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с литовского на английский


  • 1 farm

    1. noun
    1) (an area of land, including buildings, used for growing crops, breeding and keeping cows, sheep, pigs etc: Much of England is good agricultural land and there are many farms.) ūkis, ferma
    2) (the farmer's house and the buildings near it in such a place: We visited the farm; ( also adjective) a farm kitchen.) sodyba
    2. verb
    (to cultivate (the land) in order to grow crops, breed and keep animals etc: He farms (5,000 acres) in the south.) dirbti žemę, ūkininkauti
    - farming
    - farmhouse
    - farmyard

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > farm

  • 2 mortgage

    ['mo:ɡi‹] 1. noun
    (a legal agreement by which a sum of money is lent for the purpose of buying buildings, land etc.) hipoteka, nekilnojamojo turto įkeitimas
    2. verb
    (to offer (buildings etc) as security for a loan.) už paskolą įkeisti nekilnojamąjį turtą

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > mortgage

  • 3 airfield

    noun (an area of ground (with buildings etc) where (usually military) aircraft are kept and from which they fly.) aerodromas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > airfield

  • 4 airport

    noun (a place where passenger aircraft arrive and depart, with buildings for customs, waiting-rooms etc.) oro uostas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > airport

  • 5 archaeology

    (the study of objects belonging to ancient times (eg buildings, tools etc found in the earth).) archeologija
    - archaeological

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > archaeology

  • 6 architect

    (a person who designs buildings etc.) architektas
    - architectural

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > architect

  • 7 architecture

    [- ə]
    noun (the art of designing buildings: He's studying architecture; modern architecture.) architektūra

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > architecture

  • 8 barracks

    (a building or buildings for housing soldiers: confined to barracks (= not allowed to leave the barracks).) kareivinės

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > barracks

  • 9 block

    [blok] 1. noun
    1) (a flat-sided mass of wood or stone etc: blocks of stone.) pjautas rąstas, luitas
    2) (a piece of wood used for certain purposes: a chopping-block.) trinka, rąstas
    3) (a connected group of houses, offices etc: a block of flats; an office block.) namų masyvas
    4) (a barrier: a road block.) užtvara
    5) ((especially American) a group of buildings bounded by four streets: a walk round the block.) kvartalas
    2. verb
    (to make (progress) difficult or impossible: The crashed cars blocked the road.) užblokuoti, užtverti
    3. verb
    The ships blockaded the town.) blokuoti
    - blocked
    - block capital/letter
    - blockhead

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > block

  • 10 camp

    [kæmp] 1. noun
    1) (a piece of ground with tents pitched on it.) stovyklavietė
    2) (a collection of buildings, huts or tents in which people stay temporarily for a certain purpose: a holiday camp.) stovykla
    3) (a military station, barracks etc.) stovykla
    4) (a party or side: They belong to different political camps.) grupuotė
    2. verb
    ((also go camping) to set up, and live in, a tent / tents: We camped on the beach; We go camping every year.) įsikurti stovykloje, stovyklauti
    - camping
    - camp bed
    - camp-fire
    - campsite

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > camp

  • 11 college

    ((any or all of the buildings housing) a higher-education institution: He studies at agricultural college.) koledžas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > college

  • 12 common

    ['komən] 1. adjective
    1) (seen or happening often; quite normal or usual: a common occurrence; These birds are not so common nowadays.) įprastas, plačiai paplitęs, dažnai pasitaikantis
    2) (belonging equally to, or shared by, more than one: This knowledge is common to all of us; We share a common language.) bendras
    3) (publicly owned: common property.) visuomeninis
    4) (coarse or impolite: She uses some very common expressions.) storžieviškas, stačiokiškas, nemandagus
    5) (of ordinary, not high, social rank: the common people.) eilinis, paprastas
    6) (of a noun, not beginning with a capital letter (except at the beginning of a sentence): The house is empty.) bendrinis
    2. noun
    ((a piece of) public land for everyone to use, with few or no buildings: the village common.) bendruomenės žemė/pieva
    - common knowledge
    - common law
    - common-law
    - commonplace
    - common-room
    - common sense
    - the Common Market
    - the House of Commons
    - the Commons
    - in common

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > common

  • 13 country

    plural - countries; noun
    1) (any of the nations of the world; the land occupied by a nation: Canada is a larger country than Spain.) šalis, kraštas
    2) (the people of a country: The whole country is in agreement with your views.) šalies gyventojai
    3) ((usually with the) districts where there are fields, moors etc as opposed to towns and areas with many buildings: a quiet holiday in the country; ( also adjective) country districts.) kaimo vietovė, kaimas, užmiestis
    4) (an area or stretch of land: hilly country.) vietovė
    - countryman
    - countryside

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > country

  • 14 damage

    ['dæmi‹] 1. noun
    1) (injury or hurt, especially to a thing: The storm did/caused a lot of damage; She suffered brain-damage as a result of the accident.) žala, sugadinimas, sužalojimas
    2) ((in plural) payment for loss or injury suffered: The court awarded him $5,000 damages.) atlyginimas už nuostolius
    2. verb
    (to make less effective or less usable etc; to spoil: The bomb damaged several buildings; The book was damaged in the post.) (su)gadinti, apgadinti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > damage

  • 15 demolish

    (to pull or tear down: They're demolishing the old buildings in the centre of town.) (nu)griauti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > demolish

  • 16 farmyard

    noun (the open area surrounded by the farm buildings: There were several hens loose in the farmyard; ( also adjective) farmyard animals.) sodybos kiemas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > farmyard

  • 17 fire-station

    noun (the building or buildings where fire-engines and other pieces of equipment used by firemen are kept.) gaisrinė

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > fire-station

  • 18 floodlight

    noun (a kind of very strong light often used to light up the outside of buildings etc: There were floodlights in the sports stadium.) prožektorius

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > floodlight

  • 19 granite

    noun, adjective
    ((of) a type of hard usually grey or red rock used for building: buildings of granite: granite hills.) granitas; granitinis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > granite

  • 20 grimy

    adjective grimy buildings.) purvinas, suodinas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > grimy

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Buildings de new york — Article principal : Les cinquante plus hauts immeubles de New York Gratte ciels de plus de 300 mètres : Empire State Building Bank of America Tower Chrysler Building New York Times Building Gratte ciels de plus de 230 mètres :… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Buildings, Ecclesiastical — • This term comprehends all constructions erected for the celebration of liturgical acts, whatever be the name given to them, church, chapel, oratory, and basilica Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Buildings of Jesus College, Oxford — Coordinates: 51°45′12.32″N 1°15′25.09″W / 51.7534222°N 1.2569694°W / 51.7534222; 1.2569694 …   Wikipedia

  • Buildings and architecture of Bristol — Bristol, the largest city in South West England, has an eclectic combination of architectural styles, ranging from the medieval to 20th century brutalism and beyond. During the mid 19th century, Bristol Byzantine, an architectural style unique to …   Wikipedia

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