1) Аэропорты: Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia, Australia2) AMEX. National Beverage Corporation -
2 fiz
mendesis(minuman) -
3 fiz
= FIZZ. -
4 fizzle fiz·zle vi
['fɪzl](sputter) sibilare -
5 fizz
I. 1. шипя, съскам
2. пеня се, пръскам
II. 1. шипене, съскане
2. пенeне, пръскане
3. разг. шампанско* * *{fiz} v 1. шипя, съскам; 2. пеня се, пръскам.(2) {fiz} n 1. шипене, съскане; 2. пенeне, пръскане; 3. разг. ша* * *шампанско; шипене; шипя; съскам; съскане; пеня се; пенене;* * *1. i. шипя, съскам 2. ii. шипене, съскане 3. пенeне, пръскане 4. пеня се, пръскам 5. разг. шампанско* * * -
6 phiz
n sl. физиономия, мутра, сурат* * *{fiz} n sl. физиономия, мутра, сурат.* * *n sl. физиономия, мутра, сурат* * *phiz [fiz] n sl физиономия, сурат, мутра. -
7 fizz
[fiz] 1. verb((of a liquid) to release or give off many small bubbles: I like the way champagne fizzes.) peniti se2. noun(the sound made or the feeling in the mouth produced by this: This lemonade has lost its fizz.) šumenje- fizzy* * *I [fiz]intransitive verb šumeti, sikati, brenčati; peniti seII [fiz]nounsikanje, šumenje; penjenje; slang šampanjec; American sodavica -
8 fizz
[fiz] 1. verb((of a liquid) to release or give off many small bubbles: I like the way champagne fizzes.) bruse; boble; perle2. noun(the sound made or the feeling in the mouth produced by this: This lemonade has lost its fizz.) brusen- fizzy* * *[fiz] 1. verb((of a liquid) to release or give off many small bubbles: I like the way champagne fizzes.) bruse; boble; perle2. noun(the sound made or the feeling in the mouth produced by this: This lemonade has lost its fizz.) brusen- fizzy -
9 fizz
[fiz] 1. verb((of a liquid) to release or give off many small bubbles: I like the way champagne fizzes.) borbulhar2. noun(the sound made or the feeling in the mouth produced by this: This lemonade has lost its fizz.) efervescência- fizzy* * *[fiz] n 1 crepitação, efervescência gasosa (champanha, guaraná, etc.). 2 sibilo, chiado, silvo. 3 sl fiasco. • vi 1 assobiar, sibilar, silvar. 2 efervescer, crepitar. -
10 deflect
11 ray
(fiz, mat) rază // (fiz) a radia -
12 rebound
13 stereoacoustics
(fiz) stereoacustică; (cstr, fiz) stereofonie -
14 surface wave
(fiz, hidr) undă de suprafaţă / superficială; (fiz) undă de sol -
15 texture
16 transmissivity
(fiz) transmisibilitate, transmisivitate; (el, fiz) permeabilitate -
17 transmittancy
18 vanishing
19 zero axis
(fiz, mat, th) axă de coordonate / neutră; (fiz, geod, metr) linie de bază, poziţie de zero -
20 fizzer
[ʹfızə] n сл.вызов в полицейский суд ( в качестве обвиняемого)to put on a fizzer - предъявить (кому-л.) обвинение в мелком преступлении
См. также в других словарях:
FIZ — als Abkürzung steht für: Fachinformationszentrum, z. B. das FIZ Chemie Forschungs und Innovationszentrum Frankfurter Innovationszentrum Biotechnologie Fachstelle Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration sowie in der Schreibung FiZ FitnessZentrum Fiz ist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
fiz — fiz·gig; ha·fiz; fiz·zle; … English syllables
fiz — «fihz», verb, fizzed, fiz|zing, noun. = fizz. (Cf. ↑fizz) … Useful english dictionary
fiz — fȋz m DEFINICIJA vrsta pjenušavog pića napravljenog od alkohola, sode, soka ili sl. [ginfiz] ETIMOLOGIJA engl. fizz … Hrvatski jezični portal
FIZ — • Forschungs und Ingenieur Zentrum (BMW) • Fachinformationszentrum (meist synonym zu FIZ TECHNIK) • Fitzroy Crossing, Australia internationale Flughafen Kennung … Acronyms
FIZ — [1] Forschungs und Ingenieur Zentrum (BMW) [2] Fachinformationszentrum (meist synonym zu FIZ TECHNIK) [3] Fitzroy Crossing, Australia internationale Fughafen Kennung … Acronyms von A bis Z
Fiz de Vilapedre — (San Fiz de Vilapedre,Испания) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: San Fiz de Vilapedr … Каталог отелей
Fiz Gorgo — is a large fortress, located in the region of Orist on Meldorin Island, in Ian Irvine s The Three Worlds Cycle. It was possibly constructed by the Aachim and has been home to the great mancer Yggur for hundreds of years … Wikipedia
fiz|gig — «FIHZ gihg», noun. 1. a light, frivolous woman: »My husband…prefers to me…this fizgig called Fifine (Robert Browning). 2. a small, sputtering firework; squib. 3. a spinning toy that whirs noisily. 4. = fish spear. (Cf. ↑fish spear) … Useful english dictionary
Fiz Brown — Infobox soap character color=#F0E68C series = Coronation Street name = Fiz Brown caption1 = Fiz Brown in 2007 first = 22 April 2001 residence = 5 Coronation Street born = 25 September 1985 romances = Kirk Sutherland Tyrone Dobbs John Stape… … Wikipedia
FIZ Karlsruhe — Das FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institut für Informationsinfrastruktur (bis 2009 Fachinformationszentrum (FIZ) Karlsruhe Gesellschaft für wissenschaftlich technische Information mbH) ist eine gemeinnützige Einrichtung der Leibniz Gemeinschaft für… … Deutsch Wikipedia