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  • 1 from above

    • zhora

    English-Slovak dictionary > from above

  • 2 above

    1. preposition
    1) (in a higher position than: a picture above the fireplace.) nad
    2) (greater than: The child's intelligence is above average.) nad
    3) (too good for: The police must be above suspicion.) mimo
    2. adverb
    1) (higher up: seen from above.) zhora
    2) ((in a book etc) earlier or higher up on the page: See above.) vyššie
    - above all
    * * *
    • viac než
    • viac ako
    • zhora uvedený
    • zhora
    • pri živote
    • predovšetkým
    • hore
    • dalej než
    • mimo
    • nahor
    • nad
    • nažive
    • navrchu

    English-Slovak dictionary > above

  • 3 bird's-eye view

    (a general view from above: a bird's-eye view of the town from an aeroplane.) pohľad z vtáčej perspektívy
    * * *
    • vtácia perspektíva

    English-Slovak dictionary > bird's-eye view

  • 4 plan

    1. noun
    1) (an idea of how to do something; a method of doing something: If everyone follows this plan, we will succeed; I have worked out a plan for making a lot of money.) plán, osnova
    2) (an intention or arrangement: My plan is to rob a bank and leave the country quickly; What are your plans for tomorrow?) plán, zámer, program
    3) (a drawing, diagram etc showing a building, town etc as if seen from above: These are the plans of/for our new house; a street-plan.) plán, projekt, návrh
    2. verb
    1) ((sometimes with on) to intend (to do something): We are planning on going to Italy this year; We were planning to go last year but we hadn't enough money; They are planning a trip to Italy.) plánovať, zamýšľať
    2) (to decide how something is to be done; to arrange (something): We are planning a party; We'll have to plan very carefully if we are to succeed.) plánovať, chystať
    3) (to design (a building, town etc): This is the architect who planned the building.) projektovať, navrhovať
    - planning
    - go according to plan
    - plan ahead
    * * *
    • plán
    • plánovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > plan

  • 5 shower

    1. noun
    1) (a short fall (of rain): I got caught in a shower on my way here.) prehánka
    2) (anything resembling such a fall of rain: a shower of sparks; a shower of bullets.) spŕška
    3) (a bath in which water is sprayed down on the bather from above: I'm just going to have/take a shower.) sprcha
    4) (the equipment used for such a bath: We're having a shower fitted in the bathroom.) sprcha
    2. verb
    1) (to pour down in large quantities (on): They showered confetti on the bride.) pršať
    2) (to bathe in a shower: He showered and dressed.) (o)sprchovať sa
    - showerproof
    * * *
    • zasypávat
    • zahrnovat
    • sypat
    • sprchnut
    • sprška
    • sprcha
    • tiect
    • prehánka
    • hádzat
    • dážd
    • darceková akcia
    • pršat
    • osprchovanie
    • padat
    • osprchovat
    • pokropit
    • postriekat
    • posypávat
    • liat (sa)
    • kropit
    • liat

    English-Slovak dictionary > shower

  • 6 over

    ['əuvə] 1. preposition
    1) (higher than; above in position, number, authority etc: Hang that picture over the fireplace; He's over 90 years old.) nad, cez
    2) (from one side to another, on or above the top of; on the other side of: He jumped over the gate; She fell over the cat; My friend lives over the street.) cez
    3) (covering: He put his handkerchief over his face.) na, cez
    4) (across: You find people like him all over the world.) na
    5) (about: a quarrel over money.) o
    6) (by means of: He spoke to her over the telephone.) prostredníctvom
    7) (during: Over the years, she grew to hate her husband.) za
    8) (while having etc: He fell asleep over his dinner.) pri
    2. adverb
    1) (higher, moving etc above: The plane flew over about an hour ago.) nad, hore
    2) (used to show movement, change of position: He rolled over on his back; He turned over the page.) pre-
    3) (across: He went over and spoke to them.) cez, na druhú stranu
    4) (downwards: He fell over.) dolu, na zem
    5) (higher in number etc: for people aged twenty and over.) viac, hore
    6) (remaining: There are two cakes for each of us, and two over.) navyše
    7) (through from beginning to end, carefully: Read it over; Talk it over between you.) pre-
    3. adjective
    (finished: The affair is over now.) skončený
    4. noun
    ((in cricket) a certain number of balls bowled from one end of the wicket: He bowled thirty overs in the match.) zmena
    5. as part of a word
    1) (too (much), as in overdo.)
    2) (in a higher position, as in overhead.)
    3) (covering, as in overcoat.)
    4) (down from an upright position, as in overturn.)
    5) (completely, as in overcome.)
    - over all
    - over and done with
    * * *
    • viac
    • viac než to
    • zbytok
    • znova
    • skoncený
    • tam
    • pred
    • prepínam
    • prekonanie priestoru
    • cez
    • po
    • ponad
    • lomeno
    • nad
    • nadto
    • na

