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  • 1 mentally

    adverb (in the mind: She's mentally incapable of understanding; He is mentally ill.) mentalmente
    * * *
    [m'entəli] adv mentalmente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mentally

  • 2 mentally

    adverb (in the mind: She's mentally incapable of understanding; He is mentally ill.) mentalmente

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > mentally

  • 3 mentally affected

    mentally affected

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mentally affected

  • 4 mentally deficient

    mentally deficient
    idiota, mentecapto, tolo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mentally deficient

  • 5 mentally diseased

    mentally diseased

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mentally diseased

  • 6 affected

    [əf'ektid] adj 1 afetado, exagerado. 2 fingido, simulado, artificial. 3 intencionado, predisposto.
    [əf'ektid] adj 1 influenciado. 2 atacado, contaminado. 3 agitado, emocionado. deeply affected profundamente emocionado. mentally affected desequilibrado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > affected

  • 7 asylum

    1) (safety; protection: He was granted political asylum.) asilo
    2) (an old name for a home for people who are mentally ill.) asilo
    * * *
    [əs'ailəm] n (pl asylums) asilo: 1 hospício, manicômio. 2 orfanato. 3 albergue noturno. 4 santuário, abrigo, refúgio. lunatic asylum manicômio. political asylum asilo político.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > asylum

  • 8 comfort

    1) (a pleasant condition of being physically or mentally relaxed, happy, warm etc: They now live in comfort.) conforto
    2) (anything that provides a little luxury, or makes one feel happier, or better able to bear misfortune: He enjoyed the comforts of the hotel; Her presence was a comfort to him in his grief; words of comfort.) conforto
    - comfortably
    - comforting
    - be comfortably off
    * * *
    [k'∧mfət] n 1 conforto, consolo, alívio. 2 bem-estar, agrado. 3 ajuda, auxílio. • vt 1 confortar, consolar, aliviar. 2 animar, auxiliar, encorajar. cold comfort triste consolo. soldier’s comforts presentes para soldados. to take comfort ficar confortado, ficar encorajado. what a comfort! que alívio!, que sorte!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > comfort

  • 9 cretin

    1) (a person who is mentally subnormal and physically deformed.) cretino
    2) (an idiot, used as a term of contempt and abuse.) cretino
    * * *
    [kr'etin; kr'i:tən] n cretino, idiota.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cretin

  • 10 defective

    adjective (having a fault or flaw: a defective machine; He is mentally defective.) defeituoso
    * * *
    [dif'ektiv] adj defectivo, defeituoso, imperfeito, incompleto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > defective

  • 11 deficient

    (lacking in what is needed: Their food is deficient in vitamins.) deficiente
    * * *
    [dif'iʃənt] adj 1 deficiente, falho, imperfeito, defeituoso. 2 incompleto, insuficiente, ineficiente. 3 inadequado. mentally deficient idiota, mentecapto, tolo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > deficient

  • 12 deranged

    (insane: His mind had become deranged as a result of his ordeal; mentally deranged.) perturbado
    * * *
    [dir'eindʒd] adj louco, demente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > deranged

  • 13 diseased

    [diz'i:zd] adj doente, enfermo, mórbido. mentally diseased demente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > diseased

  • 14 honour

    ['onə] 1. noun
    1) (respect for truth, honesty etc: a man of honour.) honra
    2) ((the keeping or increasing of) a person's, country's etc good reputation: We must fight for the honour of our country.) honra
    3) (fame; glory: He won honour on the field of battle.) fama
    4) (respect: This ceremony is being held in honour of those who died in the war.) honra
    5) (something which a person feels to be a reason for pride etc: It is a great honour to be asked to address this meeting.) honra
    6) (a title, degree etc given to a person as a mark of respect for his services, work, ability etc: He has received many honours for his research into cancer.) honraria
    7) ((with capital: with His, Your etc) a title of respect used when talking to or about judges, mayors etc: My client wishes to plead guilty, Your Honour.) Excelência
    2. verb
    1) (to show great respect to (a person, thing etc): We should honour the Queen.) honrar
    2) (to do, say etc something which is a reason for pride, satisfaction etc to: Will you honour us with your presence at the meeting?) dar a honra
    3) (to give (someone) a title, degree etc as a mark of respect for his ability etc: He was honoured for his work with the mentally handicapped.) distinguir
    4) (to fulfil (a promise etc): We'll honour our agreement.) cumprir
    - honourable
    - honours
    - in honour bound
    - honour bound
    - on one's honour
    - word of honour
    * * *
    ['ɔnə] n Brit 1 honra, honradez, dignidade, brio. a man of honour / um homem de honra, um homem de bem. 2 reputação, fama, glória. 3 lealdade, nobreza. 4 estimação, respeito. 5 título ou cargo honorífico, distinção. 6 figura (no jogo de cartas). 7 decoro, pudor, castidade, virtude. 8 reverência, continência. 9 distinção (colegial ou universitária). • vt 1 honrar, respeitar, reverenciar, glorificar. 2 elevar (no cargo), exaltar. 3 aceitar, pagar. 4 favorecer. affair of honour questão de honra. code of honour código de honra. guest of honour convidado de honra. His Honour Sua Reverência. I have the honour of, it is my honour to tenho o prazer de, o privilégio de. in his honour em honra dele. maid of honour dama de honra. point of honour questão de honra. sense of honour sentimento de honra. to be bound in honour ser obrigado pela honra. to do someone the honour honrar alguém. to do the honours fazer as honras da casa. to gain honour by ganhar fama com. Your Honour Vossa Senhoria.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > honour

