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  • 1 disastrous

    [di΄za:strəs] a աղետալի, կործ անա րար, կորստաբեր a disastrous policy կորստաբեր քաղաքականություն. disastrous floods աղետաբեր ջրհեղեղ. խսկց. a disastrous journey մղձավանջային ուղևորություն

    English-Armenian dictionary > disastrous

  • 2 Disastrous

    مفجع ، وخيم ، مصاحب لكارثة

    English-Arabic economic glossary > Disastrous

  • 3 Disastrous result

    نتيجة مفجة

    English-Arabic economic glossary > Disastrous result

  • 4 Disastrous results

    نَتَائِج وخيمة

    English-Arabic economic glossary > Disastrous results

  • 5 crash recovery

    "The ability of a computer to resume operation after a disastrous failure, such as the failure of a hard drive. Ideally, recovery can occur without any loss of data, although usually some, if not all, data is lost."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > crash recovery

  • 6 ar-sa اللقب

    "A hardware interrupt that bypasses and takes priority over interrupt requests generated by software and by the keyboard and other such devices. A nonmaskable interrupt cannot be overruled (masked) by another service request and is issued to the microprocessor only in disastrous circumstances, such as severe memory errors or impending power failures."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > ar-sa اللقب

  • 7 NMI

    "A hardware interrupt that bypasses and takes priority over interrupt requests generated by software and by the keyboard and other such devices. A nonmaskable interrupt cannot be overruled (masked) by another service request and is issued to the microprocessor only in disastrous circumstances, such as severe memory errors or impending power failures."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > NMI

  • 8 nonmaskable interrupt

    "A hardware interrupt that bypasses and takes priority over interrupt requests generated by software and by the keyboard and other such devices. A nonmaskable interrupt cannot be overruled (masked) by another service request and is issued to the microprocessor only in disastrous circumstances, such as severe memory errors or impending power failures."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > nonmaskable interrupt

См. также в других словарях:

  • Disastrous — Dis*as trous, a. [Cf. F. d[ e]sastreux. See {Disaster}.] 1. Full of unpropitious stellar influences; unpropitious; ill boding. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The moon In dim eclipse, disastrous twilight sheds. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Attended with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • disastrous — I adjective all destroying, annihilative, appalling, bad, baneful, blighting, calamitosus, calamitous, cataclysmal, cataclysmic, catastrophic, crushing, damaging, deadly, deleterious, demolishing, desolating, destroying, destructive, detrimental …   Law dictionary

  • disastrous — 1580s, ill starred, from Fr. désastreux (16c.), from désastre (see DISASTER (Cf. disaster)) or from It. desastroso. Meaning calamitous is from c.1600. Related: Disastrously …   Etymology dictionary

  • disastrous — *unlucky, ill starred, ill fated, unfortunate, calamitous, luckless, hapless Analogous words: malign, *sinister, baleful: unpropitious, inauspicious, *ominous, portentous, fateful …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • disastrous — should be pronounced as three syllables (di zah strǝs), not as four (di zah stǝ rǝs) …   Modern English usage

  • disastrous — [adj] detrimental, devastating adverse, calamitous, cataclysmal, cataclysmic, catastrophic, destructive, dire, dreadful, fatal, fateful, hapless, harmful, ill fated, ill starred, luckless, ruinous, terrible, tragic, unfavorable, unfortunate,… …   New thesaurus

  • disastrous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) causing great damage. 2) informal highly unsuccessful. DERIVATIVES disastrously adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • disastrous — [di zas′trəs, di zäs′trəs, ] also [dis as′trəs, dis äs′trəs] adj. [Fr désastreux] of the nature of a disaster; causing great harm, damage, etc.; calamitous disastrously adv …   English World dictionary

  • disastrous — adj. 1) disastrous to 2) disastrous to + inf. (it would be disastrous to wait) * * * [dɪ zɑːstrəs] disastrous to disastrous to + inf. (it would be disastrous to wait) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • disastrous — [[t]dɪzɑ͟ːstrəs, zæ̱s [/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED A disastrous event has extremely bad consequences and effects. ...the recent, disastrous earthquake... The effect on coffee prices has been disastrous for the producers. Syn: terrible Derived words:… …   English dictionary

  • disastrous — di|sas|trous [dıˈza:strəs US dıˈzæ ] adj very bad, or ending in failure ▪ a disastrous first marriage disastrous effects/consequences/results ▪ Climate change could have disastrous effects on Earth. ▪ The move proved disastrous (=was disastrous)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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