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См. также в других словарях:

  • Interchange — Тип Электронная коммерция Разработчик Interchange Development Group Написана на Perl Операционная система Linux …   Википедия

  • interchange — Ⅰ. interchange UK US /ˈɪntətʃeɪndʒ/ noun [C or U] ► the process in which different people or groups exchange ideas or information with each other: »The firm s intranet is a forum for the interchange of new ideas and approaches. → See also DATA… …   Financial and business terms

  • Interchange — In ter*change , n. [Cf. OF. entrechange.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of mutually changing; the act of mutually giving and receiving; exchange; as, the interchange of civilities between two persons. Interchange of kindnesses. South. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Interchange — In ter*change , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Interchanged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Interchanging}.] [OE. entrechangen, OF. entrechangier. See {Inter }, and {Change}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To put each in the place of the other; to give and take mutually; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • interchange — [in΄tər chānj′; ] for n. [ in′tər chānj΄] vt. interchanged, interchanging [ME entrechangen < OFr entrechangier: see INTER & CHANGE] 1. to give and take mutually; exchange [to interchange ideas] 2. to put (each of two things) in the other s… …   English World dictionary

  • Interchange — In ter*change , v. i. To make an interchange; to alternate. Sir P. Sidney. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • interchange — [n] switch, exchange altering, alternation, barter, change, crossfire, give andtake*, intersection, junction, mesh, networking, reciprocation, shift, trade, transposition, variation, varying; concepts 104,697 interchange [v] switch, exchange… …   New thesaurus

  • interchange — interchange. См. реципрокный обмен. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • interchange — I noun alternation, barter, change, exchange, give and take, intercourse, permutatio, rearrangement, reciprocal exchange, reciprocation, requital, retaliation, swap, trade, transaction II index alternate (take turns), barter, bequeath …   Law dictionary

  • Interchange —   [engl.], Datenaustausch …   Universal-Lexikon

  • interchange — vb *exchange, bandy Analogous words: transpose, *reverse …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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