    English-Slovak dictionary > over

  • 7 cut

    1. present participle - cutting; verb
    1) (to make an opening in, usually with something with a sharp edge: He cut the paper with a pair of scissors.)
    2) (to separate or divide by cutting: She cut a slice of bread; The child cut out the pictures; She cut up the meat into small pieces.)
    3) (to make by cutting: She cut a hole in the cloth.)
    4) (to shorten by cutting; to trim: to cut hair; I'll cut the grass.)
    5) (to reduce: They cut my wages by ten per cent.)
    6) (to remove: They cut several passages from the film.)
    7) (to wound or hurt by breaking the skin (of): I cut my hand on a piece of glass.)
    8) (to divide (a pack of cards).)
    9) (to stop: When the actress said the wrong words, the director ordered `Cut!')
    10) (to take a short route or way: He cut through/across the park on his way to the office; A van cut in in front of me on the motorway.)
    11) (to meet and cross (a line or geometrical figure): An axis cuts a circle in two places.)
    12) (to stay away from (a class, lecture etc): He cut school and went to the cinema.)
    13) ((also cut dead) to ignore completely: She cut me dead in the High Street.)
    2. noun
    1) (the result of an act of cutting: a cut on the head; a power-cut (= stoppage of electrical power); a haircut; a cut in prices.) rez; výpadok; účes; zníženie
    2) (the way in which something is tailored, fashioned etc: the cut of the jacket.) strih
    3) (a piece of meat cut from an animal: a cut of beef.) plátok
    - cutting 3. adjective
    (insulting or offending: a cutting remark.) zlomyseľný
    - cut-price
    - cut-throat
    4. adjective
    (fierce; ruthless: cut-throat business competition.) bezohľadný
    - cut and dried
    - cut back
    - cut both ways
    - cut a dash
    - cut down
    - cut in
    - cut it fine
    - cut no ice
    - cut off
    - cut one's losses
    - cut one's teeth
    - cut out
    - cut short
    * * *
    • znížit
    • zníženie cien
    • seknutie
    • škrabnutie
    • sekat
    • strihat
    • rezat
    • rana
    • rez
    • porezat
    • krájat

    English-Slovak dictionary > cut

  • 8 relief

    1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) úľava
    2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) pomoc; pomocný, na pomoc
    3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) smena, striedanie
    4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) oslobodenie
    5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) reliéf
    - relieved
    * * *
    • útecha
    • zábava
    • výpomoc
    • vylahcenie
    • výmena
    • výraznost
    • výška pevnosti
    • žalobná prosba
    • zretelnost
    • zmena
    • smena
    • striedanie
    • ulahcenie
    • ulavenie
    • úlava
    • profil
    • reliéf
    • remedúra
    • oslobodenie
    • plasticnost
    • podbrúsenie
    • opravný prostriedok
    • podpora
    • posila
    • pomoc
    • právna pomoc
    • podsústruženie
    • kontrast
    • náprava
    • návrh žaloby
    • návrh žiadosti
    • oddych
    • odlahcenie
    • obrys
    • odpocinok

