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  • 1 former

    (of an earlier time: In former times people did not travel so much.) πρώην,προηγούμενος
    - the former

    English-Greek dictionary > former

  • 2 Former

    P. and V. ὁ πρόσθεν, ὁ πρίν, ὁ πλαι, P. ὁ ἔμπροσθεν. V. ὁ προς, ὁ προιθε(ν).
    Ancient: P. and V. ἀρχαῖος, παλαιός, Ar. and V. παλαιγενής, V. παλαίφατος.
    The former ( as opposed to the latter): P. and V. ἐκεῖνος, Ar. and V. κεῖνος.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Former

  • 3 former


    English-Greek new dictionary > former

  • 4 the former

    (the first of two things mentioned: We visited America and Australia, staying longer in the former than in the latter.) ο πρώτος(από τους δύο)

    English-Greek dictionary > the former

  • 5 relapse

    [rə'læps] 1. verb
    (to return to a former bad or undesirable state (eg ill health, bad habits).) υποτροπιάζω, ξανακυλώ
    2. noun
    (a return to a former bad or undesirable state, especially ill health.) υποτροπή

    English-Greek dictionary > relapse

  • 6 Early

    In the morning: P. and V. ἑωθινός (Eur., Rhes. 771, and Soph., frag.), V. ἑῷος, Ar. and P. ὄρθριος.
    Premature: P. and V. ἄωρος.
    Of crops, etc.: Ar. πρῷος.
    It is early: P. πρῴ ἐστι.
    Belonging to former times: P. and V. ἀρχαῖος, παλαιός, V. παλαίφατος, Ar. and V. παλαιγενής.
    From the earliest times: P. ἐκ τοῦ ἐπὶ πλεῖστον (Thuc. 1, 2), ἐκ παλαιτάτου (Thuc. 1, 18).
    Earlier, former: P. and V. πρότερος.
    In the morning: Ar. and P. πρῴ, ἕωθεν, ἐξ ἑωθινοῦ.
    In the year: Ar. and P. πρῴ.
    Prematurely: P. and V. πρῴ.
    So early: P. τηνικάδε.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Early

  • 7 Old

    Aged: P. and V. γεραιός, Ar. and V. παλαιός (rare P.), παλαιγενής, V. γηραλεός, γηραιός (rare P.), μακραίων.
    Grow old, v.: P. and V. γηράσκειν, Ar. and P. καταγηράσκειν.
    Of the old, adj.: Ar. and P. πρεσβυτικός.
    Of things, worn out: P. and V. παλαιός (rare P.).
    With masc. subs., V. γέρων; with fem. subs., V. γραῖα.
    Stale: P ἕωλος.
    Antique: P. and V. ἀρχαῖος, παλαιός, V. παλαίφατος.
    Long existing: P. and V. χρόνιος, V. δηναιός.
    Belonging to former times: P. and V. ὁ πρίν, ὁ πλαι, ὁ πρόσθεν; see Former.
    Obsolete: P. and V. ἀρχαῖος, παλαιός, P. ἕωλος, ἀρχαιότροπος.
    Old in wealth: V. ἀρχαιόπλουτος.
    Of old: see Formerly.
    From of old: P. ἀπὸ παλαιοῦ.
    How old: indirect P. and V. ἡλκος.
    So old: P. and V. τηλικοῦτος, τηλικόσδε. Be seven.
    years old: P. ἕπτα ἐτῶν εἶναι (Xen.); see under age.
    I am thirty-two years old: P. δύο καὶ τριάκοντα ἔτη γέγονα (Dem. 564).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Old

  • 8 cavalier

    (in former times, a horseman or knight.) ιππότης

    English-Greek dictionary > cavalier

  • 9 forfeit

    ['fo:fit] 1. noun
    (something that must be given up because one has done something wrong, especially in games: If you lose the game you will have to pay a forfeit.) ποινή,τίμημα
    2. verb
    (to lose (something) because one has done something wrong: He forfeited our respect by telling lies.) χάνω
    3. adjective
    (forfeited: His former rights are forfeit now.)

    English-Greek dictionary > forfeit

  • 10 galleon

    (in former times, a large, usually Spanish, sailing-ship.) γαλιόνι

    English-Greek dictionary > galleon

  • 11 galley

    1) (in former times, a long low ship with one deck, moved by oars (and often sails).) γαλέρα
    2) (a ship's kitchen.) μαγειρείο πλοίου

    English-Greek dictionary > galley

  • 12 gift

    [ɡift] 1. noun
    1) (something given willingly, eg as a present: a birthday gift.) δώρο
    2) (a natural ability: She has a gift for music.) χάρισμα
    2. verb
    (to give or present as a gift: This painting was gifted by our former chairman.) χαρίζω
    - gift of the gab

