1 ♦ academic
♦ academic /ækəˈdɛmɪk/A a.1 relativo agli studi, all'istruzione; scolastico: academic achievement, rendimento scolastico (o negli studi); academic qualifications, titoli di studio superiore; academic standards, livello (sing.) di insegnamento (offerto da una scuola, ecc.); academic freedom, libertà di insegnamento e di ricerca2 universitario; accademico: the academic world, il mondo, l'ambiente universitario; academic year, anno accademico; academic staff, corpo docente universitario3 ( di scuola, programma, ecc.) che dà importanza allo studio; intellettuale: academic work, lo studio, gli studi6 accademico; astratto; teorico: academic interest, interesse accademico (o astratto); an academic question, una questione accademicaB n.docente universitario; ricercatore universitario● academic bookseller, libreria universitaria □ academic dress, toga e tocco accademici. -
2 academic
[ˌækə'demɪk] 1.aggettivo univ.1) [career, teaching] universitario, accademico; [ year] accademico2) (scholarly) [ achievement] negli studi3) [ reputation] di studioso4) (educational) [ book] (for school) scolastico; (for university) universitario5) (theoretical) [debate, question] accademico6) art. [ painter] accademico2.nome accademico m. (-a)* * *[ækə'demik]adjective (of or concerning study especially in schools, colleges etc: an academic career.) accademico* * *[ˌækə'demɪk] 1.aggettivo univ.1) [career, teaching] universitario, accademico; [ year] accademico2) (scholarly) [ achievement] negli studi3) [ reputation] di studioso4) (educational) [ book] (for school) scolastico; (for university) universitario5) (theoretical) [debate, question] accademico6) art. [ painter] accademico2.nome accademico m. (-a) -
3 academic *** aca·dem·ic
[ˌækə'dɛmɪk]1. adj1) Scol accademico (-a), universitario (-a), (intellectual) intellettualeacademic subjects — materie fpl umanistiche e scientifiche
2) (irrelevant) puramente formale2. n(teaching) docente m/f universitario (-a), universitario (-a), (doing research) studioso (-a) -
4 academic year
noun (that part of the year when students go to school, college or university: The academic year ends in June.) accademico* * *n Brit -
5 publish
['pʌblɪʃ] 1.1) (print commercially) pubblicare [book, letter, guide, newspaper, magazine]2) (make public) rendere noto, divulgare [figures, findings]3) [scholar, academic]2.verbo intransitivo [scholar, academic] fare una pubblicazione, delle pubblicazioni* * *1) (to prepare, print and produce for sale (a book etc): His new novel is being published this month.) pubblicare2) (to make known: They published their engagement.) rendere noto•- publishing* * *['pʌblɪʃ] 1.1) (print commercially) pubblicare [book, letter, guide, newspaper, magazine]2) (make public) rendere noto, divulgare [figures, findings]3) [scholar, academic]2.verbo intransitivo [scholar, academic] fare una pubblicazione, delle pubblicazioni -
6 academy
[ə'kædəmɪ]1) scol. accademia f.2) (learned society) accademia f.* * *[ə'kædəmi] 1. plural - academies; noun1) (a higher school for special study: Academy of Music.) accademia2) (a society to encourage science, art etc: The Royal Academy.) accademia3) (a type of senior school.) scuola secondaria•- academic2. noun(a university or college teacher.) accademico- academically* * *academy /əˈkædəmɪ/n.● academy of music, conservatorio □ military academy, accademia militare.* * *[ə'kædəmɪ]1) scol. accademia f.2) (learned society) accademia f. -
7 associate
