Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 interrupt

    1) (to stop a person while he is saying or doing something, especially by saying etc something oneself: He interrupted her while she was speaking; He interrupted her speech; Listen to me and don't interrupt!) interromper
    2) (to stop or make a break in (an activity etc): He interrupted his work to eat his lunch; You interrupted my thoughts.) interromper
    3) (to cut off (a view etc): A block of flats interrupted their view of the sea.) interromper
    * * *
    [intər'∧pt] vt+vi 1 interromper, suspender, fazer parar, estorvar. 2 separar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > interrupt

  • 2 interrupt

    1) (to stop a person while he is saying or doing something, especially by saying etc something oneself: He interrupted her while she was speaking; He interrupted her speech; Listen to me and don't interrupt!) interromper
    2) (to stop or make a break in (an activity etc): He interrupted his work to eat his lunch; You interrupted my thoughts.) interromper
    3) (to cut off (a view etc): A block of flats interrupted their view of the sea.) obstruir

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > interrupt

  • 3 interrupt


    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > interrupt

  • 4 break

    [breik] 1. past tense - broke; verb
    1) (to divide into two or more parts (by force).) quebrar
    2) ((usually with off/away) to separate (a part) from the whole (by force).) quebrar
    3) (to make or become unusable.) quebrar
    4) (to go against, or not act according to (the law etc): He broke his appointment at the last minute.) faltar
    5) (to do better than (a sporting etc record).) bater
    6) (to interrupt: She broke her journey in London.) interromper
    7) (to put an end to: He broke the silence.) quebrar
    8) (to make or become known: They gently broke the news of his death to his wife.) comunicar
    9) ((of a boy's voice) to fall in pitch.) quebrar
    10) (to soften the effect of (a fall, the force of the wind etc).) abrandar
    11) (to begin: The storm broke before they reached shelter.) começar
    2. noun
    1) (a pause: a break in the conversation.) quebra
    2) (a change: a break in the weather.) mudança
    3) (an opening.) brecha
    4) (a chance or piece of (good or bad) luck: This is your big break.) oportunidade
    3. noun
    ((usually in plural) something likely to break.) coisa frágil
    - breaker
    - breakdown
    - break-in
    - breakneck
    - breakout
    - breakthrough
    - breakwater
    - break away
    - break down
    - break into
    - break in
    - break loose
    - break off
    - break out
    - break out in
    - break the ice
    - break up
    - make a break for it
    * * *
    [breik] n = link=brake brake.1, acepção 1.
    [breik] n 1 ruptura, quebra, fratura. 2 brecha, racho. 3 fenda, abertura. 4 interrupção, cessação. 5 pausa, intervalo. 6 fuga, saída por meios violentos. 7 mudança repentina ou acentuada (de tempo). 8 Amer baixa súbita (dos preços na bolsa). 9 desvio de direção (de uma bola). 10 fig ruína, quebra. 11 irrupção, ruptura. 12 Amer sl falha, rata, erro. 13 chance, oportunidade. 14 interrupção de corrente. 15 clareira, picada. 16 seqüência de tacadas (jogo de bilhar). 17 Mus ponto de passagem de um registro a outro. 18 Poet cesura. • vt+vi (ps broke, pp broken) 1 quebrar, romper, dividir em pedaços, fraturar, esmagar, despedaçar. she broke her arm / ela fraturou o braço. the toy is broken to pieces / o brinquedo está em pedaços. 2 rachar, romper, lascar, estourar. 3 triturar, moer, desbastar. 4 romper, perturbar, interromper (também Electr). he broke his fast / ele interrompeu o jejum. he broke the silence / ele rompeu o silêncio. 5 Electr desligar. 6 separar, dividir, desunir. 7 ferir, danificar. 8 arruinar, destruir. 9 fazer invalidar (testamento). 10 levar à falência, arruinar financeiramente. he broke the bank / ele quebrou a banca. 11 violar, transgredir, infringir. 12 forçar caminho, penetrar, romper, arrombar. 13 chegar repentinamente, irromper. the sun broke / o sol irrompeu (pelas nuvens). 14 mudar repentinamente. the weather broke / o tempo mudou. 15 Amer baixar subitamente (os preços na bolsa). 16 amortecer, moderar, abrandar. some bushes broke his fall / alguns arbustos amorteceram sua queda. 17 Mus mudar de som ou de registro. 