1 CO
1) Общая лексика: country office2) Военный термин: Chief of Ordnance, Contracting Officer, change order, checkout, chief officer, clerical officer, combined operations, command operations, command orders, commanding officer, commando operations, communications officer, conscientious objector, control officer, corporate office, cypher office3) Техника: cavity oscillator, chain overseas, check open, circulated-out, cleaning-out, confirmatory order, country officer, crystal-controlled oscillator, current order4) Химия: угарный газ5) Железнодорожный термин: CSX Transportation Incorporated6) Юридический термин: City Ordinance7) Бухгалтерия: Charge Off8) Телекоммуникации: Connection-Oriented, Центральная телефонная станция ( ЦТС)9) Сокращение: Carbon Monoxide, Colombia (NATO country code), Colorado (US state), Commissioner's Office, Corsican, castor oil, classifier overflow, continental, cardiac output, Air Post Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Cabinet Office, Call-Out, Captain Obvious, Captive Office (Nortel), Cargo Oil, Cargo Operations, Case Operations, Cash Out (mortgage refinancing), Caucasian Ovtcharka (dog breed), Cellular One, Central Office (telecommunications/telephony), Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of Origin, Certified Orthotist (ABC), Certifying Officer, Charlotte Observer (newspaper), Chief Operator, Chill Out, Chinese Orchestra, Ciceronian Oration, Clean Out (sewers/drains), Clerical Officer (obsolete, now AO), Clothes Optional, Coastal Chart, Collection Officer, Colombia, Colton (blood group), Columbia Orchestra (Ellicott City, MD), Combat (game, Natural Selection), Combat Aptitude Area, Combinatorics and Optimization (field of pure mathematics), Comercializadora de Occidente SA (Guatemala), Comitissa (Latin: Countess, Codices And Manuscripts), Command, Command Outpost, Command Output, Commissioned Officer, Commitment to Perform (common feature; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Community Organizer (Philippines), Como (Lombardia, Italy), Complain Of, Compliance, Compliance Officer, Compliance Order, Conan O'Brien, Conference, Congregation of the Oratory, Oratorians (religious order), Conseiller d'Orientation (French), Consent Order, Conservation Operations, Consoleone (Novell GUI), Consolidated Obligation, Constraint Oriented, Consumer Ombudsman (UK), Continental Airlines (airline code), Contracting Official, Controlling, Convert Out, Core Operation(s), Cornish (linguistics), Correction Officer, Correctional Officer, Covert Operations (gaming), Current Operations, Custodial Officer, Cutoff10) Электроника: Crystal Oscillator11) Вычислительная техника: Connection Oriented (CL), Check Out (RCS), Central Office (Telephony)12) Нефть: circulate oil, circulated out, cleaning out, crude oil, вынесенный на поверхность при циркуляции (circulated-out), прочистка (cleaning-out), сырая нефть (crude oil)13) Связь: Connection Oriented / Central Office14) Картография: camping ground15) Банковское дело: предъявительская тратта (cash order), платёжное поручение (cash order)16) Фирменный знак: Canon17) Экология: двуокись углерода, окись углерода, углекислый газ, угольный ангидрид18) СМИ: Clockwork Orange19) Деловая лексика: Contractual Obligation20) Бурение: очистка (cleaning out; забоя от песка), чистка скважины (cleaning out)21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: carbon oxide, chemical abbreviation for carbon monoxide CO22) Аудит: Code of Obligations23) Инвестиции: cash order24) Сетевые технологии: central office25) Полимеры: change over, close-open, полиэпихлоргидрин26) Контроль качества: check-out27) Пластмассы: Epichlorohydrin Rubber (Homopolymer)28) Химическое оружие: contracting officer (DTRA)29) Авиационная медицина: center of gravity30) Нефть и газ: pump cooling oil supply, СО31) Собаководство: Caucasian Ovcharka32) Должность: Corrections Officer, Crematory Operator, Customization Operator33) Федеральное бюро расследований: Columbia Field Office -
2 Co
1) Общая лексика: country office2) Военный термин: Chief of Ordnance, Contracting Officer, change order, checkout, chief officer, clerical officer, combined operations, command operations, command orders, commanding officer, commando operations, communications officer, conscientious objector, control officer, corporate office, cypher office3) Техника: cavity oscillator, chain overseas, check open, circulated-out, cleaning-out, confirmatory order, country officer, crystal-controlled oscillator, current order4) Химия: угарный газ5) Железнодорожный термин: CSX Transportation Incorporated6) Юридический термин: City Ordinance7) Бухгалтерия: Charge Off8) Телекоммуникации: Connection-Oriented, Центральная телефонная станция ( ЦТС)9) Сокращение: Carbon Monoxide, Colombia (NATO country code), Colorado (US state), Commissioner's Office, Corsican, castor oil, classifier overflow, continental, cardiac output, Air Post Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Cabinet Office, Call-Out, Captain Obvious, Captive Office (Nortel), Cargo Oil, Cargo Operations, Case Operations, Cash Out (mortgage refinancing), Caucasian Ovtcharka (dog breed), Cellular One, Central Office (telecommunications/telephony), Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of Origin, Certified Orthotist (ABC), Certifying Officer, Charlotte Observer (newspaper), Chief Operator, Chill Out, Chinese Orchestra, Ciceronian Oration, Clean Out (sewers/drains), Clerical Officer (obsolete, now AO), Clothes Optional, Coastal Chart, Collection Officer, Colombia, Colton (blood group), Columbia Orchestra (Ellicott City, MD), Combat (game, Natural Selection), Combat Aptitude Area, Combinatorics and Optimization (field of pure mathematics), Comercializadora de Occidente SA (Guatemala), Comitissa (Latin: Countess, Codices And Manuscripts), Command, Command Outpost, Command Output, Commissioned Officer, Commitment to Perform (common feature; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Community Organizer (Philippines), Como (Lombardia, Italy), Complain Of, Compliance, Compliance Officer, Compliance Order, Conan O'Brien, Conference, Congregation of the Oratory, Oratorians (religious order), Conseiller d'Orientation (French), Consent Order, Conservation Operations, Consoleone (Novell GUI), Consolidated Obligation, Constraint Oriented, Consumer Ombudsman (UK), Continental Airlines (airline code), Contracting Official, Controlling, Convert Out, Core Operation(s), Cornish (linguistics), Correction Officer, Correctional Officer, Covert Operations (gaming), Current Operations, Custodial Officer, Cutoff10) Электроника: Crystal Oscillator11) Вычислительная техника: Connection Oriented (CL), Check Out (RCS), Central Office (Telephony)12) Нефть: circulate oil, circulated out, cleaning out, crude oil, вынесенный на поверхность при циркуляции (circulated-out), прочистка (cleaning-out), сырая нефть (crude oil)13) Связь: Connection Oriented / Central Office14) Картография: camping ground15) Банковское дело: предъявительская тратта (cash order), платёжное поручение (cash order)16) Фирменный знак: Canon17) Экология: двуокись углерода, окись углерода, углекислый газ, угольный ангидрид18) СМИ: Clockwork Orange19) Деловая лексика: Contractual Obligation20) Бурение: очистка (cleaning out; забоя от песка), чистка скважины (cleaning out)21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: carbon oxide, chemical abbreviation for carbon monoxide CO22) Аудит: Code of Obligations23) Инвестиции: cash order24) Сетевые технологии: central office25) Полимеры: change over, close-open, полиэпихлоргидрин26) Контроль качества: check-out27) Пластмассы: Epichlorohydrin Rubber (Homopolymer)28) Химическое оружие: contracting officer (DTRA)29) Авиационная медицина: center of gravity30) Нефть и газ: pump cooling oil supply, СО31) Собаководство: Caucasian Ovcharka32) Должность: Corrections Officer, Crematory Operator, Customization Operator33) Федеральное бюро расследований: Columbia Field Office -
3 co
1) Общая лексика: country office2) Военный термин: Chief of Ordnance, Contracting Officer, change order, checkout, chief officer, clerical officer, combined operations, command operations, command orders, commanding officer, commando operations, communications officer, conscientious objector, control officer, corporate office, cypher office3) Техника: cavity oscillator, chain overseas, check open, circulated-out, cleaning-out, confirmatory order, country officer, crystal-controlled oscillator, current order4) Химия: угарный газ5) Железнодорожный термин: CSX Transportation Incorporated6) Юридический термин: City Ordinance7) Бухгалтерия: Charge Off8) Телекоммуникации: Connection-Oriented, Центральная телефонная станция ( ЦТС)9) Сокращение: Carbon Monoxide, Colombia (NATO country code), Colorado (US state), Commissioner's Office, Corsican, castor oil, classifier overflow, continental, cardiac output, Air Post Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately), Cabinet Office, Call-Out, Captain Obvious, Captive Office (Nortel), Cargo Oil, Cargo Operations, Case Operations, Cash Out (mortgage refinancing), Caucasian Ovtcharka (dog breed), Cellular One, Central Office (telecommunications/telephony), Certificate of Occupancy, Certificate of Origin, Certified Orthotist (ABC), Certifying Officer, Charlotte Observer (newspaper), Chief Operator, Chill Out, Chinese Orchestra, Ciceronian Oration, Clean Out (sewers/drains), Clerical Officer (obsolete, now AO), Clothes Optional, Coastal Chart, Collection Officer, Colombia, Colton (blood group), Columbia Orchestra (Ellicott City, MD), Combat (game, Natural Selection), Combat Aptitude Area, Combinatorics and Optimization (field of pure mathematics), Comercializadora de Occidente SA (Guatemala), Comitissa (Latin: Countess, Codices And Manuscripts), Command, Command Outpost, Command Output, Commissioned Officer, Commitment to Perform (common feature; Capability Maturity Model Integration), Community Organizer (Philippines), Como (Lombardia, Italy), Complain Of, Compliance, Compliance Officer, Compliance Order, Conan O'Brien, Conference, Congregation of the Oratory, Oratorians (religious order), Conseiller d'Orientation (French), Consent Order, Conservation Operations, Consoleone (Novell GUI), Consolidated Obligation, Constraint Oriented, Consumer Ombudsman (UK), Continental Airlines (airline code), Contracting Official, Controlling, Convert Out, Core Operation(s), Cornish (linguistics), Correction Officer, Correctional Officer, Covert Operations (gaming), Current Operations, Custodial Officer, Cutoff10) Электроника: Crystal Oscillator11) Вычислительная техника: Connection Oriented (CL), Check Out (RCS), Central Office (Telephony)12) Нефть: circulate oil, circulated out, cleaning out, crude oil, вынесенный на поверхность при циркуляции (circulated-out), прочистка (cleaning-out), сырая нефть (crude oil)13) Связь: Connection Oriented / Central Office14) Картография: camping ground15) Банковское дело: предъявительская тратта (cash order), платёжное поручение (cash order)16) Фирменный знак: Canon17) Экология: двуокись углерода, окись углерода, углекислый газ, угольный ангидрид18) СМИ: Clockwork Orange19) Деловая лексика: Contractual Obligation20) Бурение: очистка (cleaning out; забоя от песка), чистка скважины (cleaning out)21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: carbon oxide, chemical abbreviation for carbon monoxide CO22) Аудит: Code of Obligations23) Инвестиции: cash order24) Сетевые технологии: central office25) Полимеры: change over, close-open, полиэпихлоргидрин26) Контроль качества: check-out27) Пластмассы: Epichlorohydrin Rubber (Homopolymer)28) Химическое оружие: contracting officer (DTRA)29) Авиационная медицина: center of gravity30) Нефть и газ: pump cooling oil supply, СО31) Собаководство: Caucasian Ovcharka32) Должность: Corrections Officer, Crematory Operator, Customization Operator33) Федеральное бюро расследований: Columbia Field Office -