I 1. [ə'səʊʃɪət]aggettivo [member, body] associato2.1) (colleague, partner) socio m. (-a)2) (of society) membro m.; (of academic body) (professore) associato m.3) AE univ. = diploma universitarioII 1. [ə'səʊʃɪeɪt]1) associare, collegare [idea, memory] ( with a)2.to be associated with — [ person] fare parte di [movement, group]; spreg. essere immischiato in [ shady business]
to associate with sb. — frequentare qcn
* * *1. [ə'səusieit] verb1) (to connect in the mind: He always associated the smell of tobacco with his father.) associare2) ((usually with with) to join (with someone) in friendship or work: They don't usually associate (with each other) after office hours.) frequentarsi2. [-et] adjective1) (having a lower position or rank: an associate professor.) associato2) (joined or connected: associate organizations.) associato3. noun(a colleague or partner; a companion.) socio; collega- in association with* * *associate /əˈsəʊʃɪət/A a.1 associato; con- (pref.); vice: associate director, (comm.) vicedirettore; (teatr.) vicedirettore artistico; (giorn.) associate editor, condirettore; (cinem.) associate producer, produttore associatoB n.1 socio; collega; compagno: business associate, socio in affari; ( USA) sales associate, addetto alle vendite3 cosa collegata ( con un'altra): Health is an associate to happiness, la salute concorre a dare la felicità● (in USA) associate degree, diploma universitario (rilasciato da un ► «junior college», ► junior) □ (leg.) associate judge, ausiliare (di un giudice della ► «Supreme Court», ► supreme) □ ( università, in USA) associate professor, professore associato (grado intermedio tra ► «assistant professor», ► assistant, e ► «full professor», ► full).♦ (to) associate /əˈsəʊʃɪeɪt/A v. t.1 associare ( mentalmente); collegare: I associate that place with peace and quiet, associo quel posto alla tranquillità2 (al passivo) – to be associated with, essere legato a; accompagnare; andare congiunto a: ailments that are associated with old age, i disturbi legati alla vecchiaia3 ( al passivo) – to be associated with, avere a che fare con; essere coinvolto in; avere rapporti con: I don't want to be associated with his project, non voglio avere a che fare con il suo progettoB v. i.1 associarsi; unirsi3 – to associate with, frequentare; avere rapporti con: Don't associate with people of doubtful reputation, non frequentare persone di dubbia fama* * *I 1. [ə'səʊʃɪət]aggettivo [member, body] associato2.1) (colleague, partner) socio m. (-a)2) (of society) membro m.; (of academic body) (professore) associato m.3) AE univ. = diploma universitarioII 1. [ə'səʊʃɪeɪt]1) associare, collegare [idea, memory] ( with a)2.to be associated with — [ person] fare parte di [movement, group]; spreg. essere immischiato in [ shady business]
to associate with sb. — frequentare qcn
8 gown
[gaʊn]nome (for evening wear) abito m. da sera; (of judge, academic) toga f.; (of surgeon, patient) camice m.* * *1) (a woman's dress, especially one of high quality for dances, parties etc.) abito2) (a loose robe worn by clergymen, lawyers, teachers etc.) tonaca; toga; cappa* * *gown /gaʊn/n.1 vestito lungo ( da donna): evening gown (o dinner gown) abito da sera; tea gown, abito da pomeriggio(to) gown /gaʊn/v. t.(usato soprattutto al p. p., gowned, togato) rivestire con la toga.* * *[gaʊn]nome (for evening wear) abito m. da sera; (of judge, academic) toga f.; (of surgeon, patient) camice m. -
9 Law
[lɔː]1) U (body of rules) legge f., diritto m.to be against the law — essere contro la legge, essere vietato
under Italian law — secondo la legge italiana, secondo il diritto italiano