18 mudar de direção (bola). 19 definhar, enfraquecer, quebrantar, depauperar. 20 ceder, amolecer, afrouxar. 21 ser dominado pela tristeza, partir-se (coração). her heart broke / seu coração se partiu. 22 parar, pôr fim. you must break with this bad habit / você deve deixar este mau hábito. 23 degradar, rebaixar. 24 sujeitar, domar, subjugar. his resistance was broken / sua resistência foi subjugada. 25 disciplinar, corrigir. 26 exceder, ultrapassar, superar, quebrar (recorde). 27 iniciar uma escavação para construção. 28 revelar, divulgar, tornar conhecido. 29 Amer correr, atirar-se. 30 desmanchar (noivado). 31 desfazer, desmanchar (coleção etc.). 32 rebentar (ondas, flores, pústulas). 33 raiar, surgir. the day broke / o dia raiou. 34 saltar da água (peixe). 35 mudar de partido. 36 quebrar-se, fragmentar-se, partir-se. 37 desintegrar(-se), dissolver(-se). they broke company / eles dissolveram a sociedade. 38 desencadear-se (tempestade). 39 levantar (acampamento). they broke camp / eles levantaram acampamento. 40 falir, ir à falência. the business broke / o negócio faliu. a cry broke from her lips um grito escapou de seus lábios. break a leg! a) sl merda para você! b) Theat boa sorte! break of the day aurora, amanhecer. at (the) break of day / ao amanhecer. break step! Mil sem cadência! give me a break! me dá um tempo! he broke company ele saiu à francesa. he broke down all restraint ele abandonou todo constrangimento. he broke into a laugh ele rompeu em gargalhadas. her health broke sua saúde piorou. his power was broken down seu poder foi quebrado. his voice broke down sua voz falhou. lucky breaks coll boas oportunidades. she broke in health ela adoeceu. the buoy broke adrift a bóia soltou-se e está à deriva. the horse broke o cavalo mudou de andamento. the machine broke down a máquina encrencou, quebrou. the school breaks up a escola fecha, começam as férias. the supplies broke down os estoques acabaram. they broke (new) ground fig desbravaram novas terras. to break asunder quebrar em pedaços. to break away a) fugir, escapar. he broke away / ele saiu correndo. b) dissolver-se, desaparecer. to break down a) demolir, derrubar. b) sucumbir. c) falhar, não obter êxito. to break forth a) irromper. b) exclamar subitamente. c) brotar, jorrar. to break in a) domar, ensinar, domesticar. b) arrombar, forçar. our house was broken into / nossa casa foi arrombada. c) Press colocar ilustrações no espaço deixado. d) interromper, perturbar. the war broke in upon our peace / a guerra interrompeu nossa paz. to break of bounds fig ultrapassar os limites. to break off a) romper-se. b) cessar, parar, interromper. he broke off / ele parou, interrompeu-se. he broke off the conversation / ele interrompeu a conversação. to break off an engagement desmanchar um noivado. to break one of a habit tirar o vício ou o costume de alguém. to break out a) tirar quebrando. b) desobstruir, livrar. c) irromper problemas na pele. he broke out into hives / sua pele ficou cheia de urticária. d) desabafar-se, expandir-se. he broke out into lamentations / ele rompeu em lamúrias. e) fugir, escapar. he broke out of prison / ele fugiu da cadeia. to break the ice superar as dificuldades iniciais, quebrar o gelo. to break through abrir caminho através de algo. she broke through the crowd / ela abriu caminho na multidão. to break up a) levantar-se, ir embora. b) dissolver (reunião). c) dispersar. the crowd was broken up / a multidão foi dispersada. d) cortar em pedaços (caça). e) abrir, rebentar, romper. f) confundir, desconcertar. g) fragmentar-se, desintegrar-se. his household was broken up / seu lar se desintegrou. she is broken up by grief / ela está alquebrada de desgosto. to break water emergir da água. to break with romper relações com. he broke with his father / ele rompeu relações com o pai.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > break

  • 5 disturb

    1) (to interrupt or take attention away from: I'm sorry, am I disturbing you?) incomodar
    2) (to worry or make anxious: This news has disturbed me very much.) perturbar
    3) (to stir up or throw into confusion: A violent storm disturbed the surface of the lake.) agitar
    * * *
    [dist'ə:b] vt 1 disturbar, perturbar, incomodar. 2 inquietar, tornar agitado, preocupado ou irrequieto, transtornar, agitar, toldar. 3 interromper, desarranjar, embaraçar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > disturb

