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с английского на турецкий


  • 101 bas bas

    used in: - bağırmak to shout, yell, holler, bellow, or bray at the top of one´s voice or lungs.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > bas bas

  • 102 berrak

    ",-ğı/-kı 1. clear, limpid, pellucid (liquid, style of writing or speaking). 2. clear, crystalline, pellucid (sky, weather). 3. clear and lovely (voice, sound). 4. brilliant; lustrous; gleaming; sparkling."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > berrak

  • 103 berraklaşmak

    "1. (for a liquid, a style of writing or speaking) to become clear, become limpid; to acquire a limpidity. 2. (for the sky or weather) to become clear, become pellucid; to acquire a pellucidity. 3. (for a voice or sound) to become clear and lovely; to acquire a lovely clarity."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > berraklaşmak

  • 104 berraklaştırmak

    /ı/ 1. to clarify, make (a liquid) clear or free of unwanted solid matter. 2. to cause (someone´s style of writing or speaking) to become limpid. 3. to make (the sky) pellucid. 4. to give clarity to (a voice).

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > berraklaştırmak

  • 105 berraklık

    "1. limpidity, pellucidity (of a liquid, a style of writing or speaking). 2. pellucidity (of the sky, of weather). 3. lovely clarity (of a voice or sound). 4. brilliance; luster; sparkle. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > berraklık

  • 106 bildirmek

    "/ı, a/ 1. to inform (someone) of or about (something), communicate (something) to (someone), report (something) to (someone); to apprise (someone) of (something); to notify (someone) of (something); to make (something) known to (someone); to let (something) be known to (someone); to announce (something) to (someone). 2. to express (something) to, voice (something) to; to state (something) to. 3. to let (someone) know who one is: Bana kendini bildir! Tell me who you are! "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > bildirmek

  • 107 billur

    crystal. - gibi 1. crystal clear (water, voice). 2. very fair and pretty (neck, arms).

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > billur

  • 108 bir

    "1. one (as a number): Bir beyaz manolya yedi pembe manolyaya bedeldir. One white magnolia is worth seven pink magnolias. 2. a, an; a certain, a particular: Bursa´da güzel bir evi var. She has a lovely house in Bursa. Dünkü partide bir kadını gördüm; kim olduğunu sen anlarsın. At yesterday´s party I saw a certain woman; you know who I mean. 3. the same: Emellerimiz bir. Our goals are the same. 4. united; of one mind, of the same opinion: Bu konuda biriz. We´re of one mind on this subject. 5. shared, used in common: Yatak odalarımız ayrı, banyomuz bir. We have separate bedrooms but share a bathroom. 6. only: Bir o bunu yapabilir. Only she can do this. Bunu bir sen bir de ben biliyoruz. You and I are the only ones who know this. 7. used as an emphatic: O hayata bir alıştı ki sorma gitsin! He has really gotten accustomed to that way of life! Bir dene! Just try it! Birdenbire bir feryat! And suddenly there was such a yell! Ah, bir oraya gidebilsem! Ah, if I can just go there! 8. used to add a note of vagueness: Bir zamanlar Arnavutköy´de çilek yetiştirilirdi. There was a time when strawberries were grown in Arnavutköy. Sen bugün bir tuhafsın. You don´t seem quite yourself today. - ağızdan in unison, with one voice. - alan pişman, bir almayan. colloq. It´s the sort of thing that looks good and attracts a lot of interest but is actually of very little use. - alay a great quantity, a large number. - âlem something else, really something, a wonder, amazing: Orası bir âlem! That´s one amazing place! Cüneyt başlı başına bir âlem! Cüneyt is a wonder in his own right! - an at one point: Bir an bir şey söyleyecek gibi oldu. At one point she looked like she was going to say something. - an evvel/önce as soon as possible. - ara/aralık 1. at one point, for a while, for a short period. 2. when one has a free moment, when one has a chance: Bir ara bana uğrayıver. Drop by when you have a free moment. - araba 1. a wagonload of; a truckload of. 2. colloq. a lot of, a slew of. - arada together. - araya gelmek 1. (for people) to come together (in the same place and at the same time). 2. (for events) to happen at the same time, coincide. - araya getirmek /ı/ to bring (people, things) together (in the same place and at the same time). - aşağı bir yukarı (to come and go) aimlessly. - atımlık barutu kalmak/olmak to be almost at the end of one´s resources, be almost at the end of one´s rope; to have played almost all of one´s cards; to have very little energy left. - avuç 1. a handful (of). 2. a handful (of), a very small number or amount (of). - ayağı çukurda olmak to have one foot in the grave. - ayak evvel/önce immediately, at once. - ayak üstünde bin yalan söylemek 1. to tell a whole pack of lies at one go. 2. to be a big liar. - bakıma in one way, in one respect. - baltaya sap olmak to have a job, be employed. - bardak suda fırtına koparmak to raise a tempest in a teapot. - başına all alone, all by oneself. - baştan/uçtan bir başa/uca (traversing, looking at, surveying, filling a place) from one end to the other, from end to end. - ben, bir de Allah bilir. colloq. Only God knows what I´ve gone through. -e beş vermek to yield five times the seed, yield fivefold. -e bin katmak to exaggerate, make much of a trifle. - bir one by one. - boy 1. once. 2. used as an emphatic: Bir boy gidelim, görelim. Let´s just go and see! - boyda of the same height. - bu eksikti. colloq. Nothing but this was lacking!/This was all that was needed! (said sarcastically). - cihetten in one way, in a way. - çatı altında under the same roof, in the same building. - çırpıda at one stretch, without interruption, at once. - çift söz 1. a little advice, a piece of advice: Sana bir çift sözüm var. I have a piece of advice for you. 2. a brief exchange of conversation: Öyle meşguldüm ki kendisiyle bir çift söz bile edemedim. I was so busy that I couldn´t have even a brief conversation with her. - çuval inciri berbat etmek to foul things up but

