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  • 1 determined

    1) (having one's mind made up: She is determined to succeed.) rozhodlaný
    2) (stubborn: He's very determined.) rozhodný, zarytý
    3) (fixed or settled: Our route has already been determined.) určený

    English-Slovak dictionary > determined

  • 2 bent on

    (determined on: bent on winning.) rozhodnutý

    English-Slovak dictionary > bent on

  • 3 hellbent on

    (determined on: I've told him it will be dangerous, but he's hellbent on going.) pevne rozhodnutý, odhodlaný

    English-Slovak dictionary > hellbent on

  • 4 determine

    1) (to fix or settle; to decide: He determined his course of action.) určiť
    2) (to find out exactly: He tried to determine what had gone wrong.) zistiť
    - determined
    * * *
    • urcovat
    • urcit

    English-Slovak dictionary > determine

  • 5 adamant

    (determined or insistent: an adamant refusal.) pevný, neoblomný
    * * *
    • velmi tvrdý
    • sklovinový
    • tvrdý ako kamen
    • adamant
    • diamant
    • pevný
    • neústupný
    • neoblomný
    • ocelový

    English-Slovak dictionary > adamant

  • 6 dogged

    adjective (keeping on at what one is doing in a determined and persistent manner: his dogged perseverance.) urputný
    * * *
    • zatatý
    • tvrdošijný

    English-Slovak dictionary > dogged

  • 7 kill

    [kil] 1. verb
    (to cause the death of: He killed the rats with poison; The outbreak of typhoid killed many people; The flat tyre killed our hopes of getting home before midnight.) zabiť
    2. noun
    (an act of killing: The hunter was determined to make a kill before returning to the camp.) zabitie
    - kill off
    - kill time
    * * *
    • vetovat
    • zabitie
    • zabit
    • znemožnit
    • znicit
    • ubit
    • tlmit
    • ukoncit
    • korist
    • odpravit
    • odstrelené zviera

    English-Slovak dictionary > kill

  • 8 mean

    [mi:n] I adjective
    1) (not generous (with money etc): He's very mean (with his money / over pay).) lakomý
    2) (likely or intending to cause harm or annoyance: It is mean to tell lies.) hanebný
    3) ((especially American) bad-tempered, vicious or cruel: a mean mood.) rozladený; zlý
    4) ((of a house etc) of poor quality; humble: a mean dwelling.) mizerný, úbohý
    - meanness
    - meanie
    II 1. adjective
    1) ((of a statistic) having the middle position between two points, quantities etc: the mean value on a graph.) stredný
    2) (average: the mean annual rainfall.) priemerný
    2. noun
    (something that is midway between two opposite ends or extremes: Three is the mean of the series one to five.) stred
    III 1. past tense, past participle - meant; verb
    1) (to (intend to) express, show or indicate: `Vacation' means `holiday'; What do you mean by (saying/doing) that?) mieniť; znamenať
    2) (to intend: I meant to go to the exhibition but forgot; For whom was that letter meant?; He means (= is determined) to be a rich man some day.) zamýšľať
    2. adjective
    ((of a look, glance etc) showing a certain feeling or giving a certain message: The teacher gave the boy a meaning look when he arrived late.) významný
    - meaningless
    - be meant to
    - mean well
    * * *
    • želat si
    • zamýšlat
    • znacit
    • znamenat
    • slabý
    • sebecký
    • stredná cesta
    • stredný
    • urcovat
    • úbohý
    • urcit
    • priemerný
    • priemer
    • hodlat
    • biedny
    • byt dôležitý
    • byt významný
    • chciet
    • chatrný
    • prostredný
    • podlý
    • podradný
    • lakomý
    • mat význam
    • mat v úmysle
    • mysliet
    • mienit
    • nízky