  • 6 wish

    [wiʃ] 1. verb
    1) (to have and/or express a desire: There's no point in wishing for a miracle; Touch the magic stone and wish; He wished that she would go away; I wish that I had never met him.) desejar
    2) (to require (to do or have something): Do you wish to sit down, sir?; We wish to book some seats for the theatre; I'll cancel the arrangement if you wish.) desejar
    3) (to say that one hopes for (something for someone): I wish you the very best of luck.) desejar
    2. noun
    1) (a desire or longing, or the thing desired: It's always been my wish to go to South America some day.) desejo
    2) (an expression of desire: The fairy granted him three wishes; Did you make a wish?) desejo
    3) ((usually in plural) an expression of hope for success etc for someone: He sends you his best wishes.) votos
    - wishing-well
    * * *
    [wiʃ] n 1 desejo, vontade, anseio, anelo. give him his wish / faça-lhe a vontade. she had a wish for it / ela o desejou. 2 expressão de desejo ou vontade, pedido, ordem. 3 wishes votos, saudações. • vt+vi desejar, ter vontade de, querer, almejar. we wish you all good luck / nós lhe desejamos boa sorte. this is a problem I would not wish on my worst enemy / este é um problema que não desejo ao meu pior inimigo. I don’t wish to interrupt / desculpe-me interromper. I wish I were dead / eu bem que queria estar morto. as heart could wish à vontade. as might be wished como seria de desejar. carry out my wishes! execute minhas ordens! his last wishes sua última vontade. to make a wish formular um desejo, pensar em algo que se deseja. with all good wishes, our best wishes com os melhores votos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wish

  • 7 break in(to)

    1) (to enter (a house etc) by force or unexpectedly (noun break-in: The Smiths have had two break-ins recently).) arrombar
    2) (to interrupt (someone's conversation etc).) interromper

    English-Portuguese dictionary > break in(to)

  • 8 break in(to)

    1) (to enter (a house etc) by force or unexpectedly (noun break-in: The Smiths have had two break-ins recently).) arrombar
    2) (to interrupt (someone's conversation etc).) interromper

    English-Portuguese dictionary > break in(to)

  • 9 butt in

    (to interrupt or interfere: Don't butt in while I'm speaking!) interromper

    English-Portuguese dictionary > butt in

  • 10 chip in

    1) (to interrupt: He chipped in with a remark.) interromper
    2) (to give (money): He chipped in with a dollar for the gift.) contribuir

    English-Portuguese dictionary > chip in

  • 11 cut in

    (to interrupt: She cut in with a remark.) interromper

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cut in

  • 12 cut off

    1) (to interrupt or break a telephone connection: I was cut off in the middle of the telephone call.) interromper
    2) (to separate: They were cut off from the rest of the army.) separar
    3) (to stop or prevent delivery of: They've cut off our supplies of coal.) cortar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cut off

  • 13 get on

    1) (to make progress or be successful: How are you getting on in your new job?) evoluir
    2) (to work, live etc in a friendly way: We get on very well together; I get on well with him.) dar-se
    3) (to grow old: Our doctor is getting on a bit now.) envelhecer
    4) (to put (clothes etc) on: Go and get your coat on.) vestir
    5) (to continue doing something: I must get on, so please don't interrupt me; I must get on with my work.) continuar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > get on

  • 14 break

    [breik] 1. past tense - broke; verb
    1) (to divide into two or more parts (by force).) quebrar
    2) ((usually with off/away) to separate (a part) from the whole (by force).) partir
    3) (to make or become unusable.) quebrar
    4) (to go against, or not act according to (the law etc): He broke his appointment at the last minute.) romper, transgredir
    5) (to do better than (a sporting etc record).) quebrar
    6) (to interrupt: She broke her journey in London.) interromper
    7) (to put an end to: He broke the silence.) romper
    8) (to make or become known: They gently broke the news of his death to his wife.) anunciar
    9) ((of a boy's voice) to fall in pitch.) quebrar
    10) (to soften the effect of (a fall, the force of the wind etc).) abrandar
    11) (to begin: The storm broke before they reached shelter.) rebentar
    2. noun
    1) (a pause: a break in the conversation.) pausa
    2) (a change: a break in the weather.) mudança
    3) (an opening.) brecha
    4) (a chance or piece of (good or bad) luck: This is your big break.) sorte
    3. noun
    ((usually in plural) something likely to break.) objeto frágil
    - breaker - breakdown - break-in - breakneck - breakout - breakthrough - breakwater - break away - break down - break into - break in - break loose - break off - break out - break out in - break the ice - break up - make a break for it