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > bir

  • 109 boğuklaşmak

    1. (for one´s voice) to get hoarse. 2. (for a sound) to become muffled.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > boğuklaşmak

  • 110 boğulmak

    "1. to choke, strangle; to suffocate; to drown. 2. to be drowned out, be obliterated. 3. (for a motor) to be flooded. 4. /dan/ to find (something) oppressively boring; to go crazy with, be fed up to the back teeth with. 5. (for one´s voice) to get hoarse. 6. slang to be cheated, be duped, be swindled."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > boğulmak

  • 111 davudi

    bass (voice).

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > davudi

  • 112 düdük

    1. whistle, pipe. 2. slang stupid. -ü çalmak to become happy. - gibi 1. shrill (voice). 2. short and tight (clothes). - gibi kalmak 1. to be left entirely alone (through one´s own fault). 2. to lose weight, get thin. - makarnası 1. macaroni. 2. slang stupid.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > düdük

  • 113 ezgi

    "1. melody. 2. tone, timbre (of a voice). 3. style, tempo. 4. worry; depression."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > ezgi

  • 114 gümrah

    1. thick, dense, abundant, luxuriant (hair, beard). 2. (water) flowing abundantly, flowing copiously. 3. full, strong, booming, resonant (voice). 4. abundant, multitudinous, plentiful.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > gümrah

  • 115 gür

    1. thick, dense, abundant, luxuriant (hair, beard). 2. (water) flowing abundantly, flowing copiously. 3. full, strong, booming, resonant (voice). 4. abundant, multitudinous, plentiful.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > gür

  • 116 gürleşmek

    1. (for hair, beard) to become thick, become abundant. 2. (for water) to begin to flow abundantly. 3. (for a voice) to become strong, become resonant.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > gürleşmek

  • 117 gürlük

    1. thickness, denseness, abundance, luxuriance (of hair, beard). 2. abundant flow, copious flow (of water). 3. fullness, resonance (of a voice). 4. abundance, multitudinousness, plentifulness.

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > gürlük

  • 118 hafif

    "1. light (in weight). 2. light, easy, mild. 3. light, frivolous, flighty. 4. light, mild (food); light (meal, drink). 5. light, thin, slight. 6. light, gentle, mild. 7. light, mild, not heavy or strong. 8. light, slight, mild, not intense. 9. light (music). 10. light, mild (punishment, penalty, sentence, etc.). 11. light (sleep). 12. slight, gradual (incline, slope, etc.). 13. slight, small, little (sound, voice, noise), 14. light, relaxed, at ease, free from trouble. 15. light, slight, slightly evident. 16. slang penniless, broke. 17. lightly, slightly, mildly. -e almak /ı/ to take (someone, something) lightly, not to take (someone, something) seriously. -ten almak /ı/ 1. to try to calm (someone) (instead of quarreling with him). 2. to regard (someone, something) as unimportant. - atlatmak /ı/ to escape (something) lightly. - giyinmek to dress lightly. - hafif gently, slowly. - hapis cezası law imprisonment in a minimum-security prison. - müzik light music. - para cezası law a light fine. - sanayi light industry. - tertip 1. small-scale. 2. a little, slightly. - uyku a light sleep."

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > hafif

  • 119 hep

    ,-pi 1. used in: hepimiz all of us. hepiniz all of you. onların hepsi all of them. onun hepsi all of it. 2. entirely, altogether (usually translates as “all”): Biz hep aynı sınıftayız. We´re all in the same class. Bunu hep Fatma yaptı. Fatma did all this. 3. always: Cuma akşamları hep adaya giderdik. On Friday evenings we´d always go to the island. -imiz all of us. - beraber all together. - bir ağızdan in unison, with one voice, all together. - bir ağız olmak (for several people) to agree to tell the same story (in order to avoid suspicion). - birlikte all together. -le hiç ilkesi log. dictum de omni et nullo.

