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  • 1 advice

    (suggestions to a person about what he should do: You must seek legal advice if you want a divorce; Let me give you a piece of advice.) rada
    - advisable
    - advisability
    - adviser
    - advisor
    - advisory
    * * *
    • poradit
    • rada

    English-Czech dictionary > advice

  • 2 advice of credit

    • dobropis

    English-Czech dictionary > advice of credit

  • 3 credit advice

    • dobropis

    English-Czech dictionary > credit advice

  • 4 act on

    1) (to do something following the advice etc of someone: I am acting on the advice of my lawyer.) jednat podle
    2) (to have an effect on: Certain acids act on metal.) působit na
    * * *
    • zachovat se
    • chovat se

    English-Czech dictionary > act on

  • 5 consult

    1) (to seek advice or information from: Consult your doctor; He consulted his watch; He consulted with me about what we should do next.) (po)radit se; podívat se
    2) ((of a doctor etc) to give professional advice: He consults on Mondays and Fridays.) mít konzultace
    - consultation
    * * *
    • radit se
    • projednat
    • konzultovat

    English-Czech dictionary > consult

  • 6 advise

    1) (to give advice to; to recommend: My lawyer advises me to buy the house.) radit
    2) ((with of) to inform: This letter is to advise you of our interest in your proposal.) informovat
    * * *
    • poradit
    • radit
    • avizovat
    • doporučit

    English-Czech dictionary > advise

  • 7 advisory

    adjective (giving advice: an advisory leaflet; He acted in an advisory capacity.) poradní
    * * *
    • poradní

    English-Czech dictionary > advisory

  • 8 benefit

    ['benəfit] 1. noun
    (something good to receive, an advantage: the benefit of experience; the benefits of fresh air and exercise.) výhoda, užitek; dobrodiní
    2. verb
    1) ((usually with from or by) to gain advantage: He benefited from the advice.) mít prospěch z, těžit
    2) (to do good to: The long rest benefited her.) prospět
    - give someone the benefit of the doubt
    - give the benefit of the doubt
    * * *
    • užitek
    • výhoda
    • prospěšnost
    • prospět
    • přínos
    • prospěch

    English-Czech dictionary > benefit

  • 9 client

    1) (a person who receives professional advice from a lawyer, accountant etc.) klient
    2) (a customer: That hairdresser is very popular with his clients.) zákazník
    * * *
    • zákazník
    • klient

    English-Czech dictionary > client

  • 10 clinic

    (a place or part of a hospital where a particular kind of medical treatment or advice is given: He is attending the skin clinic.) klinika
    * * *
    • poliklinika
    • klinika

    English-Czech dictionary > clinic

  • 11 consultant

    1) (a person who gives professional advice: He is consultant to a firm of engineers; ( also adjective) a consultant engineer.) poradce, poradenský
    2) (a senior hospital doctor specializing in a particular branch of medicine: His condition is so serious that they have sent for the consultant; ( also adjective) a consultant physician.) primář, specialista
    * * *
    • poradce

    English-Czech dictionary > consultant

  • 12 counsel

    1. noun
    1) (advice: He'll give you good counsel on your problems.) (po)rada
    2) (a barrister or advocate: counsel for the defence.) právní zástupce
    2. verb
    (to advise; to recommend.) radit
    * * *
    • rada

    English-Czech dictionary > counsel

  • 13 counsellor

    noun (a person who gives advice.) poradce
    * * *
    • poradce

    English-Czech dictionary > counsellor

  • 14 dissuade

    (to stop (from doing something) by advice or persuasion: I tried to dissuade him from his foolish intention.) odradit
    * * *
    • odrazovat
    • nedoporučovat

    English-Czech dictionary > dissuade

  • 15 elder

    I 1. ['eldə] adjective
    ((often of members of a family) older; senior: He has three elder sisters; He is the elder of the two.) starší
    2. noun
    1) (a person who is older: Take the advice of your elders.) starší (člověk)
    2) (an office-bearer in Presbyterian churches.) starší (círk.)
    - eldest
    - the elderly
    II ['eldə] noun
    (a kind of shrub or tree with purple-black fruit. (elderberries).) bezinky
    * * *
    • starší
    • černý bez

    English-Czech dictionary > elder

  • 16 expert

    ['ekspə:t] 1. adjective
    ((with at or on) skilled through training or practice: an expert car designer; I'm expert at map-reading; Get expert advice on plumbing.) odborný; zkušený
    2. noun
    (a person who is an expert: an expert in political history / on ancient pottery.) odborník, -ice
    - expertness
    * * *
    • znalec
    • specialista
    • odborník
    • odborný
    • geniální

    English-Czech dictionary > expert

  • 17 follow

    ['foləu] 1. verb
    1) (to go or come after: I will follow (you).) následovat
    2) (to go along (a road, river etc): Follow this road.) držet se, sledovat
    3) (to understand: Do you follow (my argument)?) chápat
    4) (to act according to: I followed his advice.) řídit se
    - following 2. adjective
    1) (coming after: the following day.) následující
    2) (about to be mentioned: You will need the following things.) následující
    3. preposition
    (after; as a result of: Following his illness, his hair turned white.) po, následkem
    4. pronoun
    (things about to be mentioned: You must bring the following - pen, pencil, paper and rubber.) toto
    - follow up
    * * *
    • vyplývat
    • sledovat
    • stopovat
    • následovat
    • chápat