2) dir. (rule) legge f.the laws on — le leggi su [gambling, vagrancy]
3) (justice) giustizia f.to go to law — ricorrere alla giustizia, fare causa
4) colloq. (police) polizia f.5) (academic discipline) diritto m., giurisprudenza f.6) (principle) legge f., principio m.••to be a law unto oneself — non conoscere legge, fare a modo proprio
* * *[lo:]1) (the collection of rules according to which people live or a country etc is governed: Such an action is against the law; law and order.) legge2) (any one of such rules: A new law has been passed by Parliament.) legge3) ((in science) a rule that says that under certain conditions certain things always happen: the law of gravity.) legge•- lawful- lawfully
- lawless
- lawlessly
- lawlessness
- lawyer
- law-abiding
- law court
- lawsuit
- be a law unto oneself
- the law
- the law of the land
- lay down the law* * *(Surnames) Law /lɔ:/* * *[lɔː]1) U (body of rules) legge f., diritto m.to be against the law — essere contro la legge, essere vietato
under Italian law — secondo la legge italiana, secondo il diritto italiano
2) dir. (rule) legge f.the laws on — le leggi su [gambling, vagrancy]
3) (justice) giustizia f.to go to law — ricorrere alla giustizia, fare causa
4) colloq. (police) polizia f.5) (academic discipline) diritto m., giurisprudenza f.6) (principle) legge f., principio m.••to be a law unto oneself — non conoscere legge, fare a modo proprio
10 proficiency
[prə'fɪʃnsɪ]nome (practical) abilità f. (in, at in; in doing a fare); (academic) conoscenza f. (in di); competenza f. (in in)* * *noun competenza* * *proficiency /prəˈfɪʃnsɪ/n. [u]abilità; capacità; competenza; (buona) conoscenza; bravura; perizia● proficiency pay, retribuzione aggiuntiva per competenze ( linguistiche, ecc.) specifiche □ proficiency test, test di conoscenza ( di una lingua, ecc.).* * *[prə'fɪʃnsɪ]nome (practical) abilità f. (in, at in; in doing a fare); (academic) conoscenza f. (in di); competenza f. (in in) -
11 researcher
[rɪ'sɜːtʃə(r), 'riːsɜːtʃə(r)]1) (academic, scientific) ricercatore m. (-trice)2) telev. = chi fa ricerche per servizi o programmi* * *[ri'sə: ə, ]( American also[) 'ri:sə:r ər]noun ricercatore, ricercatrice* * *researcher► to research* * *[rɪ'sɜːtʃə(r), 'riːsɜːtʃə(r)]1) (academic, scientific) ricercatore m. (-trice)2) telev. = chi fa ricerche per servizi o programmi -
12 robe
I [rəʊb]1) (ceremonial garment) veste f., abito m.; (of academic, judge) toga f.2) AE (bathrobe) accappatoio m.II [rəʊb]verbo transitivo vestire [ dignitary]* * *[rəub]1) ((often in plural) a long, loose piece of clothing: Many Arabs still wear robes; a baby's christening-robe.) (veste lunga e ampia)2) ((usually in plural) a long, loose piece of clothing worn as a sign of a person's rank eg on official occasions: a judge's robes.) toga3) ((especially American) a loose garment worn casually; a dressing-gown: She wore a robe over her nightdress; a bath-robe; a beach-robe.) vestaglia; accappatoio•- robed* * *[rəʊb]1. n(garment) tunica, (also: bathrobe) accappatoiorobes — abiti mpl da cerimonia, (lawyer's) Univ toga
scarlet robes — abiti mpl scarlatti
2. vtfrm vestireFALSE FRIEND: robe is not translated by the Italian word roba* * *robe /rəʊb/n.4 vestaglia; veste da camera● beach robe, accappatoio da spiaggia □ royal robes, abiti regali.(to) robe /rəʊb/A v. t. (form.)1 vestire; abbigliare; parareB v. i.● to robe oneself, mettersi la toga (o i paramenti); vestirsi.* * *I [rəʊb]1) (ceremonial garment) veste f., abito m.; (of academic, judge) toga f.2) AE (bathrobe) accappatoio m.II [rəʊb]verbo transitivo vestire [ dignitary] -