4 MO
1) Общая лексика: Modus Operandi (lat.) (method of operation, стиль работы, "почерк" (особ. в криминалистике))2) Компьютерная техника: Machine Object, Meta Object3) Американизм: Majority Opinion4) Военный термин: Counter-Terrorism Database, Managed Objects, Mobility Order, Morse code, Multi Objective, maintenance officer, major objective, management office, manually operated, maritime operations, medical officer, medical orderly, meteorological observer, meteorological office, meteorological officer, method of operation, military observer, military operations, military order, missile officer, mission operations, mission-oriented, mobile object, monthly order, morning, motor-operated, movement order5) Техника: maintenance optimization, manual output, mini-orbiter, modulate open, motor operator, moving-out, обозначение мобильной станции6) Химия: Modifier Oxide, Molecular Oriented7) Юридический термин: Missing8) География: Миссури (штат США)9) Кино: Mildly Overrated10) Оптика: master oscillation11) Политика: Morocco12) Сокращение: Magneto-Optic, Magneto-Optical (e.g. MO recording), Master Oscillator, Meteorology Officer, Missouri (US state), Modus Operandi, Moldavian, Money Order and Savings Bank, Morocco (NATO country code), mark off, mason operated, Altria Group, Inc. (stock symbol), MOD51 (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), MU Online (gaming), Macau (ISO country code, top level domain), Madonion.com, Magnesia Oil (Haley's), Magnum Opus, Mahavishnu Orchestra (jazz-rock fusion group), Main Objective, Maintenance & Operations/Operating, Maintenance Optimization (mathematical model), Managed Object, Management Object (OSI), Management Operations, Management Systems Office (NIMA), Manomet Observatory (University of Missouri, Columbia, Biological Sciences, Columbia, MO), Manpower Office, Manpower and Organization, Manual Override, Manufacturing Order, MapObject, Maps and Overlays, Marching Orders, Marine Officer, Mars Observer, Masonry Opening, Massey-Omura (multiplier), Mathematical Olympiad, McLean Orchestra (McLean, VA), Medium Offense (gaming), Medula Oblongata, Mega Octet (French: megabyte), Member Organization, Mesio-Occlusal (dentistry), Metal Object, Metalorganic, Michael Olowokandi (basketball player), Microwave Oven, Middle Office, Milicja Obywatelska (former Polish police), Military Outpost (gaming, Pardus), Militia Operative, Miscellaneous Operation, Mission Observer, Mission Orders, Mixed Oxide, Mobile Office, Mobile Originated (telecommunications), Mobile Station, Mode Of Operation, Modena (Emilia Romagna, Italy), Modern Orthodox, Modification Order, Module Outfitting, Molecular Orbital, Montana (less common), Moral Obligation, Morbidly Obese, Morocco (Including Ifni), Morpholino antisense Oligonucleotide, Morse (nautical), Mostar (auto registration for Mostar, Bosnia), Mostly Orthogonal, Movement Orders, Munitions Operations, Musa-Okumoto (logarithmic Poisson method), Myst Obsession (gaming website), Philip Morris (биржевое сокращение)13) Физиология: Medical Oddity14) Электроника: Metal-organic15) Вычислительная техника: music objects, Management Object (OSI), magneto-optical16) Нефть: motor oil, moveout, moving out, вывоз оборудования (с буровой, moving out), простой вследствие технического обслуживания (maintenance outage)17) Банковское дело: mail order, платёжное поручение (money order)18) Транспорт: Mercedes Original19) Фирменный знак: Marco20) Бурение: вывоз с буровой (moving out; оборудования), многофракционный (multi-grade), состоящий из многих фракции (multi-grade)21) Образование: Mastery Operations22) Инвестиции: money order23) Полимеры: mineral oil, molecular orbit24) Расширение файла: Object file (Modula-3), Magneto-Optical (disk drive)25) Энергосистемы: market operator26) SAP.тех. элемент дерева мониторинга27) Электротехника: maintenance outage28) NYSE. Philip Morris Companies, Inc.29) НАСА: Momentum On30) Федеральное бюро расследований: Mobile Field Office -
5 Mo
1) Общая лексика: Modus Operandi (lat.) (method of operation, стиль работы, "почерк" (особ. в криминалистике))2) Компьютерная техника: Machine Object, Meta Object3) Американизм: Majority Opinion4) Военный термин: Counter-Terrorism Database, Managed Objects, Mobility Order, Morse code, Multi Objective, maintenance officer, major objective, management office, manually operated, maritime operations, medical officer, medical orderly, meteorological observer, meteorological office, meteorological officer, method of operation, military observer, military operations, military order, missile officer, mission operations, mission-oriented, mobile object, monthly order, morning, motor-operated, movement order5) Техника: maintenance optimization, manual output, mini-orbiter, modulate open, motor operator, moving-out, обозначение мобильной станции6) Химия: Modifier Oxide, Molecular Oriented7) Юридический термин: Missing8) География: Миссури (штат США)9) Кино: Mildly Overrated10) Оптика: master oscillation11) Политика: Morocco12) Сокращение: Magneto-Optic, Magneto-Optical (e.g. MO recording), Master Oscillator, Meteorology Officer, Missouri (US state), Modus Operandi, Moldavian, Money Order and Savings Bank, Morocco (NATO country code), mark off, mason operated, Altria Group, Inc. (stock symbol), MOD51 (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), MU Online (gaming), Macau (ISO country code, top level domain), Madonion.com, Magnesia Oil (Haley's), Magnum Opus, Mahavishnu Orchestra (jazz-rock fusion group), Main Objective, Maintenance & Operations/Operating, Maintenance Optimization (mathematical model), Managed Object, Management Object (OSI), Management Operations, Management Systems Office (NIMA), Manomet Observatory (University of Missouri, Columbia, Biological Sciences, Columbia, MO), Manpower Office, Manpower and Organization, Manual Override, Manufacturing Order, MapObject, Maps and Overlays, Marching Orders, Marine Officer, Mars Observer, Masonry Opening, Massey-Omura (multiplier), Mathematical Olympiad, McLean Orchestra (McLean, VA), Medium Offense (gaming), Medula Oblongata, Mega Octet (French: megabyte), Member Organization, Mesio-Occlusal (dentistry), Metal Object, Metalorganic, Michael Olowokandi (basketball player), Microwave Oven, Middle Office, Milicja Obywatelska (former Polish police), Military Outpost (gaming, Pardus), Militia Operative, Miscellaneous Operation, Mission Observer, Mission Orders, Mixed Oxide, Mobile Office, Mobile Originated (telecommunications), Mobile Station, Mode Of Operation, Modena (Emilia Romagna, Italy), Modern Orthodox, Modification Order, Module Outfitting, Molecular Orbital, Montana (less common), Moral Obligation, Morbidly Obese, Morocco (Including Ifni), Morpholino antisense Oligonucleotide, Morse (nautical), Mostar (auto registration for Mostar, Bosnia), Mostly Orthogonal, Movement Orders, Munitions Operations, Musa-Okumoto (logarithmic Poisson method), Myst Obsession (gaming website), Philip Morris (биржевое сокращение)13) Физиология: Medical Oddity14) Электроника: Metal-organic15) Вычислительная техника: music objects, Management Object (OSI), magneto-optical16) Нефть: motor oil, moveout, moving out, вывоз оборудования (с буровой, moving out), простой вследствие технического обслуживания (maintenance outage)17) Банковское дело: mail order, платёжное поручение (money order)18) Транспорт: Mercedes Original19) Фирменный знак: Marco20) Бурение: вывоз с буровой (moving out; оборудования), многофракционный (multi-grade), состоящий из многих фракции (multi-grade)21) Образование: Mastery Operations22) Инвестиции: money order23) Полимеры: mineral oil, molecular orbit24) Расширение файла: Object file (Modula-3), Magneto-Optical (disk drive)25) Энергосистемы: market operator26) SAP.тех. элемент дерева мониторинга27) Электротехника: maintenance outage28) NYSE. Philip Morris Companies, Inc.29) НАСА: Momentum On30) Федеральное бюро расследований: Mobile Field Office -
6 mo
1) Общая лексика: Modus Operandi (lat.) (method of operation, стиль работы, "почерк" (особ. в криминалистике))2) Компьютерная техника: Machine Object, Meta Object3) Американизм: Majority Opinion4) Военный термин: Counter-Terrorism Database, Managed Objects, Mobility Order, Morse code, Multi Objective, maintenance officer, major objective, management office, manually operated, maritime operations, medical officer, medical orderly, meteorological observer, meteorological office, meteorological officer, method of operation, military observer, military operations, military order, missile officer, mission operations, mission-oriented, mobile object, monthly order, morning, motor-operated, movement order5) Техника: maintenance optimization, manual output, mini-orbiter, modulate open, motor operator, moving-out, обозначение мобильной станции6) Химия: Modifier Oxide, Molecular Oriented7) Юридический термин: Missing8) География: Миссури (штат США)9) Кино: Mildly Overrated10) Оптика: master oscillation11) Политика: Morocco12) Сокращение: Magneto-Optic, Magneto-Optical (e.g. MO recording), Master Oscillator, Meteorology Officer, Missouri (US state), Modus Operandi, Moldavian, Money Order and Savings Bank, Morocco (NATO country code), mark off, mason operated, Altria Group, Inc. (stock symbol), MOD51 (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), MU Online (gaming), Macau (ISO country code, top level domain), Madonion.com, Magnesia Oil (Haley's), Magnum Opus, Mahavishnu Orchestra (jazz-rock fusion group), Main Objective, Maintenance & Operations/Operating, Maintenance Optimization (mathematical