venir ? around or about what time is he due?• il est arrivé vers 6 heures he arrived (at) about or around 6 o'clockII.vers2 [vεʀ]masculine nouna. ( = ligne) line• au 3e vers in line 3* * *Note: Lorsque vers indique une direction, une tendance ou une orientation, il se traduit généralement par toward(s). On notera que towards est plus courant en anglais britannique et toward en anglais américainLorsque vers fait partie d'une expression du genre se tourner vers, tendre vers, départ vers etc la traduction est donnée respectivement à tourner, tendre, départ
I vɛʀ1) ( en direction de) toward(s)2) ( aux environs de) ( lieu) near, around; ( temps) about; ( période) toward(s)les rues sont toujours encombrées vers le centre-ville — the streets are always congested around the town centre [BrE]
vers cinq heures — about ou around five o'clock
elle est tombée malade vers l'âge de 25 ans — she became ill GB ou sick US when she was about 25
1. vɛʀnom masculin invariable ( ligne de poésie) line (of verse)
* * *
I vɛʀ1. nm[poème] line2. vers nmpl(= poésie) verse sg
II vɛʀ prép1) (= en direction de) towards, towardIl allait vers la gare. — He was going towards the station.
2) (= près de) somewhere around, somewhere nearIl habite vers la gare. — He lives somewhere around the station., He lives somewhere near the station.
3) (temporel) about, aroundIl est rentré chez lui vers cinq heures. — He went home at about 5 o'clock.
* * *I.vers prép❢ Lorsque vers indique une direction, une tendance ou une orientation, il se traduit généralement par toward(s). On notera que towards est plus courant en anglais britannique et toward en anglais américain.Lorsque vers fait partie d'une expression du genre se tourner vers, tendre vers, départ vers etc la traduction est donnée respectivement à tourner, tendre, départ. On trouvera ci-dessous des usages particuliers de vers.1 lit ( en direction de) toward(s); il vint vers moi he came toward(s) me; elle courut vers l'enfant she ran toward(s) the child; il n'a même pas tourné la tête vers elle he didn't even look in her direction; se déplacer de la gauche vers la droite to move from left to right; des exportations vers le Japon exports to Japan; des migrations vers le sud migration to the south; il habite plus vers le nord he lives further north; ‘vers les quais’ ( sur un panneau) ‘to trains’;2 fig ( en direction de) to, toward(s); un premier pas vers la négociation a first step toward(s) negotiation; une association tournée vers la culture a culture-oriented association;3 ( aux environs de) ( lieu) near, around; ( temps) about; ( période) toward(s); on s'arrêtera vers Dijon pour déjeuner we'll stop for lunch near Dijon; c'est vers les 3 000 m d'altitude qu'elle s'est sentie mal she started feeling ill GB ou sick US at an altitude of about 3,000 m; les rues sont toujours encombrées vers le centre-ville the streets are always congested around the town centreGB; vers cinq heures/le 10 juillet/l'an 2000 about five o'clock/10 July/the year 2000; vers le soir toward(s) evening; vers la fin du mois de septembre toward(s) ou around the end of September; il a vécu jusque vers l'âge de 80 ans he lived to about the age of 80; elle est tombée malade vers l'âge de 25 ans she became ill GB ou sick US when she was about 25.II.A nm inv ( ligne de poésie) line (of verse); le premier/troisième vers the first/third line; un vers de douze syllabes a line of twelve syllables; un poème/une pièce en vers a poem/a play in verse.vers blanc blank verse; vers héroïque heroic verse; vers libre free verse; vers de mirliton doggerel ¢.I[vɛr] nom masculin1. [genre] versevers métriques/syllabiques/rythmiques quantitative/syllabic/accentual-syllabic verse2. [unité] line————————[vɛr] nom masculin plurielécrire ou faire des vers to write poetry ou verse————————en vers locution adjectivaleconte/lettre en vers tale told/letter written in verse————————en vers locution adverbialeII[vɛr] prépositionma chambre regarde vers le nord my bedroom looks ou faces northa. (sens propre) he turned to ou towards meb. [pour que je l'aide] he turned ou came to mevers les 1 800 mètres la végétation se raréfie around 1,800 metres the vegetation becomes sparse -
17 bei
Präp.a) (in der Nähe von) near; bei Berlin near Berlin; die Schlacht bei Waterloo the Battle of Waterloo; beim Rathaus (just) near ( oder by) the town hall; (am Rathaus) at the town hall; dicht bei der Schule just next to the school; gleich beim Hotel liegt die Post the post office is just ( oder right) next to the hotel; etw. bei der Hand haben have s.th. to hand; sein Einkommen / der Wert liegt etwa bei 5000 Euro his salary / its value is around 5000 euros;b) an einem bestimmten Ort: at; beim Metzger / Bäcker etc. at the butcher’s / baker’s etc.; hast du das bei Woolworth gekauft? did you buy that at Woolworth’s; Herr Müller ist gerade bei Tisch Mr Müller is just at the table; wir waren alle bei mir / meinen Eltern we were all at my house ( oder place) / at my parents’ (place); bei ihr zu Hause in her house, at her place; bei uns in Hessen / auf dem Land where I come from in Hessen / in the country; wir sind morgen bei Kollegen eingeladen we have been invited to visit colleagues tomorrow; er wohnt bei mir nebenan / gegenüber / um die Ecke he lives next door / opposite / on the corner where I live ( oder of my place); sie wohnt bei einem alten Ehepaar she lives with an old couple; bei (per Adresse) Schmidt c / o (= care of) Schmidt; am Telefon: hier bei Müller this is the Müllers’, Müller speaking; bei den Schotten heißt das anders the Scots call it something else; Amerika wacht gerade erst auf, bei uns ist es aber schon 13 Uhr in America they’re just waking up, but here it’s already 1 o’clock2.a) bezeichnet Arbeitsverhältnis etc.: for; sie ist bei Langenscheidt she is with ( oder works for) Langenscheidt; er arbeitet oder ist bei der Post / Bahn he works for the post office / railway (Am. railroad); sie ist beim Fernsehen she works for (the) TV; beim Militär in the armed forces;b) bei jemandem Stunden nehmen have lessons with s.o.; bei welchem Arzt bist du? which doctor do you go to?; Brit. auch who’s your GP?3. an einer bestimmten Stelle: jemanden beim Kragen packen grab s.o. by the collar; jemanden bei der Hand etc. fassen take s.o. by the hand etc.; die Gelegenheit beim Schopf fassen seize ( oder grab umg.) the opportunity; bei Fuß! (to) heel4. dabei, mit: with; ich habe kein Geld bei mir I have no money on me; er hatte seinen Hund bei sich he had his dog with him; das ist oft so bei Kindern that’s fairly common with children; pej. children are like that; bei mir machst du das lieber nicht you’d be advised not to try that with me, you’d better not try that with me; die Entscheidung liegt bei dir it’s your decision5. bezeichnet Teilnahme: bei einer Veranstaltung sein be in an event; bei einer Aufführung mitwirken take part in a performance; bei Spielen: bei dieser Runde setze ich aus I’ll sit this round out6. von Werken, Künstlern etc.: in the work of; bei Schiller steht in one of Schiller’s works it says, Schiller says; bei Tizian / den Romantikern findet man dieses Motiv you find this motif in the works of Titian / the Romantics7. zeitlich, Umstände, Zustände:a) zu einem gewissen Zeitpunkt: on, at; bei meiner Ankunft when I arrived, on my arrival; bei Tagesanbruch at dawn; bei Sonnenaufgang / Sonnenuntergang at sunrise / sunset; bei schönem Wetter when the weather is fine; der Park schließt bei anbrechender Dunkelheit the park closes at dusk; bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich.... I should like to take this opportunity to...; bei einem Unfall in an accident; Vorsicht bei Abfahrt des Zuges! take care when the train leaves;b) (während) during, at, by; bei Nacht at night; bei Tag during the daytime, by day; beim Unterricht during a ( oder the) lesson; bei einem Glas Wein over a glass of wine; beim Lesen der Zeitung fiel mir auf... while ( oder when) I was reading the paper it struck me...; bei der Arbeit einschlafen fall asleep while working; beim Essen / Schlafen / Schreiben etc. while eating / sleeping / writing etc.;c) (dabei, mit) with; hilfst du mir beim Umzug / bei der Arbeit? will you help me with my move / work; jemanden beim Namen nennen call s.o. by (his oder her) name;d) (im Falle von) if there is, in case of; bei Gefahr Knopf drücken press the button in case of danger; bei Regen wird das Fest verschoben if it rains the party will be postponed; bei Nebel if it is foggy; bei Glatteis Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung auf 30 km speed limit 30 km if there is ice; Vorsicht bei Nässe! take care in wet conditions; beim nächsten Mal (the) next time; bei nächster Gelegenheit (the) next chance, at the first ( oder earliest) opportunity; bei Fieber Bettruhe halten stay in bed if you have a temperature; bei so etwas wird mir schlecht that sort of thing makes me feel ill; bei so etwas kann er nicht mitreden he has nothing to say about that sort of thing8. (unter) among; bei den alten Fotos among the old photos; heute war nichts für dich bei der Post there was nothing for