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с латышского на все языки


  • 21 to pay somebody off scot and lot

    samaksāt kādam pilnīgi

    English-Latvian dictionary > to pay somebody off scot and lot

  • 22 to reconcile oneself to one's lot

    samierināties ar savu likteni

    English-Latvian dictionary > to reconcile oneself to one's lot

  • 23 to talk a lot of junk

    runāt blēņas

    English-Latvian dictionary > to talk a lot of junk

  • 24 to throw in one's lot with somebody

    saistīt savu likteni ar kādu

    English-Latvian dictionary > to throw in one's lot with somebody

  • 25 tot lot

    bērnu rotaļlaukums

    English-Latvian dictionary > tot lot

  • 26 allot

    past tense, past participle - allotted; verb
    (to give (each person) a fixed share of or place in (something): They have allotted all the money to the various people who applied.)
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > allot

  • 27 lottery

    plural - lotteries; noun
    (the sharing out of money or prizes won by chance, through drawing lots: They held a public lottery in aid of charity.) loterija
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > lottery

  • 28 fat

    [fæt] 1. noun
    1) (an oily substance made by the bodies of animals and by some plants: This meat has got a lot of fat on it.) tauki; speķis
    2) (a kind of such substance, used especially for cooking: There are several good cooking fats on the market.) tauki
    2. adjective
    1) (having a lot of fat on one's body; large, heavy and round in shape: He was a very fat child.) tukls; resns; trekns
    2) (large or abundant: Her business made a fat profit; A fat lot of good that is! (= That is no good at all)) Tas nekam neder!
    - fatten
    - fatty
    - fattiness
    - fat-head
    * * *
    naudasmaiss, bagātnieks; speķis, tauki; tuklums; nobarot; uzbaroties; tauks, trekns; nobarots, resns, tukls; lekns, auglīgs; biezs; lepns, bagātīgs; ienesīgs, izdevīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > fat

  • 29 rich

    [ri ]
    1) (wealthy; having a lot of money, possessions etc: a rich man/country.) bagāts
    2) ((with in) having a lot (of something): This part of the country is rich in coal.) bagāts
    3) (valuable: a rich reward; rich materials.) vērtīgs; bagātīgs
    4) (containing a lot of fat, eggs, spices etc: a rich sauce.) trekns; barojošs
    5) ((of clothes, material etc) very beautiful and expensive.) dārgs; grezns
    - richness
    - riches
    * * *
    bagāts; bagātīgs, grezns; auglīgs; sātīgs, trekns; sīvs, ass; sulīgs; vērtīgs; varens, asprātīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > rich

  • 30 practice

    1) (the actual doing of something, as opposed to the theory or idea: In theory the plan should work, but in practice there are a lot of difficulties.) prakse
    2) (the usual way(s) of doing things; (a) habit or custom: It was his usual practice to rise at 6.00 a.m.) paradums
    3) (the repeated performance or exercise of something in order to learn to do it well: She has musical talent, but she needs a lot of practice; Have a quick practice before you start.) treniņš; vingrināšanās
    4) (a doctor's or lawyer's business: He has a practice in Southampton.) prakse
    - make a practice of
    - put into practice
    * * *
    prakse, praktiska lietošana; paradums; vingrināšanās, treniņš; prakse; intrigas, mahinācijas

    English-Latvian dictionary > practice

  • 31 trade

    [treid] 1. noun
    1) (the buying and selling of goods: Japan does a lot of trade with Britain.) tirdzniecība
    2) ((a) business, occupation, or job: He's in the jewellery trade.) arods; profesija
    2. verb
    1) ((often with in or with) to buy and sell: They made a lot of money by trading; They trade in fruit and vegetables.) tirgoties
    2) (to exchange: I traded my watch for a bicycle.) iemainīt
    - trademark
    - tradename
    - tradesman
    - trades union
    - trade union
    - trades unionist
    - trade unionist
    - trade wind
    - trade in
    * * *
    tirdzniecība; arods, profesija; mazumtirdzniecība; klientūra; darījums; tirgoties; iemainīt; apmainīties; pastāvīgi iepirkties