13 scholarly
['skɒləlɪ]1) (erudite) [essay, approach] colto, erudito2) [journal, circles] (academic) accademico; (serious) colto, intellettuale3) (like a scholar) [ appearance] da intellettuale* * *adjective (having or showing knowledge: a scholarly person; a scholarly book.) erudito, dotto* * *scholarly /ˈskɒləlɪ/a.1 dotto; erudito2 dedito agli studi; studioso* * *['skɒləlɪ]1) (erudite) [essay, approach] colto, erudito2) [journal, circles] (academic) accademico; (serious) colto, intellettuale3) (like a scholar) [ appearance] da intellettuale -
14 assignment
[ə'saɪnmənt]1) (professional, academic) incarico m., nomina f.; (specific duty) compito m., mansione f.2) (of duties, staff, funds) assegnazione f., attribuzione f.3) dir. (of rights, contract) cessione f., trasferimento m.* * *noun (a duty assigned to someone: You must complete this assignment by tomorrow.) compito* * *[ə'saɪnmənt]1) (professional, academic) incarico m., nomina f.; (specific duty) compito m., mansione f.2) (of duties, staff, funds) assegnazione f., attribuzione f.3) dir. (of rights, contract) cessione f., trasferimento m. -
15 discipline
I ['dɪsɪplɪn]1) (controlled behaviour) disciplina f.2) (punishment) punizione f.3) (academic subject) disciplina f., materia f.II ['dɪsɪplɪn]* * *['disiplin] 1. noun1) (training in an orderly way of life: All children need discipline.) disciplina2) (strict self-control (amongst soldiers etc).) disciplina2. verb1) (to bring under control: You must discipline yourself so that you do not waste time.) disciplinare, tenere in disciplina2) (to punish: The students who caused the disturbance have been disciplined.) castigare, punire•* * *I ['dɪsɪplɪn]1) (controlled behaviour) disciplina f.2) (punishment) punizione f.3) (academic subject) disciplina f., materia f.II ['dɪsɪplɪn] -
16 exercise
['eksəsaɪz] I1) U (exertion) esercizio m.2) (training task) esercizio m.academic exercise — (pointless) esercizio accademico
3) (of duties, power, rights) esercizio m.5) amm. comm. pol. operazione f.; (long-term or large-scale) strategia f.6) mil. esercitazione f.II 1.1) (apply) esercitare [authority, control, power]; esercitare, fare valere [ rights]; prestare, usare [ caution]3) (worry) preoccupare2.verbo intransitivo esercitarsi, fare (dell')esercizio* * *1. noun1) (training or use (especially of the body) through action or effort: Swimming is one of the healthiest forms of exercise; Take more exercise.) esercizio2) (an activity intended as training: ballet exercises; spelling exercises.) esercizio3) (a series of tasks, movements etc for training troops etc: His battalion is on an exercise in the mountains.) esercitazione2. verb1) (to train or give exercise to: Dogs should be exercised frequently; I exercise every morning.) addestrare, allenare2) (to use; to make use of: She was given the opportunity to exercise her skill as a pianist.) esercitare* * *['eksəsaɪz] I1) U (exertion) esercizio m.2) (training task) esercizio m.academic exercise — (pointless) esercizio accademico
3) (of duties, power, rights) esercizio m.5) amm. comm. pol. operazione f.; (long-term or large-scale) strategia f.6) mil. esercitazione f.II 1.1) (apply) esercitare [authority, control, power]; esercitare, fare valere [ rights]; prestare, usare [ caution]3) (worry) preoccupare2.verbo intransitivo esercitarsi, fare (dell')esercizio -
17 research