you in the post (Am. mail) today; bei Strafe von under penalty of9. (betreffend): bei Alkohol muss ich aufpassen I have to be careful with alcohol; bei Geldfragen muss ich passen when it comes to (questions of) money, I have to pass; bei Männern hat sie Pech she’s unlucky with men10. (angesichts): bei deinem Gehalt! (you) with your salary!; bei meinem Gehalt kann ich mir das nicht leisten I can’t afford that on ( oder with) my salary; bei deiner Erkältung solltest du nicht rausgehen you should stay in with your cold ( oder with that cold of yours); bei 25 Euro pro Stunde at 25 euros an hour; bei so vielen Schwierigkeiten considering all the difficulties; bei so viel Hilfe sind wir schnell fertig with all this help we should be ready soon; bei der Lage der Dinge (with) matters ( oder things) the way they are; bei so vielen Teilnehmern können wir... with so many participants we can...; bei diesem Lärm / diesen Temperaturen kann man nicht schlafen with all this noise / with temperatures like this one can’t sleep11. (trotz): bei aller Liebe, das ist zu viel verlangt much as I sympathize - that’s asking too much; und das bei all seiner Mühe! and that in spite of all his efforts12. in bestimmtem Zustand: bei Kräften sein be in good health; bei guter Gesundheit sein be in good health; bei Besinnung sein be conscious; du bist wohl nicht ( recht) bei Trost! you’re not in your right mind; er ist heute nicht bei Laune he’s not in a very good mood today; gut bei Kasse sein have plenty of money13. bei bestimmten Bedingungen: beim besten Willen with the best will in the world; bei Wasser und Brot with just bread and water; bei offenem Fenster with the window open; bei Kerzenlicht / Mondschein by candlelight / moonlight; bei Licht besehen ist es nur halb so schlimm seen in the light of day it’s not so bad; bei Tageslicht by daylight15. Anrufung: schwören bei swear by; bei Gott! by God!; bei meiner Ehre! altm. on my hono(u)r!; bei allem, was recht ist, das geht nun wirklich zu weit in all conscience, that’s going too far* * *on; at; about; next to; upon; beside; in the event of* * *1) at3) on4) upon5) (in the care of: Leave your case with the porter.) with* * *[bai]1. (räumlich: in jds Wohn-/Lebensbereich) with\bei wem hast du die letzte Nacht verbracht? who did you spend last night with?sie wohnt \bei ihren Großeltern she lives with her grandparentsich war die ganze Zeit \bei meinen Eltern I was at my parents' [house] the whole timeam Wochenende sind sie entweder \bei ihm oder \bei ihr at the weekend they're either at his place or at hers\bei jdm zu Besuch sein to be staying with [or visiting] sb\bei jdm zu Hause at sb's housebei uns zu Hause war das immer so üblich we always did it that way at home, that was the way we did things at home\bei Hofe at court\bei den Maori/Masai leben to live among the Maori/Masai\bei Familie Schmidt (Briefanschrift) c/o Schmidt2. (räumlich: im Tätigkeits-/Unternehmensbereich) for\bei jdm arbeiten [o sein] to work for sber ist \bei Klett angestellt he works at Klettsie arbeitet \beim Fernsehen she works in televisioner arbeitet \bei der Bahn/beim Bund/einer Firma/ der Post he works for the railways/the government/a company/the post officeer arbeitet \beim Supermarkt an der Ecke he works at the supermarket on the cornerer ist neuerdings Redakteur \bei uns he joined us as an editor recentlyer ist ein hohes Tier \bei der Post he's a big shot [or fish] at the post office\bei wem lassen Sie Ihre Anzüge schneidern? who makes your suits?, who is your tailor?\bei wem haben Sie Deutsch gelernt? who taught you German?sie hat ihr Handwerk \bei einem sehr erfahrenen Meister gelernt she learnt her trade from a very experienced master craftsmanbeim Bäcker/Friseur at the baker's/hairdresser's\bei der Citybank sein (ein Konto haben) to bank [or have an account] with the Citybank\bei Klett erschienen published by Klett\bei der Marine/beim Militär in the navy/military\bei jdm Unterricht haben [o nehmen] to have lessons with [or take lessons from] sb3. (räumlich: in jds Werk)▪ \bei jdm indas Zitat steht [irgendwo] \bei Goethe the quotation comes from [somewhere in] Goethe\bei wem hast du denn das gelesen? where did you read that?das kannst du alles \bei Schopenhauer nachlesen you can look it all up in Schopenhauer4. (räumlich: mit sich haben) withich habe die Unterlagen leider nicht \bei mir I'm afraid I haven't got the papers with meich habe gerade kein Geld \bei mir I don't have [or I'm not carrying] any money on [or with] me at the momentzum Glück hatte ich meinen Bruder \bei mir fortunately, my brother was with me5. (räumlich: im eigenen Bereich) toich dachte \bei mir... I thought [or was thinking] to myself...etw \bei sich behalten to keep sth to oneselfbehalte die Nachricht bitte noch \bei dir please don't tell anyone else the news for now, please keep the news to yourself for now6. (räumlich: in der Nähe) nearBöblingen ist eine Stadt \bei Stuttgart Böblingen is a town near Stuttgarter wohnt \beim Bahnhof he lives near [to] [or close to] the stationwir treffen uns \bei der Kirche/der Post we'll meet by the church/post officeer saß \bei ihr (direkt neben) he sat beside [or next to] her; (in der näheren Umgebung) he sat close to [or near] hergeh du, ich bleibe \bei den Kindern you go, I'll stay with the children\bei der ersten/zweiten Kreuzung at the first/second crossing\beim Fluss by the riverdie Schlacht \bei Hastings the battle of Hastings7. (räumlich: an) byetw \bei der Hand haben to have sth at hander war auch \bei den Demonstranten he was also among the demonstratorsdie Unterlagen sind \bei den Akten the papers are amongst the filesunterbrechen Sie mich bitte nicht dauernd \bei meiner Rede! please stop interrupting my speech!\bei dem Zugunglück starben viele Menschen many people died in the train crash\bei der Aufführung darf nicht geraucht werden smoking is not permitted during the performanceVorsicht \bei der Abfahrt [des Zuges] please stand clear of the doors, the train is about to leave\bei jds Abreise/Ankunft on sb's departure/arrivalich hoffe, du bist \bei meiner Abreise auch da I hope you will be there when I leave [or on my departure]\bei Anbruch der Dunkelheit/des Tages at nightfall/daybreak\bei der Geburt/dem Tod at his/her etc. birth/death\bei Nacht/Tag by night/day\bei Tag und Nacht day and night\bei Tisch at table10. (gibt Teilnahme an)\bei einer Aufführung mitwirken to be involved in a performance/play\bei einem Gottesdienst/einer Hochzeit sein to be at a church service/wedding11. (während einer Tätigkeit) whiledas ist mir beim Bügeln eingefallen it occurred to me when [or as] [or while] I was ironing; NORDD\bei sein, etw zu tun to be on the verge of doing sth [or about to do sth12. (Begleitumstände) bywir können das ja \bei einer Flasche Wein besprechen let's talk about it over a bottle of wine\bei Schnee ist Weihnachten immer am schönsten Christmas is always nicest when it snows\bei diesem Wetter setze ich keinen Fuß vor die Tür! I'm not setting foot outside the door in this weather!\bei der Arbeit sein to be working [or at work]\bei/nicht \bei Bewusstsein sein to be conscious/unconscious\bei Kerzenlicht by candlelight\bei Kräften/guter Laune sein to be well [or fit]/in good spirits\bei dieser Hitze/Kälte in such heat/cold\bei Tageslicht arbeiten to work in daylightnicht mehr \bei Verstand sein to have taken leave of one's senses, to not be in one's right mind\bei Wind und Wetter come rain or shine13. (ungefähr) aroundder Preis liegt \bei etwa Euro 1.000 the price is around [or about] 1,000 euros14. (zur Angabe eines erreichten Wertes)der DAX lag \bei 3.554 the DAX closed at 3,554 pointsdie Temperatur lag \bei 38,3° im Schatten the temperature was 38.3° in the shade15. (im Falle von etw) in case of\bei Nebel/Regen werde ich nicht fahren I won't go if it's foggy/it rains\bei seiner Sturheit könnte man manchmal wirklich verzweifeln one could sometimes really despair at his stubbornness\bei so viel Dummheit ist wirklich alle Liebesmüh vergebens all effort is futile in the face of such stupidity\bei diesem Sturm bleiben wir lieber zu Hause in view of [or due to] this storm we'd better stay at home\bei deinen Fähigkeiten with your talents [or skills17. (trotz) in spite of, despite\bei aller Freundschaft, das geht einfach zu weit we may be friends but that's just going too fares geht \beim besten Willen nicht even with the best will in the world it's just not possible18. (in Schwurformeln) byich schwöre es, \bei meiner toten Mutter! I swear on my mother's grave!\bei meiner Ehre [up]on my honour\bei Gott! (veraltend) by God!„ich schwöre \bei Gott, die Wahrheit zu sagen und nichts als die Wahrheit“ “I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God”19.* * *bei den Fahrrädern/Kindern bleiben — stay with the bicycles/children
etwas bei sich haben — have something with or on one
nicht [ganz] bei sich sein — (fig.) be not quite with it
sich bei jemandem entschuldigen/erkundigen — apologize to somebody/ask somebody
2) (unter) amongwar heute ein Brief für mich bei der Post? — was there a letter for me in the post today?