    English-Slovak dictionary > relief

  • 9 rise

    1. past tense - rose; verb
    1) (to become greater, larger, higher etc; to increase: Food prices are still rising; His temperature rose; If the river rises much more, there will be a flood; Her voice rose to a scream; Bread rises when it is baked; His spirits rose at the good news.) stúpať, vystupovať
    2) (to move upwards: Smoke was rising from the chimney; The birds rose into the air; The curtain rose to reveal an empty stage.) stúpať
    3) (to get up from bed: He rises every morning at six o'clock.) vstávať
    4) (to stand up: The children all rose when the headmaster came in.) vstať
    5) ((of the sun etc) to appear above the horizon: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.) vychádzať
    6) (to slope upwards: Hills rose in the distance; The ground rises at this point.) dvíhať sa, vzpriamiť sa
    7) (to rebel: The people rose (up) in revolt against the dictator.) povstať, vzbúriť sa
    8) (to move to a higher rank, a more important position etc: He rose to the rank of colonel.) povýšiť
    9) ((of a river) to begin or appear: The Rhône rises in the Alps.) prameniť, začínať
    10) ((of wind) to begin; to become stronger: Don't go out in the boat - the wind has risen.) dvíhať sa; silnieť
    11) (to be built: Office blocks are rising all over the town.) vyrastať
    12) (to come back to life: Jesus has risen.) vstať z mŕtvych
    2. noun
    1) ((the) act of rising: He had a rapid rise to fame; a rise in prices.) vzostup
    2) (an increase in salary or wages: She asked her boss for a rise.) zvýšenie (platu)
    3) (a slope or hill: The house is just beyond the next rise.) návršie, kopec
    4) (the beginning and early development of something: the rise of the Roman Empire.) počiatok, vzostup
    3. adjective
    the rising sun; rising prices; the rising generation; a rising young politician.) vychádzajúci, stúpajúci, nastupujúci, nádejný
    - late riser
    - give rise to
    - rise to the occasion
    * * *
    • vstat
    • vdacne prijat
    • vzpriamit sa
    • vzchopit sa
    • vzniknút
    • vzdialenost od rozkroku p
    • vyvierat
    • vyplávat
    • vyplávanie k hladine
    • vzbúrit sa
    • vyjst
    • výstup
    • východ
    • vzostup
    • vyvýšenina
    • vyznamenat sa
    • vystupovat na hladinu
    • vznášat sa nahor
    • vykysnutie
    • vyskytnút sa
    • vzmáhat sa
    • vytiahnut sa
    • vzkriesenie
    • vynorit sa
    • výšinka
    • vychádzat
    • vyjst na obzor
    • zdvih
    • zdvíhat sa
    • zaciatok
    • zdroj
    • zbiehavost
    • zdraženie
    • zvýšenie hladiny
    • žriedlo
    • zosilnenie
    • zvýšenie
    • zosilnovanie
    • zvýšit sa
    • skoncit zasadanie
    • skocit na
    • stúpacia trubica
    • stúpnut
    • stúpat
    • stúpanie
    • stupnovat sa
    • stúpacka
    • urobit na povrchu
    • ukázat sa
    • ukázat sa schopný riešit
    • týcit sa
    • ukázat sa v práve
    • prihodit sa
    • prevyšovat
    • priplávat
    • prejavit nadšenie
    • prídavok
    • prilákat k hladine
    • dorást
    • dotiahnut
    • dosiahnut
    • íst nahor
    • kladne reagovat
    • kariéra
    • byt povznesený
    • cniet
    • pociatok
    • pahorok
    • plávat
    • postavit sa
    • pramenit
    • povýšenie
    • povstat
    • pôvod
    • pramen
    • postup
    • povzniest sa
    • kysnút
    • kopcek
    • kysnutie
    • malý kopec
    • naberat na intenzite
    • mohutniet
    • napriamit sa
    • naletiet
    • návršie
    • objavenie sa
    • odpovedat (niecomu)
    • nízky kopec
    • odmenit potleskom
    • objavit sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > rise

  • 10 windscreen

    1) (a transparent (usually glass) screen above the dashboard of a car.) čelné okno
    2) (a wall usually constructed out from the house wall to protect people on a patio or balcony from the wind.) ochranná stena proti vetru

