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  • Anarch — may refer to:*Anarch (sovereign individual)Or in fantasy worlds:*a sect of vampires in Vampire: The Masquerade : see Masquerade society#Anarchs *Anarchs (VTES) (the trading card game Vampire: The Eternal Struggle )You may also be thinking of:*… …   Wikipedia

  • Anarch — An arch, n. [Gr. ? without head or chief; an priv. + ? beginning, the first place, magistracy, government.] The author of anarchy; one who excites revolt. Milton. [1913 Webster] Imperial anarchs doubling human woes. Byron. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anarch — anarch* <aus gr. ánarchos »führerlos«> svw. ↑anarchisch; vgl. ↑...isch/ …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • anarch — (n.) leader of leaderlessness, 1660s, a deliciously paradoxical word used by Milton, Pope, Byron; see ANARCHY (Cf. anarchy) …   Etymology dictionary

  • anarch — [an′ärk΄] n. [< Gr anarchos, without a leader < an , without + archos, leader: see ARCH] Now Rare an anarchist …   English World dictionary

  • Anarch — Die Bezeichnung Anarch ist bereits in der älteren Literatur zum Anarchismus nachweisbar, so bei dem anarchistischen Autor Gustav Landauer, blieb damals aber marginal. Größere Bekanntheit erhielt sie erst durch Ernst Jünger, der in seinem im Alter …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • anarch- — combining form or anarcho Etymology: Medieval Latin anarch , from Greek, from anarchos 1. : without government anarchical 2. a. : anarchism …   Useful english dictionary

  • Anarch (sovereign individual) — An Anarch is a Conservative Revolutionary ideal of a sovereign individual, conceived by Ernst Jünger. [cite journal last = Macklin first = Graham D. year = 2005 month = September title = Co opting the counter culture: Troy Southgate and the… …   Wikipedia

  • anarch — noun Etymology: back formation from anarchy Date: 1667 a leader or advocate of revolt or anarchy …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • anarch — /an ahrk/, n. Archaic. anarchist. [1880 85; back formation from ANARCHY] * * * …   Universalium

  • anarch — noun The author of anarchy; one who excites revolt …   Wiktionary

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