model), Managed Object, Management Object (OSI), Management Operations, Management Systems Office (NIMA), Manomet Observatory (University of Missouri, Columbia, Biological Sciences, Columbia, MO), Manpower Office, Manpower and Organization, Manual Override, Manufacturing Order, MapObject, Maps and Overlays, Marching Orders, Marine Officer, Mars Observer, Masonry Opening, Massey-Omura (multiplier), Mathematical Olympiad, McLean Orchestra (McLean, VA), Medium Offense (gaming), Medula Oblongata, Mega Octet (French: megabyte), Member Organization, Mesio-Occlusal (dentistry), Metal Object, Metalorganic, Michael Olowokandi (basketball player), Microwave Oven, Middle Office, Milicja Obywatelska (former Polish police), Military Outpost (gaming, Pardus), Militia Operative, Miscellaneous Operation, Mission Observer, Mission Orders, Mixed Oxide, Mobile Office, Mobile Originated (telecommunications), Mobile Station, Mode Of Operation, Modena (Emilia Romagna, Italy), Modern Orthodox, Modification Order, Module Outfitting, Molecular Orbital, Montana (less common), Moral Obligation, Morbidly Obese, Morocco (Including Ifni), Morpholino antisense Oligonucleotide, Morse (nautical), Mostar (auto registration for Mostar, Bosnia), Mostly Orthogonal, Movement Orders, Munitions Operations, Musa-Okumoto (logarithmic Poisson method), Myst Obsession (gaming website), Philip Morris (биржевое сокращение)13) Физиология: Medical Oddity14) Электроника: Metal-organic15) Вычислительная техника: music objects, Management Object (OSI), magneto-optical16) Нефть: motor oil, moveout, moving out, вывоз оборудования (с буровой, moving out), простой вследствие технического обслуживания (maintenance outage)17) Банковское дело: mail order, платёжное поручение (money order)18) Транспорт: Mercedes Original19) Фирменный знак: Marco20) Бурение: вывоз с буровой (moving out; оборудования), многофракционный (multi-grade), состоящий из многих фракции (multi-grade)21) Образование: Mastery Operations22) Инвестиции: money order23) Полимеры: mineral oil, molecular orbit24) Расширение файла: Object file (Modula-3), Magneto-Optical (disk drive)25) Энергосистемы: market operator26) SAP.тех. элемент дерева мониторинга27) Электротехника: maintenance outage28) NYSE. Philip Morris Companies, Inc.29) НАСА: Momentum On30) Федеральное бюро расследований: Mobile Field Office -
7 IC
1) Общая лексика: ПК (Industrial and Commercial (bank))2) Компьютерная техника: Instrument Computer, Interexchange Carrier3) Биология: inspiratory capacity4) Американизм: Internal Communication5) Военный термин: Infrastructure Committee, Inspection Committee, Integration Contractor, Intelligence Collection, Intelligence Committee, Intelligence Community, Intelligence Corps, Inter Continental, Interface Certification, Irish Concern, identification card, identification code, identifier code, implementation and conversion, in-command-of, in-commission, incentive compensation, incentive contract, independent company, index correction, information center, information circular, initial conditions, initial cost, inspected and condemned, inspection card, instruction card, instrument correction, intelligence center, intelligence circular, intelligence collator, intercept controller, interceptor, interceptor command, interface control, interim change, interim commission, interim committee, interior communications, intermediate course, internal combustion, internal conversion, international control, internment camp, ionization chamber6) Техника: ice condenser, immersion cooler, implementation clerk, impulse counter, indicating controller, inductance-capacitance, initial course, inlet contact, input charter, input current, inside containment, instruction code, integral connection, integration circuit, interceptor computer, interchange, interchange center, intercommunications, interface computer, interference control, interior communications electrician, intermediate circuit, internal-combustion, iron-constantan, isolation condenser, ИС, интегральная схема, оператор наведения7) Химия: ионная хроматография8) Математика: Index Of Coincidence9) Религия: Jesus (first and third letters of His name in Greek)10) Железнодорожный термин: Illinois Central Railroad Company11) Юридический термин: Indiana Code12) Бухгалтерия: Internal Control13) Автомобильный термин: ignition control, Integrated Curtain - интегрированная шторка безопасности. (Фирменное обозначение компании Volvo. В кабриолетах Volvo - подушка безопасности, вмонтированная не в крышу (ввиду отсутствия оной), а в боковую стенку салона.)14) Политика: Iceland15) Телекоммуникации: intermediate cross-connect, Intermediate Cross-Connect (DEC)16) Сокращение: Iceland (NATO country code), Identity Card, In Charge, Integrated Circuit, Intercept Centre, Internal Communications, immediate constituent, impulse conductor, interior communication, ion chamber, Internal Corrosion, International Catalog, Iron Case, внутрихозяйственный17) Университет: Imperial College, Instructor Consent18) Физиология: Between Meals, Inhibition Concentration, Intensive Care, Interstitial Cystitis, Intra Cellular, Intracerebral19) Электроника: Insulation Contact, Investment Council20) Вычислительная техника: image capture, input circuit, instruction counter, see, плата, содержащая команду, Interexchange Carrier (Telephony, see also, IXC), I see, непосредственно составляющая, программная плата, счётчик команд21) Нефть: стальная обшивка (iron case), стальной кожух (iron case), стальной корпус (iron case)22) Иммунология: Inhibitory Concentration23) Банковское дело: коэффициент покрытия процентов (IC = EBIT / I, где IC - interest coverage ratio, EBIT - earnings before interest, depreciation and taxes, I - interest charges.)24) Транспорт: Import Code, In Container, Integrated Coach25) Фирменный знак: ICI Corporation26) Экология: Interim Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission27) СМИ: Instant Creation28) Деловая лексика: Ignorant Confidence, Industrial Component, Integrated Companies, Intellectual Capital, International Conference29) Сетевые технологии: internal connection, внутреннее соединение, управление интерфейсом30) Программирование: If Case, Insert Character, Instruction Count, Internal Code31) Ядерная физика: (inelastic scattering) неупругое рассеяние (нейтронов)32) Сахалин Р: Isolation Confirmer33) Медицинская техника: inspiratory capacity (ИВЛ)34) Химическое оружие: Integrating Contractor, Ion chromatography, in control, interrupting current35) Макаров: igniter cord, image converter, intelligent copier, item counter, module integrated circuit module, ВК, внутренняя конверсия36) Расширение файла: Interrupt Controller, M3CG intermediate language file (Modula-3)37) Пожарное дело: руководитель тушения пожара (incident commander)38) SAP.тех. тип позиции39) Карачаганак: Incident Commander (Руководитель аварийно-спасательных работ)40) Электротехника: impedance coil, inductive coupling, initial condition, input conditioner, installed capacity, insulating compound, interrupting capacity, pl, интегральная схема (ИС)41) Должность: Ice Climbers, Independent Consultant, Independent Contractor, Information And Communication, Investment Counselor42) Чат: In Character, In Chat43) Правительство: Integrated Circuits44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Incoming45) Международная торговля: In Class46) Базы данных: Independency Check -
8 Ic
1) Общая лексика: ПК (Industrial and Commercial (bank))2) Компьютерная техника: Instrument Computer, Interexchange Carrier3) Биология: inspiratory capacity4) Американизм: Internal Communication5) Военный термин: Infrastructure Committee, Inspection Committee, Integration Contractor, Intelligence Collection, Intelligence Committee, Intelligence Community, Intelligence Corps, Inter Continental, Interface Certification, Irish Concern, identification card, identification code, identifier code, implementation and conversion, in-command-of, in-commission, incentive compensation, incentive contract, independent company, index correction, information center, information circular, initial conditions, initial cost, inspected and condemned, inspection card, instruction card, instrument correction, intelligence center, intelligence circular, intelligence collator, intercept controller, interceptor, interceptor command, interface control, interim change, interim commission, interim committee, interior communications, intermediate course, internal combustion, internal conversion, international control, internment camp, ionization chamber6) Техника: ice condenser, immersion cooler, implementation clerk, impulse counter, indicating controller, inductance-capacitance, initial course, inlet contact, input charter, input current, inside containment, instruction code, integral connection, integration circuit, interceptor computer, interchange, interchange center, intercommunications, interface computer, interference control, interior communications electrician, intermediate circuit, internal-combustion, iron-constantan, isolation condenser, ИС, интегральная схема, оператор наведения7) Химия: ионная хроматография8) Математика: Index Of Coincidence9) Религия: Jesus (first and third letters of His name in Greek)10) Железнодорожный термин: Illinois Central Railroad Company11) Юридический термин: Indiana Code12) Бухгалтерия: Internal Control13) Автомобильный термин: ignition control, Integrated Curtain - интегрированная шторка безопасности. (Фирменное обозначение компании Volvo. В кабриолетах Volvo - подушка безопасности, вмонтированная не в крышу (ввиду отсутствия оной), а в боковую стенку салона.)14) Политика: Iceland15) Телекоммуникации: intermediate cross-connect, Intermediate Cross-Connect (DEC)16) Сокращение: Iceland (NATO country code), Identity Card, In Charge, Integrated Circuit, Intercept Centre, Internal Communications, immediate constituent, impulse conductor, interior communication, ion chamber, Internal Corrosion, International Catalog, Iron Case, внутрихозяйственный17) Университет: Imperial College, Instructor Consent18) Физиология: Between Meals, Inhibition Concentration, Intensive Care, Interstitial Cystitis, Intra Cellular, Intracerebral19) Электроника: Insulation Contact, Investment Council20) Вычислительная техника: image capture, input circuit, instruction counter, see, плата, содержащая команду, Interexchange Carrier (Telephony, see also, IXC), I see, непосредственно составляющая, программная плата, счётчик команд21) Нефть: стальная обшивка (iron case), стальной кожух (iron case), стальной корпус (iron case)22) Иммунология: Inhibitory Concentration23) Банковское дело: коэффициент покрытия процентов (IC = EBIT / I, где IC - interest coverage ratio, EBIT - earnings before interest, depreciation and taxes, I - interest charges.)24) Транспорт: Import Code, In Container, Integrated Coach25) Фирменный знак: ICI Corporation26) Экология: Interim Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission27) СМИ: Instant Creation28) Деловая лексика: Ignorant Confidence, Industrial Component, Integrated Companies, Intellectual Capital, International Conference29) Сетевые технологии: internal connection, внутреннее соединение, управление интерфейсом30) Программирование: If Case, Insert Character, Instruction Count, Internal Code31) Ядерная физика: (inelastic scattering) неупругое рассеяние (нейтронов)32) Сахалин Р: Isolation Confirmer33) Медицинская техника: inspiratory capacity (ИВЛ)34) Химическое оружие: Integrating Contractor, Ion chromatography, in control, interrupting current35) Макаров: igniter cord, image converter, intelligent copier, item counter, module integrated circuit module, ВК, внутренняя конверсия36) Расширение файла: Interrupt Controller, M3CG intermediate language file (Modula-3)37) Пожарное дело: руководитель тушения пожара (incident commander)38) SAP.