Перевод: с английского на финский

с финского на английский


  • 1 beeper

    • hakulaite
    • äänihakulaite
    • piippari
    * * *
    (a small electronic device used by the person carrying it for receiving short messages.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > beeper

  • 2 pacemaker

    • vauhdinpitäjä
    • vetäjä
    • edeltäjä
    • sydäntahdistin
    • sydämentahdistin
    • tahdistin
    * * *
    1) (an electronic device to make the heart beats regular or stronger.) tahdistin
    2) (a person who sets the speed of a race.) vetäjä

    English-Finnish dictionary > pacemaker

  • 3 pager

    • henkilönhakulaite
    • henkilöhakulaite
    • hakulaite
    • hakuvastaanotin
    * * *
    (a small electronic device used by the person carrying it for receiving short messages.)

    English-Finnish dictionary > pager

  • 4 transistor

    • transistoriradio
    • transistori
    * * *
    1) (a small electronic device that controls the flow of an electric current.) transistori
    2) ((also transistor radio) a portable radio that uses these: She took her transistor everywhere with her.) transistoriradio

    English-Finnish dictionary > transistor

  • 5 valve

    • tyhjiöputki
    • venttiili
    radio / television
    • radioputki
    • putki
    • läppä
    * * *
    1) (a device for allowing a liquid or gas to pass through an opening in one direction only.) venttiili
    2) (a structure with the same effect in an animal body: Valves in the heart control the flow of blood in the human body.) läppä
    3) (a type of electronic component found in many, especially older, types of television, radio etc.) elektroniputki

    English-Finnish dictionary > valve

См. также в других словарях:

  • electronic device — n. a device depending on the principles of electronics and using the manipulation of electron flow for its operation. [PJC] Note: Numerous electronic devices are in daily use, among them the {television}, {radio}, {computer}, {robot},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Intelligent electronic device — An Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) is a term used in the electric power industry to describe microprocessor based controllers of power system equipment, such as circuit breakers, transformers, and capacitor banks. DescriptionIEDs receive data …   Wikipedia

  • regulated electronic device — Any Electronic Device supplied to a specific member or clearing member by the Exchange that belongs to a class or category of Electronic Devices for which the Exchange has established terms and conditions of use. Chicago Mercantile Exchange… …   Financial and business terms

  • optical-electronic device — noun (physics) An instrument used to locate weakly radiating sources by detecting their infrared emission • • • Main Entry: ↑optic …   Useful english dictionary

  • electronic device — noun a device that accomplishes its purpose electronically (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑device • Hyponyms: ↑answering machine, ↑beeper, ↑pager, ↑defibrillator, ↑display, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • personal electronic device — personal elec.tronic de vice n a piece of electronic equipment, such as a ↑laptop computer or a ↑mobile phone, that is small and easy to carry …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Electronic voice phenomenon — Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are sections of static noise on the radio or electronic recording that some listeners believe sound like voices speaking words; paranormal investigators sometimes interpret these noises as the voices of ghosts or… …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic flight bag — (EFB) is an electronic information management device that helps flight crews perform flight management tasks more easily and efficiently with less paper. It is a general purpose computing platform intended to reduce, or replace, paper based… …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic pest control — is the name given to the use of any of the several types of electrically powered devices designed to repel or eliminate pests, usually rodents or insects.Numerous electronic pest control devices are readily available throughout the world.… …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic feedback loops — are used to control the output of electronic devices, such as amplifiers. A feedback loop is created when all or some portion of the output from an electronic device is fed back to the input. A device is said to be operating open loop if no… …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic circuit simulation — uses mathematical models to replicate the behavior of an actual electronic device or circuit. Simulation software allows for modeling of circuit operation and is an invaluable analysis tool. Due to its highly accurate modeling capability, many… …   Wikipedia

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