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  • 1 prison

    (a building in which criminals are kept; a jail: He was sent to prison; He is in prison.) kalėjimas
    - prisoner of war
    - take
    - keep
    - hold prisoner

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > prison

  • 2 escape

    [i'skeip] 1. verb
    1) (to gain freedom: He escaped from prison.) pabėgti
    2) (to manage to avoid (punishment, disease etc): She escaped the infection.) išvengti
    3) (to avoid being noticed or remembered by; to avoid (the observation of): The fact escaped me / my notice; His name escapes me / my memory.) praslysti, išslysti
    4) ((of a gas, liquid etc) to leak; to find a way out: Gas was escaping from a hole in the pipe.) veržtis, nutekėti
    2. noun
    ((act of) escaping; state of having escaped: Make your escape while the guard is away; There have been several escapes from that prison; Escape was impossible; The explosion was caused by an escape of gas.) pabėgimas, nutekėjimas
    - escapist

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > escape

  • 3 jail

    [‹eil] 1. noun
    ((a) prison: You ought to be sent to jail for doing that.) kalėjimas
    2. verb
    (to put in prison: He was jailed for two years.) pasodinti į kalėjimą
    - jailor
    - gaoler
    - jailbird
    - gaolbird

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > jail

  • 4 pardon

    1. verb
    1) (to forgive: Pardon my asking, but can you help me?) atleisti, dovanoti
    2) (to free (from prison, punishment etc): The king pardoned the prisoners.) paleisti, atleisti, dovanoti bausmę
    2. noun
    1) (forgiveness: He prayed for pardon for his wickedness.) atleidimas
    2) (a (document) freeing from prison or punishment: He was granted a pardon.) bausmės dovanojimas
    3. interjection
    (used to indicate that one has not heard properly what was said: Pardon? Could you repeat that last sentence?) atsiprašau! dovanokite!
    - I beg your pardon
    - pardon me

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pardon

  • 5 a clean slate

    (a fresh start: After being in prison he started his new job with a clean slate.) švari sąžinė

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > a clean slate

  • 6 acquittal

    noun He was released from prison following his acquittal.) išteisinimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > acquittal

  • 7 agitate

    1) (to make (someone) excited and anxious: The news agitated her.) (su)jaudinti, (su)kelti nerimą
    2) (to try to arouse public feeling and action: That group is agitating for prison reform.) agituoti
    3) (to shake: The tree was agitated by the wind.) purtyti
    - agitation
    - agitator

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > agitate

  • 8 amok

    run amok / amuck to rush about madly, attacking everybody and everything: The prisoner ran amok and killed two prison officers.)

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > amok

  • 9 bail

    I 1. [beil] noun
    (a sum of money which is given to a court of law to get an untried prisoner out of prison until the time of his trial, and which acts as security for his return: bail of $500.) užstatas
    2. See also: II [beil] noun
    (one of the cross-pieces laid on the top of the wicket in cricket.) skersinis
    III see bale II

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > bail

  • 10 Black Maria

    (a prison van: The policeman took the three suspects to the police station in a Black Maria.) (mašina kaliniams vežti)

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > Black Maria

  • 11 break out

    1) (to appear or happen suddenly: War has broken out.) prasidėti
    2) (to escape (from prison, restrictions etc): A prisoner has broken out (noun breakout).) pabėgti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > break out

  • 12 bribe

    1. noun
    (a gift offered to persuade a person to do something, usually dishonest: Policemen are not allowed to accept bribes.) kyšis
    2. verb
    (to give (someone) a bribe: He bribed the guards to let him out of prison.) duoti kyšį, papirkti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > bribe

  • 13 cell

    1) (a small room (especially in a prison or monastery).) celė, vienutė
    2) (a very small piece of the substance of which all living things are made; the smallest unit of living matter: The human body is made up of cells.) ląstelė
    3) ((the part containing the electrodes in) an electrical battery.) elementas
    4) (one of many small compartments making up a structure: the cells of a honeycomb.) akutė
    - cellphone

