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  • 1 bana

    [from *bat + -na (distribuitive suffix)] zenb. [ banatz. ]
    1. one each; \bana eman digu, bai txikiei bai handiei they gave us one each, children and adults alike; zaldi \banatan etorri zen they each come on a horse ; tximino banana handi \bana eman diet I gave the monkeys one banana each
    2. (zenbatzailea + \bana + izen) ehun \bana sagar eman ziguten they gave us a hundred apples each ; mila \bana dolar jarri behar dugu we have to put up a thousand dollars each
    3. Kir. one all
    a. (bitxia) odd, strange
    b. (bakana, urria) few, scant
    5. (ile) thin
    6. dana eta \bana in general and in particular

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bana

  • 2 banatu

    1. (hautsia, desegina)
    a. (oro.) to split, divide
    b. (bereizi) to separate, divide
    c. (inperioa, e.a.) to break up, partition, split up
    d. (herrialde, herri, lurraldea) to partition
    e. (alderdi politikoa) to split
    f. (soro, lursaila) to parcel out, divide, split up
    a. (banakotan zatitua) to divide; hogei bostetan \banatu to divide twenty into five; bi zatitan \banatua divided into two parts
    b. (arrazak) to segregate, separate
    c. (irud.) to divide ; \banatu eta irabaziko duk divide and conquer
    3. (zabaldua, hedatua)
    a. to spread, propagate, disseminate; beren erlijoa \banatu zuten munduan zehar they {spread || propagated} their religion across the world
    b. (zurrumurrua, e.a.) to spread around; orotan \banatu du erotu naizela she's spread it around that I've gone mad
    c. (usaina, e.a.) to give off, emanate ; usain gaiztoa banatzen duzu you're giving off an offensive odour
    4. (barreiatu) to distribute ; enpresaren bulegoak herrian zehar \banatuta daude the company's offices are {distributed || dotted} across the country
    a. to distribute, dole out, dispense; janaria iheslarien artean \banatu zuten they distributed the food among the refugees
    b. (eskuz) to hand out, give out
    c. Fin. to distribute; filmeak banatzeko eskubideak film distribution rights
    d. (lana) to allot, assign
    a. (oro.) to share; daukaguna besterekin \banatu behar genuke we should share what we have with others
    b. (askoren artean) to share out, divide up
    c. (zigor, e.a.) to mete out
    d. (sari bat) to share, split ; biek lehenengo saria \banatu zuten both shared first prize
    a. (gogorki jo) to clobber, bash, hit ; zakur horrek makilaka \banatu arren ugazabak, ez du haginik erakutsiko that dog, even if clubbed by its master, won't show its teeth
    b. to maim ; bide barik gerran inor ez zauritu eta ez banatzeko in order not to injure, not to maim anyone unfairly in war
    8. (makaldu) to deteriorate, degenerate; hanka bat zeukan hain banatua eta makala, urrats batzuk emateko ere asko neketzen zen his leg was so enfeebled and decrepid that he could barely take a few steps
    9. (dirutxartel, txanpon handi) to break ; ez dut ehuneko hau \banatu nahi I don't want to break this hundred note
    10. (zenbatu) to count ; ezin \banatu ahala uncountable
    11. (xahutu, eralki) to spend, disburse
    12. (landare) to thin out da/ad.
    a. (= banandu) to separate, split up
    b. (barreiatu) to disperse, scatter, disseminate
    2. (bikotea) to separate, break up, split up; 1.979an \banatu ziren they separated in 1979; bere emaztearengatik \banatua separated from his wife
    a. (hedatu, zabaldu) to spread, extend; zure ospea \banatuko da your reputation will spread ; mundu bazter zabalera \banatu zen it spread to vast stretches of the world
    b. (sakabanatu) to disperse, break up; jendetza \banatu zen the crowd {dispersed || broke up} ; \banatu ziren beren etxeetara they dispersed to their houses
    4. (bide) to fork, diverge, branch

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > banatu

  • 3 zazpina

    zenb. ( bana.) seven for each one; \zazpina sagar eman diet I gave them each seven apples

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zazpina

См. также в других словарях:

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