3) (an) by4) (im Wohn-/Lebens-/Arbeitsbereich von)bei mir [zu Hause] — at my house
bei uns um die Ecke/gegenüber — round the corner from us/opposite us
wir treffen uns bei uns/Peter — we'll meet at our/Peter's place
bei uns in Österreich — in Austria [where I/we come from/live]
bei Schmidt — (auf Briefen) c/o Schmidt
bei jemandem/einem Verlag arbeiten — work for somebody/a publishing house
bei einer Hochzeit/einem Empfang — usw. at a wedding/reception etc.
6) (im Werk von)bei Schiller heißt es... — Schiller says or writes that...
7) (im Falle von) in the case ofwie bei den Römern — as with the Romans
hoffentlich geht es nicht wie bei mir — I hope the same thing doesn't happen as happened in my case
8) (Zeitpunkt)bei Sonnenaufgang/-untergang — at sunrise/sunset
9) (modal)bei Tag/Nacht — by day/night
bei Tag und [bei] Nacht — day and night
‘bei Feuer Scheibe einschlagen’ — ‘in case of fire, break glass’
‘bei Regen Schleudergefahr’ — ‘slippery when wet’
bei hohem Fieber — when somebody has a high temperature
11) (angesichts) withbei diesem Sturm/Lärm — with this storm blowing/noise going on
12) (trotz)bei all seinem Engagement/seinen Bemühungen — in spite of or despite or for all his commitment/efforts
bei allem Verständnis, aber ich kann das nicht — much as I sympathize, I cannot do that
13) (in Beteuerungsformeln) bybei meiner Ehre! — (veralt.) upon my honour!
* * *bei präpbei Berlin near Berlin;die Schlacht bei Waterloo the Battle of Waterloo;dicht bei der Schule just next to the school;etwas bei der Hand haben have sth to hand;sein Einkommen/der Wert liegt etwa bei 5000 Euro his salary/its value is around 5000 euros; an einem bestimmten Ort: at;beim Metzger/Bäcker etc at the butcher’s/baker’s etc;hast du das bei Woolworth gekauft? did you buy that at Woolworth’s;Herr Müller ist gerade bei Tisch Mr Müller is just at the table;wir waren alle bei mir/meinen Eltern we were all at my house ( oder place)/at my parents’ (place);bei ihr zu Hause in her house, at her place;bei uns in Hessen/auf dem Land where I come from in Hessen/in the country;wir sind morgen bei Kollegen eingeladen we have been invited to visit colleagues tomorrow;er wohnt bei mir nebenan/gegenüber/um die Ecke he lives next door/opposite/on the corner where I live ( oder of my place);sie wohnt bei einem alten Ehepaar she lives with an old couple;hier bei Müller this is the Müllers’, Müller speaking;bei den Schotten heißt das anders the Scots call it something else;Amerika wacht gerade erst auf, bei uns ist es aber schon 13 Uhr in America they’re just waking up, but here it’s already 1 o’clock2. bezeichnet Arbeitsverhältnis etc: for;sie ist bei Langenscheidt she is with ( oder works for) Langenscheidt;ist bei der Post/Bahn he works for the post office/railway (US railroad);sie ist beim Fernsehen she works for (the) TV;beim Militär in the armed forces;bei jemandem Stunden nehmen have lessons with sb;bei welchem Arzt bist du? which doctor do you go to?; Br auch who’s your GP?jemanden beim Kragen packen grab sb by the collar;fassen take sb by the hand etc;bei Fuß! (to) heel4. dabei, mit: with;ich habe kein Geld bei mir I have no money on me;er hatte seinen Hund bei sich he had his dog with him;das ist oft so bei Kindern that’s fairly common with children; pej children are like that;bei mir machst du das lieber nicht you’d be advised not to try that with me, you’d better not try that with me;die Entscheidung liegt bei dir it’s your decisionbei einer Veranstaltung sein be in an event;bei einer Aufführung mitwirken take part in a performance; bei Spielen:bei dieser Runde setze ich aus I’ll sit this round out6. von Werken, Künstlern etc: in the work of;bei Schiller steht in one of Schiller’s works it says, Schiller says;bei Tizian/den Romantikern findet man dieses Motiv you find this motif in the works of Titian/the Romantics7. zeitlich, Umstände, Zustände: zu einem gewissen Zeitpunkt: on, at;bei meiner Ankunft when I arrived, on my arrival;bei Tagesanbruch at dawn;bei Sonnenaufgang/Sonnenuntergang at sunrise/sunset;bei schönem Wetter when the weather is fine;der Park schließt bei anbrechender Dunkelheit the park closes at dusk;bei dieser Gelegenheit möchte ich …. I should like to take this opportunity to …;bei einem Unfall in an accident;Vorsicht bei Abfahrt des Zuges! take care when the train leaves; (während) during, at, by;bei Nacht at night;bei Tag during the daytime, by day;beim Unterricht during a ( oder the) lesson;bei einem Glas Wein over a glass of wine;bei der Arbeit einschlafen fall asleep while working;hilfst du mir beim Umzug/bei der Arbeit? will you help me with my move/work;bei Gefahr Knopf drücken press the button in case of danger;bei Regen wird das Fest verschoben if it rains the party will be postponed;bei Nebel if it is foggy;bei Glatteis Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung auf 30 km speed limit 30 km if there is ice;Vorsicht bei Nässe! take care in wet conditions;beim nächsten Mal (the) next time;bei Fieber Bettruhe halten stay in bed if you have a temperature;bei so etwas wird mir schlecht that sort of thing makes me feel ill;bei so etwas kann er nicht mitreden he has nothing to say about that sort of thing8. (unter) among;bei den alten Fotos among the old photos;heute war nichts für dich bei der Post there was nothing for you in the post (US mail) today;bei Strafe von under penalty of9. (betreffend):bei Alkohol muss ich aufpassen I have to be careful with alcohol;bei Geldfragen muss ich passen when it comes to (questions of) money, I have to pass;bei Männern hat sie Pech she’s unlucky with men10. (angesichts):bei deinem Gehalt! (you) with your salary!;bei meinem Gehalt kann ich mir das nicht leisten I can’t afford that on ( oder with) my salary;bei deiner Erkältung solltest du nicht rausgehen you should stay in with your cold ( oder with that cold of yours);bei 25 Euro pro Stunde at 25 euros an hour;bei so vielen Schwierigkeiten considering all the difficulties;bei so viel Hilfe sind wir schnell fertig with all this help we should be ready soon;bei der Lage der Dinge (with) matters ( oder things) the way they are;bei so vielen Teilnehmern können wir … with so many participants we can …;bei diesem Lärm/diesen Temperaturen kann man nicht schlafen with all this noise/with temperatures like this one can’t sleep11. (trotz):bei aller Liebe, das ist zu viel verlangt much as I sympathize - that’s asking too much;und das bei all seiner Mühe! and that in spite of all his effortsbei Kräften sein be in good health;bei guter Gesundheit sein be in good health;bei Besinnung sein be conscious;du bist wohl nicht (recht) bei Trost! you’re not in your right mind;er ist heute nicht bei Laune he’s not in a very good mood today;gut bei Kasse sein have plenty of moneybeim besten Willen with the best will in the world;bei Wasser und Brot with just bread and water;bei offenem Fenster with the window open;bei Kerzenlicht/Mondschein by candlelight/moonlight;bei Licht besehen ist es nur halb so schlimm seen in the light of day it’s not so bad;bei Tageslicht by daylight14. Maß:bei weitem by far15. Anrufung:schwören bei swear by;bei Gott! by God!;bei meiner Ehre! obs on my hono(u)r!;bei allem, was recht ist, das geht nun wirklich zu weit in all conscience, that’s going too far* * *1) (nahe) near; (dicht an, neben) bybei den Fahrrädern/Kindern bleiben — stay with the bicycles/children
etwas bei sich haben — have something with or on one
nicht [ganz] bei sich sein — (fig.) be not quite with it
sich bei jemandem entschuldigen/erkundigen — apologize to somebody/ask somebody
2) (unter) among3) (an) by4) (im Wohn-/Lebens-/Arbeitsbereich von)bei mir [zu Hause] — at my house
bei uns um die Ecke/gegenüber — round the corner from us/opposite us
wir treffen uns bei uns/Peter — we'll meet at our/Peter's place
bei uns in Österreich — in Austria [where I/we come from/live]
bei Schmidt — (auf Briefen) c/o Schmidt
bei jemandem/einem Verlag arbeiten — work for somebody/a publishing house
bei einer Hochzeit/einem Empfang — usw. at a wedding/reception etc.