    English-Czech dictionary > follow

  • 18 free

    [fri:] 1. adjective
    1) (allowed to move where one wants; not shut in, tied, fastened etc: The prison door opened, and he was a free man.) volný, svobodný
    2) (not forced or persuaded to act, think, speak etc in a particular way: free speech; You are free to think what you like.) svobodný
    3) ((with with) generous: He is always free with his money/advice.) štědrý
    4) (frank, open and ready to speak: a free manner.) otevřený, ochotný
    5) (costing nothing: a free gift.) zadarmo
    6) (not working or having another appointment; not busy: I shall be free at five o'clock.) volný
    7) (not occupied, not in use: Is this table free?) volný
    8) ((with of or from) without or no longer having (especially something or someone unpleasant etc): She is free from pain now; free of charge.) oproštěný; zbavený
    2. verb
    1) (to make or set (someone) free: He freed all the prisoners.) osvobodit, uvolnit
    2) ((with from or of) to rid or relieve (someone) of something: She was able to free herself from her debts by working at an additional job.) osvobodit se (od)
    - freely
    - free-for-all
    - freehand
    - freehold
    - freelance
    3. verb
    (to work in this way: He is freelancing now.) poštovné hrazené adresátem
    - free skating
    - free speech
    - free trade
    - freeway
    - freewheel
    - free will
    - a free hand
    - set free
    * * *
    • volný
    • zdarma
    • svoboda
    • svobodný
    • osvobodit
    • neomezený
    • bezplatný

    English-Czech dictionary > free

  • 19 gratuitous

    1) ((derogatory) done, said etc without good reason or excuse or when not wanted: gratuitous insults.) bezdůvodný
    2) (done, given etc without payment: gratuitous advice.) bezplatný
    * * *
    • bezplatný

    English-Czech dictionary > gratuitous

  • 20 guidance

    noun (advice towards doing something: a project prepared under the guidance of the professor.) vedení
    * * *
    • vodítko
    • poučení
    • doprovod
    • dozor

    English-Czech dictionary > guidance

См. также в других словарях:

  • advice — ad‧vice [ədˈvaɪs] noun 1. [uncountable] information given to someone, especially by an expert, so that they know what to do and can make the right decision: • She will remain on the board and provide financial advice to the company. • a law firm… …   Financial and business terms

  • Advice — Ad*vice , n. [OE. avis, F. avis; ? + OF. vis, fr. L. visum seemed, seen; really p. p. of videre to see, so that vis meant that which has seemed best. See {Vision}, and cf. {Avise}, {Advise}.] 1. An opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Advice — may refer to:*Advice (opinion), an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action, conduct. *Advice (constitutional), in constitutional law, a frequently binding instruction issued to a constitutional office holder *Advice in aspect… …   Wikipedia

  • advice — ad·vice /əd vīs/ n 1: recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct he shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties U.S. Constitution art. II advice of counsel 2: an official notice co …   Law dictionary

  • advice — 1 Advice, counsel and their corresponding verbs advise, counsel denote recommendation or to make a recommendation as to a decision or a course of conduct. Advice and advise imply real or pretended knowledge or experience, often professional or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • advice — advice, advise 1. Advice is a noun (‘an opinion given about future action’) and advise a verb (‘to give advice to’), in both BrE and AmE: • The hardest thing is knowing where to go to get help, to get the advice and information you need The Face …   Modern English usage

  • advice — [ad vīs′, ədvīs′] n. [ME avis < OFr < ML advisum < advisus, pp. of advidere < L ad , at + videre, to look] 1. opinion given as to what to do or how to handle a situation; counsel 2. [usually pl.] information or report [diplomatic… …   English World dictionary

  • advice — (n.) late 13c., auys opinion, from O.Fr. avis opinion, view, judgment, idea (13c.), from phrase ço m est à vis it seems to me, or from V.L. *mi est visum in my view, ultimately from L. visum, neuter pp. of videre to see (see VISION (Cf. vision)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • advice — [n] recommendation admonition, advisement, advocacy, aid, bum steer*, caution, charge, consultation, counsel, directions, dissuasion, encouragement, exhortation, forewarning, guidance, help, information, injunction, input, instruction, judgment,… …   New thesaurus

  • advice — ► NOUN 1) guidance or recommendations offered with regard to future action. 2) a formal notice of a sale or other transaction. ORIGIN Old French avis, from Latin ad to + videre to see …   English terms dictionary

  • advice */*/*/ — UK [ədˈvaɪs] / US noun [uncountable] Get it right: advice: Advice is an uncountable noun, so: ▪  it is never used in the plural ▪  it never comes after an or a number Wrong: Naomi Wolf gave me a good advice in her book. Right: Naomi Wolf gave me… …   English dictionary

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