Перевод: со всех языков на португальский

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  • 1 be bitten with

    be bitten with
    ser apaixonado por (alguma coisa).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > be bitten with

  • 2 to be bitten

    to be bitten
    a) ser mordido. b) ser enganado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to be bitten

  • 3 fly-bitten

    [fl'aibitən] adj picado de moscas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fly-bitten

  • 4 hard-bitten

    [ha:d b'itən] adj duro, obstinado, inflexível, intratável.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hard-bitten

  • 5 bite

    1. past tense - bit; verb
    (to seize, grasp or tear (something) with the teeth or jaws: The dog bit his leg; He was bitten by a mosquito.) morder
    2. noun
    1) (an act of biting or the piece or place bitten: a bite from the apple; a mosquito bite.) mordidela
    2) (the nibble of a fish on the end of one's line: I've been fishing for hours without a bite.) mordidela
    - bite the dust
    * * *
    [bait] n 1 bocado: pedaço cortado com os dentes. give me a bite / deixe dar uma dentada, dê-me algo para comer. 2 refeição ligeira. 3 mordedura, mordida, dentada. 4 ferida, ferroada, picada. 5 dor aguda. 6 aperto, ato de agarrar. 7 ação mordente de um ácido sobre metal. • vt (ps bit, pp bit, bitten) 1 morder, cortar com os dentes. the dog bit me in the arm, he bit my arm / o cachorro mordeu-me no braço, ele mordeu meu braço. 2 roer. 3 cortar, perfurar. 4 ferir com os dentes, picar, ferroar. 5 abocar, abocanhar, morder repentinamente. 6 causar dor aguda a. 7 agarrar-se a, pegar em. 8 morder a isca, ser pego (o peixe, e também figurativo). 9 trapacear, iludir. 10 corroer, atacar (ácido). it bit in / corroeu. 11 impressionar profundamente. be bitten with ser apaixonado por (alguma coisa). bite one’s lips controlar-se. it bit into cortou em. once bitten, twice shy gato escaldado tem medo de água fria. to be bitten a) ser mordido. b) ser enganado. to bite off more than one can chew coll assumir encargos superiores às suas forças. to bite the dust ser vencido, cair morto. to bite the hand that feeds cuspir no prato em que comeu. to bite the tongue guardar segredo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bite

  • 6 bite

    1. past tense - bit; verb
    (to seize, grasp or tear (something) with the teeth or jaws: The dog bit his leg; He was bitten by a mosquito.) morder, picar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of biting or the piece or place bitten: a bite from the apple; a mosquito bite.) mordida, picada, dentada
    2) (the nibble of a fish on the end of one's line: I've been fishing for hours without a bite.) mordida
    - bite the dust

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bite

  • 7 antidote

    (a medicine etc which is given to prevent a poison acting on a person etc: If you are bitten by a poisonous snake, you have to be given an antidote.) antídoto
    * * *
    ['æntidout] n Med antídoto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > antidote

  • 8 it bit into

    it bit into
    cortou em. once bitten, twice shy gato escaldado tem medo de água fria.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > it bit into

  • 9 passive

    1) (showing no interest, emotion etc, or not resisting an attack etc: The villagers showed passive resistance to the enemy) passivo
    2) (of the form of the verb used when the subject receives the action of the verb: The boy was bitten by the dog.) passivo
    - passiveness
    - passivity
    * * *
    [p'æsiv] n 1 Gram passiva, voz passiva. 2 Com passivo. • adj passivo: 1 que sofre uma ação. 2 indiferente, desinteressado. 3 que não oferece resistência. 4 inativo, inerte.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > passive

  • 10 snake

    [sneik] 1. noun
    (any of a group of legless reptiles with long bodies that move along on the ground with a twisting movement, many of which have a poisonous bite: He was bitten by a snake and nearly died.) cobra
    2. verb
    (to move like a snake: He snaked his way through the narrow tunnel.) serpentear
    - snake-charmer
    * * *
    [sneik] n 1 cobra, serpente. 2 fig pessoa traiçoeira. 3 fio de metal flexível para desentupir ralos. • vt serpentear, serpear. hooded snake cobra-de-capelo, naja ( Naja-naja). ring(ed) snake cobra-d’água (da Europa). the snake in the grass fig o perigo oculto. to see snakes ver coisas que não existem. he sees snakes / ele enxerga coisas que não existem (no delírio).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > snake

  • 11 bite the dust

    (to fail; to be unsuccessful: That's another scheme that's bitten the dust.) morder o pó

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bite the dust

  • 12 antidote

    (a medicine etc which is given to prevent a poison acting on a person etc: If you are bitten by a poisonous snake, you have to be given an antidote.) antídoto

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > antidote

  • 13 bite the dust

    (to fail; to be unsuccessful: That's another scheme that's bitten the dust.) morder o pó

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bite the dust

  • 14 passive

    1) (showing no interest, emotion etc, or not resisting an attack etc: The villagers showed passive resistance to the enemy) passivo
    2) (of the form of the verb used when the subject receives the action of the verb: The boy was bitten by the dog.) passivo
    - passiveness - passivity

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > passive

  • 15 snake

    [sneik] 1. noun
    (any of a group of legless reptiles with long bodies that move along on the ground with a twisting movement, many of which have a poisonous bite: He was bitten by a snake and nearly died.) cobra, serpente
    2. verb
    (to move like a snake: He snaked his way through the narrow tunnel.) serpentear
    - snake-charmer

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > snake

См. также в других словарях:

  • Bitten — Bitten, verb. irreg. act. Imperf. ich bath, Mittelwort gebethen, Imperat. bitte. 1) Die Erweisung eines Guten als eine Wohlthat oder Gefälligkeit von jemanden verlangen. Einen bitten. Einen um etwas bitten, und etwas von einem bitten. Fußfällig,… …   Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart

  • bitten — Vst. std. (8. Jh.), mhd. bitten, ahd. bitten, as. biddian Stammwort. Aus g. * bed ja Vst. bitten , auch in gt. bidjan, anord. biđja, ae. biddan, afr. bidda, bidia. Das germanische Verb entspricht in allen lautlichen und morphologischen… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • bitten — bitten: Das gemeingerm. Verb mhd., ahd. bitten, got. bidjan, aengl. biddan, schwed. bedja hängt wahrscheinlich zusammen mit mhd. beiten, ahd. beitten »zwingen, drängen, fordern«, got. baidjan »zwingen«, aengl. bæ̅dan »zwingen, bedrängen,… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • bitten — V. (Grundstufe) sich mit einem Wunsch an jmdn. wenden Beispiele: Er bat mich um Verzeihung. Darf ich um Ruhe bitten? Mein Freund bat mich mitzukommen. bitten V. (Aufbaustufe) jmdn. zu einem Besuch einladen Beispiel: Sie haben uns zum Mittagessen… …   Extremes Deutsch

  • Bitten — (Søndervig,Дания) Категория отеля: Адрес: 6950 Søndervig, Дания Описание …   Каталог отелей

  • Bitten — Bit ten, a. (Bot.) Terminating abruptly, as if bitten off; premorse. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bitten um — [Wichtig (Rating 3200 5600)] Auch: • fragen nach Bsp.: • Er muss noch mal um Hilfe bitten. • Hat sie nach einem Hotel im Stadtzentrum gefragt? …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • bitten — bitten, bittet, bat, hat gebeten Darf ich Sie bitten, kurz zuzuhören? …   Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer

  • Bitten — Bit ten, p. p. of {Bite}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bitten — the past participle of bite1 …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bitten — pp. of BITE (Cf. bite) …   Etymology dictionary

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