6) (im Werk von)bei Schiller heißt es... — Schiller says or writes that...
7) (im Falle von) in the case of8) (Zeitpunkt)bei Sonnenaufgang/-untergang — at sunrise/sunset
9) (modal)bei Tag/Nacht — by day/night
bei Tag und [bei] Nacht — day and night
10) (im Falle des Auftretens von)‘bei Feuer Scheibe einschlagen’ — ‘in case of fire, break glass’
‘bei Regen Schleudergefahr’ — ‘slippery when wet’
11) (angesichts) withbei diesem Sturm/Lärm — with this storm blowing/noise going on
12) (trotz)bei all seinem Engagement/seinen Bemühungen — in spite of or despite or for all his commitment/efforts
bei allem Verständnis, aber ich kann das nicht — much as I sympathize, I cannot do that
13) (in Beteuerungsformeln) bybei meiner Ehre! — (veralt.) upon my honour!
* * *(vollem) Verstand sein ausdr.to be in one's right mind expr.to be of sound mind expr. präp.at prep.by prep.next to prep.on prep. -
18 verso
1. prep towardsandare verso casa head for homeverso le otto about eight o'clock2. m di poesie verse( modo) mannernon c'è verso there is no way* * *verso1 prep.1 ( con riferimento a direzione) toward (s); -ward (s): andavano verso i monti, verso Milano, they went toward (s) the mountains, toward (s) Milan; era diretto verso la stazione, he was heading toward (s) the station; vidi un'auto che veniva verso di me, I saw a car coming toward (s) me; volse lo sguardo verso il cielo, he gazed skyward (s); verso l'interno, l'esterno, inward (s), outward (s); verso est, ovest, nord, sud, eastward (s), westward (s), northward (s), southward (s) (o toward the east, west, north, south); proseguendo verso est..., continuing eastward (s)...; quando arrivate allo svincolo, prendete la strada che va verso ovest, when you reach the motorway crossing, take the road going west (wards) (o the road towards the west) // guardare verso qlcu., to look in s.o.'s direction // andare verso casa, to go home // verso dove è diretto quel treno?, where is that train bound for? // una finestra verso la strada, a room facing (o looking on to) the street // la mia camera guarda verso est, I have an east-facing room2 ( dalle parti di, in prossimità di) near: verso la stazione, near the station; verso via Garibaldi, near Via Garibaldi; abita verso Torino, he lives near Turin; il deragliamento è avvenuto verso il confine svizzero, the derailment occurred near the Swiss border3 ( riferito a tempo) ( circa) about; ( non oltre) toward (s): era verso (la) mezzanotte, it was about (o towards) midnight; chiamami verso le cinque, call me (at) about five o'clock; verso sera, toward (s) evening; verso la fine della settimana, dell'anno, towards the end of the week, the year; si sposò verso i trent'anni, he got married when he was about thirty // tornerò verso i primi del mese, I'll be back at the beginning of the month4 ( nei riguardi di) to, towards; ( contro) against: mostrare comprensione verso i deboli, to show understanding towards the weak; essere gentile verso qlcu., to be kind to s.o.; l'esercito avanzò verso il nemico, the army advanced against (o on) the enemy.verso2 s.m.2 ( poesia) verse [U]; poetry [U]; ( riga di poesia) line (of verse): versi d'occasione, occasional verse; in verso esametro, in hexameter verse; in verso sciolto, in blank verse; una strofa di sei versi, a six-line verse; mi piacciono i suoi versi, I like his poetry; studiate i primi venti versi, study the first twenty lines; comporre versi, to write verse; recitare versi, to recite lines of verse; mettere in versi una leggenda, to put a legend into verse; scrivere in versi, to write in verse4 ( di animali) call, cry: nella foresta si sentono i versi di uccelli e altri animali, in the wood you can hear the cries of birds and other animals; riconosceva ogni animale dal suo verso, he could recognize every animal by its cry5 ( cadenza) cadence, sound6 ( gesto) (habitual) gesture; ( maleducato) (rude) gesture; ( smorfia) grimace, face // rifare il verso a qlcu., to mimic s.o.7 ( direzione) direction, way; ( lato) side: prendete per questo verso e poi voltate a sinistra, go this way and then turn left; il vento soffia sempre da quel verso, the wind always blows from that direction; spazzolare una stoffa contro il suo verso, to brush a cloth against the grain; andare nello stesso verso, to go in the same direction // per un verso lo approvo, per l'altro no, in one way I approve of him, but in another I don't // quella persona non mi va a verso, I don't like that person // esaminare la questione da tutti i versi, to examine the matter from all sides // lasciare andare le cose per il loro verso, to let things take their course // prendere qlcu. per il suo verso, to handle s.o. in the right way8 ( modo, maniera) way: non c'è verso di saperlo, there is no way of knowing; ho cercato di convincerlo, ma non c'è stato verso, I tried to convince him but I didn't get anywhere; per un verso o per un altro egli riesce sempre, in one way or another he is always successful9 ( ragione) reason: ora per un verso ora per un altro non riesco mai ad andare a teatro, for one reason or another I never manage to go to the theatre; per un verso o per l'altro erano tutti insoddisfatti, for one reason or another they were all dissatisfied.verso3 s.m. ( retro) verso*, reverse, back: il verso di una moneta, di una pagina, the verso (o reverse o back) of a coin, of a page; verso di un assegno, di una cambiale, back of a cheque, of a bill of exchange◆ agg.: pollice verso, thumbs down.* * *I ['vɛrso] sm inv(di pagina) verso, (di moneta) reverseII ['vɛrso] sm1) (di animale, uccello) call, cryqual è il verso del gatto? — what noise o sound does a cat make?
ha fatto un verso di dolore — she cried out in pain o gave a cry of pain
fare il verso a qn — (imitare) to take sb off, mimic sb
2) (riga: di poesia) line, verseversi smpl, (poesia) verse sg III ['vɛrso] prep1) (in direzione di) toward(s), tostavo camminando verso la stazione quando l'ho visto — I was walking towards the station when I saw him
è tardi, faremmo bene ad avviarci verso casa — it's late, we'd better head for home
guardare verso il cielo — to look heavenwards o skywards
2) (nei pressi di) near, around (about)abito verso il centro — I live near the centre Brit o center Am
3) (in senso temporale) about, aroundarrivi verso che ora? — around o about what time will you arrive?
4) (nei confronti di) for, towardsdimostrare rispetto verso gli anziani — to show respect for o towards the elderly
* * *I 1. ['vɛrso]sostantivo maschile1) metr. line (of verse)2) (grido caratteristico) (di animali) cry; (di uccelli) call3) (imitazione)(ri)fare il verso a qcn. — to take sb. off
4) (direzione) way, directionandare per il verso sbagliato — fig. [ piano] to go awry
andare per il proprio verso — fig. [ cosa] to take its course
5) (modo, maniera) way6) (lato)2.per un verso..., per l'altro... — on the one hand..., on the other hand...
