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  • education system of Ancient Greece — senovės Graikijos švietimo sistema statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Protinio ir fizinio lavinimo vienovė. Senovės Graikijos švietimo sistemą sudarė 3 vienodos svarbos dalys: intelektinis, muzikinis ir fizinis lavinimas.… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • Prussian education system — The Prussian education system was a system of mandatory education dating to the early 19th century. Parts of the Prussian education system have served as models for the education systems in a number of other countries, including Japan and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Dual education system — A dual education system combines apprenticeships in a company and vocational education at a vocational school in one course. This system is practiced in several countries, notably Germany, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia,… …   Wikipedia

  • Continental education system — The German education system or continental education system is a higher education model, often contrasted with the Anglo Saxon education system and the Scandinavian education system. It was the standard tertiary education model for most of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Officer Education System — The Officer Education System (OES) is the progressive and sequential education and training process for officers in the Army that begins in the pre commissioning phase and continues in schools at the basic entry level, captain level, intermediate …   Wikipedia

  • Yokosuka Education System — (横須賀市教育情報センター) is the public school system operated by Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.YES operates elementary schools, junior high schools, and high schools.choolsecondary schoolsHigh schools* Yokosuka Sogo High SchoolNOTE: Many Yokosuka… …   Wikipedia

  • Basque education system — Education in the Basque Country is entirely free from the age of 3 , and compulsory between 6 and 16 years. The majority of students are educated in the Basque language. Levels of schooling *Infant educationFor children aged 0 3 years, and is… …   Wikipedia

  • Dental Procedure Education System — The Dental Procedure Education System (DPES), is a web based resource containing a collection of procedures from the dental disciplines. The procedures presented in DPES were developed by individual faculty members at the Faculty of Dentistry,… …   Wikipedia

  • STRIPES (Sports Teams Returning In The Public Education System) — The STRIPES (Sports Returning In The Public Education System) program is a community project supported by the Memphis Redbirds and the Memphis Redbirds Foundation. First started in 1998, the STRIPES program provides support for softball and… …   Wikipedia

  • modular vocational education system — modulinė profesinio mokymo sistema statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Mokymo sistema, kurioje profesinio mokymo turinys sudaromas ir mokymo procesas organizuojamas tokiu būdu, kad kvalifikacijas būtų galima įgyti dalimis.… …   Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas

  • Czech “Sokol” physical education system — čekų sakalų fizinio auklėjimo sistema statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Savarankiškas čekų nacionalinis sporto sąjūdis – fizinio auklėjimo sistema, susiformavusi 1861–1884 m. Atsirado veikiant vokiečių (F. L. Jahno, E.… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

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