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  • 1 health

    1) (the state of being well or ill: He is in good/poor health.) υγεία,φυσική κατάσταση
    2) (the state of being well: I may be getting old, but so long as I keep my health, I'll be happy.) υγεία
    - healthiness
    - health maintenance organization
    - health service
    - drink to someone's health
    - drink someone's health

    English-Greek dictionary > health

  • 2 Health

    P. and V. γίεια, ἡ (Eur., Or. 235).
    Good condition: P. and V. εὐεξία, ἡ (Eur., frag.).
    Be in good health, v.: Ar. and P. γιαίνειν.
    The laws of health: P. τὸ ὑγίεινον.
    Constitution, body: P. and V. σῶμα, τό.
    Drink a health to: Ar. and P. προπνειν (dat. or absol.) (Xen.), φιλετησίας προπίνειν (dat.) (Dem.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Health

  • 3 health


    English-Greek new dictionary > health

  • 4 health maintenance organization

    noun (( abbreviation HMO) (American) a system of health centers providing medical treatment, preventive care and hospitalization to its paying members.) ιδιωτικό σύστημα υγείας

    English-Greek dictionary > health maintenance organization

  • 5 health service

    ((the organization which runs) all the medical services of a country which are available to the public.) σύστημα υγείας

    English-Greek dictionary > health service

  • 6 a clean bill of health

    (a certificate saying that a person, the crew of ship etc is entirely healthy (especially after being ill): I've been off work but I've got a clean bill of health now.) πιστοποιητικό καλής υγείας

    English-Greek dictionary > a clean bill of health

  • 7 drink (to) someone's health

    (to drink a toast to someone, wishing him good health.) πίνω στην υγειά κάποιου

    English-Greek dictionary > drink (to) someone's health

  • 8 drink to / drink (to) the health of

    (to offer good wishes to, or wish well, while drinking: to drink someone's health; Raise your glasses and drink to the bride and groom.) πίνω στην υγειά

    English-Greek dictionary > drink to / drink (to) the health of

  • 9 drink to / drink (to) the health of

    (to offer good wishes to, or wish well, while drinking: to drink someone's health; Raise your glasses and drink to the bride and groom.) πίνω στην υγειά

    English-Greek dictionary > drink to / drink (to) the health of

  • 10 drink (to) someone's health

    (to drink a toast to someone, wishing him good health.) πίνω στην υγειά κάποιου

    English-Greek dictionary > drink (to) someone's health

  • 11 Ill health

    P. ἀσθένεια, ἡ; see Illness.
    Be in ill health: P. and V. ἀσθενεῖν; see be ill, under Ill.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Ill health

  • 12 healthy

    1) ((generally) having good health: I'm rarely ill - I'm really a very healthy person; My bank balance is healthier now than it used to be.) υγιής
    2) (causing or helping to produce good health: a healthy climate.) υγιεινός
    3) (resulting from good health: a healthy appetite.) γερός
    4) (showing a sensible concern for one's own well-being etc: He shows a healthy respect for the law.) υγιής,σωστός

    English-Greek dictionary > healthy

  • 13 convalesce

    [konvə'les] 1. verb
    (to recover health and strength after an illness: He is convalescing in the country.) αναρρώνω
    2. adjective
    1) (recovering health and strength after illness.) σε ανάρρωση
    2) (for convalescents: a convalescent home.) αναρρωτικός, αναρρωτήριος

    English-Greek dictionary > convalesce

  • 14 decline

    1. verb
    1) (to say `no' to (an invitation etc); to refuse: We declined his offer of a lift.) αρνούμαι,αποποιούμαι
    2) (to become less strong or less good etc: His health has declined recently; Our profits have temporarily declined.) φθίνω
    2. noun
    (a gradual lessening or worsening (of health, standards, quantity etc): There has been a gradual decline in the birthrate.) πτώση,παρακμή

    English-Greek dictionary > decline

  • 15 drink

    [driŋk] 1. past tense - drank; verb
    1) (to swallow (a liquid): She drank a pint of water; He drank from a bottle.) πίνω
    2) (to take alcoholic liquids, especially in too great a quantity.) πίνω
    2. noun
    1) ((an act of drinking) a liquid suitable for swallowing: He had/took a drink of water; Lemonade is a refreshing drink.) ποτό
    2) ((a glassful etc of) alcoholic liquor: He likes a drink when he returns home from work; Have we any drink in the house?) π(ι)οτό,ποτά
    - drink to / drink to the health of
    - drink to / drink the health of
    - drink up

    English-Greek dictionary > drink

  • 16 ill

    [il] 1. comparative - worse; adjective
    1) (not in good health; not well: She was ill for a long time.) άρρωστος
    2) (bad: ill health; These pills have no ill effects.) βλαβερός,άσχημος
    3) (evil or unlucky: ill luck.) κακός
    2. adverb
    (not easily: We could ill afford to lose that money.) δύσκολα
    3. noun
    1) (evil: I would never wish anyone ill.) κακό
    2) (trouble: all the ills of this world.) δεινό,βάσανο
    - illness
    - ill-at-ease
    - ill-fated
    - ill-feeling
    - ill-mannered / ill-bred
    - ill-tempered / ill-natured
    - ill-treat
    - ill-treatment
    - ill-use
    - ill-will
    - be taken ill