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > cell

  • 14 clap

    [klæp] 1. past tense, past participle - clapped; verb
    1) (to strike the palms of the hands together eg to show approval, to mark a rhythm, or to gain attention etc: When the singer appeared, the audience started to clap loudly; They clapped the speech enthusiastically; Clap your hands in time to the music.) ploti
    2) (to strike (someone) with the palm of the hand, often in a friendly way: He clapped him on the back and congratulated him.) paplekšnoti
    3) (to put suddenly (into prison, chains etc): They clapped him in jail.) įkišti
    2. noun
    1) (a sudden noise (of thunder).) trenksmas, griausmas
    2) (an act of clapping: They gave the performer a clap; He gave me a clap on the back.) plojimas, plekšnojimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > clap

  • 15 commit

    past tense, past participle - committed; verb
    1) (to perform; to do (especially something illegal): He committed the murder when he was drunk.) įvykdyti, padaryti
    2) (to hand over (a person) to an institution etc for treatment, safekeeping etc: committed to prison.) perduoti, patikėti
    3) (to put (oneself) under a particular obligation: She has committed herself to looking after her dead brother's children till the age of 18.) į(si)pareigoti
    - committal
    - committed

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > commit

  • 16 convict

    1. [kən'vikt] verb
    (to prove or declare (someone) guilty: She was convicted of theft.) pripažinti kaltu, nuteisti
    2. ['konvikt] noun
    (a person serving a sentence for a crime: Two of the convicts have escaped from prison.) nuteistasis, kalinys

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > convict

  • 17 custody

    1) (care or keeping: The mother was awarded custody of the children by the court.) globa
    2) (the care of police or prison authorities: The accused man is in custody.) areštas, kardomasis kalinimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > custody

  • 18 dungeon

    (a dark underground prison.) kalėjimo rūsys

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > dungeon

  • 19 end up

    1) (to reach or come to an end, usually unpleasant: I knew that he would end up in prison.) (už)baigti
    2) (to do something in the end: He refused to believe her but he ended up apologizing.) galų gale ką nors padaryti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > end up

  • 20 forgery

    plural - forgeries; noun
    1) ((the crime of) copying pictures, documents, signatures etc and pretending they are genuine: He was sent to prison for forgery.) klastojimas
    2) (a picture, document etc copied for this reason: The painting was a forgery.) klastotė

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > forgery

См. также в других словарях:

  • Prison Break — Titre original Prison Break Autres titres francophones La Grande Évasion (Québec) Genre Action Thriller Drame …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Prison break — Titre original Prison Break Autres titres francophones La grande évasion (   …   Wikipédia en Français

  • prison — [ prizɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIe; prisun, prisum « prise, capture » 1080; lat. pop. °prensio, onis, class. prehensio, onis, de prehendere I ♦ Lieu de détention. 1 ♦ Établissement clos aménagé pour recevoir des délinquants condamnés à une peine privative… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Prison — de la Santé 14e arrondissement, Paris Une prison, centre de détention ou pénitencier[note 1] est un lieu d emprisonnement ; par extension, le terme pri …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Prison rape (United States) — Prison rape commonly refers to the rape of inmates in prison by other inmates or prison staff. According to Human Rights Watch, at least 140,000 inmates are raped each year, [cite web url = http://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/prison/report.html title …   Wikipedia

  • Prison gang — is a term used to denote any type of gang activity in prisons and correctional facilities. Prison officials and others in law enforcement use the term Security Threat Group, or STG.The concept for the Security Threat Group name is to take away… …   Wikipedia

  • Prison literature in the United States — Prison writing is literature written by people who are incarcerated. It is a distinct literary phenomenon which is increasingly studied as such by academics. [ [http://cfp.english.upenn.edu/archive/2003 07/0107.html Call for Papers: American… …   Wikipedia

  • Prison de la Force — Prison de la Force, rue Saint Antoine. La Prison de la Force est un hôtel particulier qui fut transformé en maison de détention et servit de prison pour la ville de Paris entre 1780 et 1845. Sommaire 1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Prison de la force — Prison de la Force, rue Saint Antoine. La Prison de la Force est un hôtel particulier qui fut transformé en maison de détention et servit de prison pour la ville de Paris entre 1780 et 1845. Sommaire 1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Prison Break — Género Suspense Acción Drama Aventura Creado por Paul Scheuring Reparto …   Wikipedia Español

  • Prison rape in the United States — Prison rape commonly refers to the rape of inmates in prison by other inmates or prison staff. In 2001, Human Rights Watch estimated that at least 140,000 inmates had been raped while incarcerated. [1] and there is a significant variation in the… …   Wikipedia

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