    English-Greek dictionary > gift

  • 13 go straight

    ((of a former criminal) to lead an honest life.) μπαίνω στον ίσιο δρόμο

    English-Greek dictionary > go straight

  • 14 home-coming

    1) (the return home of a person (who has been away for some time): We had a party to celebrate his home-coming.) παλιννόστηση,επιστροφή
    2) ((American) an annual event held by a college, a university or high school for former students.) ετήσια συνάντηση αποφοίτων

    English-Greek dictionary > home-coming

  • 15 inn

    1) (a name given to some small hotels or public houses especially in villages or the countryside.) ξενώνας
    2) (in former times, a house providing food and lodging for travellers.) πανδοχείο,χάνι

    English-Greek dictionary > inn

  • 16 jester

    noun (in former times, a man employed in the courts of kings, nobles etc to amuse them with jokes etc.) γελωτοποιός

    English-Greek dictionary > jester

  • 17 lance

    1. noun
    (a weapon of former times with a long shaft or handle of wood, a spearhead and often a small flag.) μακρύ δόρυ
    2. verb
    (to cut open (a boil etc) with a knife: The doctor lanced the boil on my neck.) κόβω με νυστέρι

    English-Greek dictionary > lance

  • 18 old boy/girl

    (a former pupil (of a school): The new prime minister is an old boy of our school.) παλιός μαθητής

    English-Greek dictionary > old boy/girl

  • 19 oracle

    1) (a very knowledgeable person: I don't know the answer to this problem, so I'd better go and ask the oracle.) σοφή κουκουβάγια
    2) (in former times, a holy place where a god was believed to give answers to questions: the oracle at Delphi.) μαντείο

    English-Greek dictionary > oracle

  • 20 ostracise

    (to refuse to accept (someone) in society or a group: His former friends ostracized him because of his rudeness.)

    English-Greek dictionary > ostracise

См. также в других словарях:

  • former — [ fɔrme ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • XIIe; lat. formare I ♦ Donner l être et la forme. 1 ♦ (En parlant du Créateur, de la Nature) ⇒ créer, 1. faire, informer. « Dieu forma l homme à son image » ( BIBLE ). 2 ♦ Vx Concevoir, engendrer. « Songez… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • former — Former. v. a. Donner l estre & la forme. Dieu a formé l univers suivant l idée éternelle qu il en avoit. Dieu a formé l homme à son image, l a formé du limon de la terre. Il sign. aussi Produire, dans le sens que les causes naturelles, que les… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • former — former, latter 1. These two words are used individually or contrastively (as the former and the latter) to refer to the first and second respectively of two people or things previously mentioned; in this role they are used attributively (before a …   Modern English usage

  • former — I adjective antecedent, bygone, earlier, erstwhile, foregoing, late, past, preceding, preexistent, previous, prior, pristinus, quondam, retired, whilom associated concepts: former adjudication, former conviction, former jeopardy, former marriage …   Law dictionary

  • former — for‧mer [ˈfɔːmə ǁ ˈfɔːrmər] adjective [only before a noun] happening or existing in the past, but not now: • the former chairman of United Telecommunications Inc * * * former UK US /ˈfɔːmər/ adjective [before noun] ► used to describe something… …   Financial and business terms

  • Former — For mer, a. [A compar. due to OE. formest. See {Foremost}.] 1. Preceding in order of time; antecedent; previous; prior; earlier; hence, ancient; long past. [1913 Webster] For inquire, I pray thee, of the former age. Job. viii. 8. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Former — war von 1935 bis 1997 ein Ausbildungsberuf in Deutschland. Allgemein Former arbeiten in Gießereien und stellen dort Gussformen her, die für das Gießen von Werkstücken aus Stahl, Eisen oder anderen Metallen benötigt werden. Seit der Ablösung des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • former — Ⅰ. former [1] ► ADJECTIVE 1) having been previously. 2) of or occurring in the past. 3) (the former) denoting the first of two things mentioned. ORIGIN Old English. Ⅱ. for …   English terms dictionary

  • former — Former, Formare, Conformare, Fingere. Former paravant et façonner, Praeformare. Se former en maniere et forme d un fond de nef, Carinare. Homme bien formé, Homo emendatis omnibus membris, B. Qui forme, façonne ou instruit en bonnes meurs,… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • former — former1 [fôr′mər] adj. [ME formere, compar. of forme, first < OE forma: see FOREMOST] 1. preceding in time; earlier; past [in former times] 2. first mentioned of two: often used absolutely (with the) [Jack and Bill are twins, but the former is …   English World dictionary

  • former — fòrmer m DEFINICIJA reg. keramičar koji peče keramičke i dr. pločice i sl. za peći (ali ih ne sastavlja kao pećar) ETIMOLOGIJA njem. Former …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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