    English-Slovak dictionary > windscreen

  • 11 hold

    I 1. [həuld] past tense, past participle - held; verb
    1) (to have in one's hand(s) or between one's hands: He was holding a knife; Hold that dish with both hands; He held the little boy's hand; He held the mouse by its tail.) držať
    2) (to have in a part, or between parts, of the body, or between parts of a tool etc: He held the pencil in his teeth; She was holding a pile of books in her arms; Hold the stamp with tweezers.) držať
    3) (to support or keep from moving, running away, falling etc: What holds that shelf up?; He held the door closed by leaning against it; Hold your hands above your head; Hold his arms so that he can't struggle.) držať
    4) (to remain in position, fixed etc when under strain: I've tied the two pieces of string together, but I'm not sure the knot will hold; Will the anchor hold in a storm?) vydržať
    5) (to keep (a person) in some place or in one's power: The police are holding a man for questioning in connection with the murder; He was held captive.) zadržať
    6) (to (be able to) contain: This jug holds two pints; You can't hold water in a handkerchief; This drawer holds all my shirts.) obsahovať; udržať
    7) (to cause to take place: The meeting will be held next week; We'll hold the meeting in the hall.) konať (sa)
    8) (to keep (oneself), or to be, in a particular state or condition: We'll hold ourselves in readiness in case you send for us; She holds herself very erect.) byť, držať sa
    9) (to have or be in (a job etc): He held the position of company secretary for five years.) zastávať
    10) (to think strongly; to believe; to consider or regard: I hold that this was the right decision; He holds me (to be) responsible for everyone's mistakes; He is held in great respect; He holds certain very odd beliefs.) veriť; považovať; zachovávať
    11) (to continue to be valid or apply: Our offer will hold until next week; These rules hold under all circumstances.) platiť
    12) ((with to) to force (a person) to do something he has promised to do: I intend to hold him to his promises.) prinútiť (koho) dodržať
    13) (to defend: They held the castle against the enemy.) hájiť
    14) (not to be beaten by: The general realized that the soldiers could not hold the enemy for long.) odolávať
    15) (to keep (a person's attention): If you can't hold your pupils' attention, you can't be a good teacher.) udržiavať
    16) (to keep someone in a certain state: Don't hold us in suspense, what was the final decision?) udržiavať (v napätí)
    17) (to celebrate: The festival is held on 24 June.) konať sa
    18) (to be the owner of: He holds shares in this company.) vlastniť
    19) ((of good weather) to continue: I hope the weather holds until after the school sports.) vydržať
    20) ((also hold the line) (of a person who is making a telephone call) to wait: Mr Brown is busy at the moment - will you hold or would you like him to call you back?) čakať (pri telefóne)
    21) (to continue to sing: Please hold that note for four whole beats.) držať
    22) (to keep (something): They'll hold your luggage at the station until you collect it.) strážiť
    23) ((of the future) to be going to produce: I wonder what the future holds for me?) chystať
    2. noun
    1) (the act of holding: He caught/got/laid/took hold of the rope and pulled; Keep hold of that rope.) uchopenie; držanie sa
    2) (power; influence: He has a strange hold over that girl.) vplyv
    3) ((in wrestling etc) a manner of holding one's opponent: The wrestler invented a new hold.) hmat
    - - holder
    - hold-all
    - get hold of
    - hold back
    - hold down
    - hold forth
    - hold good
    - hold it
    - hold off
    - hold on
    - hold out
    - hold one's own
    - hold one's tongue
    - hold up
    - hold-up
    - hold with
    II [həuld] noun
    ((in ships) the place, below the deck, where cargo is stored.) sklad v podpalubí
    * * *
    • zachovávat
    • vydržat
    • zastavit
    • zastavenie
    • zadržat
    • slávit
    • prepadnút
    • držat
    • platit
    • pojat
    • lodný priestor
    • obsadit

    English-Slovak dictionary > hold

  • 12 sea level

    (the level of the surface of the sea used as a base from which the height of land can be measured: three hundred metres above sea level.) morská hladina
    * * *
    • morská hladina