mettere in -i — to versify o put into verse
- i liberi — free verse
- i sciolti — blank verse
••II ['vɛrso] III ['vɛrso]prendere qcn., qcs. per il verso giusto, sbagliato — to get on the right, wrong side of sb., sth
1) (in direzione di) toward(s)venne verso di me, verso il bambino — he came toward(s) me, the child
guardare verso qcn. — to look in sb.'s direction
viaggiare verso nord — to travel northward(s) o toward(s) the north
verso l'alto, il basso — upward(s), downward(s)
verso l'interno, l'esterno — inward(s), outward(s)
girare qcs. verso destra, sinistra — to turn sth. to the right, left
3) (di tempo)verso mezzogiorno — about o around noon
verso la fine di maggio — toward(s) o around the end of May
4) (nei riguardi di) toward(s), to* * *verso1/'vεrso/I sostantivo m.2 (grido caratteristico) (di animali) cry; (di uccelli) call; qual è il verso del leone? what noise does the lion make?3 (imitazione) (ri)fare il verso a qcn. to take sb. off4 (direzione) way, direction; andare nello stesso verso to go in the same direction; andare per il verso sbagliato fig. [ piano] to go awry; andare per il proprio verso fig. [ cosa] to take its course5 (modo, maniera) way; non c'è verso di fare there is no way of doing; fargli ammettere che ha torto? non c'è verso! make him admit he's wrong? no chance!6 (lato) per un verso..., per l'altro... on the one hand..., on the other hand...; mettere la gonna per il verso sbagliato to put one's skirt on the wrong way aroundII versi m.pl.per un verso o per l'altro one way or another; prendere qcn., qcs. per il verso giusto, sbagliato to get on the right, wrong side of sb., sth.\————————verso2/'vεrso/m.inv.(rovescio) (di foglio) back; (di moneta) reverse.————————verso3/'vεrso/1 (in direzione di) toward(s); venne verso di me, verso il bambino he came toward(s) me, the child; guardare verso qcn. to look in sb.'s direction; spostarsi da sinistra verso destra to move from left to right; migrazioni verso sud migration to the south; dirigersi verso casa to head for home; viaggiare verso nord to travel northward(s) o toward(s) the north; verso l'alto, il basso upward(s), downward(s); verso l'interno, l'esterno inward(s), outward(s); girare qcs. verso destra, sinistra to turn sth. to the right, left2 (nei pressi di) ci fermeremo verso Mantova we'll stop near Mantua3 (di tempo) verso sera toward(s) evening; verso mezzogiorno about o around noon; verso la fine di maggio toward(s) o around the end of May4 (nei riguardi di) toward(s), to. -
19 في
في \ a; an; each; every: twice a day; 80 miles an hour. at: (showing where): at home; at the office, (showing a point of time) at midday; at 4 o’clock; He was married at 18, (after an adj) good at English; quick at sums. by: during: We travelled by night. in: showing where: In bed; in London; in the box; in his speech, showing condition In a hurry; in trouble, showing a direction; into He fell in the river. He put his hand in his pocket, showing when; during In the past; in January 1980; in the evening, showing what sth. contains or includes There are 60 minutes in an hour. Is he in your team?, showing what sb. wears He was in his best suit, showing a shape or arrangement They stood in a row, showing employment or activity or an event He’s in the navy. She was killed in the accident. on: showing when: on Monday; on May the 6th. showing the state of sb.:: Are you here on business or on holiday?. per: for each: He earns $8000 per annum (for each year). \ في (أيّ مَكَان) \ anywhere: in or to any place: Are you going anywhere?. \ See Also إلى( إلى) \ في \ home: to or at one’s house: Go home! Is your son home yet?. \ See Also إلى البيت \ في \ inside: on (or to) the inside. \ See Also إلى الداخل \ في \ inland: away from the sea: We crossed the coast and flew inland. \ See Also إلى داخل البلاد \ في \ indoors: into (or in) a building: He went (or He stayed) indoors because of the rain. \ See Also إلى داخل البيت \ في \ on board: on (or onto) a ship or aeroplane: There are 70 men on board. Can I go on board the aircraft?. \ See Also إلى دَاخِل الطَّائِرَة \ في \ upstairs: on, at or to a higher floor; up the stairs; at the top of the stairs: She went upstairs because her room is upstairs. She has an upstairs bedroom. \ See Also إلى الدَّور الأَعْلى \ في \ low: to or in a low position: The sun had sunk low in the sky. \ See Also إلى وَضْع مُنْخفِض \ في \ whereabouts: in or near which place: Whereabouts did you find this ring?. \ See Also قرب أيّ مكان؟ \ في \ upstream: against the flow of the stream; up the river: They rowed (the boat) upstream. \ See Also نَحْوَ أعلى النَّهر \ في الاتجاه المعاكس \ backward(s): towards the back: He fell over backwards. \ في أَثَر \ after: following, in search of: I ran after him but could not catch him. The police are after him. \ في أثناء الخِدْمَة (خارج أوقات الخِدمة) \ on duty, (off duty): at work (not at work): The night nurse has 12 hours on duty, then 12 hours off duty. She went on duty at 18.00 and came off duty at 06.00. \ في أثناء ذلك \ meanwhile, meantime: (in) the time between: You’ll have to wait till he’s ready; but you can read this (in the) meanwhile. \ في إجازة \ off: free from work: My employer gave me the afternoon off. \ See Also عطلة (عُطْلَة) \ في أَحْسَن الأَحْوَال \ at best: in the most hopeful conditions: At best, we can’t be ready till Tuesday. \ في آخر \ eventually: in the end: The car kept stopping, but we got home eventually. ultimately: in the end: We must all, ultimately, die. \ See Also نهاية الأمر \ في آخر رَمَق \ on one’s last legs: (of a person or thing) not expected to last much longer; worn out; almost in ruins: That company is on its last legs. \ في آخر لحظة \ in the nick of time: just in time; almost too late: She saved him in the nick of time from falling over the cliff. \ في أَرْجَاء \ about: from place to place in: We wandered about the town. round: (also around) from place to place: He wandered (a)round (the town). We travelled (a)round (the country). \ في أَسْفَل \ under: (also underneath), in a lower position. underneath: (of position) below: It was hidden underneath the floor boards. \ See Also الأسفل (الأَسْفَل) \ في الأَصْل \ originally: in the beginning: This school was originally a rich man’s home. \ في الأَعْلَى \ up: in or to higher position: She lives up in the hills. \ في أغلب الظَّنّ \ doubtless: probably: It will doubtless rain on the day of the garden party. \ في أَفْضَل حَالَة \ at one’s best: in one’s best state: My garden is at its best in spring. \ في أقلّ مِن \ within: in less than: He will arrive within an hour. I live within a mile of the sea. \ في الأمام \ in front: at the front: You go in front and I’ll follow. \ في أَوَاخِر \ late: near the end of a period of time: Late in the year; in the late afternoon. \ في الأوْج \ in full swing: (of an activity) at its highest point; very busy: The party was in full swing when I arrived. \ في أوجِ الإزْهَار \ in bloom: flowering: The roses are in bloom now. \ في أيّ مَكَان \ anywhere: in no matter what place: Put it down anywhere. \ في أيّ وقت \ ever: (esp. in a negative sentence or a question) at any time: Nobody ever writes to me. Have you ever been to Rome? If you ever go there, you must see St. Peter’s cathedral. \ في أيّ وقت مَضَى \ ever: (in a comparative sentence) at any time: He’s working harder than ever. This is the best book I’ve ever read. \ في بادئ الأمر \ at first: at the beginning: At first the new school seemed strange, but then we got used to it. \ في البَدْء \ primarily: mainly; in the first place: This book is written primarily for foreigners. \ See Also أصلا (أَصْلاً)، أساسا (أساسًا) \ في بعض الوقت \ part-time: for only part of the usual working time: She’s a part-time teacher. \ في البيت \ at home: in one’s house: He’s at home in the evenings. \ في البيت المُجَاوِر \ next, next door: in the next house: He lives next door. He is my nextdoor neighbour. \ في تَحَسُّن (من النّاحية الصحّية) \ on the mend: getting better in health (after an illness). \ في تِلْكَ الحالةِ \ in that case: if that happens, or has happened: He may be late. In that case, we shall go without him, if that happens, or has happened He may be late. In that case, we shall go without him. \ في تِلْكَ اللَّحظة \ just: (with continuous tenses; always directly before the present participle) at this moment; at that moment: We’re just starting dinner. We were just starting dinner when he arrived. \ في التَّوّ \ straight away: at once. \ في جانب \ in favour of: supporting: I’m in favour of your plans. \ في الجَانِب الآخَر مِن \ across: on the other side of: My home is across the river. \ في جانب \ for: in favour of: Are you for this idea or against it?. \ See Also صف (صَفّ) \ في جزء أدنى مِن \ down: at a lower level: My house is a little way down the hill. \ في الجِوَار \ about: around; near: There’s a lot of illness about. I went out early, when no one was about (when no one else was out). \ في الحَال \ at once: without delay: Stop that at once!. away: right away; straight away. immediately: at once. instantly: at once. on the spot: in that place and at that moment: He gave me the bill and I paid it on the spot. readily: without delay: The book you need is not readily obtainable. straight away: at once. \ في حَالَةِ \ at: (showing a state): at war; at play. on: showing