    English-Latvian dictionary > trade

  • 32 trouble

    1. noun
    1) ((something which causes) worry, difficulty, work, anxiety etc: He never talks about his troubles; We've had a lot of trouble with our children; I had a lot of trouble finding the book you wanted.) nepatikšanas; rūpes; raizes; grūtības
    2) (disturbances; rebellion, fighting etc: It occurred during the time of the troubles in Cyprus.) nemieri; sacelšanās; jukas
    3) (illness or weakness (in a particular part of the body): He has heart trouble.) kaite; vaina
    2. verb
    1) (to cause worry, anger or sadness to: She was troubled by the news of her sister's illness.) uztraukt; sagādāt rūpes/pūles
    2) (used as part of a very polite and formal request: May I trouble you to close the window?) Vai drīkstu jums lūgt...
    3) (to make any effort: He didn't even trouble to tell me what had happened.) papūlēties; pacensties
    - troublesome
    - troublemaker
    * * *
    nepatikšanas; grūtības; raizes, rūpes; pūles; jukas, nemieri; kaite, slimība; avārija; sagādāt rūpes, uztraukt; uztraukties; traucēt, apgrūtināt; grūti padoties, neveikties; nomocīt; papūlēties; bojāt

    English-Latvian dictionary > trouble

  • 33 weight

    1) (the amount which a person or thing weighs: He's put on a lot of weight (= got much fatter) over the years.) svars
    2) (a piece of metal etc of a standard weight: seven-pound weight.) atsvars; svaru bumba
    3) (a heavy object, especially one for lifting as a sport: He lifts weights to develop his muscles.) svaru bumba/stienis
    4) (burden; load: You have taken a weight off my mind.) nasta; smagums
    5) (importance: Her opinion carries a lot of weight.) svars; ietekme
    * * *
    smagums, svars; atsvars, svaru bumba; slogs, nasta; nozīme, ietekme; svara kategorija; uzlikt atsvaru; noslogot; nomākt, apgrūtināt; novērtēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > weight

  • 34 abuse

    1. [ə'bju:z] verb
    1) (to use wrongly, usually with harmful results: She abused her privileges by taking too long a holiday.) ļaunprātīgi izmantot
    2) (to insult or speak roughly to: She abused the servants.) apvainot; zākāt
    2. [ə'bju:s] noun
    1) (insulting language: He shouted abuse at her.) apvainojums; lamas
    2) (the wrong use of something: This toy has been subjected to a lot of abuse.) nepareiza lietošana, ekspluatēšana
    - abusively
    - abusiveness
    * * *
    ļaunprātīga izmantošana; izkropļošana, sagrozīšana; zākāšana, lamas, apvainojums; nepareiza ekspluatācija; ļaunprātīgi izmantot; sagrozīt, izkropļot; lamāt, apvainot, zākāt; nepareizi ekspluatēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > abuse

  • 35 acquiesce

    (to agree: After a lot of persuasion, he finally acquiesced.) piekrist (negribīgi)
    - acquiescent
    * * *
    piekrist; klusu negribīgi piekrist, samierināšanās; akceptēt, samierināties, pieņemt

    English-Latvian dictionary > acquiesce

  • 36 advanced

    adjective (having made a lot of progress; at a high level: an advanced computer course; in the advanced stages of the illness.) uz priekšu pavirzījies; progresīvs; augstākā līmeņa
    * * *
    uz priekšu pavirzījies; progresīvs; modernizēts, uzlabots

    English-Latvian dictionary > advanced

  • 37 age

    [ei‹] 1. noun
    1) (the amount of time during which a person or thing has existed: He went to school at the age of six (years); What age is she?)
    2) ((often with capital) a particular period of time: This machine was the wonder of the age; the Middle Ages.) laikmets; periods
    3) (the quality of being old: This wine will improve with age; With the wisdom of age he regretted the mistakes he had made in his youth.) laiks; gadi
    4) ((usually in plural) a very long time: We've been waiting (for) ages for a bus.) ilgs laiks; mūžība
    2. verb
    (to (cause to) grow old or look old: He has aged a lot since I last saw him; His troubles have aged him.) novecot
    - ageless
    - age-old
    - the aged
    - come of age
    - of age
    * * *
    gadi, vecums; pilngadība; vecums; paaudze; laikmets, periods; ilgs laiks, mūžība; kalpošanas laiks; novecot; ļaut nostāvēties; ilgs, mūžsens