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > break

  • 15 break in(to)

    1) (to enter (a house etc) by force or unexpectedly (noun break-in: The Smiths have had two break-ins recently).) arrombar
    2) (to interrupt (someone's conversation etc).) interromper

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > break in(to)

  • 16 break in(to)

    1) (to enter (a house etc) by force or unexpectedly (noun break-in: The Smiths have had two break-ins recently).) arrombar
    2) (to interrupt (someone's conversation etc).) interromper

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > break in(to)

  • 17 butt in

    (to interrupt or interfere: Don't butt in while I'm speaking!) intrometer(-se)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > butt in

  • 18 chip in

    1) (to interrupt: He chipped in with a remark.) interferir
    2) (to give (money): He chipped in with a dollar for the gift.) contribuir

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > chip in

  • 19 cut in

    (to interrupt: She cut in with a remark.) interromper

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > cut in

  • 20 cut off

    1) (to interrupt or break a telephone connection: I was cut off in the middle of the telephone call.) cortar
    2) (to separate: They were cut off from the rest of the army.) interceptar
    3) (to stop or prevent delivery of: They've cut off our supplies of coal.) cortar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > cut off

См. также в других словарях:

  • Interrupt —   [dt. »Unterbrechung«] der, eine Unterbrechung des aktuellen Prozesses, die ein Prozessor in regelmäßigen Abständen oder bei Vorliegen einer entsprechenden Anfrage vornimmt, um Systemroutinen bzw. die Anforderung abzuarbeiten. Der Prozessor… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Interrupt — In ter*rupt , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Interrupted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Interrupting}.] [L. interruptus, p. p. of interrumpere to interrupt; inter between + rumpere to break. See {Rupture}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To break into, or between; to stop, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • interrupt — I verb arrest, balk, barge in, break, break in, butt in, cause to cease, cause to delay, cease, check, chime in, clog, come between, cut, delay, desist, disconnect, discontinue, disjoin, dissever, dissolve, distract, disturb, disunite, divide,… …   Law dictionary

  • interrupt — ► VERB 1) stop the continuous progress of. 2) stop (a person who is speaking) by saying or doing something. 3) break the continuity of (a line, surface, or view). DERIVATIVES interrupter (also interruptor) noun interruptible adjective… …   English terms dictionary

  • Interrupt — In ter*rupt , p. a. [L. interruptus, p. p.] Broken; interrupted. [Obs.] Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • interrupt — *arrest, check Analogous words: suspend, stay, intermit, *defer, postpone: *intrude, obtrude, interlope, butt in: interfere, *interpose, intervene …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • interrupt — [v] bother, interfere arrest, barge in, break, break in, break off, break train of thought*, bust in*, butt in*, check, chime in*, come between, crash, crowd in, cut, cut in on*, cut off*, cut short*, defer, delay, disconnect, discontinue,… …   New thesaurus

  • interrupt — [in΄tə rupt′] vt. [ME interrupten < L interruptus, pp. of interrumpere, to break apart, break off < inter , between + rumpere, to break: see RUPTURE] 1. a) to break into or in upon (a discussion, train of thought, etc.) b) to break in upon… …   English World dictionary

  • Interrupt — This article is about computer interrupts. For the study of the effect of disruptions on job performance, see Interruption science. In computing, an interrupt is an asynchronous signal indicating the need for attention or a synchronous event in… …   Wikipedia

  • Interrupt — In der Informatik versteht man unter Interrupt (engl. to interrupt, unterbrechen) die kurzfristige Unterbrechung der normalen Programmausführung[1], um eine andere, meist kurze, aber zeitkritische Verarbeitung durchzuführen. Das auslösende… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • interrupt — verb ADVERB ▪ impatiently ▪ rudely ▪ What was I saying, before we were so rudely interrupted? ▪ angrily, harshly, sharply ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

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