Перевод: со всех языков на язык хинди

с языка хинди на все языки


  • 1 cloth

    1. कपड़ा
    I need 2.5 metres of cloth to make a salwar-kameez.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cloth

  • 2 cloth

    वस्त्र, कपडा

    English-Hindi new dictionary > cloth

  • 3 cloth

    English-Hindi Amateurish dictionary > cloth

  • 4 oil-cloth

    1. मोम जामा
    Oil-cloth is used as covering for shelves, tables etc..

    English-Hindi dictionary > oil-cloth

  • 5 table-cloth

    1. मेजपोश
    She preferred a yellow table-cloth for a white one.

    English-Hindi dictionary > table-cloth

  • 6 back-cloth

    1. पृष्ठपट

    English-Hindi dictionary > back-cloth

  • 7 oil-cloth

    रोगनी कपडा; मोम जामा

    English-Hindi new dictionary > oil-cloth

  • 8 table-cloth

    मेज पर बिछाने का कपडा, विशेषतः भोजन के समय

    English-Hindi new dictionary > table-cloth

  • 9 Saracen

    Saracens wore white cloth on their head during worship of their God.

    English-Hindi dictionary > Saracen

  • 10 around

    1. लगभग
    There are around 20,000 people in the stadium today.
    2. चारो\aroundओर
    The children were running around in the garden.
    3. घेरेवाला
    The town was 100 kilometers around.
    1. हर\aroundओर
    He looked around.
    Someone will show you around.
    2. इधर\aroundउधर
    There were insects scampering around.
    3. कुछ\aroundनहीं\aroundकरते\aroundहुए
    Several people were sitting around looking at the passers by.
    4. मौजूद\aroundहोना
    There were more fish around in the tzar's reign.
    5. आस\aroundपास
    There is no one around.
    6. पीछे\aroundकी\aroundओर
    He turned around and ran back to the station for his bag.
    1. इधर\aroundउधर
    A large number of people were running around the place.
    Books were lying around the room.
    2. चारों\aroundओर
    He had tied a cloth around his waist.
    3. आस\aroundपास
    I saw him around the garden in the afternoon.
    4. घूम\aroundकर
    The thief ran into a man as he turned around the corner.

    English-Hindi dictionary > around

  • 11 cross-stitch

    1. एक\cross-stitchप्रकार\cross-stitchकी\cross-stitchकढ़ाई
    She has made a beautiful table cloth with cross-stitch.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cross-stitch

  • 12 edge

    1. किनारा
    The boy stood on the edge of the cliff.
    1. किनारा\edgeलगाना
    The table-cloth is edged with lace.

    English-Hindi dictionary > edge

  • 13 embroider

    1. बेलबूटे\embroiderकाढना
    I embroidered the table-cloth.

    English-Hindi dictionary > embroider

  • 14 fabricate

    1. बनाना
    She has bought a specially fabricated cloth for winter.
    2. झूठी\fabricateकहानी\fabricateबनाना
    They fabricated evidences to save their friend.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fabricate

  • 15 fibre

    1. तन्तु
    Fibre from cotton pods is spun to weave cloth.
    2. खाने\fibreका\fibreरेशे\fibreवाला\fibreभाग
    Green vegetables have lot of fibre.
    3. चरित्रबल
    The president has a strong moral fibre.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fibre

  • 16 filament

    1. तंतु/रेशा
    Viscose filament yarn is used for making cloth with longer life.
    Tungsten filament is used in incandescent light bulbs.

    English-Hindi dictionary > filament

  • 17 folksy

    1. मित्रतापूर्ण
    His behaviour is folksy with all his staff.
    2. परम्परागत
    In villages womenfolk spend their free time persuing folksy weaving of cloth.

    English-Hindi dictionary > folksy

  • 18 glace

    1. चिकना
    The cloth of my trousers is very glace.

    English-Hindi dictionary > glace

  • 19 loom

    1. करघा
    Handloom cloth is woven on handloom.
    1. अस्पष्ट छाया दीखना
    I was relaxing on the ground when an enormous figure suddenly appeared from somewhere and loomed at me.
    2. सम्भावना होना
    The possibility of a sense storm loomed large in the eastern horizon.

    English-Hindi dictionary > loom

  • 20 millimetre

    1. मिलिमीटर
    The cloth was a few millimetre shorter than required.

    English-Hindi dictionary > millimetre

См. также в других словарях:

  • Cloth — (kl[o^]th; 115), n.; pl. {Cloths} (kl[o^][th]z; 115), except in the sense of garments, when it is {Clothes} (kl[=o]thz or kl[=o]z). [OE. clath cloth, AS. cl[=a][thorn] cloth, garment; akin to D. kleed, Icel. kl[ae][eth]i, Dan. kl[ae]de, cloth, Sw …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cloth — [klɔθ US klo:θ] n [: Old English; Origin: clath cloth, piece of clothing ] 1.) [U] material used for making things such as clothes cotton/woollen/silk etc cloth ▪ a dress of the finest silk cloth 2.) a piece of cloth used for a particular purpose …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cloth — cloth; cloth·ier; cloth·ier s brush; cloth·i·fy; cloth·ing; mort·cloth; cere·cloth; …   English syllables

  • cloth — [ klaθ ] noun ** 1. ) count or uncount material used for making clothes, curtains, etc. that is made by weaving fibers together: linen/cotton cloth 2. ) count a piece of cloth used for a particular purpose such as cleaning or covering a table the …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • cloth — [klôth, kläth] n. pl. cloths [klôthz, kläthz; ] also [ klôths, kläths ] for [ “] kinds of cloth [ ] [ME < OE clath, cloth, hence garment, akin to clithan, to stick, clitha, poultice < IE * gleit (> Ger kleid, dress) < base * glei , to …   English World dictionary

  • Cloth — 〈[klɔ̣ð] m.; ; unz.; Textilw.〉 dichtes Atlasgewebe [<engl. cloth „Tuch“] * * * Cloth [klɔθ], der od. das; [engl. cloth = Tuch, Stoff, verw. mit ↑Kleid]: glänzender [Futter]stoff aus Baumwolle od. Halbwolle …   Universal-Lexikon

  • cloth — (n.) O.E. clað a cloth, woven or felted material to wrap around one, hence, garment, from P.Gmc. *kalithaz (Cf. O.Fris. klath, M.Du. cleet, Du. kleed, M.H.G. kleit, Ger. Kleid garment ), of obscure origin. The cloth the clerical profession is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • cloth — ► NOUN (pl. cloths) 1) woven, knitted, or felted fabric made from a soft fibre such as wool or cotton. 2) a piece of cloth for a particular purpose. 3) (the cloth) the clergy; the clerical profession. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • Cloth — (engl.), halbwollener Futterstoff mit 45 Ketten u. 70 Schußfäden auf 1 cm, Kette Baumwollengarn Nr. 30 engl., Schuß Kammgarn Nr. 74 einfach, Bindung fünfschäftiger Atlas (s. Abbild.) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Cloth — 〈 [klɔ̣θ] m.; Gen.: ; Pl.: unz.; Textilw.〉 dichtes Atlasgewebe [Etym.: <engl. cloth «Tuch«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • Cloth — [klɔθ] der od. das; <aus engl. cloth »Tuch«> glänzender [Futter]stoff aus Baumwolle od. Halbwolle in Atlasbindung (einer besonderen Webart) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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