  • 15 insane

    1) (mad; mentally ill.) louco
    2) (extremely foolish: It was insane to think he would give you the money.) tolo
    * * *
    [ins'ein] adj 1 insano, demente, doente mental, louco, doido. 2 coll tolo, inconseqüente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > insane

  • 16 mad

    1) (mentally disturbed or insane: Ophelia went mad; You must be mad.) louco
    2) ((sometimes with at or with) very angry: She was mad at me for losing my keys.) zangado
    3) ((with about) having a great liking or desire for: I'm just mad about Harry.) apaixonado
    - madness
    - madden
    - maddening
    - maddeningly
    - madman
    - mad cow disease
    - like mad
    * * *
    [mæd] adj 1 louco, doido, demente. 2 exasperado, furioso. 3 hidrófobo. 4 insensato. • adv like mad 1 furiosamente. 2 muito rapidamente. to be mad about someone gostar demais de alguém. to drive somebody mad levar a pessoa ao extremo de irritação. to go mad ficar enfurecido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mad

  • 17 manhood

    1) ((of a male) the state of being adult, physically (and mentally) mature etc: He died before he reached manhood.) idade adulta
    2) (manly qualities: He took her refusal to marry him as an insult to his manhood.) virilidade
    * * *
    [m'ænhud] n 1 humanidade. 2 masculinidade, virilidade. 3 coragem.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > manhood

  • 18 mental

    1) (of the mind: mental illnesses/disorders.) mental
    2) (done or made by the mind: mental arithmetic; a mental picture.) mental
    3) (for those who are ill in mind: a mental hospital.) para doentes mentais
    4) (suffering from an illness of the mind: a mental patient.) mental
    - mentally
    * * *
    [m'entəl] adj 1 mental, intelectual, espiritual. 2 mental. to go mental sl ficar louco.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mental

  • 19 retarded

    adjective a mentally retarded child.) atrasado
    * * *
    [rit'a:did] adj retardado: que sofre de retardo mental.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > retarded

  • 20 taxing

    adjective (mentally or physically difficult: a taxing job.) pesado
    * * *
    [t'æksiŋ] n taxação, imposição de taxas. • adj 1 exigente. 2 oneroso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > taxing

См. также в других словарях:

  • Mentally — Men tal*ly, adv. In the mind; in thought or meditation; intellectually; in idea. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mentally — (adv.) 1660s, from MENTAL (Cf. mental) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • mentally — adv. Mentally is used with these adjectives: ↑active, ↑alert, ↑competent, ↑defective, ↑deficient, ↑deranged, ↑disabled, ↑disturbed, ↑exhausted, ↑exhausting, ↑handicapped, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

  • mentally — mental ► ADJECTIVE 1) of, done by, or occurring in the mind. 2) relating to disorders or illnesses of the mind. 3) informal mad. DERIVATIVES mentally adverb. USAGE The use of mental in sense 2 (e.g. as in mental hospital …   English terms dictionary

  • mentally — adverb mentally, I was prepared to deal with the situation Syn: in one s mind, in one s head, inwardly, intellectually, cognitively …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • mentally — adverb in your mind (Freq. 6) he suffered mentally • Derived from adjective: ↑mental …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mentally Murdered — EP by Napalm Death Released 29 August 1989 …   Wikipedia

  • Mentally Destroyed — Studio album by Dice Released March 2012 Genre Midwest hip hop Label …   Wikipedia

  • mentally handicapped — adjective Having impaired intellectual ability, either congenitally or as a result of brain damage • • • Main Entry: ↑mental * * * ˌmentally ˈhandicapped 7 [mentally handicapped] adjective ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • mentally handicapped — adj old fashioned a mentally handicapped person has a problem with their brain, often from the time they are born, that affects their ability to think or control their body movements …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mentally defective — mentally deficient, mentally handicapped …   English contemporary dictionary

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