I 1. [rɪ'sɜːtʃ, 'riːsɜːtʃ]1) (academic, medical etc.) ricerca f. ( into, on su)2) comm. (for marketing) analisi f., indagine f.3) giorn. rad. telev. servizio m. ( into su)2.nome plurale researches (investigations) ricerche f., indagini f. (into, on su)3. II [rɪ'sɜːtʃ, 'riːsɜːtʃ]1) fare (delle) ricerche su [ topic]; fare (delle) ricerche per scrivere [book, article]; univ. fare ricerca in [ field]2) giorn. rad. telev. documentarsi su [ issue]3) comm. analizzare [ customer needs]* * *1. [ri'sə:, ]( especially American[) 'ri:sə:(r) ] noun(a close and careful study to find out (new) facts or information: He is engaged in cancer research; His researches resulted in some amazing discoveries; ( also adjective) a research student.) ricerca2. [ri'sə:(r) ] verb(to carry out such a study: He's researching (into) Thai poetry.) (fare ricerche)* * *I 1. [rɪ'sɜːtʃ, 'riːsɜːtʃ]1) (academic, medical etc.) ricerca f. ( into, on su)2) comm. (for marketing) analisi f., indagine f.3) giorn. rad. telev. servizio m. ( into su)2.nome plurale researches (investigations) ricerche f., indagini f. (into, on su)3. II [rɪ'sɜːtʃ, 'riːsɜːtʃ]1) fare (delle) ricerche su [ topic]; fare (delle) ricerche per scrivere [book, article]; univ. fare ricerca in [ field]2) giorn. rad. telev. documentarsi su [ issue]3) comm. analizzare [ customer needs] -
18 speak
I 1. [spiːk]1) parlare [ language]"French spoken" — "si parla francese"
2.to speak one's mind — esprimere la propria opinione, dire quel che si pensa
to speak in a whisper — parlare sottovoce, sussurrare
to speak ill, well of sb. — parlare male, bene di qcn.
to speak through — parlare o comunicare per mezzo di [medium, interpreter]
who's speaking please? — (on phone) chi parla?
"is that Mrs Cox?" - "speaking!" — "la signora Cox?" - "sono io!"
this is your captain speaking — aer. è il capitano che vi parla
speaking of which, have you booked a table? — a proposito, hai prenotato un tavolo?
speaking of lunch... — a proposito del pranzo...
speaking as a layman... — parlando da profano...
speaking personally, I hate her — personalmente, la odio
generally speaking — in generale, in genere
roughly speaking — all'incirca, approssimativamente
strictly speaking — in senso stretto, a rigore
"what did you see?" - "nothing to speak of" — "che cosa hai visto?" - "niente di particolare"
2) (converse) parlare, conversare, discorrere3) (make a speech) parlare; (more formal) prendere la parolato speak from the floor — pol. prendere la parola
to speak for — parlare in favore di [ view]
4) lett. (express)to speak of — manifestare, rivelare [ suffering]; [music, poem] trasmettere [ feeling]
•- speak to- speak upII [spiːk]* * *[spi:k]past tense - spoke; verb1) (to say (words) or talk: He can't speak; He spoke a few words to us.) parlare2) ((often with to or (American) with) to talk or converse: Can I speak to/with you for a moment?; We spoke for hours about it.) parlare3) (to (be able to) talk in (a language): She speaks Russian.) parlare4) (to tell or make known (one's thoughts, the truth etc): I always speak my mind.) dire5) (to make a speech, address an audience: The Prime Minister spoke on unemployment.) parlare•- speaker- speaking
- spoken
- - spoken
- generally speaking
- speak for itself/themselves
- speak out
- speak up
- to speak of* * *I 1. [spiːk]1) parlare [ language]"French spoken" — "si parla francese"
2.to speak one's mind — esprimere la propria opinione, dire quel che si pensa
to speak in a whisper — parlare sottovoce, sussurrare
to speak ill, well of sb. — parlare male, bene di qcn.
to speak through — parlare o comunicare per mezzo di [medium, interpreter]
who's speaking please? — (on phone) chi parla?