    English-Latvian dictionary > age

  • 38 alter

    (to make or become different; to change: Will you alter this dress (to fit me)?; The town has altered a lot in the last two years.) pārtaisīt; pārmainīt; mainīties
    * * *
    grozīt, mainīt, pārveidot; grozīties, mainīties; kastrēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > alter

  • 39 amenity

    plural - amenities; noun
    (something that makes life more pleasant or convenient: This part of town has a lot of amenities - good shops, parks etc.) ērtības; jaukumi
    * * *
    piemīlība; ērtības; jaukumi, prieki

    English-Latvian dictionary > amenity

  • 40 apt

    1) ((with to) likely: He is apt to get angry if you ask a lot of questions.) disponēts; ar noslieci
    2) (suitable: an apt remark.) piemērots
    3) (clever; quick to learn: an apt student.) spējīgs; apdāvināts
    - aptness
    * * *
    piemērots; ar noslieci, disponēts; apdāvināts, spējīgs

    English-Latvian dictionary > apt

См. также в других словарях:

  • lot — lot …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • LOT — L Dernier grand affluent de la Garonne, sur sa rive droite, le Lot se compare naturellement à son voisin, le Tarn: même origine, le mont Lozère (ici le versant nord); même direction est ouest; longueur, bassin et alimentation de même ordre: 481… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • LOT — (Heb. לוֹט), son of Haran, grandson of Terah, and nephew of abraham (Gen. 11:27). Upon Haran s death in Ur, Terah took Lot with him when, with Abraham and Sarah, he left the city for the land of Canaan. After Terah s death in Haran (11:32),… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • LOT — (lo:t) steht für: beim Löten das Lötmittel, siehe Lot (Metall) eine alte Masseeinheit, siehe Lot (Einheit) in der Geometrie eine gerade Linie, die auf einer anderen Geraden oder einer Ebene rechtwinklig steht, siehe Lot (Mathematik) in der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lot — • Nephew of Abraham Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Lot     Lot     † Catholic Encyclopedia …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Lot — (lo:t) steht für: beim Löten das Lötmittel, siehe Lot (Metall) eine alte Masseeinheit, siehe Lot (Einheit) ein Maß für den Feingehalt von Metall, siehe Lot (Feingehalt) in der Geometrie eine gerade Linie, die auf einer anderen Geraden oder einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lot — (l[o^]t), n. [AS. hlot; akin to hle[ o]tan to cast lots, OS. hl[=o]t lot, D. lot, G. loos, OHG. l[=o]z, Icel. hlutr, Sw. lott, Dan. lod, Goth. hlauts. Cf. {Allot}, {Lotto}, {Lottery}.] [1913 Webster] 1. That which happens without human design or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lot — may refer to:In economics and business: *Lot (real estate), a tract of land ** Parking lot, for automobiles *Lot, a set of goods, together for sale in an auctionPeople: *Lot (Bible) *King Lot, in Arthurian legend * Lot Kapuaiwa, Hawaiian king,… …   Wikipedia

  • LOT (F.) — LOT FERDINAND (1866 1952) Archiviste paléographe, Ferdinand Lot ne passa jamais l’agrégation, à laquelle il était violemment opposé, la traitant de bachotage supérieur. Il écrivit en 1906 et 1912 des pamphlets contre l’organisation de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lot (AT) — Lot mit seinen beiden Töchtern (Lucas van Leyden ca. 1509) Lot war nach dem biblischen Bericht in der Genesis der Sohn von Haran und damit ein Neffe Abrahams, mit welchem er aus Mesopotamien mit Familie und Herden in Kanaan einwanderte, wo sie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • lot — LOT, loturi, s.n. 1. Fiecare dintre porţiunile în care a fost împărţit un teren sau o pădure; parcelă. 2. Grup de obiecte sau de fiinţe cu trăsături comune. ♦ Grup de sportivi selecţionaţi în vederea formării unei echipe. ♦ Grup de produse… …   Dicționar Român

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