the state of sth.: The house is on fire. \ في حَالَة حَسَنَة \ well, (better, best): the opposite of ill and unwell; in good health: Don’t you feel well? You’ll soon get better if you drink this medicine. How are you? Very well, thank you. I feel best in the early morning (better than at any other time). \ في حَالَة سَيِّئَة \ in a bad way: in a bad state. \ في حَالَة عَدَم توفُّر \ failing: giving a second choice of action, if the first choice fails: Ask John to do it. Failing him, ask Michael. \ في حَالَة فَوْضَى \ chaotic: in a state of chaos: The young teacher had a chaotic classroom. \ في حَالَةِ وُجُود \ in case of: in the event of; if there is: In case of fire, ring the bell. \ في حَالَةِ ما إِذَا \ in case: because of the possibility of sth. happening: Take a stick, in case you meet a snake. \ في حركة دائِمة \ on the move: moving; travelling: He’s always on the move and never settles for long. \ في الحَقِيقَة \ as a matter of fact, in fact: really; in truth: The dog seemed dead but in fact it was only asleep. As a matter of fact, I don’t like Michael. in point of fact: actually, in fact. in reality: in fact. really: truly; in fact: Is he really your son? He does not look like you!. \ في حَيْرَة من أَمْره \ at one’s wits’ end: too worried by difficulties to know what to do. \ في حين \ whereas: but: They are looking for a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat. \ في حينه \ round: following a regular course: Wait till your turn comes round. \ في الخَارِج \ abroad: in or to another country: I spent my holiday abroad. out: in (or into) the open; away from shelter; in (or into) view: Don’t stand out in the rain. The ship was far out at sea. out of door, outdoors: in the open air; not in a house: I like sleeping out of doors under the stars. outside: not within; in the open air; on the outer side: It’s raining outside. The cup is blue outside, and white inside. overseas: across the sea; (to the British, the mainland of Europe is abroad but it is not overseas): She is working overseas, in South America. \ في خِدمَة... \ at one’s service: ready to fulfil one’s needs: The hotel car is at your service if you want to go anywhere. \ في خَريف العُمر \ middle-aged: neither young nor old; aged between about 40 and 65. \ في خطٍّ مُستقيم \ as the crow flies: in a straight line: It is 5 miles away by road, but only 2 miles as the crow flies. \ فِي الخَفَاء \ stealth: by stealth using secret and quiet action: He got into the house by stealth, not by force. \ في خِلال \ in: showing a space of time before sth. will happen; after: I’ll come in a few days (or in a minute). in the course of: during: In the course of the morning I had seven visitors. \ في الدّاخل \ in: in a building, esp. at home, work or where one is expected to be: Is anyone in? I’m afraid Mr. Jones is out, but he’ll be in at 5 o’clock. \ في داخِل \ in: showing a direction; into: He fell in the river. He put his hand in his pocket. inside: on (or to) the inside of: Please wait inside the room. \ في داخِل النَّفْس \ inwardly: secretly; as regards one’s inner feelings: I was inwardly delighted, but I pretended not to care. \ في دَرَجَة الغَلَيان \ on the boil: boiling; at this heat. \ في ذلك المكان \ there: at that place: I live there. \ في رأيي \ to my mind: in my opinion: To my mind, this is most dishonest. \ في سَبِيل \ in the process of: to be doing: I am in the process of painting my house. sake, for the sake, of, for sb.’s sake: for the good of; so as to help: Soldiers die for the sake of their county (or for their country’s sake). Don’t take any risks for my sake, for the desire of Why ruin your health for the sake of a little pleasure?. \ في سِنّ المُرَاهَقَة \ teenage: in one’s teens: a teenage girl. \ في شكّ \ in doubt: uncertain: When in doubt, ask your father. \ في صحَّة جيِّدة \ fit: healthy: We take exercise so as to keep fit. \ في صَفّ \ in single file: in one line, one behind the other: We had to ride in single file down the narrow path. \ في الطّابِق الأَسْفل \ downstairs: at the bottom of the stairs; in a room at that level: I’ll wait for you downstairs. \ في الطّابِق الفوقانيّ \ overhead: above one’s head: a noise in the room overhead; clouds in the sky overhead. \ في طَرَف \ up: along (up and down are both used like this, although the course may be quite level): He lives just up the road. \ في طريق النُّور \ in sb.’s light: preventing light from reaching him: I can’t read if you stand in my light. \ في الظّاهر \ outwardly: as regards the appearance (compared with the hidden facts or inner feelings): She was outwardly calm but inwardly full of anger. \ في العَام \ annual: happening every year; of a year: an annual feast; the annual production of oil. \ في عَجلة من أمره \ in a hurry: Ants are always in a hurry. \ في العَرَاء \ in the open: outside in the air: I like to sleep out in the open, under she stars. outdoors, out of doors: the open air; not in a building: Go outdoors and play football. \ في (عُرض) البَحْر \ at sea: on the sea; far from land: a storm at sea. \ في عُطلة \ on holiday, on vacation: having a holiday: The schools are on holiday. We’re going on vacation to the sea. \ See Also إجازة( إجازة) \ في غابر الأزمان (كان يا ما كان...) \ once upon a time: (used at the beginning of stories). \ في الغَالِب \ mainly: chiefly; mostly. \ في غالِب الظنّ \ probably: almost certainly; with little doubt: You’re probably right. \ في غاية الجُنون \ raving mad: noisily and violently mad. \ في غَمْضَة عَيْن \ in no time: very quickly; very soon: If you follow this path, you’ll get there in no time. \ في غِيَابِه \ behind sb.’s back: when someone is not present: He tells untrue stories about me behind my back. \ في كُلٍّ \ a; an; each; every: twice a day. 80 miles an hour. ten pence a packet. \ في كل مكان \ everywhere: in all places: I’ve looked for it everywhere. \ في كل وقت \ ever: at all times; always: I shall stay there for ever. \ في لحظة خاطفة \ in a flash: very quickly and suddenly: He seized the money and was gone in a flash. \ في اللحظة المناسبة \ in the nick of time: just in time; almost too late: She saved him in the nick of time from falling over the cliff. \ في اللَّيْل \ at night: during the night. overnight: for the night: I shall stay at a hotel overnight and come back tomorrow, on the night before; during the night I packed my suitcase overnight, so as to be ready to leave at sunrise. His car was stolen overnight. \ في المائَة \ per cent: for, out, of, each hundred: Six per cent of the boys failed the exam, (one part) of each hundred I’m a 100 per cent in agreement with you. About 70 per cent (written as 70%) of the people are farmers. \ في المُتَنَاوَل \ forthcoming: supplied when needed: We wanted a new school clock, but the money was not forthcoming. \ في مُتَناوَل \ within: inside; not beyond; within reach; within one’s powers. \ في متناول اليَد \ at hand: near; within reach: Help was at hand. handy: near; easily reached when wanted: Keep that book handy so that you can look at it often. \ في مَجْمُوعَة بين \ among(st): in the middle of; mixed with; surrounded by: I found this letter among my books. There is a secret enemy amongst us. \ في مِحْنة خَطَر \ in distress: (of a ship or aeroplane) in dangerous trouble; needing help. \ في المُدّة الأخيرة \ lately: not long ago; in the near past: Have you seen her lately?. \ في المرَّة التالية \ next: the next time: I’ll give it to you when I next see you. \ See Also القادمة \ في مُقَابِل \ for: showing that something is as a return or in place of: I gave him $5 for his help. Will you change this old car for a new one?. in return (for): in exchange or payment for: Give her some flowers in return for her kindness. \ في المقام الأوّل \ firstly: as the first reason, fact, etc: I need a hot drink. Firstly, because I’m cold; secondly, because I’m thirsty. \ في المقدمة \ in front: at the front: You go in front and I’ll follow. \ في مَكَان \ in sb,’s stead: in sb.’s place; instead of sb.. \ See Also بدلا من (بدلاً من) \ في مَكَان آخَر \ elsewhere: in some other place. \ في المَكَان \ in position: in the correct position. \ See Also المَوضِع الصَّحيح \ في مَكَان قَريب \ by: near: He stood by and watched them. \ في مَكَانٍ ما \ somewhere: in or to some place (but usu. anywhere in negative sentences and questions): I’ve met him somewhere before. Let’s go somewhere peaceful (to some peaceful place). \ في المكان والزّمان المذكورين \ on the spot: in that place and at that moment: Fortunately a doctor was on the spot when she broke her leg. \ في مكانه \ belong: to be in the right place: This book belongs on the top shelf. \ See Also موضِعِه المناسب \ في مَلْعَبِه \ at home: (of a match) on one’s own field: Our team are playing at home tomorrow. \ في مُنْتَصَف الطَّريق \ midway: halfway; in the middle: The station is midway between the two villages. \ في مَوعِد لاَ يَتَجَاوَز \ by: before; not later than: Can you finish this by Tuesday? They ought to be here by now. \ في المَوْعِد المحدَّد \ on time: exactly at the appointed moment: The bus always leaves on time. \ في مياه أعمق من قَامَته \ out of one’s depth: in water that is too deep to stand up in: Don’t go out of your depth unless you can swim. \ في النّادِر \ rarely: not often; hardly at all: She rarely smokes. \ في نظر \ in the eyes of: in the