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  • 1 act on behalf of / act for

    (to do something for (someone else); to act as the representative of (someone): My lawyer is acting on my behalf; He is also acting on behalf of my mother; She is acting for the headmaster in his absence.) veikti kieno vardu

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > act on behalf of / act for

  • 2 drama

    1) (a play for acting on the stage: He has just produced a new drama.) drama
    2) (plays for the stage in general: modern drama.) dramaturgija
    3) (the art of acting in plays: He studied drama at college.) teatro menas
    4) (exciting events: Life here is full of drama.) dramatiški įvykiai
    - dramatically
    - dramatist
    - dramatize
    - dramatise
    - dramatization

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > drama

  • 3 act

    [ækt] 1. verb
    1) (to do something: It's time the government acted to lower taxes.) veikti
    2) (to behave: He acted foolishly at the meeting.) elgtis
    3) (to perform (a part) in a play: He has acted (the part of Romeo) in many theatres; I thought he was dying, but he was only acting (= pretending).) vaidinti
    2. noun
    1) (something done: Running away is an act of cowardice; He committed many cruel acts.) veiksmas
    2) ((often with capital) a law: Acts of Parliament.) įstatymas
    3) (a section of a play: `Hamlet' has five acts.) veiksmas
    4) (an entertainment: an act called `The Smith Family'.) vaidinimas
    - actor
    - act as
    - act on
    - act on behalf of / act for
    - in the act of
    - in the act
    - put on an act

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > act

  • 4 substitute

    1. verb
    (to put in, or to take, the place of someone or something else: I substituted your name for mine on the list.) pakeisti
    2. noun
    (a person or thing used or acting instead of another: Guesswork is no substitute for investigation; She is not well enough to play in the tennis match, so we must find a substitute; ( also adjective) I was substitute headmaster for a term.) pakaitalas; pavaduojantis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > substitute

  • 5 preparatory

    adjective (acting as an introduction or in order to prepare for something: Political leaders have agreed to meet for preparatory talks about an end to the war.) parengtinis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > preparatory

  • 6 regular

    ['reɡjulə] 1. adjective
    1) (usual: Saturday is his regular day for shopping; That isn't our regular postman, is it?) įprastinis, nuolatinis
    2) ((American) normal: He's too handicapped to attend a regular school.) normalus
    3) (occurring, acting etc with equal amounts of space, time etc between: They placed guards at regular intervals round the camp; Is his pulse regular?) lygus, vienodas
    4) (involving doing the same things at the same time each day etc: a man of regular habits.) pastovus
    5) (frequent: He's a regular visitor; He's one of our regular customers.) nuolatinis, pastovus
    6) (permanent; lasting: He's looking for a regular job.) pastovus
    7) ((of a noun, verb etc) following one of the usual grammatical patterns of the language: `Walk' is a regular verb, but `go' is an irregular verb.) taisyklingas
    8) (the same on both or all sides or parts; neat; symmetrical: a girl with regular features; A square is a regular figure.) taisyklingas
    9) (of ordinary size: I don't want the large size of packet - just give me the regular one.) normalus, paprastas
    10) ((of a soldier) employed full-time, professional; (of an army) composed of regular soldiers.) kadrinis, reguliarusis
    2. noun
    1) (a soldier in the regular army.) kadrinis, profesionalus kariškis
    2) (a regular customer (eg at a bar).) nuolatinis lankytojas
    - regularly
    - regulate
    - regulation
    - regulator

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > regular

  • 7 corporation

    noun (a body of people acting as one individual eg for administration or business purposes: the British Broadcasting Corporation.) korporacija, bendrovė

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > corporation

  • 8 energy

    plural - energies; noun
    1) (the ability to act, or the habit of acting, strongly and vigorously: He has amazing energy for his age; That child has too much energy; I must devote my energies to gardening today.) energija
    2) (the power, eg of electricity, of doing work: electrical energy; nuclear energy.) energija
    - energetically

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > energy

  • 9 genteel

    (acting, talking etc with a very great (often too great) attention to the rules of polite behaviour: She was laughed at for being too genteel.) gerai išauklėtas, gerų manierų
    - genteelness

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > genteel

  • 10 high-handed

    adjective (done, acting, without consultation of, or consideration for, other people: a high-handed decision; A new headmaster should try not to be too high-handed.) valdingas, diktatoriškas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > high-handed

