Перевод: с узбекского на английский

с английского на узбекский


  • 1 jaydari

    local, locally grown or raised; hired help; simple.jayna dial.to shine. (jaynat, jaynash)jayra zool.porcupine. jaydari nayzasi porcupine quill.jayran zool.antelope

    Uzbek-English dictionary > jaydari

  • 2 mahalkom

    local trade union committee (s. mestkom)

    Uzbek-English dictionary > mahalkom

  • 3 mahallachilik

    local or neighborhood goings on

    Uzbek-English dictionary > mahallachilik

  • 4 biy

    1. hist.leader of a tribe or clan; title given to var. high positions; local ruler or magistrate (among Qazaq and Qirghiz). chipqonning biyi a large boil 2. dial.s. bibi 3. tarantula 4. biy dala empty, open steppe. biyday/dek wide open, empty.biya zool.mare

    Uzbek-English dictionary > biy

  • 5 dahanaki jang

    war of words, altercation, spat, cussing and yelling.dahboshi hist.commander of ten men (s. daha 1); local policeman (in Bukhara khanate)

    Uzbek-English dictionary > dahanaki jang

  • 6 guzar

    (Persian) local business and shopping district, usu. located at a crossroads; lane; district, quarter (Bukhara)

    Uzbek-English dictionary > guzar

  • 7 javdari

    (Persian) rye; local, locally grown or raised

    Uzbek-English dictionary > javdari

  • 8 kapron

    (Russian) a synthetic fiber similar to nylon.kapsan hist., arch.tithe in grain paid to local officials or artisans; alms given to the poor at threshing time; tax paid on grain sold at market

    Uzbek-English dictionary > kapron

  • 9 mahalliy

    (Arabic) local, regional

    Uzbek-English dictionary > mahalliy

  • 10 mestkom

    (Russian) local (trade union) committee

    Uzbek-English dictionary > mestkom

  • 11 mingboshi

    1. head of a local district or town; head of an army, commander 2 bot. bindweed (plant to which silkworms attach their cocoons)

    Uzbek-English dictionary > mingboshi

  • 12 obdasta

    (Persian) ewer for washing the hands and face. obdasta samovar a local, ewer shaped style of samovar. obdasta tut to hold the ewer for s.o. to wash themselves. puchuq obdasta half witted busybody

    Uzbek-English dictionary > obdasta

  • 13 oqsoqol

    whitebeard, elder; local chief, member of a coucil of elders; grandfather (in a field); term of address for elderly men

    Uzbek-English dictionary > oqsoqol

  • 14 sarimag’iz

    golden; tan. sarimag’iz bug’doy a local variety of wheat.sarimsoq (piyoz) bot.garlic

    Uzbek-English dictionary > sarimag’iz

  • 15 uchastkavoy

    (Russian) local police inspector

    Uzbek-English dictionary > uchastkavoy

  • 16 uchburchak

    triangle; triangular; triumvirate (composed of directors, Party representatives and the local trade union)

    Uzbek-English dictionary > uchburchak

  • 17 xo’ja

    (Persian) master; head of a line of people believed to represent the first local converts to Islam and descendents of one of the first four caliphs; member of the privileged upper class. xo’ja ko’rsinga/ko’rsin uchun outwardly, for appearance’s sake

    Uzbek-English dictionary > xo’ja

  • 18 yerli

    landed, landowner; local, indigenous, native, resident

    Uzbek-English dictionary > yerli

См. также в других словарях:

  • local — local, ale, aux [ lɔkal, o ] adj. et n. m. • 1314; bas lat. localis I ♦ Adj. 1 ♦ Qui concerne un lieu, une région (⇒ régional), lui est particulier. Histoire locale (opposé à générale) . Averses, éclaircies locales, qui se produisent en certains… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Local — generally means that which relates to a specific area or place, and is not vast or widespread.Local may also refer to:In medicine: * Local refers to a restricted part of the organism; such as a local anesthesiaIn computing: * Locale, a term used… …   Wikipedia

  • Local — es todo lo que se refiere o es relativo a un Lugar determinado. Se aplica en diferentes ámbitos: En Ciencias Sociales: Derecho Local Historia local Sistema de intercambio local En Administración: (véase además Categoría:Administración local)… …   Wikipedia Español

  • local — local, ale (lo kal, ka l ) adj. 1°   Qui appartient à un lieu. •   Qu ajouterait à votre science [de vous, Dieu], à votre puissance, à votre grandeur, quelque espèce d étendue locale que ce soit ?, BOSSUET Élévat. sur myst. III, 3. •   Il y avait …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • local — LOCÁL, Ă, (1) localuri, s.n. (2) locali, e, adj. 1. s.n. Clădire sau grup de încăperi de utilitate publică (ocupate de o întreprindere, de o instituţie etc.). ♦ Sală special amenajată unde se serveşte publicului mâncare sau băutură; restaurant,… …   Dicționar Român

  • local — lo·cal n: local union Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. local …   Law dictionary

  • Local — Lo cal (l[=o] kal), a. [L. localis, fr. locus place: cf. F. local. See {Lieu}, {Locus}.] Of or pertaining to a particular place, or to a definite region or portion of space; restricted to one place or region; as, a local custom. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Local H — Жанры Alternative rock Hard rock Grunge Годы 1987  наши дни Страна …   Википедия

  • local — [lō′kəl] adj. [ME locall < OFr local < LL localis < L locus, a place < IE * stlokos < base * stel , to set up, stand, location > STALK1, STALL1, STILL1, Gr stellein, to put] 1. relating to place …   English World dictionary

  • local — adjetivo 1. Que afecta sólo a determinada parte de un todo: dolor local. anestesia local. 2. De un lugar: Me gusta conocer las costumbres locales. 3. Que afecta a un municipio o población o a un territorio no muy extenso: elecciones locales,… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • local — (Del lat. locālis). 1. adj. Perteneciente o relativo al lugar. 2. Perteneciente o relativo a un territorio, a una comarca o a un país. 3. Municipal o provincial, por oposición a general o nacional. 4. Que solo afecta a una parte del cuerpo.… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

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