    English-Greek dictionary > ill

  • 17 rally

    ['ræli] 1. verb
    1) (to come or bring together again: The general tried to rally his troops after the defeat; The troops rallied round the general.) συγκεντρώνω/-ομαι / ανασυντάσσω/-ομαι
    2) (to come or bring together for a joint action or effort: The supporters rallied to save the club from collapse; The politician asked his supporters to rally to the cause.) επιστρατεύω, συσπειρώνω/-ομαι
    3) (to (cause to) recover health or strength: She rallied from her illness.) συνέρχομαι, αναλαμβάνω
    2. noun
    1) (a usually large gathering of people for some purpose: a Scouts' rally.) συγκέντρωση, συλλαλητήριο
    2) (a meeting (usually of cars or motorcycles) for a competition, race etc.) ράλλυ
    3) (an improvement in health after an illness.) ανάρρωση, ανάκτηση (δυνάμεων)
    4) ((in tennis etc) a (usually long) series of shots before the point is won or lost.) εναλλαγή κτυπημάτων

    English-Greek dictionary > rally

  • 18 relapse

    [rə'læps] 1. verb
    (to return to a former bad or undesirable state (eg ill health, bad habits).) υποτροπιάζω, ξανακυλώ
    2. noun
    (a return to a former bad or undesirable state, especially ill health.) υποτροπή

    English-Greek dictionary > relapse

  • 19 undermine

    1) (to make (eg a building) insecure by digging away or destroying the base or foundations: The road was being undermined by a stream.) υποσκάπτω
    2) (to weaken (eg a person's health or authority): Constant hard work had undermined his health.) υποσκάπτω, υπονομεύω

    English-Greek dictionary > undermine

  • 20 Better

    P. and V. μείνων, βελτων. κρείσσων, καλλων, V. λῴων (P. rare), φέρτερος, πέρτερος.
    Better in health: P. ῥᾴων.
    Be better in health, v.: ῥαΐζειν.
    P. and V. μεινον, βέλτιον, κρεῖσσον, κάλλιον, V. λῷον.
    More, rather: P. and V. μᾶλλον.
    Think better of: see Reconsider, Repent.
    Think better of it: V. φρόνησιν... λῴω... λαβεῖν (Soph., Phil. 1078).
    Gel the better: P. and V. νικᾶν, κρατεῖν. P. περιέχειν, ὑπερέχειν.
    Get the better of: P. πλεονεκτεῖν (gen.), πλέον φέρεσθαι (gen.); see Excel, Conquer.
    If they listen to our representations so much the better: P. ἢν μὲν εἰσακούσωσί τι πρεσβευομένων ἡμῶν ταῦτα ἄριστα (Thuc. 1, 82).
    All the better: P. τοσούτῳ ἄμεινον.
    v. trans.
    Improve: P. and V. ἐξορθοῦν, Ar. and P. ἐπανορθοῦν.
    Excel: P. and V. κρατεῖν. περβάλλειν. περφέρειν (gen.); see Excel.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Better

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  • health — W1S1 [helθ] n [U] [: Old English; Origin: hAlth, from hal; WHOLE1] 1.) the general condition of your body and how healthy you are ▪ I m worried about my husband s health. ▪ Smoking can seriously damage your health . ▪ things that can be done to… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Health 21 — is the name given to the contents of the 1999 WHO European Region document Health 21 Health for all in the 21st Century . This document was so called because it dealt not only with health in the 21st century, but also laid out 21 principles and… …   Wikipedia

  • health — [helθ] noun [uncountable] 1. the business of providing medical services to keep people healthy; = HEALTHCARE: • Increased resources had been made available for health, housing, and education. • Rentokil specialises in industrial products in the… …   Financial and business terms

  • health — [ helθ ] noun uncount *** 1. ) the condition of your body, especially whether or not you are sick: His health improved once he stopped working. Smoking can seriously damage your health. in good health: She is 85 and still in very good health. in… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • health — I noun condition, fitness, freedom from ailment, freedom from disease, haleness, hardiness, heartiness, physical condition, robustness, ruggedness, salubriousness, salubrity, salus, sanitas, soundness, soundness of body, stamina, state of health …   Law dictionary

  • health´i|ly — health|y «HEHL thee», adjective, health|i|er, health|i|est. 1. having good health; sound; well: »a healthy baby …   Useful english dictionary

  • health|y — «HEHL thee», adjective, health|i|er, health|i|est. 1. having good health; sound; well: »a healthy baby …   Useful english dictionary

  • Health — (h[e^]lth), n. [OE. helthe, AS. h[=ae]l[thorn], fr. h[=a]l hale, sound, whole. See {Whole}.] 1. The state of being hale, sound, or whole, in body, mind, or soul; especially, the state of being free from physical disease or pain. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Health — es una banda de rock enmarcada en la corriente noise rock formada en el año 2006 en Los Ángeles. Contenido 1 Miembros actuales 2 Discografía 2.1 Álbumes 2.2 …   Wikipedia Español

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