  • 11 interest

    ['intrəst, ]( American[) 'intərist] 1. noun
    1) (curiosity; attention: That newspaper story is bound to arouse interest.) susidomėjimas
    2) (a matter, activity etc that is of special concern to one: Gardening is one of my main interests.) pomėgis
    3) (money paid in return for borrowing a usually large sum of money: The (rate of) interest on this loan is eight per cent; ( also adjective) the interest rate.) palūkanos
    4) ((a share in the ownership of) a business firm etc: He bought an interest in the night-club.) dalis
    5) (a group of connected businesses which act together to their own advantage: I suspect that the scheme will be opposed by the banking interest (= all the banks acting together).) suinteresuotų asmenų/organizacijų ratas
    2. verb
    1) (to arouse the curiosity and attention of; to be of importance or concern to: Political arguments don't interest me at all.) dominti
    2) ((with in) to persuade to do, buy etc: Can I interest you in (buying) this dictionary?) įkalbėti
    - interesting
    - interestingly
    - in one's own interest
    - in one's interest
    - in the interests of
    - in the interest of
    - lose interest
    - take an interest

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > interest

  • 12 pantomime

    1. noun
    1) (a play performed at Christmas time, usually based on a popular fairy tale, with music, dancing, comedy etc.) kalėdinis vaidinimas vaikams
    2) ((also mime) a performance by an actor done without using words: He studied pantomime in acting school.) pantomima, gestų kalba
    2. verb
    (to act out a scene without using words: Since she couldn't speak French, she had to pantomime her request for water.) parodyti gestais

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pantomime

  • 13 stage

    I 1. [stei‹] noun
    (a raised platform especially for performing or acting on, eg in a theatre.) scena
    2. verb
    1) (to prepare and produce (a play etc) in a theatre etc: This play was first staged in 1928.) pastatyti
    2) (to organize (an event etc): The protesters are planning to stage a demonstration.) surengti
    - stage direction
    - stage fright
    - stagehand
    - stage manager
    - stagestruck
    II [stei‹]
    1) (a period or step in the development of something: The plan is in its early stages; At this stage, we don't know how many survivors there are.) stadija
    2) (part of a journey: The first stage of our journey will be the flight to Singapore.) etapas
    3) (a section of a bus route.) tarpustotė
    4) (a section of a rocket.) pakopa

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > stage

  • 14 temporary

    ['tempərəri, ]( American[) 'tempəreri]
    (lasting, acting, used etc for a (short) time only: a temporary job; He made a temporary repair.) laikinas
    - temporariness

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > temporary

  • 15 vice-

    (second in rank and acting as deputy for: the Vice-President; the vice-chairman.) vice-

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > vice-

См. также в других словарях:

  • Acting for Life — is a charity to help the homeless. It was founded in the eighties by late actor Dick York. He was inspired to start the charity having grown up in the depression and remember how it was living in poverty. He never wanted anyone to live like that …   Wikipedia

  • Families Acting for Innocent Relatives — (FAIR) is a group founded in 1998 by unionist victims of the Troubles in South Armagh, who claim to feel marginalised by their perception that too many concessions were granted to Irish Republicans during the peace process, as well as by the… …   Wikipedia

  • acting as attorney for — index representation (acting for others) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • for — for1 [fôr, fʉr] prep. [ME < OE, akin to Ger für & Du ver < IE base * per > L per , pro , prae , Gr pro, Sans pári] 1. in place of; instead of [to use blankets for coats] 2. as the representative of; in the interest of [acting for… …   English World dictionary

  • Acting (law) — In law, when someone is said to be acting in a position it can mean one of three things.*The position has not yet been formally created. *The person is only occupying the position temporarily, to ensure continuity. *The person does not have a… …   Wikipedia

  • For Me and My Gal (film) — Infobox Film name = For Me and My Gal image size = 215px caption = theatrical poster director = Busby Berkeley producer = Arthur Freed writer = Story: Howard Emmett Rogers Screenplay: Richard Sherman Fred F. Finklehoffe Sid Silvers starring =… …   Wikipedia

  • Acting President of the United States — is a reference to a person who is legitimately exercising the Presidential powers even though that person does not hold the office of the President of the United States in his own right. John Tyler, the first to assume the Presidency following… …   Wikipedia

  • Acting Sheriff — is an unsold, half hour television pilot created by Walt Disney Television for television network CBS that aired across the United States on Saturday, August 17, 1991 at 10:30 PM.citenews|first=Connie|last=Yeager|title=TV Schedule is showing… …   Wikipedia

  • Acting out — is a psychological term meaning to perform an action to express (often subconscious) emotional conflicts. The acting done is usually anti social and may take the form of acting on the impulses of an addiction (eg. drinking, drug taking or… …   Wikipedia

  • Acting Mayor — is a temporary office created by the charter of some municipal governments.In many cities and towns, the charter or some similar fundamental document provides that in the event of the death, resignation, or removal from office of the mayor,… …   Wikipedia

  • Acting Vice President of the United States — is an unofficial designation that has occasionally been used when the office of Vice President was vacant. [http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/generic/VP John Tyler.htm U.S. Senate: Art History Home > John Tyler, Tenth Vice… …   Wikipedia

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