opinion of: In his mother’s eyes he can do no wrong. \ في نَظَري \ to my mind: in my opinion: To my mind, this is most dishonest. \ في النّهايَة \ at last: in the end, after much delay: The train was very slow, but we got there at last. at length: at last; in the end: He waited two hours. At length he went home. finally: lastly; in the end. \ في نِهايَة الأمْر \ in the long run: after a period of time; in the end: It’ll be cheaper in the long run to buy good quality shoes. \ See Also عَلَى المدى الطويل \ في هذا الوقت \ now: (in a written account) at the time that is being described: The war was now over. \ في هَذا المَكَان \ about: here: Is anyone about?. \ في هذه الأَثْنَاء \ meanwhile, meantime: (in) the time between: You’ll have to wait till he’s ready; but you can read this (in the) meanwhile. \ في هذه الأَيَّام \ nowadays: in these times (compared with the past): Travel is much easier nowadays. today: the present time: the scientists of today. \ في هذه الحالة \ all right: (also alright), in that case: You don’t want it? All right, I’ll give it to someone else. \ في هذه اللَّحْظَة \ just: (with continuous tenses; always directly before the present participle) at this moment; at that moment: We’re just starting dinner. We were just starting dinner when he arrived. just now: at this moment: I’m busy just now. \ في الهواء الطَّلْق \ in the open: outside in the air: I like to sleep out in the open, under the stars. out of doors, outdoors: in the open air; not in a house: I like sleeping out of doors under the stars. outdoors, out of doors: the open air; not in a building: Go outdoors and play football. \ في الوَاقِع \ in reality: in fact. \ في الوَاقِع \ actually: in fact; really: She looks about thirty, but actually she’s thirty-nine. as a matter of fact, in fact: really; in truth: The dog seemed dead but in fact it was only asleep. As a matter of fact, I don’t like Michael. in point of fact: actually, in fact. truly: really: Are you truly sorry for your crimes?. virtually: actually but not officially: He was virtually a prisoner in his home, as he did not dare to go out while the police were watching. \ في الوَسَط \ halfway: between two places and at an equal distance from them: His house is halfway between yours and mine. \ في وَسْط المسافة \ halfway: between two places and at an equal distance from them: His house is halfway between yours and mine. \ في وَضَح (النهار) \ broad: (of daylight) full; complete: The bank was robbed in broad daylight. \ في وَضع لا يجوز فيه رَكْل الكُرة \ offside: (of a player in football, etc.) breaking a rule by being in a position in which play is not allowed. \ في الوَقْت الحَاضِر \ at present: now; at the present time: At present I have no job, but I shall get one soon. for the time being: for the present: I have no job, but I’m helping my father for the time being. now: at the present time: Where are you working now? Now is the time to plant those seeds. today: the present time: the scientists of today. \ في وَقْتٍ لاَحِق \ after: later: She came first and he arrived soon after. \ في وقتٍ ما \ sometime: (often two words, some time) at a time not exactly known or stated: Come again sometime. He left sometime after dinner. \ في وقتٍ متأخر \ late: after the proper or usual time; not early: We always go to bed very late. He arrived too late for dinner. \ في وقتٍ متأخر مِن \ late: near the end of a period of time: Late in the year; in the late afternoon. \ في الوَقْتِ المُقَرَّر \ round: following a regular course: Wait till your turn comes round. \ في وَقْتٍ من الأوقات \ ever: (esp. in a negative sentence or a question) at any time: Nobody ever writes to me. Have you ever been to Rome? If you ever go there, you must see St. Peter’s cathedral. \ في الوَقْتِ المناسب \ early: in good time for one’s purpose; before the fixed time: We arrived early and got the best seats. in due course: later; after a reasonable delay: He will get better in due course. in good time: slightly early: He came in good time for the meeting. \ في وقت واحد \ at a time: together: They arrived three at a time (in groups of three). \ في يوم من الأيام \ once upon a time: (used at the beginning of stories). \ See Also كان يا ما كان -
20 draw
1. past tense - drew; verb1) (to make a picture or pictures (of), usually with a pencil, crayons etc: During his stay in hospital he drew a great deal; Shall I draw a cow?) dibujar2) (to pull along, out or towards oneself: She drew the child towards her; He drew a gun suddenly and fired; All water had to be drawn from a well; The cart was drawn by a pony.) llevar3) (to move (towards or away from someone or something): The car drew away from the kerb; Christmas is drawing closer.) acercarse4) (to play (a game) in which neither side wins: The match was drawn / We drew at 1-1.) empatar5) (to obtain (money) from a fund, bank etc: to draw a pension / an allowance.) cobrar6) (to open or close (curtains).) descorrer7) (to attract: She was trying to draw my attention to something.) atraer
2. noun1) (a drawn game: The match ended in a draw.) empate2) (an attraction: The acrobats' act should be a real draw.) atracción3) (the selecting of winning tickets in a raffle, lottery etc: a prize draw.) sorteo4) (an act of drawing, especially a gun: He's quick on the draw.) saque, desenvaine•- drawing- drawn
- drawback
- drawbridge
- drawing-pin
- drawstring
- draw a blank
- draw a conclusion from
- draw in
- draw the line
- draw/cast lots
- draw off
- draw on1
- draw on2
- draw out
- draw up
- long drawn out
draw1 n empatedraw2 vb1. dibujar2. sacar / retirar3. empatartr[drɔː]1 (raffle, lottery) sorteo3 (attraction) atracción nombre femenino, gancho4 (on cigarette, pipe, etc) calada, chupada2 (move) llevar3 (pull along - cart, sledge, plough) tirar de; (- train, carriage) arrastrar5 (pull out, take out - gen) sacar, extraer; (gun) desenfundar, sacar; (sword, dagger) desenvainar, sacar; (bow) tensar6 SMALLFINANCE/SMALL (receive - salary, wage, pension) cobrar; (write out - cheque) librar, extender, girar; (withdraw - money) sacar, retirar7 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (tie) empatar8 (attract - crowd, customers, audience) atraer; (- attention) llamar:9 (produce, elicit - response, reaction) provocar, obtener; (- praise) conseguir; (criticism, protest) provocar, suscitar; (applause, laughter) arrancar10 (derive, gain, obtain - support) obtener; (- strength) sacar11 (make somebody say more) sacar información a13 (formulate, establish - comparison) hacer; (- conclusion) sacar, llegar a; (parallel, distinction, analogy) establecer14 SMALLMARITIME/SMALL (of ship) tener un calado de1 (sketch) dibujar2 (move) moverse, desplazarse4 (choose) tirar a suertes5 (take in air - chimney, fireplace) tirar; (cigar, pipe) tirar (at/on, -)\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLthe luck of the draw toca a quien toca, es cuestión de suerteto be drawn (on something) decir algo (sobre algo)to be drawn to/towards somebody/something sentirse atraído,-a por/hacia alguien/algoto draw a blank seguir sin saber algoto draw blood hacer sangrar, sacar sangreto draw breath respirarto draw close/near acercarseto draw lots (for something) echar (algo) a suerteto draw oneself up to one's full height enderezarse totalmenteto draw the line (at something) decir basta (a algo)to draw to an end/close terminar, finalizar1) pull: tirar de, jalar, correr (cortinas)2) attract: atraer3) provoke: provocar, suscitar4) inhale: aspirarto draw breath: respirar5) extract: sacar, extraer6) take: sacarto draw a number: sacar un número7) collect: cobrar, percibir (un sueldo, etc.)8) bend: tensar (un arco)9) tie: empatar (en deportes)10) sketch: dibujar, trazar11) formulate: sacar, formular, llegar ato draw a conclusion: llegar a una conclusiónto draw out : hacer hablar (sobre algo), hacer salir de sí mismoto draw up draft: redactardraw vi1) sketch: dibujar2) tug: tirar, jalar3)to draw near : acercarse4)to draw to a close : terminar, finalizar5)to draw up stop: parardraw n1) drawing, raffle: sorteo m2) tie: empate m3) attraction: atracción f4) puff: chupada f (de un cigarrillo, etc.)n.• empate (Deporte) s.m.• pitada s.f.• retroceso s.m.• sorteo s.m.• tiro s.m.v.(§ p.,p.p.: drew, drawn) = arrastrar v.• bosquejar v.• descorrer v.• dibujar v.• diseñar v.• sacar v.• tirar v.• traer v.(§pres: traigo, traes...) pret: traj-•)• trazar v.
1. drɔː1)a) ( move by pulling) \<\<curtains/bolt\>\> ( open) descorrer; ( shut) correr; \<\<bow\>\> tensarb) ( in specified direction)he drew her aside o to one side — la llevó a un lado, la llevó aparte
to draw one's chair up — acerar* or arrimar la silla a la mesa
c) ( pull along) \<\<cart/sled\>\> tirar de, arrastrar2)a) ( pull out) \<\<tooth/cork\>\> sacar*, extraer* (frml); \<\<gun\>\> desenfundar, sacar*; \<\<sword\>\> desenvainar, sacar*b) ( cause to flow) sacar*to draw blood — sacar* sangre, hacer* sangrar
to draw water from a well — sacar* agua de un pozo
c) ( Games) \<\<card/domino\>\> sacar*, robard) (in contest, tournament)3)a) ( Fin) \<\<salary/pension\>\> cobrar, percibir (frml); \<\<check\>\> girar, librarto draw money from o out of the bank — retirar or sacar* dinero del banco
b) ( derive) \<\<strength/lesson\>\> sacar*she drew comfort from the fact that... — se consoló pensando que...