    English-Slovak dictionary > sea level

  • 13 top

    I 1. [top] noun
    1) (the highest part of anything: the top of the hill; the top of her head; The book is on the top shelf.) vrchol, vrcholec, vrch; horný
    2) (the position of the cleverest in a class etc: He's at the top of the class.) prvé miesto
    3) (the upper surface: the table-top.) povrch
    4) (a lid: I've lost the top to this jar; a bottle-top.) vrchnák, veko
    5) (a (woman's) garment for the upper half of the body; a blouse, sweater etc: I bought a new skirt and top.) vrch, vršok
    2. adjective
    (having gained the most marks, points etc, eg in a school class: He's top (of the class) again.) prvý
    3. verb
    1) (to cover on the top: She topped the cake with cream.) pokryť, dať navrch
    2) (to rise above; to surpass: Our exports have topped $100,000.) prevýšiť
    3) (to remove the top of.) odrezať vrch / vršok
    - topping
    - top hat
    - top-heavy
    - top-secret
    - at the top of one's voice
    - be/feel on top of the world
    - from top to bottom
    - the top of the ladder/tree
    - top up
    II [top] noun
    (a kind of toy that spins.) vĺčik
    * * *
    • vlk (hracka)
    • vrchol
    • velké zvieratá
    • utat
    • vrch
    • vrchný
    • vrcholný
    • vnat
    • vrcholce stromov
    • vršok
    • zaciatok
    • smotana
    • šlachta
    • šapitó
    • stát na vrchole
    • temeno
    • prekonat
    • prevýšit
    • predstihovat
    • prevyšovat
    • hladina
    • dosiahnut vrchol
    • horný
    • horná cast
    • byt vyšší než
    • byt na vrchole
    • povrch
    • pokrývat
    • pokryt
    • koruna
    • listy
    • najväcšia intenzita
    • najvyššia cast
    • najvyššie poschodie
    • maximum
    • maximálna výška
    • najvyšší stupen
    • odrezat vršok

    English-Slovak dictionary > top

См. также в других словарях:

  • from above — from overhead branches rained from above ■ from a position of higher rank or authority mass culture is imposed from above * * * from above 1 : from a higher place or position It looks like a cross when viewed from above. 2 : from someone with… …   Useful english dictionary

  • from above — from on top, from up above …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Death from Above 1979 — Origin Toronto, Ontario, Canada Genres Punk rock, dance punk, noise rock Years active 2001–2006, 2011 present Labels …   Wikipedia

  • Let's Make Love and Listen to Death from Above — Infobox Single Name = Let s Make Love And Listen To Death From Above Cover size = Caption = Cover of 2006 single Artist = CSS Album = Cansei de Ser Sexy A side = B side = Acho Um Pouco Bom Pretend We re Dead (Live) Released = August 13 2006 (12 ) …   Wikipedia

  • Death from Above 1979 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Death from Above 1979 Información personal Origen Toronto, Ontario, Canadá …   Wikipedia Español

  • Death From Above 1979 — Gründung 2002 Auflösung 2006 Genre Indie Rock Website deathfromabove1979.com Letzte Besetzung vor der Auflösung Bass, Synthesizer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Death from above 1979 — Gründung 2002 Auflösung 2006 Genre Indie Rock Website deathfromabove1979.com Letzte Besetzung vor der Auflösung Bass, Synthesizer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Death From Above 1979 — Pays d’origine Toronto, Ontario, Canada Genre musical Punk rock Dance punk Noise rock Années d activité 2001–2006, 2011 Labels Ache, Sound Virus, Last Gang, Vice Recordings, 679 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Light from Above — Infobox Album Name = Light from Above Type = studio Artist = Black Tide Released = March 18, 2008 Recorded = 2007 Genre = Heavy metal Hard rock Thrash metal Length = 45:04 (Basic) 48:42 (UK) 48:22 (iTunes) 47:48 (Hot Topic) Label = Interscope… …   Wikipedia

  • Death from Above 1979 — était un duo de rock indépendant basé à Toronto, Canada. Les membres étaient Jesse F. Keeler (basse/synthé) et Sebastien Grainger (chant/batterie). Bien qu il fut plus tard rapporté que le groupe se soit en fait rencontré à un concert de Sonic… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Death from above 1979 — était un duo de rock indépendant basé à Toronto, Canada. Les membres étaient Jesse F. Keeler (basse/synthé) et Sebastien Grainger (chant/batterie). Bien qu il fut plus tard rapporté que le groupe se soit en fait rencontré à un concert de Sonic… …   Wikipédia en Français

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