тех. тип позиции39) Карачаганак: Incident Commander (Руководитель аварийно-спасательных работ)40) Электротехника: impedance coil, inductive coupling, initial condition, input conditioner, installed capacity, insulating compound, interrupting capacity, pl, интегральная схема (ИС)41) Должность: Ice Climbers, Independent Consultant, Independent Contractor, Information And Communication, Investment Counselor42) Чат: In Character, In Chat43) Правительство: Integrated Circuits44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Incoming45) Международная торговля: In Class46) Базы данных: Independency Check -
9 ic
1) Общая лексика: ПК (Industrial and Commercial (bank))2) Компьютерная техника: Instrument Computer, Interexchange Carrier3) Биология: inspiratory capacity4) Американизм: Internal Communication5) Военный термин: Infrastructure Committee, Inspection Committee, Integration Contractor, Intelligence Collection, Intelligence Committee, Intelligence Community, Intelligence Corps, Inter Continental, Interface Certification, Irish Concern, identification card, identification code, identifier code, implementation and conversion, in-command-of, in-commission, incentive compensation, incentive contract, independent company, index correction, information center, information circular, initial conditions, initial cost, inspected and condemned, inspection card, instruction card, instrument correction, intelligence center, intelligence circular, intelligence collator, intercept controller, interceptor, interceptor command, interface control, interim change, interim commission, interim committee, interior communications, intermediate course, internal combustion, internal conversion, international control, internment camp, ionization chamber6) Техника: ice condenser, immersion cooler, implementation clerk, impulse counter, indicating controller, inductance-capacitance, initial course, inlet contact, input charter, input current, inside containment, instruction code, integral connection, integration circuit, interceptor computer, interchange, interchange center, intercommunications, interface computer, interference control, interior communications electrician, intermediate circuit, internal-combustion, iron-constantan, isolation condenser, ИС, интегральная схема, оператор наведения7) Химия: ионная хроматография8) Математика: Index Of Coincidence9) Религия: Jesus (first and third letters of His name in Greek)10) Железнодорожный термин: Illinois Central Railroad Company11) Юридический термин: Indiana Code12) Бухгалтерия: Internal Control13) Автомобильный термин: ignition control, Integrated Curtain - интегрированная шторка безопасности. (Фирменное обозначение компании Volvo. В кабриолетах Volvo - подушка безопасности, вмонтированная не в крышу (ввиду отсутствия оной), а в боковую стенку салона.)14) Политика: Iceland15) Телекоммуникации: intermediate cross-connect, Intermediate Cross-Connect (DEC)16) Сокращение: Iceland (NATO country code), Identity Card, In Charge, Integrated Circuit, Intercept Centre, Internal Communications, immediate constituent, impulse conductor, interior communication, ion chamber, Internal Corrosion, International Catalog, Iron Case, внутрихозяйственный17) Университет: Imperial College, Instructor Consent18) Физиология: Between Meals, Inhibition Concentration, Intensive Care, Interstitial Cystitis, Intra Cellular, Intracerebral19) Электроника: Insulation Contact, Investment Council20) Вычислительная техника: image capture, input circuit, instruction counter, see, плата, содержащая команду, Interexchange Carrier (Telephony, see also, IXC), I see, непосредственно составляющая, программная плата, счётчик команд21) Нефть: стальная обшивка (iron case), стальной кожух (iron case), стальной корпус (iron case)22) Иммунология: Inhibitory Concentration23) Банковское дело: коэффициент покрытия процентов (IC = EBIT / I, где IC - interest coverage ratio, EBIT - earnings before interest, depreciation and taxes, I - interest charges.)24) Транспорт: Import Code, In Container, Integrated Coach25) Фирменный знак: ICI Corporation26) Экология: Interim Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission27) СМИ: Instant Creation28) Деловая лексика: Ignorant Confidence, Industrial Component, Integrated Companies, Intellectual Capital, International Conference29) Сетевые технологии: internal connection, внутреннее соединение, управление интерфейсом30) Программирование: If Case, Insert Character, Instruction Count, Internal Code31) Ядерная физика: (inelastic scattering) неупругое рассеяние (нейтронов)32) Сахалин Р: Isolation Confirmer33) Медицинская техника: inspiratory capacity (ИВЛ)34) Химическое оружие: Integrating Contractor, Ion chromatography, in control, interrupting current35) Макаров: igniter cord, image converter, intelligent copier, item counter, module integrated circuit module, ВК, внутренняя конверсия36) Расширение файла: Interrupt Controller, M3CG intermediate language file (Modula-3)37) Пожарное дело: руководитель тушения пожара (incident commander)38) SAP.тех. тип позиции39) Карачаганак: Incident Commander (Руководитель аварийно-спасательных работ)40) Электротехника: impedance coil, inductive coupling, initial condition, input conditioner, installed capacity, insulating compound, interrupting capacity, pl, интегральная схема (ИС)41) Должность: Ice Climbers, Independent Consultant, Independent Contractor, Information And Communication, Investment Counselor42) Чат: In Character, In Chat43) Правительство: Integrated Circuits44) Федеральное бюро расследований: Incoming45) Международная торговля: In Class46) Базы данных: Independency Check -
10 IS
1) Общая лексика: isometric drawings, international shopping, ИБ (information security)2) Компьютерная техника: Intermediate System, International Standard, разделительный знак при передаче информации (information separator)3) Военный термин: Information Service, Intelligence, Intelligence Service, Intelligence Specialists, Intelligence Squadron, Interface Specification, International Security, International Staff, ignition system, industrial security, inertial system, infantry school, infantry support, information series, information source, infrasonic, initial shortage, installation support, instantaneous screening, instruction sheet, instructions to ship, instrumentation summary, instrumentation system, integrated satellite, integrated system, integrating support, intelligence school, intelligence summary, intelligence system, interior surface, intermediate support, internal security, internal surface, interstage section, interval signal, invalided from service, inventory schedule4) Техника: in-service terminal, in-shore, indicating switch, information search, infrared spectroscopy, inspection report, insulation resistance, intermediate range, ionospheric scatter5) Финансы: Income Statement6) Грубое выражение: Idiots For Socialism, Its Simple7) Политика: Israel8) Телекоммуникации: Information Systems, Interim Standard (ISO), Intermediate System (ISO)9) Сокращение: Iceland, Icelandic, Indirect (frequency) Synthesis (as opposed to DS), Information Security, Information Superiority, Instructor Station (USA), Integrated Sight (weaponsight), International Staff, NATO Headquarters, Israel (NATO country code), insect screen, interplanetary space, International Standard (ISO), incomplete sequence (relay), Interrupt Stack10) Университет: Individuals Studying11) Физиология: In Situ, Intercostal Space12) Электроника: Integrated Systems13) Вычислительная техника: indexed sequential, Intermediate System (ATM), International Standard (ISO, Beyond the DIS Stage), International Supplement (ODT), индексно-последовательный, информатика14) Нефть: Inclinometer Survey15) Связь: Information Systems / Integrated Services16) Фирменный знак: Infinity Systems17) Сетевые технологии: information science, information separator, information services, information system, администратор информационной системы, информационная система, информационная служба, разделитель информации18) Полимеры: International System19) Ядерная физика: Isomer Shifts20) Контроль качества: Indian Standard21) Сахалин Р: Intrinsic Safety, Intrinsically Safe or Information Services22) Сахалин А: intrinsically safe23) Химическое оружие: Internal standard, integrating subcontractor24) Генная инженерия: insertion sequence25) Физическая химия: ion transfer voltage (масс-спектрометрия)26) Макаров: input strobe, interactive scheduling, internal shield, interrupt status register, ionization spectroscopy, ionosphere scatter, ион-чувствительный, interrupt status (register)27) Расширение файла: Interrupt Status, Intermediate assembly file (Modula-3)28) SAP.тех. отраслевое решение29) Должность: Intuitive Studies30) NYSE. Interim Services, Inc.31) НАСА: Internal Stabilization -
11 Is
