1 inlier
(geol) fereastră tectonică; (geol, hidr) fereastră de galerie / tunel -
2 ablation
(geol, th) ablaţiune -
3 acidulous spring
(geol) izvor de apă minerală / acidulată -
4 acline
(geol) strat orizontal -
5 active volcano
(geol) vulcan activ -
6 adhesive ground
(geol) teren clisos -
7 Aeolian depression / hollow
(geol) depresiune eolianăEnglish-Romanian technical dictionary > Aeolian depression / hollow
8 agglomerate
(geol, met) aglomerat -
9 agglomerated cake
(geol, met) material aglomerat / sinterizat -
10 alluvial
(geol) aluvial, aluvionar -
11 alluvial deposit
(geol) depozit aluvionar -
12 anticlinal
(geol) anticlinal -
13 appophysis
(geol) apofiză -
14 apportioning
(geol) distribuţie proporţională -
15 aquifer
(geol, hidr) acvifer; purtător de apă -
16 aquiferous
(geol, petr) acvifer -
17 archean
(geol) arhaic, era arhaică -
18 arching
(geol, min) susţinere boltită, boltă; (met, termo) formare de bolţi în buncărul de cărbune / furnal -
19 argillaceous
(geol) argilos, lutos -
20 asphalt rock
(geol) rocă bituminoasă
См. также в других словарях:
geol — abbrev. 1. geologic(al) 2. geologist 3. geology * * * … Universalium
geol — abbrev. 1. geologic(al) 2. geologist 3. geology … English World dictionary
geol — obs. form of jowl … Useful english dictionary
geol. — 1. geologic; geological. 2. geologist. 3. geology. * * * abbrev 1. Geologic, geological 2. Geology * * * geol., 1. a) geologic. b) geological … Useful english dictionary
geol — abbreviation geologic; geological; geology … New Collegiate Dictionary
geol. — 1. geologic; geological. 2. geologist. 3. geology. * * * … Universalium
Geol. — Geolog(ie) EN geologist; geology … Abkürzungen und Akronyme in der deutschsprachigen Presse Gebrauchtwagen
geol. — geologisch EN geological … Abkürzungen und Akronyme in der deutschsprachigen Presse Gebrauchtwagen
Géol — n ( es/ ) Yule tide, Christmas; ǽrra Géola December; æftera Géola January … Old to modern English dictionary
GEOL — abbr. GEOTELE.COM INC NASDAQ … Dictionary of abbreviations
geol. — abbr. geologic, geologist, geology … Dictionary of abbreviations