"is that Mrs Cox?" - "speaking!" — "la signora Cox?" - "sono io!"
this is your captain speaking — aer. è il capitano che vi parla
speaking of which, have you booked a table? — a proposito, hai prenotato un tavolo?
speaking of lunch... — a proposito del pranzo...
speaking as a layman... — parlando da profano...
speaking personally, I hate her — personalmente, la odio
generally speaking — in generale, in genere
roughly speaking — all'incirca, approssimativamente
strictly speaking — in senso stretto, a rigore
"what did you see?" - "nothing to speak of" — "che cosa hai visto?" - "niente di particolare"
2) (converse) parlare, conversare, discorrere3) (make a speech) parlare; (more formal) prendere la parolato speak from the floor — pol. prendere la parola
to speak for — parlare in favore di [ view]
4) lett. (express)to speak of — manifestare, rivelare [ suffering]; [music, poem] trasmettere [ feeling]
•- speak to- speak upII [spiːk] -
19 -council o counsel?-
Nota d'usoQueste due parole vengono a volte confuse perché si pronunciano allo stesso modo. Council indica un corpo elettivo o un comitato esecutivo che ha autorità su una città, un gruppo di persone, ecc.: the County Council, il Consiglio della Contea; the Council for National Academic Awards, il Consiglio per i Premi accademici nazionali. Il sostantivo counsel significa “parere, consulenza” e si usa spesso in espressioni come to take counsel o to hold counsel: The ministers took counsel with their advisers, i ministri chiesero un parere ai loro consulenti. Nel linguaggio legale, counsel è sinonimo di barrister, avvocato patrocinante: defending counsel, avvocato della difesa. Il membro di un consiglio si indica con il sostantivo councillor. Per indicare, invece, un “consulente” nel senso di colui che dà pareri e consigli (soprattutto di tipo personale o sentimentale) si usa la parola counsellor, per esempio a marriage counsellor, un consulente matrimoniale; in ambito professionale, però, si preferisce usare la parola adviser o advisor: a financial adviser, un consulente finanziario. -
20 acad.
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
academic — ACADÉMIC, Ă, academici, ce, adj. 1. Care ţine de academie, privitor la academie. ♢ Titlu academic = diplomă obţinută într o şcoală de grad universitar. ♦ (Substantivat, m.; înv.) Membru al Academiei Române. 2. Distins, solemn; de o corectitudine… … Dicționar Român
academic — Ⅰ. academic UK US /ˌækəˈdemɪk/ adjective ► relating to schools, colleges, and universities, or connected with studying and thinking rather than practical skills: »Employers nowadays are more interested in candidates abilities and personality… … Financial and business terms
academic — The central meanings of this word (‘of or belonging to an academy or institution for higher learning’) survive, but a little more than a century ago it developed a depreciatory range of meanings ‘merely theoretical, having no practical… … Modern English usage
Academic — Ac a*dem ic, Academical Ac a*dem ic*al, a. [L. academicus: cf. F. acad[ e]migue. See {Academy}.] 1. Belonging to the school or philosophy of Plato; as, the Academic sect or philosophy. [1913 Webster] 2. Belonging to an academy or other higher… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
academic — [adj1] relating to schooling, learning bookish, book learned, college, collegiate, erudite, intellectual, learned, pedantic, scholarly, scholastic, studious, university; concept 536 Ant. ignorant, untaught academic [adj2] relating to theories,… … New thesaurus
academic — [ak΄ə dem′i kəlak΄ə dem′ik] adj. [L academicus < academia: see ACADEMY] 1. of colleges, universities, etc.; scholastic; scholarly 2. having to do with general or liberal rather than technical or vocational education 3. of or belonging to an… … English World dictionary
academic — (adj.) 1580s, relating to an academy, also collegiate, scholarly, from L. academicus of the Academy, from academia (see ACADEMY (Cf. academy)). Meaning theoretical, not practical, not leading to a decision (such as university debates or classroom … Etymology dictionary
Academic — Ac a*dem ic, n. 1. One holding the philosophy of Socrates and Plato; a Platonist. Hume. [1913 Webster] 2. A member of an academy, college, or university; an academician. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
academic — index didactic, disciplinary (educational), moot, speculative, theoretical Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
ACADEMIC — Press, Inc. (informationswissenschaftl. Veoeffentlicher) … Acronyms
ACADEMIC — Press, Inc. (informationswissenschaftl. Veröffentlicher) … Acronyms von A bis Z