1 mpg
abbr. miles per gallon miglia per gallone* * *mpgsigla(autom., miles per gallon), miglia al gallone.* * *abbr. miles per gallon miglia per gallone -
2 mileage
['maɪlɪdʒ]1) distanza f. in miglia2) (done by car) chilometraggio m., miglia f.pl.3) (miles per gallon) consumo m.4) fig. (use)5) (anche mileage allowance) indennità f. di percorso* * *mileage /ˈmaɪlɪdʒ/n.1 [cu] distanza (percorsa) in miglia (cfr. ital. «kilometraggio»)3 [cu] (autom.) consumo (di benzina); miglia percorse con un gallone di benzina● (autom.) mileage chart, carta delle distanze in miglia □ (autom.) mileage counter, «contamiglia».* * *['maɪlɪdʒ]1) distanza f. in miglia2) (done by car) chilometraggio m., miglia f.pl.3) (miles per gallon) consumo m.4) fig. (use)5) (anche mileage allowance) indennità f. di percorso -
3 mile **** n
4 mpg n abbr
[ˌɛmpiː'dʒiː](= miles per gallon) km/l -
5 to ***** weak form
[tə]1. prephave you ever been to India? — sei mai stata in India?
a letter to his wife — una lettera a sua moglie
2) (next to, with position) awith one's back to the wall — con le spalle al muro
the door is to the left (of) — la porta è a sinistra (di)
at right angles to sth — ad angolo retto con qc
3) (as far as) fino ahere to London — da qui (fino) a Londra40 to 50 people — da 40 a 50 personeit's twenty-five to 3 — mancano venticinque minuti alle 3, sono le 2 e trentacinque
it to me — dammeloa monument to the fallen — un monumento ai caduti
a solution to the problem — una soluzione al problema
6) (in relation to) (in confronto) aA is to B as C is to D — A sta a B come C sta a D
to the others — superiore agli altrigoals to two — tre reti a due7)that's all there is to it — questo è tutto, è tutto quiwhat do you say to this? — che cosa ne pensi?
8) (according to) secondowe danced to the music of... — abbiamo ballato con la musica di...
9)2. particle (with verb)1)to go/eat — andare/mangiare2)to start to cry — incominciare or mettersi a piangere3) (purpose, result) perhe did it to help you — l'ha fatto per aiutarti
he came to see you — è venuto per vederti
4)you ought to — dovresti (farlo)he's not the sort to do that — non è il tipo da fare una cosa del genere
now is the time to do it — è ora di farlo
6)to believe — difficile da credereto go — pronto (-a) a partire3. adv1)2)to come to — (recover consciousness) riprendere conoscenza
6 the ***** weak form
[ð(ə)]1. def art1) il (lo, l') m, la (l') f, i (gli) mpl, le fplin this age of the computer... — in quest'era di computer...
did you see the photographs? — hai visto le fotografie?
the rich and the poor — i ricchi e i poveri
do you know the Smiths? — conosci gli Smith?
could you pass me the sugar? — mi passi lo zucchero?
it was the year of the student riots — quello era l'anno delle manifestazioni studentesche
2)0.8 euros to the dollar — 0,8 euro per un dollaro3)he's THE man for the job — è proprio l'uomo adatto al lavoro4)2. advshe looks all the better for it — adesso ha un aspetto molto più sano
См. также в других словарях:
Miles per gallon — (MPG) is a metric term that measures how many miles a vehicle can travel on one gallon of fuel. It is used similarly in North America and the United Kingdom, although the Imperial gallon used in the UK is about 20% larger than the U.S.… … Wikipedia
miles per gallon — ➔ mpg * * * miles per gallon (ABBREVIATION mpg) ► MEASURES, TRANSPORT used for saying how much fuel a vehicle uses: »The car does around 40 miles per gallon in town. Main Entry: ↑ … Financial and business terms
Miles per gallon — (MPG) A measure of vehicle fuel efficiency. Miles per gallon or MPG represents Fleet Miles per Gallon. For each subgroup or table cell, MPG is computed as the ratio of the total number of miles traveled by all vehicles in the subgroup to the… … Energy terms
Miles per gallon — Der Kraftstoffverbrauch gibt die Menge von Kraftstoff an, die eine Verbrennungskraftmaschine innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeit verbrennt oder die beim Zurücklegen einer bestimmten Strecke durch ein Fahrzeug verbraucht wird. Bei Straßenfahrzeugen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Miles per gallon of gasoline equivalent — (MPGe) is a unit of measurement that relates efficiencies of different systems to the traditional unit of measurement for fuel efficiency (miles per gallon of gasoline).DescriptionMPGe is based on the quantity of heat energy that can be obtained… … Wikipedia
Miles per gallon gasoline equivalent — Monroney label showing the EPA s fuel economy equivalent ratings for the 2011 Chevrolet Volt. The rating for all electric mode (left) is expressed in miles per gallon gasoline equivalent. Miles per gallon gasoline equivalent (MPGe or MPGge) is a… … Wikipedia
miles per gallon — noun the distance traveled in a vehicle powered by one gallon of gasoline or diesel fuel • Hypernyms: ↑unit of measurement, ↑unit * * * miles to the/per/a/gallon phrase the number of miles a vehicle … Useful english dictionary
Passenger miles per gallon — (PMPG) is a metric to evaluate the energy efficiency of a vehicle. [cite web | url=http://www.railway technical.com/US fuel paper.html | title=US Railroad Passenger Miles Per Gallon | accessdate=May 2 | accessyear=2007] The PMPG can be obtained… … Wikipedia
miles a gallon — miles to the/per/a/gallon phrase the number of miles a vehicle will travel using one gallon of fuel The car does 50 miles to the gallon. Thesaurus: putting fuel in vehicleshyponym … Useful english dictionary
mile per gallon — (mi/gal or mpg) 1. the unit customarily used in the United States to measure the fuel efficiency of motor vehicles. 1 mile per U.S. gallon1 equals about 0.4252 kilometers per liter. In most other countries, however, the usual measure of fuel… … Dictionary of units of measurement
Gallon — The gallon is a measure of volume. Historically it has had many different definitions, but there are three definitions in current use. There is the imperial gallon (≈ 4.546 l) which is used in the United Kingdom[1] and is in semi… … Wikipedia