    English-Slovak dictionary > mean

  • 9 set

    [set] 1. present participle - setting; verb
    1) (to put or place: She set the tray down on the table.) položiť
    2) (to put plates, knives, forks etc on (a table) for a meal: Please would you set the table for me?) prestrieť
    3) (to settle or arrange (a date, limit, price etc): It's difficult to set a price on a book when you don't know its value.) určiť
    4) (to give a person (a task etc) to do: The witch set the prince three tasks; The teacher set a test for her pupils; He should set the others a good example.) dať
    5) (to cause to start doing something: His behaviour set people talking.) prinútiť
    6) ((of the sun etc) to disappear below the horizon: It gets cooler when the sun sets.) zapadať
    7) (to become firm or solid: Has the concrete set?) stuhnúť
    8) (to adjust (eg a clock or its alarm) so that it is ready to perform its function: He set the alarm for 7.00 a.m.) nastaviť
    9) (to arrange (hair) in waves or curls.) upraviť
    10) (to fix in the surface of something, eg jewels in a ring.) zasadiť
    11) (to put (broken bones) into the correct position for healing: They set his broken arm.) napraviť
    2. adjective
    1) (fixed or arranged previously: There is a set procedure for doing this.) stanovený
    2) ((often with on) ready, intending or determined (to do something): He is set on going.) rozhodnutý
    3) (deliberate: He had the set intention of hurting her.) premyslený
    4) (stiff; fixed: He had a set smile on his face.) ustrnutý
    5) (not changing or developing: set ideas.) vyhranený
    6) ((with with) having something set in it: a gold ring set with diamonds.) vykladaný
    3. noun
    1) (a group of things used or belonging together: a set of carving tools; a complete set of (the novels of) Jane Austen.) sada, súbor
    2) (an apparatus for receiving radio or television signals: a television/radio set.) prijímač
    3) (a group of people: the musical set.) skupina
    4) (the process of setting hair: a shampoo and set.) úprava (vlasov)
    5) (scenery for a play or film: There was a very impressive set in the final act.) scéna
    6) (a group of six or more games in tennis: She won the first set and lost the next two.) set
    - setback
    - set phrase
    - set-square
    - setting-lotion
    - set-to
    - set-up
    - all set
    - set about
    - set someone against someone
    - set against someone
    - set someone against
    - set against
    - set aside
    - set back
    - set down
    - set in
    - set off
    - set something or someone on someone
    - set on someone
    - set something or someone on
    - set on
    - set out
    - set to
    - set up
    - set up camp
    - set up house
    - set up shop
    - set upon
    * * *
    • vsadit
    • vyregulovat
    • vyhasnút
    • zasychat
    • zatlct
    • zasadit
    • zapadnút (o slnci)
    • zošlachtit
    • situovat
    • skupina
    • sada
    • sformovat
    • súbor
    • súprava
    • stuhnút
    • stavat
    • umiestnit
    • usadit sa
    • primontovat
    • pritlacit
    • prístroj
    • pripravit sa
    • garnitúra
    • klesnút na obzor
    • aparát
    • dat niekde
    • dat
    • rozmiestnit
    • postavit
    • položit
    • množina
    • nastavit (hodiny)
    • nastavenie
    • nastavit
    • narovnat

    English-Slovak dictionary > set

  • 10 be out to

    (to be determined to: He is out to win the race.) byť rozhodnutý

    English-Slovak dictionary > be out to

  • 11 hustler

    1) (someone who tries to obtain money dishonestly; a swindler.) podvodník
    2) (a prostitute.) šľapka
    3) ((informal) someone (especially in business) who is determined to succeed.) podnikavec

    English-Slovak dictionary > hustler

  • 12 resolved

    adjective (determined: I am resolved to go and nothing will stop me.) rozhodnutý

    English-Slovak dictionary > resolved

  • 13 self-willed

    (determined to do, or have, what one wants: a self-willed little brat.) tvrdohlavý

    English-Slovak dictionary > self-willed

  • 14 sworn

    1) ((of friends, enemies etc) (determined, as if) having taken an oath always to remain so: They are sworn enemies.) zaprisahaný
    2) ((of evidence, statements etc) given by a person who has sworn to tell the truth: The prisoner made a sworn statement.) prísažný

    English-Slovak dictionary > sworn

См. также в других словарях:

  • Determined (song) — Determined Single by Mudvayne from the album Lost and Found Released 2005 Format …   Wikipedia

  • Determined — De*ter mined, a. Decided; resolute. Adetermined foe. Sparks. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • determined — I (certain) adjective ascertained, attested, authenticated, certified, conditioned, confined, confirmed, definite, established, finite, firm, fixed, indomitable, industrious, inexorable, inflexible, intentional, peremptory, positive, prescriptive …   Law dictionary

  • determined by — index conditional Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • determined by chance — index haphazard Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • determined by no principle — index arbitrary Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • determined punishment — index sentence Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • determined — (adj.) 1560s, decided, pp. adjective from DETERMINE (Cf. determine). Meaning limited is from c.1600; that of characterized by resolution is from c.1600, of actions; 1772, of persons …   Etymology dictionary

  • determined — [adj] driven, persistent bent, bent on, buckled down*, constant, decided, decisive, dogged, earnest, firm, fixed, hard asnails*, hardboiled*, intent, mean business*, obstinate, on ice*, pat, persevering, purposeful, resolute, resolved, serious,… …   New thesaurus

  • determined — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having firmness of purpose; resolute. DERIVATIVES determinedly adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • determined — [dē tʉr′mənd, di tʉr′mənd] adj. 1. having one s mind made up; decided; resolved 2. resolute; unwavering determinedly adv. determinedness n …   English World dictionary

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