4) ( establish) \<\<distinction/parallel\>\> establecer*5)a) ( attract) \<\<customers/crowd\>\> atraer*to be drawn to somebody/something — sentirse* atraído por alguien/algo
b) ( elicit) \<\<praise\>\> conseguir*; \<\<criticism/protest\>\> provocar*, suscitarto draw tears/a smile from somebody — hacer* llorar/hacer* sonreír a alguien
I asked him about it, but he wouldn't be drawn — se lo pregunté, pero se negó a decir nada
6) ( sketch) \<\<flower/picture\>\> dibujar; \<\<line\>\> trazar*7) (BrE Games, Sport) empatar
vi1) ( move)to draw close to o near (to) something/somebody — acercarse* a algo/alguien
to draw to an end o a close — terminar, finalizar* (frml)
the train drew out of/into the station — el tren salió de/entró en la estación
to draw ahead of somebody/something — adelantarse a alguien/algo
2) ( Art) dibujar3) (BrE Games, Sport) empatar; ( in chess game) hacer* tablas4) ( take in air) \<\<chimney/cigar\>\> tirar•Phrasal Verbs:- draw in- draw off- draw on- draw out- draw up
1) ( raffle) sorteo m2) ( tie) (Games, Sport) empate m3) ( attraction) (colloq) gancho m (fam), atracción f4) ( of handgun)[drɔː] (vb: pt drew) (pp drawn)to be quick on the draw — ( with gun) ser* rápido en desenfundar; ( with reply) pescarlas* al vuelo (fam)
1. N1) (=lottery) lotería f ; (=picking of ticket) sorteo m3) (=attraction) atracción f4)• to beat sb to the draw — (lit) desenfundar más rápido que algn; (fig) adelantarse a algn
to be quick on the draw — (lit) ser rápido en sacar la pistola; (fig) ser muy avispado5) [of chimney] tiro m2. VT1) (=pull) [+ bolt, curtains] (to close) correr; (to open) descorrer; [+ caravan, trailer] tirar, jalar (LAm)•
he drew his finger along the table — pasó el dedo por la superficie de la mesa•
to draw one's hand over one's eyes — pasarse la mano por los ojos•
he drew his hat over his eyes — se caló el sombrero hasta los ojos2) (=extract) [+ gun, sword, confession, tooth] sacar; [+ cheque] girar; [+ salary] cobrar; [+ number, prize] sacarse; [+ trumps] arrastrar; (Culin) [+ fowl] destripar; (Med) [+ boil] hacer reventar•
to draw comfort from sth — hallar consuelo en algo•
to draw inspiration from sth — encontrar inspiración en algobreath 1., 1)•
to draw a smile from sb — arrancar una sonrisa a algn3) (=attract) [+ attention, crowd, customer] atraer•
to feel drawn to sb — simpatizar con algn•
he refuses to be drawn — se niega a hablar de ello, se guarda de hacer comentario alguno4) (=cause) [+ laughter] causar, provocar; [+ applause] despertar, motivar; [+ criticism] provocar5) (=sketch) [+ scene, person] dibujar; [+ plan, line, circle, map] trazar; (fig) [+ situation] explicar; [+ character] trazarto draw the line at sth —
to draw a comparison between A and B — comparar A con B7) (Sport, Games)to draw a match/game — (gen) empatar un partido; (Chess) entablar
8) (Naut)9) (Tech) [+ wire] estirar3. VI1) (=move)•
he drew ahead of the other runners — se adelantó a los demás corredores•
the train drew into the station — el tren entró en la estación•
the car drew over to the kerb — el coche se acercó a la acera2) (Cards)3) [chimney etc] tirar4) (=infuse) [tea] reposar5) (=be equal) [two teams, players] empatar; (Chess) entablar6) (=sketch) dibujar- draw in- draw off- draw on- draw out- draw up* * *
1. [drɔː]1)a) ( move by pulling) \<\<curtains/bolt\>\> ( open) descorrer; ( shut) correr; \<\<bow\>\> tensarb) ( in specified direction)he drew her aside o to one side — la llevó a un lado, la llevó aparte
to draw one's chair up — acerar* or arrimar la silla a la mesa
c) ( pull along) \<\<cart/sled\>\> tirar de, arrastrar2)a) ( pull out) \<\<tooth/cork\>\> sacar*, extraer* (frml); \<\<gun\>\> desenfundar, sacar*; \<\<sword\>\> desenvainar, sacar*b) ( cause to flow) sacar*to draw blood — sacar* sangre, hacer* sangrar
to draw water from a well — sacar* agua de un pozo
c) ( Games) \<\<card/domino\>\> sacar*, robard) (in contest, tournament)3)a) ( Fin) \<\<salary/pension\>\> cobrar, percibir (frml); \<\<check\>\> girar, librarto draw money from o out of the bank — retirar or sacar* dinero del banco
b) ( derive) \<\<strength/lesson\>\> sacar*she drew comfort from the fact that... — se consoló pensando que...
4) ( establish) \<\<distinction/parallel\>\> establecer*5)a) ( attract) \<\<customers/crowd\>\> atraer*to be drawn to somebody/something — sentirse* atraído por alguien/algo
b) ( elicit) \<\<praise\>\> conseguir*; \<\<criticism/protest\>\> provocar*, suscitarto draw tears/a smile from somebody — hacer* llorar/hacer* sonreír a alguien
I asked him about it, but he wouldn't be drawn — se lo pregunté, pero se negó a decir nada
6) ( sketch) \<\<flower/picture\>\> dibujar; \<\<line\>\> trazar*7) (BrE Games, Sport) empatar
vi1) ( move)to draw close to o near (to) something/somebody — acercarse* a algo/alguien
to draw to an end o a close — terminar, finalizar* (frml)
the train drew out of/into the station — el tren salió de/entró en la estación
to draw ahead of somebody/something — adelantarse a alguien/algo
2) ( Art) dibujar3) (BrE Games, Sport) empatar; ( in chess game) hacer* tablas4) ( take in air) \<\<chimney/cigar\>\> tirar•Phrasal Verbs:- draw in- draw off- draw on- draw out- draw up
1) ( raffle) sorteo m2) ( tie) (Games, Sport) empate m3) ( attraction) (colloq) gancho m (fam), atracción f4) ( of handgun)to be quick on the draw — ( with gun) ser* rápido en desenfundar; ( with reply) pescarlas* al vuelo (fam)
См. также в других словарях:
Near field communication — An NFC enabled mobile phone interacting with a SmartPoster Near field communication, or NFC, allows for simplified transactions, data exchange, and wireless connections between two devices in proximity to each other, usually by no more than a few … Wikipedia
move — move1 W1S1 [mu:v] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(change place)¦ 2¦(new house/office)¦ 3¦(change opinion etc)¦ 4¦(progress)¦ 5¦(take action)¦ 6¦(change job/class etc)¦ 7¦(emotion)¦ 8¦(cause somebody to do something)¦ 9¦(time/order)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
move — 1 verb 1 CHANGE PLACE (I, T) to change your place or position, or to make something do this: Don t move or I ll shoot. | You mustn t get off the train while it s still moving. | move sth: Can you move your car it s blocking the road. | We ll have … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Near Field Communication — or NFC, is a short range high frequency wireless communication technology which enables the exchange of data between devices over about a 10 centimetre (around 4 inches) distance.Fact|date=July 2008 The technology is a simple extension of the ISO … Wikipedia
about — [ə bout′] adv. [ME aboute(n) < OE onbūtan, around < on, ON + be, BY + ūtan, outside < ūt, OUT: all senses develop from the sense of “around”] 1. on every side; all around [look about] 2. here and there; in all directions [travel abou … English World dictionary
move — [mo͞ov] vt. moved, moving [ME moven < Anglo Fr mover < OFr movoir < L movere < IE base * mew , to push away > Sans mīvati, (he) shoves] 1. to change the place or position of; push, carry, or pull from one place or position to… … English World dictionary
Move (Thousand Foot Krutch song) — Move Single by Thousand Foot Krutch from the album The Art of Breaking Released … Wikipedia
about — /euh bowt /, prep. 1. of; concerning; in regard to: instructions about the work; a book about the Civil War. 2. connected or associated with: There was an air of mystery about him. 3. near; close to: a man about my height; about six o clock. 4.… … Universalium
about — a•bout [[t]əˈbaʊt[/t]] prep. 1) concerning; on the subject of; in regard to: a book about the Civil War[/ex] 2) connected or associated with: an air of mystery about him[/ex] 3) near; close to: about my height; about six o clock[/ex] 4) in or… … From formal English to slang
about — /əˈbaʊt / (say uh bowt) preposition 1. of; concerning; in regard to: to talk about secrets. 2. connected with: instructions about the work. 3. somewhere near or in: she is about the house. 4. near; close to: about my height. 5. on every side of;… …
near — 1 adverb, preposition 1 only a short distance from a person or thing: Bob was standing near enough to hear what they said. | Why don t you move your chair nearer mine? | near to: Don t sit too near to the screen. | go/come/get etc near (=to move… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English