1) Общая лексика: isometric drawings, international shopping, ИБ (information security)2) Компьютерная техника: Intermediate System, International Standard, разделительный знак при передаче информации (information separator)3) Военный термин: Information Service, Intelligence, Intelligence Service, Intelligence Specialists, Intelligence Squadron, Interface Specification, International Security, International Staff, ignition system, industrial security, inertial system, infantry school, infantry support, information series, information source, infrasonic, initial shortage, installation support, instantaneous screening, instruction sheet, instructions to ship, instrumentation summary, instrumentation system, integrated satellite, integrated system, integrating support, intelligence school, intelligence summary, intelligence system, interior surface, intermediate support, internal security, internal surface, interstage section, interval signal, invalided from service, inventory schedule4) Техника: in-service terminal, in-shore, indicating switch, information search, infrared spectroscopy, inspection report, insulation resistance, intermediate range, ionospheric scatter5) Финансы: Income Statement6) Грубое выражение: Idiots For Socialism, Its Simple7) Политика: Israel8) Телекоммуникации: Information Systems, Interim Standard (ISO), Intermediate System (ISO)9) Сокращение: Iceland, Icelandic, Indirect (frequency) Synthesis (as opposed to DS), Information Security, Information Superiority, Instructor Station (USA), Integrated Sight (weaponsight), International Staff, NATO Headquarters, Israel (NATO country code), insect screen, interplanetary space, International Standard (ISO), incomplete sequence (relay), Interrupt Stack10) Университет: Individuals Studying11) Физиология: In Situ, Intercostal Space12) Электроника: Integrated Systems13) Вычислительная техника: indexed sequential, Intermediate System (ATM), International Standard (ISO, Beyond the DIS Stage), International Supplement (ODT), индексно-последовательный, информатика14) Нефть: Inclinometer Survey15) Связь: Information Systems / Integrated Services16) Фирменный знак: Infinity Systems17) Сетевые технологии: information science, information separator, information services, information system, администратор информационной системы, информационная система, информационная служба, разделитель информации18) Полимеры: International System19) Ядерная физика: Isomer Shifts20) Контроль качества: Indian Standard21) Сахалин Р: Intrinsic Safety, Intrinsically Safe or Information Services22) Сахалин А: intrinsically safe23) Химическое оружие: Internal standard, integrating subcontractor24) Генная инженерия: insertion sequence25) Физическая химия: ion transfer voltage (масс-спектрометрия)26) Макаров: input strobe, interactive scheduling, internal shield, interrupt status register, ionization spectroscopy, ionosphere scatter, ион-чувствительный, interrupt status (register)27) Расширение файла: Interrupt Status, Intermediate assembly file (Modula-3)28) SAP.тех. отраслевое решение29) Должность: Intuitive Studies30) NYSE. Interim Services, Inc.31) НАСА: Internal Stabilization -
12 NU
1) Американизм: Non Us2) Военный термин: NATO unclassified, New Uniform, naval unit3) Техника: nippling-up, nonupset4) Железнодорожный термин: Northumberland And Union5) Юридический термин: Nothing Unique6) Политика: Nicaragua7) Сокращение: National Union, Nebraska University, Nicaragua (NATO country code), Norwich Union, name unknown, Nahdatul Ulema (cамая большая мусульманская организация Индонезии)8) Университет: Novo Universitas9) Нефть: nipple up, nippled, non-upset, с невысаженными концами (о трубах, nonupset), с ниппельной деталью соединения в верхней части (nippling-up)10) Деловая лексика: Normal Use11) Образование: Networkable Unit12) Безопасность: New User13) Нефть и газ: non-upset end14) Электротехника: natural uranium15) Правительство: Northeastern Utah16) NYSE. Northeast Utilities17) Программное обеспечение: Not Unix18) Единицы измерений: Normalized Units -
13 Nu
1) Американизм: Non Us2) Военный термин: NATO unclassified, New Uniform, naval unit3) Техника: nippling-up, nonupset4) Железнодорожный термин: Northumberland And Union5) Юридический термин: Nothing Unique6) Политика: Nicaragua7) Сокращение: National Union, Nebraska University, Nicaragua (NATO country code), Norwich Union, name unknown, Nahdatul Ulema (cамая большая мусульманская организация Индонезии)8) Университет: Novo Universitas9) Нефть: nipple up, nippled, non-upset, с невысаженными концами (о трубах, nonupset), с ниппельной деталью соединения в верхней части (nippling-up)10) Деловая лексика: Normal Use11) Образование: Networkable Unit12) Безопасность: New User13) Нефть и газ: non-upset end14) Электротехника: natural uranium15) Правительство: Northeastern Utah16) NYSE. Northeast Utilities17) Программное обеспечение: Not Unix18) Единицы измерений: Normalized Units -
14 is
1) Общая лексика: isometric drawings, international shopping, ИБ (information security)2) Компьютерная техника: Intermediate System, International Standard, разделительный знак при передаче информации (information separator)3) Военный термин: Information Service, Intelligence, Intelligence Service, Intelligence Specialists, Intelligence Squadron, Interface Specification, International Security, International Staff, ignition system, industrial security, inertial system, infantry school, infantry support, information series, information source, infrasonic, initial shortage, installation support, instantaneous screening, instruction sheet, instructions to ship, instrumentation summary, instrumentation system, integrated satellite, integrated system, integrating support, intelligence school, intelligence summary, intelligence system, interior surface, intermediate support, internal security, internal surface, interstage section, interval signal, invalided from service, inventory schedule4) Техника: in-service terminal, in-shore, indicating switch, information search, infrared spectroscopy, inspection report, insulation resistance, intermediate range, ionospheric scatter5) Финансы: Income Statement6) Грубое выражение: Idiots For Socialism, Its Simple7) Политика: Israel8) Телекоммуникации: Information Systems, Interim Standard (ISO), Intermediate System (ISO)9) Сокращение: Iceland, Icelandic, Indirect (frequency) Synthesis (as opposed to DS), Information Security, Information Superiority, Instructor Station (USA), Integrated Sight (weaponsight), International Staff, NATO Headquarters, Israel (NATO country code), insect screen, interplanetary space, International Standard (ISO), incomplete sequence (relay), Interrupt Stack10) Университет: Individuals Studying11) Физиология: In Situ, Intercostal Space12) Электроника: Integrated Systems13) Вычислительная техника: indexed sequential, Intermediate System (ATM), International Standard (ISO, Beyond the DIS Stage), International Supplement (ODT), индексно-последовательный, информатика14) Нефть: Inclinometer Survey15) Связь: Information Systems / Integrated Services16) Фирменный знак: Infinity Systems17) Сетевые технологии: information science, information separator, information services, information system, администратор информационной системы, информационная система, информационная служба, разделитель информации18) Полимеры: International System19) Ядерная физика: Isomer Shifts20) Контроль качества: Indian Standard21) Сахалин Р: Intrinsic Safety, Intrinsically Safe or Information Services22) Сахалин А: intrinsically safe23) Химическое оружие: Internal standard, integrating subcontractor24) Генная инженерия: insertion sequence25) Физическая химия: ion transfer voltage (масс-спектрометрия)26) Макаров: input strobe, interactive scheduling, internal shield, interrupt status register, ionization spectroscopy, ionosphere scatter, ион-чувствительный, interrupt status (register)27) Расширение файла: Interrupt Status, Intermediate assembly file (Modula-3)28) SAP.тех. отраслевое решение29) Должность: Intuitive Studies30) NYSE. Interim Services, Inc.31) НАСА: Internal Stabilization -
15 nu
1) Американизм: Non Us2) Военный термин: NATO unclassified, New Uniform, naval unit3) Техника: nippling-up, nonupset4) Железнодорожный термин: Northumberland And Union5) Юридический термин: Nothing Unique6) Политика: Nicaragua7) Сокращение: National Union, Nebraska University, Nicaragua (NATO country code), Norwich Union, name unknown, Nahdatul Ulema (cамая большая мусульманская организация Индонезии)8) Университет: Novo Universitas9) Нефть: nipple up, nippled, non-upset, с невысаженными концами (о трубах, nonupset), с ниппельной деталью соединения в верхней части (nippling-up)10) Деловая лексика: Normal Use11) Образование: Networkable Unit12) Безопасность: New User13) Нефть и газ: non-upset end14) Электротехника: natural uranium15) Правительство: Northeastern Utah16) NYSE. Northeast Utilities17) Программное обеспечение: Not Unix18) Единицы измерений: Normalized Units -
16 AS
1) Общая лексика: англосаксонский2) Компьютерная техника: Activity Start, Amateur Satellite3) Биология: ammoniacal silver4) Авиация: accomplishment summary, aerospatiale, auto stabilization5) Медицина: aortic stenosis (стеноз аортального клапана)6) Латинский язык: Anno Societatis7) Военный термин: Aerial Surveillance, Air Service, Air Staff, Air Surveillance, Armed Services, Armed Services Committee, Army Security, Army Staff, Assault Shotgun, FAADC2I Simplified Handheld Terminal Unit, admiral superintendent, aerospace studies, air speed, air station, air superiority, air support, air-to-surface, ammunition storage, ammunition store, angle of sight, antenna site, apprentice seaman, area surveillance, arm of service, armament supplies, armor school, armored shop, army surplus, arsenal section, assistant secretary, atomic strike, automatic switching, Access System (JOPES)8) Техника: Automatically Switching, acquisition sensor, action statement, adaptive system, aerial shot, air glow spectrum, air supply, air-seasoned, alto-stratus, ampere-second, angle shot, anisotropic semiconductor, antenna systems, antisubmarine search, arithmetically symmetrical, asdic search, astronomical spectroscopy, atmosphere and space, audio sensitivity, auto sequential, automatic search, Австралийский стандарт (Australian Standard)9) Сельское хозяйство: astigmatic10) Шутливое выражение: After Sperry11) Химия: Ammonium Sulphate12) Математика: почти наверное (almost sure)13) Юридический термин: Alaska Statute, Alaska Statutes14) Коммерция: anticipated sales15) Экономика: aggregate supply16) Грубое выражение: Absolutely Stupid17) Оптика: angular sensitivity18) Политика: Australia19) Телекоммуникации: Autonomous System, Application System (SNA, APPN)20) Сокращение: Acquisition Strategy, Advanced Sensors, Aeronautical Standard, Air Search, Aircraft Standard, Aircraft Survivability, Airlift Squadron, Anglo-Saxon, Anti-Spoofing, Anti-Submarine, Assamese, Australia (NATO country code), Automatic Sprinkler, Submarine Tender (USA), airscoop, airspeed, ammeter switch, antisubmarine, artificial satellite, Academy of Science, aortic stenosis, (USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician, ATM Switch, Aanstaande, Abandon Ship, Ablaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart), Abstract Syntax, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Access Stratum (3GPP), Access System, Acquisition/Application System, Acrylonitrile Styrene, Action Script (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java), Activesync (Microsoft software), Activity Start (ITU-T), Acute Sinusitis, Adam Sandler (actor), Additional Shift (used on