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  • 120 insan

    "1. person, someone, human being, man. 2. the human race, man, mankind: Allah insanı yarattı. God created man. 3. decent person, upright person: İnsan gibi yaşamadı. He didn´t live as a decent person should. İnsan gibi çalış! Do your work as it should be done! 4. one, you: İnsan büyüğüyle öyle konuşmaz. One doesn´t speak that way to one´s superior. İnsana güven veren bir sesi var. He has a voice that inspires trust. 5. decent, upright, good (person): Yümni insan bir adam. Yümni´s a decent fellow. -ın adı çıkacağına canı çıksın./-ın/adamın/bir kimsenin adı çıkmadansa canı çıkması yeğdir/hayırlıdır. proverb It is better to die than to get a bad reputation. - beşer, kuldur (bazen) şaşar. proverb Nobody is perfect./Everybody makes mistakes. - eti yemek colloq. to backbite, slander a person. - evladı good person, decent person, person of integrity. - gibi decently, properly, in an acceptable way, like a human being. - hakları human rights. İ- Hakları Beyannamesi hist. the Declaration of the Rights of Man. İ- Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (made by the U. N.). - hali human nature. - hali. colloq. Human nature is just that way. - içine çıkmak to go out in public; to mix with people. - kıtlığı scarcity of capable people. - kıtlığında As there is no one better at this time,.... - konuşa konuşa/söyleşe söyleşe, hayvan koklaşa koklaşa. proverb Animals communicate by sniffing; people by talking. - kurusu 1. very thin person, bag of bones, scarecrow 2. very thin, (someone) who is nothing but skin and bones. - müsveddesi 1. sorry apology for a human being, sorry excuse for a human being (said of a morally contemptible person). 2. (someone) who is a sorry apology for a human being. - sarrafı 1. a good judge of people. 2. (someone) who is a good judge of people. - türü Homo sapiens. - yedisinde ne ise yetmişinde de odur. proverb A person´s character does not change with time. "

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > insan

См. также в других словарях:

  • Voice acting — is the art of providing voices for animated characters (including those in feature films, television series, animated shorts, and video games) and radio and audio dramas and comedy, doing voice overs in radio and television commercials, audio… …   Wikipedia

  • Voice stress analysis — (VSA) technology is said to record psychophysiological stress responses that are present in human voice, when a person suffers psychological stress in response to a stimulus (question) and where the consequences may be dire for the subject being… …   Wikipedia

  • Voice therapy (trans) — Voice therapy or voice training refers to any non surgical technique used to improve or modify the human voice. Because voice is a gender cue , transsexual women frequently undertake voice therapy as a part of gender transition in order to make… …   Wikipedia

  • Voice over Internet Protocol — (VoIP, IPAEng|vɔɪp) is a protocol optimized for the transmission of voice through the Internet or other packet switched networks. VoIP is often used abstractly to refer to the actual transmission of voice (rather than the protocol implementing… …   Wikipedia

  • Voice — Voice, n. [OE. vois, voys, OF. vois, voiz, F. voix, L. vox, vocis, akin to Gr. ? a word, ? a voice, Skr. vac to say, to speak, G. erw[ a]hnen to mention. Cf. {Advocate}, {Advowson}, {Avouch}, {Convoke}, {Epic}, {Vocal}, {Vouch}, {Vowel}.] 1.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Voice glide — Voice Voice, n. [OE. vois, voys, OF. vois, voiz, F. voix, L. vox, vocis, akin to Gr. ? a word, ? a voice, Skr. vac to say, to speak, G. erw[ a]hnen to mention. Cf. {Advocate}, {Advowson}, {Avouch}, {Convoke}, {Epic}, {Vocal}, {Vouch}, {Vowel}.] 1 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Voice stop — Voice Voice, n. [OE. vois, voys, OF. vois, voiz, F. voix, L. vox, vocis, akin to Gr. ? a word, ? a voice, Skr. vac to say, to speak, G. erw[ a]hnen to mention. Cf. {Advocate}, {Advowson}, {Avouch}, {Convoke}, {Epic}, {Vocal}, {Vouch}, {Vowel}.] 1 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Voice of America — (VOA), is the official external radio and television broadcasting service of the United States federal government. Its oversight entity is the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). VOA broadcasts by satellite and on FM, AM, and shortwave radio… …   Wikipedia

  • Voice of america — (VOA), ou en français La Voix de l Amérique, est le service de diffusion internationale par radio et télévision du gouvernement américain. Contrairement à la Deutsche Welle, Radio France Internationale ou BBC World Service, VOA est directement… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Voice (disambiguation) — Voice may refer to: * Human voice * Voice control or voice activation * Writer s voice * Voice acting * Voice vote * Voice message * Voice (film), a 2005 South Korean film * The Voice (newspaper) * The Voice, a talent used by the Bene Gesserit, a …   Wikipedia

  • Voice activity detection — (also known as speech activity detection or, more simply, speech detection) is an algorithm used in speech processing wherein the presence or absence of human speech is detected in regions of audio. The main uses of VAD are in speech coding and… …   Wikipedia

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