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  • 1 LINE

    tië (path, direction, course, way, road), tëa (straight line, road) (note: not to be confused with the verb tëa- "indicate"), téma (row, series) (pl. témar is attested in LotR:1153) –TE3/RGEO:67, TEÑ

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > LINE

  • 2 LINE OF

    SURF falassë (beach, shore) –Silm:431

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > LINE OF

  • 3 COBWEB

    línë –SLIG

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > COBWEB

  • 4 DOT

    pica (small spot), tixë (tiny mark, point), amatixë (point over the line of writing; variant amatexë in VT46:19), unutixë (point under the line of writing; the initial element unu- was misread as "nun-" in the Etymologies as printed in LR, see VT46:19) –PIK, TIK/VT46:19

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DOT

  • 5 POINT

    (verb): The phrase tentanë numenna, translated “pointed westward”, would indicate that the verb glossed DIRECT TOWARD (q.v.) can also be translated “point”. Tentanes formenna “it pointed northwards” –VT49:23, 26 (noun) mentë (end), tixë (dot, tiny mark), tildë (horn), variant tillë (tip) (also used of fingers and toes, VT47:10, 26; see UP-POINT, UNDER-POINT), amatixë (point/dot over the line of writing, variant amatexë in VT46:20), unutixë (point/dot under the line of writing; the initial element unu- was misread as "nun-" in the Etymologies as printed in LR, see VT46:19). SPEAR-POINT nasta (spear-head, gore, triangle). –MET, TIK/VT46:19, TIL/VT47:10, 26, SNAS/VT46:14

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > POINT

  • 6 AS

    (prep) ve (like). The longer variant sívë appears to introduce a comparison with something that is near to the point or thought of the speaker, whereas tambë introduces a comparison with something remote, as in Tolkien's translation of one line from the Lord's Prayer: cemendë tambë Erumandë "on earth as in heaven" ("heaven" being remote – we may theorize that "in heaven as [here] on earth" would translate as *Erumandë sívë cemendë, since "earth" would represent the position of the speaker). NOTE: a homophone sívë means "peace". The word yan, related to the relative ya “which”, is also defined “as” in one text (VT49:18). AS REGARDS pa, pá (concerning, touching). AS USUAL ve senwa (also ve senya, but see USUAL). –Nam/RGEO:66, 67, VT43:12, 38, VT44:26, VT49:22

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > AS

  • 7 BEACH

    falas (falass-), falassë (shore, line of surf), falas, hresta (ablative hrestallo is attested), fára (shore). –LT1:253, Silm:431, PHAL/LT2:339, MC:221/222/223, VT46:15

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > BEACH

  • 8 COURSE

    tië (line, direction, way, path, road) –TE3, RGEO:67

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > COURSE


    tië (course, line, pathway, road); DESIRE TO GO IN SOME DIRECTION mína- (to wish to go to a place, make for it, have some end in view). – TE3/RGEO:67, VT39:11

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > DIRECTION


    tana- (show) (Note: tana also means "that"), tëa- (note: not to be confused with the noun tëa "straight line, road"), pa.t. tengë (VT43:38). INDICATION tengwë (sign, token, writing – pl tengwi is attested) INDICATED (adj) tengë. –MR:385, VT39:6, WJ:394, 395 cf. TEK, VT39:6

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > INDICATE

  • 11 PATH

    tië (course, line, direction, way, road); \#vanda (isolated from Qualvanda "Road of Death" in LT1:264; cf. vand- "way, path" on the same page); NARROW PATH axa (ravine); -TE3/RGEO:67/UT:22 cf. 51, LT1:264, AK

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > PATH

  • 12 ROAD

    tëa (straight line) (note: not to be confused with the verb tëa- "indicate"), ROAD IN SEA londë (entrance to harbour, translated "haven" in Alqualondë Haven of the Swans, UT:417; the additional gloss "fairway" turned up in VT45:28), tië (path, course, direction, way), \#vanda (isolated form Qualvanda "Road of Death" in LT1:264; cf. vand- "way, path" on the same page) –TEÑ, LOD/VT45:28, TE3/RGEO:67, LT1:264

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ROAD

  • 13 ROW

    téma (series, line) (pl témar is attested) –TEÑ, LotR:1153

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > ROW

  • 14 SERIES

    téma (pl. témar is attested) (row, line) –TEÑ, LotR:1153

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > SERIES

  • 15 SHORE

    falas (falass-), falassë (beach, line of surf, "especially one [i.e. a shore] exposed to great waves and breakers", VT42:15), fára (beach). In the Etymologies as printed in LR, the word hyapat is glossed "shore", but according to http://www.elvish.org/errata/VT-Errata.pdf, the proper reading of the gloss found in Tolkien's manuscript is "shoe". SHORE-PIPER, SHORELAND PIPER Solosimpë (pl Solosimpi is attested) –LT1:253, VT42:15, Silm:431, VT46:15, SKYAP, LT1:251, 265

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > SHORE


    téra (right), lenwa (long, thin, narrow); STRAIGHT LINE tëa (road) (note: not to be confused with the verb tëa- "indicate") –TE3, TEÑ, LT2:341

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > STRAIGHT

  • 17 SURF

    solor, solossë (surge). LINE OF SURF falassë (beach, shore) –SOL, LT1:266, Silm:431

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > SURF

  • 18 WAY

    tië (path, course, line, direction, road), \#vanda (isolated form Qualvanda "Road of Death" in LT1:264; cf. vand- "way, path" on the same page) See ROAD. –TE3/RGEO:67, LT1:264

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > WAY

См. также в других словарях:

  • Line — Line, n. [OE. line, AS. l[=i]ne cable, hawser, prob. from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax, thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See {Linen}.] 1. A linen… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Line breeding — Line Line, n. [OE. line, AS. l[=i]ne cable, hawser, prob. from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax, thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See {Linen}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Line conch — Line Line, n. [OE. line, AS. l[=i]ne cable, hawser, prob. from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax, thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See {Linen}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Line engraving — Line Line, n. [OE. line, AS. l[=i]ne cable, hawser, prob. from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax, thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See {Linen}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Line of battle — Line Line, n. [OE. line, AS. l[=i]ne cable, hawser, prob. from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax, thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See {Linen}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Line of battle ship — Line Line, n. [OE. line, AS. l[=i]ne cable, hawser, prob. from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax, thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See {Linen}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • line of battle ship — Line Line, n. [OE. line, AS. l[=i]ne cable, hawser, prob. from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax, thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See {Linen}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Line of beauty — Line Line, n. [OE. line, AS. l[=i]ne cable, hawser, prob. from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax, thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See {Linen}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Line of centers — Line Line, n. [OE. line, AS. l[=i]ne cable, hawser, prob. from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax, thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See {Linen}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Line of dip — Line Line, n. [OE. line, AS. l[=i]ne cable, hawser, prob. from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax, thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See {Linen}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Line of fire — Line Line, n. [OE. line, AS. l[=i]ne cable, hawser, prob. from L. linea a linen thread, string, line, fr. linum flax, thread, linen, cable; but the English word was influenced by F. ligne line, from the same L. word linea. See {Linen}.] 1. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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