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См. также в других словарях:

  • Chigoe — Chig oe, Chigre Chig re, n. [Cf. F. chigue, perh. fr. Catalan chic small, Sp. chico; or of Peruvian origin.] (Zo[ o]l.) A species of flea ({Tunga penetrans}, formerly {Pulex penetrans}), common in the West Indies and South America, which often… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chigoe — Pulga hallada en América y África tropical y subtropical. La hembra fecundada deposita las larvas debajo de la piel del pie, produciendo un trastorno inflamatorio que puede provocar la amputación espontánea de un dedo del pie. Diccionario Mosby… …   Diccionario médico

  • chigoe — [chig′ō] n. pl. chigoes [chig′ōz΄] [< WInd native name] a flea (Tunga penetrans) of tropical America and Africa: the female burrows into the skin, causing painful sores …   English World dictionary

  • chigoe — /chig oh/, n. a flea, Tunga penetrans, of tropical America and Africa, the impregnated female of which embeds itself in the skin, esp. of the feet, of humans and animals and becomes greatly distended with eggs. Also called chigoe flea, chigger,… …   Universalium

  • chigoe — Common name for Tunga penetrans. * * * chi·goe chig (.)ō, chē (.)gō n 1) a tropical flea belonging to the genus Tunga (T. penetrans) of which the fertile female causes great discomfort by burrowing under the skin called also chigger, sand flea …   Medical dictionary

  • chigoe flea — chigoe …   Medical dictionary

  • Chigoe flea — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum …   Wikipedia

  • chigoe flea — noun small tropical flea; the fertile female burrows under the skin of the host including humans • Syn: ↑chigoe, ↑chigger, ↑Tunga penetrans • Hypernyms: ↑flea • Member Holonyms: ↑Tunga, ↑ge …   Useful english dictionary

  • chigoe — noun Etymology: Carib chico Date: 1691 1. a tropical flea (Tunga penetrans) of which the fertile female causes great discomfort by burrowing under the skin 2. chigger 2 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • chigoe — noun /ˈʧɪ.ɡo/ A small tropical flea, Tunga penetrans, whose females burrow under the skin of animals, including humans, and lay their eggs, causing strong irritation and sores. Syn: chigger …   Wiktionary

  • CHIGOE —    an insect which infests the skin of the feet, multiplies incredibly, and is a great annoyance to the negro, who, however, is pretty expert in getting rid of it …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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