overtime forms), Additive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells), Address Strobe, Administrative Simplification, Administrative Site, Administrative Support, Administrative System (Bellcore), Adopted Son, Adult Situations, Adult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block), Advanced Schottky, Advanced Server (Microsoft Windows), Advanced Subsidiary level (UK), Advanced Switching, Aeronautical Science (Flight Major), Aerospace Corporation, Aerospace Society, Aerospace Standards, Aes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series), Aft Shroud, After-Sales Service, AfterStep (Window Manager for X), Agency Services, Agent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies), Aggregate Subbase (construction), Aggregate Supply (economics), Aggressor Squadron, Agrarian System, Air Sampling (station), Air Sealed, Air Seasoned Timber, Airfield Services, Aksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company), Alarm Surveillance, Alaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code), Alessandro Scarlatti (classical composer), Alignment Signal (ITU-T), Alka-Seltzer, All Source, All Star (sports), All Stars (Disney resort), Allowance Standard, Alpha Smart (electronic keyboard), Alto Saxophone, Altostratus (cloud formation), American Samoa (US postal abbreviation), American Singles, Amino Salicylic Acid, Ammunition Specialist, Ampere Sensor, Ampere Switch, Anaerobic Seeder, Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character), Anal Seepage, Analog Switch, Analysis Subsystem, Anatolian Studies, Ancillary Services, Angel Sanctuary (Manga), Angelman Syndrome, Angle Slam (wrestling finishing move), Angled Single, Ankylosing Spondylitis (chronic inflammatory form of arthritis affecting the spine), Anno Satanas, Annual Summary, Anonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company), Anonymous Sender, Another Subject, Answer Supervision, Anti Static, Anti Surge (type of electric fuse), Anti Sweat, Anti-Scintillation, Anti-Social, Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album), Aperture Stop, AppleScript, AppleShare, Applicability Statement, Application Software (NEC), Application System, Applied Science, Approaches Standards (school grading system), Aqueous Solution, Archive Server, Area Security, Area Source, Area Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites), Arme'e du Salut (Salvation Army), Arnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician), Arsenal Ship, Articulation Score, Artificial Stupidity, As Stated, Asbestos Survey, Ascent Stage, Asian Sensation, Asperger Syndrome (Asperger's Disorder), Aspheric Subassembly, Assassin/Assassination, Assault Support, Assault at Selonia (Star Wars novel), Assigned (Telabs), Assistant Referee (Soccer), Associate in Science, Associate of Science, Associated Students, Associated Support, Associazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club), Athletics (Oakland baseball team), Attachment Sheet, Audioslave (band), Auger Spectroscopy, Auris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear), Austin Servers (online gaming community), Australia (including Ashmore, Cartier & Coral Sea Islands), Australian Shepherd (dog breed), Australian Standard, Authentication Server, Authentication Service, Author Space (webcomic), Authorization Subsystem, Automation Specialist, Autonomous System (ATM), Autosavants.com (car enthusiasts), Auxiliary Steam, Auxiliary Submarine, Aviation Safety, Complex Antenna, Submarine Tender, Wait (logging abbreviation), analog secure (US DoD), aviation ship (US DoD), active substance21) Физиология: Anal sphincter, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arteriosclerosis, Auris Sinistra (left Ear)22) Вычислительная техника: Architectural Simulator, add-subtract, automated software distribution, Authentication Service (DCE), Autonomous System (IP, Internet, RFC 1930), Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Advanced Server (RedHat, Linux), архитектурный имитатор23) Нефть: absorption spectroscopy, after shot, anhydrite stringer, после перфорирования, после торпедирования (after shot), пропласток ангидрита (anhydrite seam), Array Sonic24) Связь: Access Switch / Access Server25) Банковское дело: по предъявлении (after sight)26) Деловая лексика: Allocation Status, после предъявления (after sight), отчёт о продаже товара (account sales)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: amine sewer (system), (LSS) array sonic (long-spaced sonic), (LSS) многозондовый акустический каротаж (с большим радиусом исследования), (WFT) array sonic (full waveform tool)28) Образование: American Standard Code for Safety Glazing Materials29) Инвестиции: after sight30) Сетевые технологии: Add Subnet, Appliance Server, Application Server, сервер приложений, (autonomus system) АС (автономная система) (объединение сетей с одинаковой маршрутизационной политикой и общей администрацией; состоит из одной или нескольких систем), (autonomus system) автономная система (АС)31) Полимеры: American standard32) Программирование: Add Sideways33) Автоматика: Automation System (система автоматизации)34) Контроль качества: aerospace standard35) Макаров: active space, активные пространства, (active space) активное пространство36) Золотодобыча: Alex Stewart Assayers, компания Alex Stewart Assayers (AS)37) Расширение файла: Autonomous System (Internet)38) Электротехника: amperemeter switch39) США: American Samoa40) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Solutions -
17 As
1) Общая лексика: англосаксонский2) Компьютерная техника: Activity Start, Amateur Satellite3) Биология: ammoniacal silver4) Авиация: accomplishment summary, aerospatiale, auto stabilization5) Медицина: aortic stenosis (стеноз аортального клапана)6) Латинский язык: Anno Societatis7) Военный термин: Aerial Surveillance, Air Service, Air Staff, Air Surveillance, Armed Services, Armed Services Committee, Army Security, Army Staff, Assault Shotgun, FAADC2I Simplified Handheld Terminal Unit, admiral superintendent, aerospace studies, air speed, air station, air superiority, air support, air-to-surface, ammunition storage, ammunition store, angle of sight, antenna site, apprentice seaman, area surveillance, arm of service, armament supplies, armor school, armored shop, army surplus, arsenal section, assistant secretary, atomic strike, automatic switching, Access System (JOPES)8) Техника: Automatically Switching, acquisition sensor, action statement, adaptive system, aerial shot, air glow spectrum, air supply, air-seasoned, alto-stratus, ampere-second, angle shot, anisotropic semiconductor, antenna systems, antisubmarine search, arithmetically symmetrical, asdic search, astronomical spectroscopy, atmosphere and space, audio sensitivity, auto sequential, automatic search, Австралийский стандарт (Australian Standard)9) Сельское хозяйство: astigmatic10) Шутливое выражение: After Sperry11) Химия: Ammonium Sulphate12) Математика: почти наверное (almost sure)13) Юридический термин: Alaska Statute, Alaska Statutes14) Коммерция: anticipated sales15) Экономика: aggregate supply16) Грубое выражение: Absolutely Stupid17) Оптика: angular sensitivity18) Политика: Australia19) Телекоммуникации: Autonomous System, Application System (SNA, APPN)20) Сокращение: Acquisition Strategy, Advanced Sensors, Aeronautical Standard, Air Search, Aircraft Standard, Aircraft Survivability, Airlift Squadron, Anglo-Saxon, Anti-Spoofing, Anti-Submarine, Assamese, Australia (NATO country code), Automatic Sprinkler, Submarine Tender (USA), airscoop, airspeed, ammeter switch, antisubmarine, artificial satellite, Academy of Science, aortic stenosis, (USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician, ATM Switch, Aanstaande, Abandon Ship, Ablaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart), Abstract Syntax, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Access Stratum (3GPP), Access System, Acquisition/Application System, Acrylonitrile Styrene, Action Script (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java), Activesync (Microsoft software), Activity Start (ITU-T), Acute Sinusitis, Adam Sandler (actor), Additional Shift (used on overtime forms), Additive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells), Address Strobe, Administrative Simplification, Administrative Site, Administrative Support, Administrative System (Bellcore), Adopted Son, Adult Situations, Adult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block), Advanced Schottky, Advanced Server (Microsoft Windows), Advanced Subsidiary level (UK), Advanced Switching, Aeronautical Science (Flight Major), Aerospace Corporation, Aerospace Society, Aerospace Standards, Aes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series), Aft Shroud, After-Sales Service, AfterStep (Window Manager for X), Agency Services, Agent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies), Aggregate Subbase (construction), Aggregate Supply (economics), Aggressor Squadron, Agrarian System, Air Sampling (station), Air Sealed, Air Seasoned Timber, Airfield Services, Aksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company), Alarm Surveillance, Alaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code), Alessandro Scarlatti (classical composer), Alignment Signal (ITU-T), Alka-Seltzer, All Source, All Star (sports), All Stars (Disney resort), Allowance Standard, Alpha Smart (electronic keyboard), Alto Saxophone, Altostratus (cloud formation), American Samoa (US postal abbreviation), American Singles, Amino Salicylic Acid, Ammunition Specialist, Ampere Sensor, Ampere Switch, Anaerobic Seeder, Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character), Anal Seepage, Analog Switch, Analysis Subsystem, Anatolian Studies, Ancillary Services, Angel Sanctuary (Manga), Angelman Syndrome, Angle Slam (wrestling finishing move), Angled Single, Ankylosing Spondylitis (chronic inflammatory form of arthritis affecting the spine), Anno Satanas, Annual Summary, Anonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company), Anonymous Sender, Another Subject, Answer Supervision, Anti Static, Anti Surge (type of electric fuse), Anti Sweat, Anti-Scintillation, Anti-Social, Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album), Aperture Stop, AppleScript, AppleShare, Applicability Statement, Application Software (NEC), Application System, Applied Science, Approaches Standards (school grading system), Aqueous Solution, Archive Server, Area Security, Area Source, Area Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites), Arme'e du Salut (Salvation Army), Arnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician), Arsenal Ship, Articulation Score, Artificial Stupidity, As Stated, Asbestos Survey, Ascent