1 black
[blæk] 1. adjective1) (of the colour in which these words are printed: black paint.) melns2) (without light: a black night; The night was black and starless.) tumšs3) (dirty: Your hands are black!; black hands from lifting coal.) netīrs4) (without milk: black coffee.) (par kafiju) melna; bez piena5) (evil: black magic.) ļauns6) ((often offensive: currently acceptable in the United States, South Africa etc) Negro, of African, West Indian descent.) melnādains7) ((especially South Africa) coloured; of mixed descent (increasingly used by people of mixed descent to refer to themselves).) krāsains2. noun1) (the colour in which these words are printed: Black and white are opposites.) melnā krāsa2) (something (eg paint) black in colour: I've used up all the black.) melna krāsa; melnums3) ((often with capital: often offensive: currently acceptable in the United states, South Africa etc) a Negro; a person of African, West Indian etc descent.) melnādainais; krāsainais3. verb(to make black.) krāsot melnu; nomelnot- blacken
- black art/magic
- blackbird
- blackboard
- black box
- the Black Death
- black eye
- blackhead
- blacklist 4. verb(to put (a person etc) on such a list.) ierakstīt melnajā sarakstā5. noun(the act of blackmailing: money got by blackmail.) šantāža- Black Maria
- black market
- black marketeer
- blackout
- black sheep
- blacksmith
- black and blue
- black out
- in black and white* * *melna krāsa, melnums; melns tērps; melnādainais, nēģeris; melns traips; krāsot melnu; spodrināt; nomelnot; melns; melnādains, nēģeru; tumšs; bezcerīgs, drūms; dusmīgs, ļauns; netīrs -
2 black and blue
(badly bruised: After the fight the boy was all black and blue.) zili melns* * *zilimelns -
3 Black Maria
(a prison van: The policeman took the three suspects to the police station in a Black Maria.)* * *cietuma mašīna -
4 black market
((a place for) the illegal buying and selling, at high prices, of goods that are scarce, rationed etc: coffee on the black market.) melnais tirgus* * *melnais tirgus; melnais tirgus -
5 black marketeer
(a person who sells goods on the black market.) spekulants* * *spekulants -
6 black sheep
(a member of a family or group who is unsatisfactory in some way: My brother is the black sheep of the family.) ģimenes kauna traips* * *itāliešu fašists; kraupaina aita -
7 black art/magic
(magic performed for evil reasons: He tries to practise black magic.) melnā maģija -
8 black box
(a built-in machine for automatic recording of the details of a plane's flight: They found the black box two miles away from the wreckage of the crashed plane.) (lidmašīnas) melnā kaste -
9 black eye
(an eye with bad bruising around it (eg from a punch): George gave me a black eye.) zila acs -
10 black alder
melnalksnis -
11 black art
melnā maģija; melnā maģija -
12 black as hell
tumšs kā ellē -
13 black as sin
melnāks par mākoni -
14 black beetle
tarakāns -
15 black cartridge
tukša patrona -
16 black currant
upene -
17 black earth
melnzeme -
18 black flag
melnais karogs; melns karogs pie cietuma -
19 Black ghetto
nēģeru geto -
20 black grouse
См. также в других словарях:
Black people — Black man redirects here. For the novel, see Black Man. Race … Wikipedia
Black Canary — The Black Canary. Ed Benes, artist Publication information Publisher DC Comics … Wikipedia
Black carbon — or BC is formed through the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, biofuel, and biomass, and is emitted in both anthropogenic and naturally occurring soot. Black carbon warms the planet by absorbing heat in the atmosphere and by reducing albedo,… … Wikipedia
Black Swan emblems and popular culture — deals with the uses which have been made of the image of the Black Swan such as emblems, coins, logos, mascots and in the naming of sports teams.The Black Swan is the official state emblem of Western Australia, and is depicted on the Flag of… … Wikipedia
Black-Metal — ist eine Subkultur des Metal, welche Ende der 1980er in Norwegen und Schweden entstand und sich rasch in Nord und Mitteleuropa ausbreitete. Der schwer zu begrenzende Begriff wird für Bands verwendet, deren Image, Auftreten und Texte eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Black Circle — Black Metal ist eine Subkultur des Metal, welche Ende der 1980er in Norwegen und Schweden entstand und sich rasch in Nord und Mitteleuropa ausbreitete. Der schwer zu begrenzende Begriff wird für Bands verwendet, deren Image, Auftreten und Texte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
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Black Metal — Origines stylistiques Thrash metal Heavy metal Origines culturelles … Wikipédia en Français
Black Sabbath — Geezer Butler, Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi, Bill Ward à Stuttgart le 16 décembre 1999 Pays d’origine … Wikipédia en Français
Black metal — Origines stylistiques Thrash metal Origines culturelles Union europeenne !Union européenne, particulièrement la Scandinavie; au début des … Wikipédia en Français