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  • 1 course

    1. कोर्स/पाठ्यक्रम
    He took a course in basket weaving
    2. मैदान
    The course had only nine holes
    3. मार्ग
    The government took a firm course
    If you persist in that course you will surely fail
    The river takes a southern course
    4. श्रेणी
    A course of bricks.
    1. बहना
    The river coursed down the hill.

    English-Hindi dictionary > course

  • 2 course

    कोर्स, पाठ्यक्रम; घुड दौड का मैदान; दौड; प्रगति, चाल चलन, जीवन का ढङ्ग; मार्ग, रास्ता; नियम, सिलसिला, श्रेणी; अवधि
    v. tr.
    आखेट करना, खदेडना, पीछे दौडना
    v. intr.
    तेज चलना, वेग से चलना, बहना

    English-Hindi new dictionary > course

  • 3 Sandwich Course

    1. एक साथ किए जाने वाले दो शैक्षिक पाठ्यक्रम
    My sister is doing Sandwich course.

    English-Hindi dictionary > Sandwich Course

  • 4 a matter of course

    1. स्वाभाविक बात
    I check my in-tray every morning as a matter of course.

    English-Hindi dictionary > a matter of course

  • 5 collision course

    1. मतभेद\collision courseलाने\collision courseवाला\collision courseकार्य
    The differences between the staff and management will surely lead to collision

    English-Hindi dictionary > collision course

  • 6 stay the course

    1. कठिन परिश्रम के अंत तक जाना
    I hope that a patient person like him is strong enough to stay the course.

    English-Hindi dictionary > stay the course

  • 7 pilot

    1. प्रायोगिक
    A pilot editon of a new language course was introduced recently.
    1. विमान चालक
    My cousin is a fighter pilot.
    2. जहाज़रान
    The pilot of the canal is very experienced.
    1. चलाना
    He was able to pilot the plane through the narrow valley.
    2. प्रयोग करना
    CBSE Board is piloting a new English course.

    English-Hindi dictionary > pilot

  • 8 awareness

    1. जानकारी/अभिज्ञता
    An awareness of the project's limitations will help in deciding further course of action.

    English-Hindi dictionary > awareness

  • 9 cloze test

    1. क्लोज़\cloze testटेस्ट
    रिक्त\cloze testस्थानो\cloze testकी\cloze testपूर्ती\cloze testसही\cloze testशब्दो\cloze testसे\cloze testकरने\cloze testकी\cloze testपरीक्षा
    We had to take a cloze test before joining the English teaching course.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cloze test

  • 10 cookery

    1. पाक\cookeryविद्या
    She has done a cookery course.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cookery

  • 11 deviate

    1. मार्ग\deviateसे\deviateअलग\deviateहोना
    The course of the river was deviated to prevent flooding.

    English-Hindi dictionary > deviate

  • 12 deviation

    1. लीक\deviationसे\deviationहटना
    The deviation of the river from it's natural course is done to prevent flood.
    2. उल्लंघन
    The minister was accused of deviation from the party's code of conduct.

    English-Hindi dictionary > deviation

  • 13 diploma

    1. डिप्लोमा
    I'm doing a diploma course in translation studies in Hindi.

    English-Hindi dictionary > diploma

  • 14 diversify

    1. भिन्न\diversifyभिन्न\diversifyकरना/रंग\diversifyबिरंगा\diversifyकरना
    Diversify a course of study

    English-Hindi dictionary > diversify

  • 15 down

    1. उदास/हतोत्साह
    She has been down since her last exam results.
    He lay face down
    The thief was hidden in the down staircase
    The shades were down
    3. खराब
    We can't work because the computer is down
    The tree is down
    They made the down payment
    1. रोवाँ/मुलायम\downबाल
    You have 4 downs to gain 1.yards
    1. के\downनीचे/के\downतले
    You should run down a hill.
    He ran off down the street.
    1. नीचे\downगिराना
    He downed three martinis before dinner
    Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal
    The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect

    English-Hindi dictionary > down

  • 16 drain

    1. नाली/पतनाला
    They cleaned all the drains.
    2. बहाव
    Teaching a child in a professional course causes a drain on resources.
    1. बह\drainजाना/निकल\drainजाना
    The rain water drains into this big vat.
    2. खाली\drainकरना[होना]
    We drained the oil tank
    The water drained from the pipe
    Life in the camp drained him

    English-Hindi dictionary > drain

  • 17 follow through

    1. अंत तक
    You should follow through to complete all the holes on the golf course.

    English-Hindi dictionary > follow through

  • 18 full-fledged

    1. पूर्ण
    The college is starting a full-fledged course.

    English-Hindi dictionary > full-fledged

  • 19 lexicography

    1. कोश-लेखन/कोश-सम्पादन
    He is doing a course in lexicography.

    English-Hindi dictionary > lexicography

  • 20 maximal

    1. उच्चतम
    Try to obtain maximal benifit from the course.

    English-Hindi dictionary > maximal

См. также в других словарях:

  • course — [ kurs ] n. f. • 1553; corse 1213; forme fém. de cours, d apr. it. corsa I ♦ 1 ♦ Action de courir; mode de locomotion dans lequel les phases d appui unilatéral sont séparées par un intervalle. ⇒ courir. Une course rapide. ⇒ galopade. Au pas de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • course — [kɔːs ǁ kɔːrs] noun [countable] especially BrE a series of classes or studies in a particular subject: • a one year journalism course correˈspondence ˌcourse a course in which the student works at home and sends completed work to their teacher by …   Financial and business terms

  • course — COURSE. s. f. Action, mouvement de celui qui court. Course légère. Longue course. Course pénible. Il est léger à la course, vite à la course. Prendre les lièvres, les chevreuils à la course. Les courses des Jeux Olympiques, etc. La course des… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • course — Course. s. f. v. Action, mouvement de celuy qui court. Course legere. longue course. course penible. il est leger à la course. viste à la course. prendre les liévres, les chevreuils à la course. les courses des jeux olympiques &c. la course des… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Course — (k[=o]rs), n. [F. cours, course, L. cursus, fr. currere to run. See {Current}.] 1. The act of moving from one point to another; progress; passage. [1913 Webster] And when we had finished our course from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais. Acts xxi. 7.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Course — can refer to: Course (navigation), the path of travel Course (sail), the principal sail on a mast of a sailing vessel Course (education), in the United States, a unit of instruction in one subject, lasting one academic term Course Atlas… …   Wikipedia

  • course — Course, f. penac. Est tant l acte hastif du Courier, Cursus. comme, Il est venu à grande course de cheval, AEqui cursu agitato aduolauit, que pour l espace et longitude du lieu où il a esté couru, comme, La course est longue et grande, Curriculum …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • course — I noun act, act of pursuing, action, activity, advance, approach, arrangment, attack, campaign, completion, conduct, customary manner of procedure, delivery, design, direction, effectuation, effort, employment, endeavor, evolution, execution,… …   Law dictionary

  • course — [kôrs] n. [ME cours & Fr course, both < OFr cours < L cursus, pp. of currere, to run: see CURRENT] 1. an onward movement; going on from one point to the next; progress 2. the progress or duration of time [in the course of a week] 3. a way,… …   English World dictionary

  • course — ► NOUN 1) a direction followed or intended: the aircraft changed course. 2) the way in which something progresses or develops: the course of history. 3) a procedure adopted to deal with a situation. 4) a dish forming one of the successive parts… …   English terms dictionary

  • course — late 13c., onward movement, from O.Fr. cors (12c.) course; run, running; flow of a river, from L. cursus a running race or course, from curs pp. stem of currere to run (see CURRENT (Cf. current)). Most extended senses (meals, etc.) are present in …   Etymology dictionary

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