Stage, Asian Sensation, Asperger Syndrome (Asperger's Disorder), Aspheric Subassembly, Assassin/Assassination, Assault Support, Assault at Selonia (Star Wars novel), Assigned (Telabs), Assistant Referee (Soccer), Associate in Science, Associate of Science, Associated Students, Associated Support, Associazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club), Athletics (Oakland baseball team), Attachment Sheet, Audioslave (band), Auger Spectroscopy, Auris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear), Austin Servers (online gaming community), Australia (including Ashmore, Cartier & Coral Sea Islands), Australian Shepherd (dog breed), Australian Standard, Authentication Server, Authentication Service, Author Space (webcomic), Authorization Subsystem, Automation Specialist, Autonomous System (ATM), Autosavants.com (car enthusiasts), Auxiliary Steam, Auxiliary Submarine, Aviation Safety, Complex Antenna, Submarine Tender, Wait (logging abbreviation), analog secure (US DoD), aviation ship (US DoD), active substance21) Физиология: Anal sphincter, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arteriosclerosis, Auris Sinistra (left Ear)22) Вычислительная техника: Architectural Simulator, add-subtract, automated software distribution, Authentication Service (DCE), Autonomous System (IP, Internet, RFC 1930), Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Advanced Server (RedHat, Linux), архитектурный имитатор23) Нефть: absorption spectroscopy, after shot, anhydrite stringer, после перфорирования, после торпедирования (after shot), пропласток ангидрита (anhydrite seam), Array Sonic24) Связь: Access Switch / Access Server25) Банковское дело: по предъявлении (after sight)26) Деловая лексика: Allocation Status, после предъявления (after sight), отчёт о продаже товара (account sales)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: amine sewer (system), (LSS) array sonic (long-spaced sonic), (LSS) многозондовый акустический каротаж (с большим радиусом исследования), (WFT) array sonic (full waveform tool)28) Образование: American Standard Code for Safety Glazing Materials29) Инвестиции: after sight30) Сетевые технологии: Add Subnet, Appliance Server, Application Server, сервер приложений, (autonomus system) АС (автономная система) (объединение сетей с одинаковой маршрутизационной политикой и общей администрацией; состоит из одной или нескольких систем), (autonomus system) автономная система (АС)31) Полимеры: American standard32) Программирование: Add Sideways33) Автоматика: Automation System (система автоматизации)34) Контроль качества: aerospace standard35) Макаров: active space, активные пространства, (active space) активное пространство36) Золотодобыча: Alex Stewart Assayers, компания Alex Stewart Assayers (AS)37) Расширение файла: Autonomous System (Internet)38) Электротехника: amperemeter switch39) США: American Samoa40) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Solutions -
18 CS
1) Общая лексика: Computing Science2) Компьютерная техника: Client Server, Coding Scheme, Communications Server, Computer Support, Ctrl Shift, context-sensitive (см. также CF)3) Биология: conditioned stimulus4) Авиация: Antipersonnel chemical incapacitating agent ( tear gas), call switch, center spar, certification standard5) Медицина: Chronic sinusitis6) Американизм: Confederate States7) Спорт: Cabin Sailer, Calgary Stampede, Camper Sniping, Car Sport, Carolina Spartan, Caught Stealing, Clean Sweep8) Военный термин: Central Servers, Chief Scientist, Classified Sensitive, Coalition Support, Command Staff, Common Software, Communication Services, Communications Service, Communications Software, Communications Support, Communications and Security, Constant Source, Counter Strike, Crew Simulator, Crew Station, Critical Studies, call sign, career-service, central supply, certificate of service, change of station, change of status, chief of section, circular scanning, close support, coded switch, combat scout, combat scout CRZ, close reconnaissance zone, combat serviceable, combat squadron, combat support, command selector, command system, commissary store, common and standard, common shell, communications squadron, communications station, communications system, community service, component specification, composite service, conical scanning, constant speed, construction, contract surgeon, control set, control signal, control station, control switch, control system, cost sharing, countersabotage, cross-section, current series, current strength, Си-Эс (ОВ раздражающего действия)9) Техника: Cassegrain system, calibration storage, call signal, change sheet, chrominance subcarrier, circuit switching, close shot, coarse sand, coast station, communication satellite, communications, communications switch, component support, computer slave, computer synchronization, condensate separator, condensate system, containment safety, containment spray, contract specialist, contrast sensitivity, control storage, control strobe, core spray, corona shower, correctable skew, cost of storing one for one year, current sector address, current status, cyclic storage11) Химия: Composite State12) Строительство: Coal Store13) Анатомия: coronary sinus (венечный синус)14) Математика: общая сумма (cumulative sum)15) Религия: Christian Saint16) Метеорология: Climate Services17) Железнодорожный термин: Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company18) Юридический термин: Civil Service, Constant Speeding, Court of Session, Crooking Shareholders19) Автомобильный термин: comfort shift (gearchange system which electropneumatically facilitates gear changing and provides)20) Грубое выражение: Censored Sucker, Cock Sucker21) Металлургия: Concrete Slab22) Политика: Costa Rica23) Телевидение: converter subcarrier24) Телекоммуникации: Cable Select, Clear To Send, Communications Satellite25) Сокращение: Captain / Commodore Superintendent, Central Services division (UK), Cesium, Chemical Society, Chief of Staff, Circuit Switch, Civil Servant, Civil aircraft marking (Portugal), Combat Support / System, Common Sensor, Communications Subsystem, Computer Science; Computing Science, Cone-Stabilised, Confined Space, Control Section, Costa Rica (NATO country code), County Seat, Customer Specification, Czech, Former Czechoslovakia, O-chlorobenzamalonitrile (Chemical warfare tear agent), carrier supply, cast stone, center section, centre section, coil sketch, conduct sheet, conducted susceptibility, core shift, cycle per second, common steel (projectile), common stocks, completely self-protecting, crankshaft, course shift (отклонение от курса)26) Университет: Computer Science27) Физиология: C-section, Cervical spine, Cesarean Section, Contrast sensitivity test28) Электроника: Circuit Simulator, Communication Satellites, Current Sensing29) Вычислительная техника: Card Services, Carrier Selection, card station, channel status, code segment, communication system, computer class, convergence sublayer, Convergence Sublayer (ATM), Coding Scheme (GPRS, Mobile-Systems), Chip Select (IC), Controlled Slip (error event, DS1/E1), Code Segment (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler), регистр сегмента команд30) Нефть: casing seat, compressor station, сантистокс (единица кинематической вязкости), упорное кольцо хвостовика (casing seat), уступ в скважине для опоры башмака обсадной колонны31) Иммунология: Control Systems32) Онкология: Cancer Survivors33) Связь: Capability Set (IN), control selector34) Картография: centre of stream, communication station35) Банковское дело: акция (capital stock), обыкновенная акция (common stock), обычная акция (common stock)36) Транспорт: Charging System37) Пищевая промышленность: Cherry Sunburst38) Силикатное производство: cement-sand ratio39) Экология: climatological study, coastal station, combined sewer40) СМИ: Cable Set, City Sport41) Деловая лексика: Case Size, Collaborative Selling, Consumer Surplus, Corporate Source, Critical Success, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Service, corporate sustainability42) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Carbon Steel (pipes)43) Образование: Creative Storytelling44) Инвестиции: capital stock, common stock45) Сетевые технологии: Client To Server, Concurrent Session, Connect Server, carrier sense, контроль носителя46) Полимеры: calendered sheet, commercial standard, controlled switch, cross section, сопротивление разрыву вулканизата (cured tensile strength)47) Программирование: Capture Stack, Character Set, Chip Select48) Автоматика: cost of storing one part for one year49) Контроль качества: cumulative sum50) Океанография: Committee on Seismology51) Сахалин Ю: sulfur52) Химическое оружие: a tear-producing compound, confirmatory sampling, contractor support53) Авиационная медицина: conditional stimulus54) Безопасность: (аэрозольное) слезоточивое вещество [слезоточивый газ] CS, Case Sensitive, cryptosystem55) Расширение файла: Cyclo-Stationary56) Нефть и газ: ГКС, КС, газокомпрессорная станция, компрессорная станция57) Электричество: защита от перегрузки (congestion safety)58) Электротехника: cable ship59) Имена и фамилии: Carl Sagan, Casey Stengel, Charles Springer, Charlie Springer, Clive Staples60) Расходометрия: (calibrated span) калиброванный интервал61) Hi-Fi. Circle Surround II62) Должность: Committee Substitute, Computing Studies63) Чат: Cool Stuff, Crummy Screen64) Правительство: City Street65) NYSE. Cabletron Systems, Inc.66) Программное обеспечение: Crystal Space67) Хобби: Club Stamp68) Федеральное бюро расследований: Confidential Source69) Виноделие: cold soaking-холодное настаивание70) Клинические исследования: клинически значимый -
19 Cs
