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  • 1 opposite

    n. спротивност, противречност
    adj. спротивен, противречен;
    2. кој се наоѓа од спротивна страна; adv. спротивно; од карши; prep. карши; спротивен; наопаку

    English-Macedonian dictionary > opposite

  • 2 opposite number

    n. колега (по функција/струка)

    English-Macedonian dictionary > opposite number

  • 3 opposite; contrary

    спротивност; противречност

    English-Macedonian dictionary > opposite; contrary

  • 4 contradiction

    n. противречност;
    2. негирање, спротиставување;
    3. спротивност; противречност; спротивставување contradiction; opposite; contrary противречност; спротивност

    English-Macedonian dictionary > contradiction

  • 5 sheer away/off

    phr.v. (нагло) свртува, скршнува, (с)менува правец (бродот/возилото/човекот): When he saw her, he sheered off in the opposite direction Кога ја здогледа, тој скршна во спротивна насока

    English-Macedonian dictionary > sheer away/off

См. также в других словарях:

  • opposite — [ ɔpozit ] n. m. • 1325; adj. XIIIe; lat. oppositus « opposé » → opposé ♦ Vx Lieu, côté opposé; manière opposée. ♢ Mod. Loc. adv. À L OPPOSITE; loc. prép. À L OPPOSITE DE. Leurs maisons sont situées à l opposite l une de l autre, en face. ⇒ vis à …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Opposite of Adults — Single by Chiddy Bang from the album The Swelly Express and The Preview Released …   Wikipedia

  • opposite — Ⅰ. opposite UK US /ˈɒpəzɪt/ adjective ► completely different: opposite to sth »This year s conference is completely opposite to last year s, which was very poorly attended. »The new rates of pay were intended to increase staff morale, but they… …   Financial and business terms

  • opposite# — opposite n contradictory, contrary, antithesis, antipode, antonym (see under OPPOSITE adj) opposite adj Opposite, contradictory, contrary, antithetical, antipodal, antipodean, antonymous are comparable chiefly as applied to abstractions and as… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Opposite Sex (TV series) — Opposite Sex Intertitle Genre Comedy drama Created by Marc Silverstein Abby Kohn Starring …   Wikipedia

  • Opposite Way — Studio album by Leeland Released February 26, 2008 …   Wikipedia

  • opposite — op po*site ([o^]p p[ o]*z[i^]t or [o^]p p[ o]*s[i^]t), a. [F., fr. L. oppositus, p. p. of opponere. See {Opponent}.] 1. Placed over against; standing or situated over against or in front; facing; often with to; as, a house opposite to the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Opposite Way — Álbum de estudio de Leeland Publicación 26 de febrero de 2008[1] Grabación Abril de 2007 Género(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • opposite — Opposite. adj. de tout genre Qui est dans une situation opposée La rive opposite. le rivage opposite. Il s employe quelquefois au substantif, & alors il signifie Contraire. De ces deux hommes l un est doux, honneste & civil, l autre est brusque,… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • opposite — [äp′ə zit, äp′əsit] adj. [OFr < L oppositus, pp. of opponere: see OPPONENT] 1. set against, facing, or back to back; at the other end or side; in a contrary position or direction: often with to 2. characterized by hostility or resistance 3.… …   English World dictionary

  • Opposite sex — may refer to: A phrase used in the discussion of gender The Opposite Sex, a 1956 musical film The Opposite of Sex, a 1998 film The Opposite of Sex (musical), a 2004 musical based on the screenplay to the 1998 film Opposite Sex (TV series), a 2000 …   Wikipedia

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