1) Общая лексика: Computing Science2) Компьютерная техника: Client Server, Coding Scheme, Communications Server, Computer Support, Ctrl Shift, context-sensitive (см. также CF)3) Биология: conditioned stimulus4) Авиация: Antipersonnel chemical incapacitating agent ( tear gas), call switch, center spar, certification standard5) Медицина: Chronic sinusitis6) Американизм: Confederate States7) Спорт: Cabin Sailer, Calgary Stampede, Camper Sniping, Car Sport, Carolina Spartan, Caught Stealing, Clean Sweep8) Военный термин: Central Servers, Chief Scientist, Classified Sensitive, Coalition Support, Command Staff, Common Software, Communication Services, Communications Service, Communications Software, Communications Support, Communications and Security, Constant Source, Counter Strike, Crew Simulator, Crew Station, Critical Studies, call sign, career-service, central supply, certificate of service, change of station, change of status, chief of section, circular scanning, close support, coded switch, combat scout, combat scout CRZ, close reconnaissance zone, combat serviceable, combat squadron, combat support, command selector, command system, commissary store, common and standard, common shell, communications squadron, communications station, communications system, community service, component specification, composite service, conical scanning, constant speed, construction, contract surgeon, control set, control signal, control station, control switch, control system, cost sharing, countersabotage, cross-section, current series, current strength, Си-Эс (ОВ раздражающего действия)9) Техника: Cassegrain system, calibration storage, call signal, change sheet, chrominance subcarrier, circuit switching, close shot, coarse sand, coast station, communication satellite, communications, communications switch, component support, computer slave, computer synchronization, condensate separator, condensate system, containment safety, containment spray, contract specialist, contrast sensitivity, control storage, control strobe, core spray, corona shower, correctable skew, cost of storing one for one year, current sector address, current status, cyclic storage11) Химия: Composite State12) Строительство: Coal Store13) Анатомия: coronary sinus (венечный синус)14) Математика: общая сумма (cumulative sum)15) Религия: Christian Saint16) Метеорология: Climate Services17) Железнодорожный термин: Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company18) Юридический термин: Civil Service, Constant Speeding, Court of Session, Crooking Shareholders19) Автомобильный термин: comfort shift (gearchange system which electropneumatically facilitates gear changing and provides)20) Грубое выражение: Censored Sucker, Cock Sucker21) Металлургия: Concrete Slab22) Политика: Costa Rica23) Телевидение: converter subcarrier24) Телекоммуникации: Cable Select, Clear To Send, Communications Satellite25) Сокращение: Captain / Commodore Superintendent, Central Services division (UK), Cesium, Chemical Society, Chief of Staff, Circuit Switch, Civil Servant, Civil aircraft marking (Portugal), Combat Support / System, Common Sensor, Communications Subsystem, Computer Science; Computing Science, Cone-Stabilised, Confined Space, Control Section, Costa Rica (NATO country code), County Seat, Customer Specification, Czech, Former Czechoslovakia, O-chlorobenzamalonitrile (Chemical warfare tear agent), carrier supply, cast stone, center section, centre section, coil sketch, conduct sheet, conducted susceptibility, core shift, cycle per second, common steel (projectile), common stocks, completely self-protecting, crankshaft, course shift (отклонение от курса)26) Университет: Computer Science27) Физиология: C-section, Cervical spine, Cesarean Section, Contrast sensitivity test28) Электроника: Circuit Simulator, Communication Satellites, Current Sensing29) Вычислительная техника: Card Services, Carrier Selection, card station, channel status, code segment, communication system, computer class, convergence sublayer, Convergence Sublayer (ATM), Coding Scheme (GPRS, Mobile-Systems), Chip Select (IC), Controlled Slip (error event, DS1/E1), Code Segment (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler), регистр сегмента команд30) Нефть: casing seat, compressor station, сантистокс (единица кинематической вязкости), упорное кольцо хвостовика (casing seat), уступ в скважине для опоры башмака обсадной колонны31) Иммунология: Control Systems32) Онкология: Cancer Survivors33) Связь: Capability Set (IN), control selector34) Картография: centre of stream, communication station35) Банковское дело: акция (capital stock), обыкновенная акция (common stock), обычная акция (common stock)36) Транспорт: Charging System37) Пищевая промышленность: Cherry Sunburst38) Силикатное производство: cement-sand ratio39) Экология: climatological study, coastal station, combined sewer40) СМИ: Cable Set, City Sport41) Деловая лексика: Case Size, Collaborative Selling, Consumer Surplus, Corporate Source, Critical Success, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Service, corporate sustainability42) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Carbon Steel (pipes)43) Образование: Creative Storytelling44) Инвестиции: capital stock, common stock45) Сетевые технологии: Client To Server, Concurrent Session, Connect Server, carrier sense, контроль носителя46) Полимеры: calendered sheet, commercial standard, controlled switch, cross section, сопротивление разрыву вулканизата (cured tensile strength)47) Программирование: Capture Stack, Character Set, Chip Select48) Автоматика: cost of storing one part for one year49) Контроль качества: cumulative sum50) Океанография: Committee on Seismology51) Сахалин Ю: sulfur52) Химическое оружие: a tear-producing compound, confirmatory sampling, contractor support53) Авиационная медицина: conditional stimulus54) Безопасность: (аэрозольное) слезоточивое вещество [слезоточивый газ] CS, Case Sensitive, cryptosystem55) Расширение файла: Cyclo-Stationary56) Нефть и газ: ГКС, КС, газокомпрессорная станция, компрессорная станция57) Электричество: защита от перегрузки (congestion safety)58) Электротехника: cable ship59) Имена и фамилии: Carl Sagan, Casey Stengel, Charles Springer, Charlie Springer, Clive Staples60) Расходометрия: (calibrated span) калиброванный интервал61) Hi-Fi. Circle Surround II62) Должность: Committee Substitute, Computing Studies63) Чат: Cool Stuff, Crummy Screen64) Правительство: City Street65) NYSE. Cabletron Systems, Inc.66) Программное обеспечение: Crystal Space67) Хобби: Club Stamp68) Федеральное бюро расследований: Confidential Source69) Виноделие: cold soaking-холодное настаивание70) Клинические исследования: клинически значимый -
20 GC
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Genetic Compound, ГК (Group of Companies)2) Компьютерная техника: Generic Context, Global Cache3) Авиация: Graphics Controller4) Американизм: Green Card, Guest's Copyright5) Спорт: Game Conference, Game Coordinator, Games Conference, Governor's Cup, Grand Champion, Guard Crush6) Военный термин: Gaining Command, Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, George Cross, Good Conduct, Grand Commander командующий, Green Camouflage, Guards Coldstream, general circular, general cueing, generic code, ground and control, ground control, ground crew, ground-controlled, group captain, guidance computer, guidance control, gun camera, gun captain, gun carriage, gun control, gyro compass7) Техника: gain control, gate circuit, gate current, generic communication, global control, grounded collector, grounded condenser, group on computers, guidance and control, gyro control, gyrocompass8) Железнодорожный термин: Georgia Central Railway L. P.9) Юридический термин: Grandfather Clause, Grasp Corpus, NAFO General Council10) Бухгалтерия: Gizmo Cost11) Горное дело: Управления горным давлением или горным массивом (ground control)12) Кино: General Cinema13) Металлургия: оцинкованная сталь в рулонах (galvanized coils)14) Музыка: Good Charlotte, Grand Concert15) Оптика: gas chromatography16) Политика: Democratic Republic of Germany (уст.)17) Телекоммуникации: Global Communications18) Сокращение: Garbage Collection (LISP), Gas Chromatograph (or Chromatography), General Conference, General Council, Golf Club, Gun Controller, gun-cotton, Germany (NATO country code; former Soviet Zone)19) Университет: General Chemistry20) Физиология: General condition, Gonococcal21) Электроника: Gravimetric Calibrator, Ground Compensation22) Вычислительная техника: game computer, garbage collector, garbage-collect, Garbage Collection (LISP), Global Catalog (MS, AD), Gas Chromatograph (or Chromatography), garbage collection, garbage collector23) Нефть: gas and condensate, gas cut, газированный (gas-cut)24) Цитология: chocolate agar25) Онкология: Granulosa Cell26) Фирменный знак: General Cable27) Бурение: газовая хроматография (gas chromatography)28) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: метод газовой хроматографии (Gas Chromatography)29) Образование: EduNET Georgia College Educators' Network, General Construction, Generational Curriculum30) ЕБРР: General Counsel31) Полимеры: glass cloth32) Автоматика: grinding center33) Океанография: Gas Chromatograph34) Сахалин Ю: grade code35) Велосипеды: генеральная классификация (в велогонках)36) Нефть и газ: Северное побережье Мексиканского залива37) Карачаганак: gauge cutter (Карачаганак, Rigless &, WireLine)38) Общественная организация: Gilda's Club39) Должность: Good Candidates41) Правительство: Green Canyon, Greater Charlotte (North Carolina)42) НАСА: Global Catalog43) Хобби: Gold Coins, Great Coin44) Единицы измерений: Galactic Coordinates
См. также в других словарях:
Country code — For the ISO standards which specify short codes for language names, see ISO 639. For international phone dialing codes, see List of country calling codes. For the rules of behaviour in the British countryside, see The Country Code. Oceania… … Wikipedia
Country Code — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt besteht hauptsächlich aus Listen, an deren Stelle besser Fließtext stehen sollte. Der Ländercode (auch Landescode; engl. Country Code) definiert Kennziffern oder Kennbuchstaben verschiedener Länder (Staaten und deren … Deutsch Wikipedia
Country code top-level domain — Domaine de premier niveau Dans le système de noms de domaine, un domaine de premier niveau (en anglais top level domain, abrégé TLD) est un domaine qui est au sommet de la hiérarchie des domaines. Dans un nom de domaine, le domaine de premier… … Wikipédia en Français
List of NATO country codes — See also: Membership of NATO This is the list of NATO country codes. Up to and including the seventh edition of STANAG 1059, these were two letter codes (digrams). The eighth edition, promulgated February 19, 2004, and effective April 1, 2004,… … Wikipedia
Country codes: O-Q — A – B – C – D–E – F – G – H–I – J–K – L – M – N – O–Q – R – S – T – U–Z Contents 1 Oman … Wikipedia
.nato — Introduced Late 1980s TLD type Specific organization domain Status Discontinued Sponsor formerly NATO Intended use NATO sites and operations The domain name nato was a top level domain in the … Wikipedia
Country codes: S — A – B – C – D–E – F – G – H–I – J–K – L – M – N – O–R – S – T – U–Z Contents 1 Saint Barthélemy … Wikipedia
Country codes: A — A – B – C – D–E – F – G – H–I – J–K – L – M – N – O–R – S – T – U–Z Contents 1 Afghanistan 2 Åland … Wikipedia
Country codes: B — A – B – C – D–E – F – G – H–I – J–K – L – M – N – O–R – S – T – U–Z Contents 1 Bahamas 2 Bahrain … Wikipedia
Country codes: C — A – B – C – D–E – F – G – H–I – J–K – L – M – N – O–R – S – T – U–Z Contents 1 Cambodia 2 Cameroo … Wikipedia
Country codes: M — A – B – C – D–E – F – G – H–I – J–K – L – M – N – O–R – S – T – U–Z Contents 1 Macau, China 2 … Wikipedia